A women's basketball player dribbles toward the basket as her opponent attempts to block her on the court.
Category: Student Experience

Title: In a Story of Love and Loss, Women’s Basketball Captain Achieves Dream of Going Pro

On the back of the door in Graceann Bennett’s childhood bedroom is a sheet of construction paper that lists her goals in crayons. 

  1. Make the AAU basketball team. 
  2. Get a scholarship and play in college.
  3. Play pro in Spain. 
  4. Play in the Olympics. 

Ten years later, Bennett (B’23, G’24) has graduated from Georgetown’s School of Continuing Studies with her master’s in sports industry management after serving as the captain of the women’s basketball team. This fall, she’ll go pro in Europe. She hasn’t played in the Olympics—yet.

On paper, she’s hit her goals. But her journey to them has been anything but straightforward. 

“I had incredible things happen and tragic things,” she said. “But I got to do it in a place and with people who loved me unconditionally. I can’t imagine landing anywhere else than here, both in celebration and in grief.”

This is the story of Bennett’s wins and losses, of how she faced the unexpected and still drove toward who and what she wanted to be. 

Really, it’s a story about love and basketball. Just not in the way you think. 

A graphic of a basketball player by a bright light with the words "You are my Why"

“Looking back on all that unfolded, there’s deep sadness mixed with love and accomplishment and fruition in my career. More than anything, I feel grateful to have been a part of it — that I had the feeling to stay in the face of major hardship.”

Graceann Bennett (B’23, G’24)