Category: Messages to the Community

Title: New and Updated Frequently Asked Questions – Friday, May 29

As the university continues to respond to the evolving circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to providing up-to-date information to our community. Below you will find this week’s new and updated answers to frequently asked questions regarding university news, policies and resources. Our full list of frequently asked questions is available on the COVID-19 Resource Center.


University Finances

How is the university using CARES Act funding to assist in mitigating losses?

The university has received approximately $6.1 million from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Georgetown will distribute 50%, about $3.055 million, in direct emergency grants to eligible students, with most of those grants going to undergraduate students with the highest financial need in light of disruptions to campus operations due to COVID-19. The amount Georgetown received is based on the number of students with high financial need and the University’s total student enrollment. For more information on Georgetown’s CARES Act funding, please visit this page.