Our Commitment
Every Hoya brings different experiences, backgrounds and identities to the Georgetown community. As a community in diversity, we share a set of values that has been refined over five hundred years of Jesuit tradition. Central to Georgetown’s mission as a Catholic and Jesuit institution and guided by our founding as a university for students of all faiths, Georgetown promotes interreligious understanding and dialogue among community members of all religious and non-religious backgrounds. We affirm and promote a rich and growing diversity of faith traditions; racial, ethnic, and gender identities; and cultural heritages represented by our students, faculty, and staff.
Georgetown University strongly condemns antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, and hatred of any kind in our community. We do not tolerate harassment, discrimination, intimidation or threats of harm.
We are deeply committed to fostering a safe, welcoming and inclusive community that respects the inherent dignity and shared humanity of each Hoya, promotes the free expression of ideas, and enables every member of our community to thrive.
Back to TopBelonging and Inclusion Resources
We have a number of resources across our campuses staffed by dedicated colleagues committed to supporting belonging and inclusion within our community.
Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action
Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (School of Medicine)
Office of Equity & Inclusion (Georgetown Law)
Office of Student Equity and Inclusion (Main Campus)
- Center for Multicultural Equity and Access
- Disability Cultural Center
- LGBTQ Resource Center
- Women’s Center
- Community Scholars Program
Military and Veterans’ Resource Center
Back to TopEducational Resources
Georgetown University is committed to making learning accessible and meaningful for all our students; this commitment is at the heart of who we are as a community. We know that implementing inclusive pedagogical approaches can not only increase our students’ sense of belonging, but it can have a direct impact on our students’ ability to do their best work in the classroom and to be fully successful in their time at Georgetown.
Learning, Equity, Access, and Pedagogy Initiative
Doyle Engaging Difference Program
The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity & Affirmative Active (IDEAA) offers interactive, educational workshops to the Georgetown University community, upon request.
Back to TopPreventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Bias
The Bias Reporting System is a central intake point where members of the Georgetown University community can report concerns regarding bias, hate, discrimination, or harassment.
Through the Bias Reporting System, Georgetown is able to track and review bias-related incidents, and provide information and support to individuals who make reports or participate in the bias reporting process. Individuals who file bias-related incidents are also informed of their options to file a formal complaint through the appropriate University process, depending on the nature of the allegation (criminal, student conduct, harassment), and the identity of the parties involved. This may lead to an investigation, following which the University can hold accountable those found responsible for violating University policies.
If you believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment in violation of University policies, or are aware of discrimination occurring in a Georgetown University program or activity, you may also choose to file a complaint with the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity & Affirmative Action (IDEAA).
How to File a Discrimination Complaint with IDEAA
IDEAA also offers an Alternative Resolution process, which is a voluntary, collaborative opportunity to address issues of possible bias, discrimination, harassment, or retaliation through a confidential non-investigative process, to build mutual understanding and promote healing. Any individual who believes that they may have experienced possible discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in a Georgetown University program or activity, on- or off-campus, may request Alternative Resolution by sending an email to ideaa@georgetown.edu or calling (202) 687-4798.
Back to TopSafety Resources
The safety and security of the Georgetown University community is our highest priority. If, at any time, you feel unsafe on or near Georgetown’s campuses, our LiveSafe mobile app allows you to report concerning activity, request a SafeRide, reach the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD), or access resources related to mental health or bias reporting. Help is available 24/7. On the Main and Medical campuses, GUPD can be reached at (202) 687-4343, and the Georgetown Law Campus Police Department (DPS) can be reached at (202) 662-9325. If you are off campus, please call 911.
Georgetown University Police Department
Georgetown Law Campus Police Department
Back to TopSpeech and Expression
Georgetown’s university-wide speech and expression policy encourages and protects the free expression of ideas within the broadest possible latitude. We do not tolerate speech that defames a specific individual, constitutes a genuine threat, or violates our Harassment Policy, and we maintain other limited exceptions related to time, place, and manner.
Policy on Speech and Expression
Back to TopRestorative Justice
To advance restorative justice and community healing, Restorative Georgetown is a pilot program that promotes and integrates community-based connection and learning, circle conversations, and interpersonal growth. Restorative Georgetown works with students to develop tools to address harm and needs. We preserve our common humanity, create opportunities for accountability, and address the underlying root causes of harm.
Back to TopWell-Being Resources
Georgetown University offers a wide range of resources to support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of our students, faculty and staff.
Faculty and Staff Well-Being Resources
Back to TopOmbuds
Georgetown University has a team of ombuds who serve as a confidential, neutral, independent, informal, and voluntary resource providing assistance to students, faculty and staff with university-related questions, concerns and disputes.
School of Medicine Student Ombuds
Back to TopUniversity Policies
Every member of the Georgetown University community is responsible for upholding all applicable university policies.
University Policies Regarding Discrimination and Harassment
Code of Student Conduct (Main Campus undergraduate and graduate students)
Georgetown Law Student Handbook of Academic Policies
School of Medicine Student Handbook
Back to TopRecent Messages From President DeGioia
“Communities are built through the expression of shared values. At Georgetown, we value the inherent dignity of each person. We care for one another. We treat one another with respect and compassion. These values provide the foundation for our educational mission and our work together. Upholding them is our most fundamental responsibility as members of this community.” – President John J. DeGioia
Reflections During This Holy Season (April 1, 2024)
Faculty and Staff/AAP Cultural Climate Survey Results (November 14, 2023, faculty and staff message)
Reflections on Community (October 19, 2023)
A Message From President DeGioia on the Attacks in Israel (October 8, 2023)
Update on Gender Equity Commitments (September 14, 2023, faculty and staff message)
Today’s Supreme Court Ruling and Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (June 29, 2023)
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