Category: Messages to Staff, Messages to the Community, News

Title: Annual Performance Review Schedule and Training

Dear Colleagues,

Georgetown University is committed to supporting staff success, promoting professional development and fostering ongoing communication between employees and their managers. Performance management is an ongoing process by which managers and employees can exchange constructive feedback, align goals and support growth.

A critical element of performance management is the annual performance review. The Annual Performance Review process for the period spanning March 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024, begins on Tuesday, February 20. At that time, staff, AAPs and managers will be able to access and complete the review process in GMS. Ahead of the process opening in GMS, performance management training for both administrative staff and managers begins Friday, February 16.

Please see below for a timeline to submit and finalize evaluations for the purposes of timely processing of merit-based increases for fiscal year 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025):

Date Phase
Friday, February 16 – Thursday, March 28 Performance Management Training Offered
Tuesday, February 20 Staff/AAP Reviews Launched in GMS
Friday, March 8 Employee Self-Evaluation Due
Wednesday, March 27 Manager Evaluation Due
Friday, April 12 Manager’s Manager Approval Due
Thursday, May 30 Performance Review Meetings Completed

Note: Observance of these deadlines is important for eligible employees to receive timely merit increases.   

Changes in the Performance Management Annual Evaluation Form and Process

As announced in the January 11 edition of the Blue and Gray newsletter, we have expanded the rating scale from four ratings to five ratings. This year, you will select from the following ratings on six competencies and an overall rating:

  • Far Exceeds Expectations
  • Exceeds Expectations
  • Meets Expectations
  • Needs Improvement
  • Unsatisfactory

Ratings of Far Exceeds Expectations and Unsatisfactory will require written justification in order to successfully submit a review. We have also streamlined the business process to enable managers to share their completed evaluation with the employee via GMS prior to meeting and discussing the evaluation.

Additional guidance will soon be available on the Department of Human Resources Annual Performance Review website on how to have a productive Performance Management review meeting that encompasses a discussion of the review of the previous year and a focus towards ongoing development into the future.

Performance and Merit
Annual Performance Reviews must be completed for all merit-eligible staff employees. The performance review serves as the basis for the assignment of merit increases to staff members who have met or exceeded performance expectations and goals.

FY25 merit increases will not be processed without a completed performance review.  Please note that staff members who receive increases to their base compensation (e.g., reclassification, promotion, salary adjustments) effective on or after March 1, 2024 are not eligible for a merit increase as we move into FY25. Complete details about merit eligibility can be found in the Human Resources Policy Manual.

The Department of Human Resources will work with departments at the conclusion of the review period to ensure that merit increases for the upcoming fiscal year are transparently and effectively communicated to staff.

Training and Support
The Department of Human Resources offers training opportunities and resources geared toward both managers and employees to support the performance review process. These training opportunities are offered in person and also via Zoom and include:

  1. HR Performance Management: Self-Evaluations address the fundamental elements of performance management: evaluating annual accomplishments in order to complete the employee self-evaluation and setting goals for the year ahead. This course will focus on the tools and methodologies for maximizing the benefits of the Annual Performance Review process. The training will conclude with a real-time demonstration of the employee Performance Management process in GMS.
  2. HR Performance Management: Manager Evaluations prepares managers to fairly and equitably rate their direct reports based on the Performance Management competencies and to conduct a productive Performance Management review meeting. This training emphasizes the importance of building a culture of continuous feedback. The training will conclude with a real-time demonstration of the manager Performance Management process in GMS.
  3. Virtual Office Hours: Reviews in GMS provides employees and managers individual support with any technical difficulties they are having completing or submitting reviews in GMS.

Employees and managers can register for training and access resources for performance management on the Department of Human Resources website.

Contact Us
If you have any questions about the performance management process, please contact the HR Business Partner for your area.

Thank you again for your dedication and partnership as we continue to foster a culture of professional development and performance excellence at Georgetown University.


Tony Kinslow, JD., MA.
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer