Our Catholic & Jesuit Heritage
Shaped by centuries of Jesuit education around the globe, our culture embraces the changing times while staying true to core values – engaging your intellect, helping you grow ethically and spiritually, exchanging ideas freely and building a more just world.
A Place for All Faiths
One of the ways that we embody our Jesuit heritage is by making a home for all faith traditions. Whether you’re religious, nonreligious or searching for a spiritual home, we accompany you on your journey and help you lead a life of deeper meaning, belonging and purpose.
The Jesuit Experience
Students often ask about the theology component at Georgetown and what it means to attend a Jesuit university. Renato (SFS’24) reflects on his experience at Georgetown and how he lives out the university’s Catholic, Jesuit values every day.
Life-Changing Service
Service and community engagement are a way of life here. Choose among the more than 100 university-sponsored service programs and opportunities and help address some of the most pressing issues facing local, national and international communities. From alternative break programs to a class that works to exonerate the wrongfully accused, you’ll join a united community of people for others.
A Testimonial

“We talk about wanting students to be lifelong learners. I want students to be lifelong reflectors, meaning I want them to cultivate the habit of reflecting on things. I think this is distinctly important for a Jesuit and Catholic education, and I think The Problem of God is one course that encourages students to do that.”
The Spirit of Georgetown
The Spirit of Georgetown
Jesuit History
With over 16,000 Jesuits around the world, 28 colleges and universities in the United States and dozens of high schools and primary schools around the country, the Society of Jesus has left a significant imprint on American education and Catholicism. But how did they get there?
Meet the Jesuits
From the beginnings of the Society of Jesus – education, ministry and outreach to marginalized people have been at the core of the Jesuit mission. But who exactly are the Jesuits? How do they fit into the Catholic Church? How does their tradition continue on campus today? Find answers to these questions and more.