The Future of Global Auto/Mobility Value Chains
The Baratta Center for Global Business at Georgetown University is convening a roundtable to discuss the future evolution of the auto/mobility ecosystem as part of its mandate to study and shape the future of global business. The intent is to discuss and solve some of the issues and challenges confronting these segments: shifts and evolution of the existing automotive value chain; imperatives for the emerging clean mobility segment; business models and investments in the infrastructure for battery charging, hydrogen, and road/rail; use of data and issues around governance and ownership; roles of incentives, governments, and private investors; critical resources and governmental perspectives; consumer preferences and behaviors; regional differences across the United States, the European Union, Asia, and China; the complex context of global geopolitics; and others.
The roundtable participants will include a mix of automotive industry leaders, EV and hydrogen innovators, United States and global policy makers, investors, industry association executives, and others who will provide their views and experiences on these topics.