Students are gathered around a table with books and laptops open.
Category: Academics, Student Blog

Title: Ultimate Guide to Surviving Finals

Author: Taylor
Date Published: December 1, 2015

1. Plan ahead
An open notebook showing a full calendar

Depending on your classes, you may have all tests, all papers, or a combination of the two. Regardless, the first thing to do is plan ahead. What should you study for first? Can you get a paper out of the way early on? Going into finals with a plan is one of the best ways to minimize stress or panic later on!

2. Stake out your favorite study spot

At this point in the semester, you probably know where you study best. If you always end up talking to friends on Lau 2 or spend more time in the Healey Family Student Center at Hilltoss than actually studying, try to avoid those spots during finals week. Additionally, finding a good study spot is usually a competitive event–so try to get there early to ensure you get the spot you want.

3. Make yourself comfortable
During finals week, try to avoid that itchy wool sweater or the pair of shoes that always give you blisters (no matter how good they look with your outfit). This is a time when you want to minimize unnecessary distractions! When you feel good, chances are you will perform better.

4. Fuel up!

Food and drink are two of the most important components of performing well during finals week. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of working so hard that you neglect eating and drinking. Either bring snacks from home, or take occasional breaks to refuel at Leo’s, Midnight Mug, Wisey’s, or wherever you choose! Your body (and mind) will thank you.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Chances are, you do know how to study by this point in the semester. But if you get stuck, be sure to speak up.

Whether you are struggling with a thesis or completely confused about that last physics lecture, don’t let yourself suffer in silence! Professors and TA’s usually add some extra office hours around finals, and they are usually more than willing to help. Too nervous to go to the professor? Talking with a classmate and throwing your ideas off them can be super helpful when you’re stuck.

6. Be kind to yourself!
Breathe. Give yourself a break. Try to sleep. Finals can be very stressful, so try to go easy on yourself. Sometimes an extra hour of sleep or a quick trip to Yates can go a long way for your sanity. In a few days, all of yours tests will be complete and all of your papers handed in. You will have all of winter break to catch up on sleep or finish that show on Netflix. So power through finals week…the end is in sight!