Category: Messages to Faculty

Title: Important Transition in Main Campus Course Evaluations

Dear colleagues, 

Over the past year, we have been reviewing the current management and oversight of our course evaluations in partnership with the Main Campus Executive Faculty (MCEF) Committee on Course Evaluations. 

In order to improve our course evaluation capabilities and analysis, we will be transitioning course evaluation-oversight to the Office of Assessment and Decision Support (OADS) beginning in Summer 2022. OADS will oversee the transition to, and implementation of, a new software platform, Blue, that better meets our course evaluation needs.

The transition of the course evaluation process to OADS and Explorance Blue CE offers several important benefits.

  • A better user interface and simpler process for setting up course evaluations and reviewing evaluation data.
  • Additional tools and resources from OADS to assist faculty in interpreting and making use of their course evaluation data.
  • Integration with Canvas, improving course evaluation ease of access for faculty and students.

Faculty and department administrators will receive additional communications from OADS about Blue, trainings and online support resources over the next several months, beginning with faculty and staff managing Summer 2022 courses. At this time, no action is needed.

Any questions regarding the Spring 2022 semester and CourseEval Reports can be directed to The final date to access the CourseEval platform will be August 31, 2022. 

After July 1, 2022 all course evaluation inquiries regardless of semester of interest should be directed to

Thank you in advance for your partnership and support as we transition to an improved course evaluation process and platform.

Robert M. Groves

Drew Allen
Associate Vice President for Institutional Data Analytics
Director, Office of Assessment and Decision Support (OADS)

Annamarie Bianco
Associate Vice President and University Registrar