Military-Connected Reflections
Georgetown’s military-connected community members share their thoughts and experiences at the university
A Testimonial
“A sense of belonging is a basic human need, and the Georgetown community has done a great job making me feel welcome while integrating me into the broader community. However, I felt a great sense of relief when I connected with a group of military-related students whose similar experiences forged a common bond.”
A Testimonial
“The community at Georgetown was both a challenging and safe space to learn, practice critical analysis skills, develop presentation and communication abilities and to explore what kind of impact I might want to make after graduation.”
A Testimonial
“The intersectionality of identities and experiences found within Georgetown’s military-connected community provides great opportunities for finding common ground and understanding.”
A Testimonial
“As a military service member, I have realized that we shouldn’t hesitate to share our military experiences. I learn a tremendous amount from my classmates in other industries and have found they learn much from my own experience as an infantry officer in the U.S. Army.”