Category: Messages to Faculty, Messages to Staff, Messages to Students, Messages to the Community

Title: Passing of Rev. Drew Christiansen, SJ – May He Rest in the Lord

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is with a heavy heart that we write to share with you that Rev. Andrew (Drew) J. Christiansen, S.J. passed away this morning, Wednesday, April 6, 2022. He was 77.

Fr. Drew was a dedicated Jesuit priest, scholar, advocate and community member who devoted his life to applying the rich social tradition and ethics of the Catholic Church to issues of human rights, nuclear disarmament, interreligious dialogue and peaceful relations around the world. He represented the best of what Georgetown envisions for global engagement through the lens of our Catholic faith and Jesuit tradition.

A Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Human Development in Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service and a senior fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Fr. Drew was also a frequent consultant to the Holy See and a member of the steering committee of the Catholic Peacebuilding Network. He previously served in the important roles of director of the Office of International Justice and Peace of the U.S. Catholic Conference (now the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) and editor-in-chief of the Jesuit weekly America. He held a special interest and passion for working for peace in the Holy Land and Christian-Muslim dialogue, advocating for disarmament and the prohibition of nuclear weapons, and the rights of workers everywhere. 

In addition to his work around the world, Fr. Drew was an incredible pastoral presence here at Georgetown and in the lives of faculty, students and staff. He was beloved by his students, always eager to hear about a student’s interests and backgrounds, and could often be found hosting students at Wolfington Hall for thoughtful lunch conversations.

Born on Staten Island, NY in 1945, Fr. Drew entered the Jesuit novitiate at St. Andrew-on–Hudson in 1962, took his first vows as a Jesuit in 1964, and was ordained a priest in 1972. He received his A.B. from Fordham University, an S.T.M. and M.Div. from Woodstock College, and Ph.D., M.Phil., and M.A. from Yale University.

 The funeral Mass for Fr. Drew will be held at Holy Trinity Church and burial at the Georgetown University Jesuit cemetery. Additional information on the date and times will be shared when available.

He lived his life in service to our human family and brought the Gospels and Catholic tradition to bear on the most pressing issues, all while being a friend, colleague and mentor to so many of us here. His loss will be felt deeply.


Rev. Ron Anton, S.J.
Superior, Georgetown Jesuit Community

Rev. Mark Bosco, S.J., Ph.D.
Vice President for Mission & Ministry