## Based on files 0 - 49 containing 499994 paired sentences ## Rank based on Mutual Information 15.610 - Orchestre - Orchestra 15.610 - sockeye - sockeye 15.610 - jungles - jungles 15.610 - viii - viii 15.472 - polarisation - polarization 15.472 - oligarchie - oligarchy 15.472 - silicose - silicosis 15.472 - bauxite - bauxite 15.472 - Hawker - Siddeley 15.472 - Havane - Havana 15.472 - canne - cane 15.472 - Maroc - Morocco 15.472 - vii - vii 15.458 - coton - cotton 15.347 - prostitution - prostitution 15.347 - Copenhague - Copenhagen 15.347 - caméléon - chameleon 15.347 - cigares - cigars 15.347 - motels - motels 15.347 - Fuel - Marketers 15.335 - margarine - margarine 15.335 - gants - gloves 15.320 - symphonique - Orchestra 15.320 - infériorité - inferiority 15.320 - microcosme - microcosm 15.320 - emphysème - emphysema 15.320 - corrosion - corrosion 15.320 - brigadier - Brigadier 15.320 - Louisiane - Louisiana 15.231 - remplaçants - Closings 15.231 - Kossyguine - Kosygin 15.231 - Montagnes - Argenteuil 15.231 - insuline - insulin 15.231 - propane - propane 15.231 - Galles - Wales 15.231 - poète - poet 15.231 - Turks - Caicos 15.231 - CSN - CNTU 15.209 - contremaître - foreman 15.209 - championnats - championships 15.209 - scandinaves - Scandinavian 15.209 - préambules - preambles 15.209 - CIPC - CPIC 15.195 - infaillibilité - infallibility 15.195 - sanctuaire - sanctuary 15.195 - méditation - meditation 15.195 - cohésion - cohesion 15.183 - Vénézuéliens - Venezuelans 15.183 - républicain - Republican 15.183 - menteur - liar 15.150 - cafétéria - cafeteria 15.124 - distillats - distillates 15.124 - plomberie - plumbing 15.124 - géologues - geologists 15.124 - Pentagone - Pentagon 15.124 - Ougandais - Ugandans 15.124 - évêques - bishops 15.124 - agrumes - citrus 15.124 - bacon - bacon 15.116 - historiens - historians 15.116 - Marwick - Peat 15.116 - Ivoire - Ivory 15.106 - tentacules - tentacles 15.106 - Persique - Persian 15.094 - injonctions - injunctions 15.094 - propulsion - propulsion 15.079 - jardins - gardens 15.079 - clichés - clichés 15.079 - énigme - conundrum 15.079 - radios - radios 15.079 - nique - picnic 15.057 - typographique - typographical 15.057 - ségrégation - segregation 15.057 - patinoires - rinks 15.057 - anges - angels 15.057 - FMI - IMF 15.025 - balkanisation - balkanization 15.025 - machinations - machinations 15.025 - dentifrice - toothpaste 15.025 - Italiens - Italians 15.025 - Bucarest - Bucharest 15.025 - Beaupré - Beaupre 15.025 - mythes - myths 15.013 - concombres - cucumbers 15.013 - faussetés - falsehoods 15.013 - cirque - circus 15.009 - procuration - proxy 15.009 - Yougoslavie - Yugoslavia 15.009 - ultimatum - ultimatum 14.999 - dinosaures - dinosaurs 14.990 - Liban - Lebanon 14.987 - démissions - resignations 14.987 - Onze - Eleven 14.972 - embargos - embargoes 14.972 - artères - arteries 14.968 - immoralité - immorality 14.968 - thé - tea 14.958 - coordonnateurs - ordinators 14.958 - neutralité - neutrality 14.958 - asphalte - asphalt 14.958 - fatigue - fatigue 14.942 - statisticien - statistician 14.942 - signatures - signatures 14.942 - loup - wolf 14.932 - diagnostiques - Diagnostic 14.932 - congélateurs - freezers 14.932 - inventions - inventions 14.932 - créativité - creativity 14.932 - fonderie - smelter 14.932 - Haïtiens - Haitians 14.932 - encans - auctions 14.932 - audio - audio 14.925 - comestibles - edible 14.925 - Sibérie - Siberia 14.909 - missiles - missiles 14.909 - cabanes - shacks 14.902 - Administrateur - Administrator 14.902 - cinquièmes - fifths 14.902 - baies - bays 14.899 - immersion - immersion 14.887 - insatiable - insatiable 14.887 - idéologies - ideologies 14.887 - falaises - bluffs 14.887 - additifs - additives 14.887 - égoïsme - selfishness 14.883 - miracles - miracles 14.873 - autocratique - autocratic 14.873 - charrue - cart 14.873 - Islands - Caribou 14.873 - Envoyez - Send 14.873 - souris - mouse 14.873 - frites - french 14.861 - chancelier - Chancellor 14.853 - suicides - suicides 14.844 - Asiatiques - Asians 14.844 - idéalisme - idealism 14.844 - plénière - plenary 14.844 - carotte - carrot 14.844 - athlète - athlete 14.844 - poème - poem 14.838 - Singapour - Singapore 14.835 - seigneuriage - seigniorage 14.835 - atténuantes - extenuating 14.835 - crosse - lacrosse 14.832 - contestables - exceptionable 14.832 - Hongrie - Hungary 14.832 - Roland - Michener 14.832 - Libye - Libya 14.820 - démentis - denials 14.816 - ravisseurs - kidnappers 14.816 - éminence - eminence 14.816 - coupon - coupon 14.816 - brique - brick 14.816 - Irish - Stardust 14.802 - traducteurs - translators 14.802 - camionneur - trucker 14.802 - abstention - abstention 14.802 - limousine - limousine 14.802 - épicier - grocer 14.802 - souri - smiled 14.784 - hépatite - hepatitis 14.784 - chemises - shirts 14.780 - magistrats - magistrates 14.780 - cheminées - chimneys 14.776 - codeurs - coders 14.772 - dissidents - dissident 14.772 - noyades - drownings 14.762 - prophètes - prophets 14.762 - majorités - majorities 14.762 - brutalité - brutality 14.762 - schistes - shale 14.762 - carottes - carrots 14.762 - Varsovie - Warsaw 14.762 - auréole - halo 14.762 - soccer - soccer 14.762 - Abu - Dhabi 14.757 - Vienne - Vienna 14.751 - thermostats - thermostats 14.746 - ranch - ranch 14.745 - herbicides - herbicides 14.745 - OMU - EMO 14.739 - oxygène - oxygen 14.735 - déséquilibres - imbalances 14.735 - successeurs - successors 14.735 - bicyclettes - bicycles 14.735 - antagonisme - antagonism 14.735 - tacitement - tacitly 14.729 - impérialisme - imperialism 14.729 - protocoles - protocols 14.725 - contremaîtres - foremen 14.709 - dénominateur - denominator 14.709 - trésoriers - treasurers 14.709 - esclavage - slavery 14.709 - charme - charm 14.707 - invisible - invisible 14.703 - subversion - subversion 14.703 - agneau - lamb 14.701 - carbone - carbon 14.695 - plaisirs - pleasures 14.695 - folklore - folklore 14.695 - Retirez - Withdraw 14.692 - léthargie - lethargy 14.692 - foetus - foetus 14.684 - thalidomide - thalidomide 14.684 - jalousement - jealously 14.684 - vi - vi 14.677 - assimilation - assimilation 14.674 - foires - fairs 14.669 - chapitres - chapters 14.665 - périssables - perishable 14.665 - spécieux - specious 14.662 - analystes - analysts 14.655 - ambulance - ambulance 14.651 - anonymat - anonymity 14.646 - oligopoles - oligopolies 14.646 - dentiste - dentist 14.646 - Tôt - Sooner 14.636 - bombes - bombs 14.624 - jalousie - jealousy 14.624 - soupape - valve 14.624 - litanie - litany 14.624 - Court - Trefann 14.610 - statisticiens - statisticians 14.610 - conciliateurs - conciliators 14.610 - insecticides - insecticides 14.610 - commentateur - commentator 14.610 - champignons - mushrooms 14.610 - télégraphe - telegraph 14.610 - cicatrices - scars 14.610 - boulangers - bakers 14.610 - tyrannie - tyranny 14.610 - rivalité - rivalry 14.610 - immuable - immutable 14.610 - gagnants - winners 14.610 - donateur - donor 14.610 - scierie - sawmill 14.610 - masques - oxygen 14.610 - évêque - bishop 14.610 - plaqué - plywood 14.610 - sacro - sacrosanct 14.610 - Pacte - Warsaw 14.610 - Caire - Cairo 14.610 - Old - Crow 14.606 - Guinée - Guinea 14.603 - pureté - purity 14.598 - Présentation - Introduction 14.598 - allègrement - blithely 14.594 - grossiste - wholesaler 14.584 - calendriers - calendars 14.584 - conquête - conquest 14.584 - foie - liver 14.581 - loteries - lotteries 14.581 - junte - junta 14.581 - azote - nitrogen 14.579 - sentimental - sentimental 14.579 - humiliation - humiliation 14.579 - encre - ink 14.569 - insoluble - insoluble 14.569 - lundis - Mondays 14.568 - réimprimé - reprinted 14.568 - régiment - regiment 14.564 - cycles - cycles 14.555 - indéfendable - indefensible 14.555 - confiscation - confiscation 14.555 - Petrocan - Petro 14.553 - inexactitudes - inaccuracies 14.546 - géologiques - geological 14.539 - téléspectateurs - viewers 14.539 - unilinguisme - unilingualism 14.539 - démocraties - democracies 14.539 - terrorisme - terrorism 14.539 - fraternité - brotherhood 14.539 - dictateur - dictator 14.539 - littéral - literal 14.539 - Honneurs - Honours 14.539 - briques - bricks 14.539 - artiste - artist 14.539 - flatté - flattered 14.539 - Pérou - Peru 14.532 - communisme - communism 14.532 - écossaise - Scottish 14.532 - espagnol - Spanish 14.532 - rugby - rugby 14.531 - Château - Chateau 14.527 - horloges - clocks 14.527 - gravier - gravel 14.527 - fusions - mergers 14.522 - commutations - commutations 14.522 - pesticides - pesticides 14.522 - prophète - prophet 14.522 - mark - yen 14.517 - éléphant - elephant 14.514 - nationalités - nationalities 14.514 - baguette - wand 14.514 - Jamaïque - Jamaica 14.510 - conservationnistes - conservationists 14.510 - multiplicateur - multiplier 14.510 - vétérinaires - veterinarians 14.510 - cyclique - cyclical 14.510 - berceau - cradle 14.510 - cabane - shack 14.510 - virus - hepatitis 14.503 - poires - pears 14.496 - bulldozer - bulldozer 14.494 - patrouilles - patrols 14.494 - oligopole - oligopoly 14.494 - collines - hills 14.494 - sirop - syrup 14.494 - pairs - peers 14.487 - désorganisé - disorganized 14.484 - solennellement - solemnly 14.484 - recrues - recruits 14.484 - Huit - Eight 14.472 - régionalisme - regionalism 14.472 - paramédical - paramedical 14.472 - tropicales - tropical 14.472 - périmètre - perimeter 14.472 - kilowatts - kilowatt 14.472 - vedettes - stars 14.472 - immunité - immunity 14.472 - aérosols - aerosol 14.472 - Esclaves - Slave 14.472 - Approuvé - Approved 14.472 - visuels - audio 14.472 - porteur - bearer 14.472 - lames - breakwaters 14.472 - Tenez - Stick 14.472 - Hanoï - Hanoi 14.466 - requins - sharks 14.465 - Autriche - Austria 14.462 - phosphates - phosphates 14.461 - cuir - leather 14.458 - aiglefin - haddock 14.454 - dépossédés - dispossessed 14.452 - maltage - malting 14.449 - bureaucrate - bureaucrat 14.446 - bourreau - executioner 14.443 - transférabilité - portability 14.440 - embouteillages - jams 14.440 - compatibilité - compatibility 14.440 - éditeur - publisher 14.440 - pompes - pumps 14.440 - pelle - shovel 14.432 - Souvenir - Remembrance 14.424 - horticulture - Horticultural 14.424 - idéaliste - idealistic 14.417 - vénérable - venerable 14.417 - soupe - soup 14.414 - terroristes - terrorists 14.414 - défendeur - defendant 14.408 - Cambodge - Cambodia 14.408 - Rejeté - Rejected 14.408 - veau - veal 14.405 - psychologues - psychologists 14.403 - triangle - triangle 14.403 - plaines - plains 14.403 - fumeurs - smokers 14.401 - rassis - stale 14.398 - septiques - septic 14.394 - persévérance - perseverance 14.394 - diagnostic - diagnosis 14.394 - redéfinir - redefine 14.394 - fourgon - caboose 14.387 - océanographique - Patricia 14.387 - individualité - individuality 14.387 - auberges - hostels 14.385 - instigation - instigation 14.385 - verticale - vertical 14.385 - primauté - primacy 14.383 - pique - picnic 14.379 - capitalisme - capitalism 14.379 - radar - radar 14.373 - emblème - emblem 14.373 - apathie - apathy 14.373 - héros - heroes 14.369 - protectionnisme - protectionism 14.369 - piégeage - trapping 14.369 - montres - clocks 14.362 - passeports - passports 14.362 - démolition - demolition 14.362 - bifteck - steak 14.362 - tampon - buffer 14.362 - hymne - anthem 14.359 - décennal - decennial 14.357 - inépuisables - inexhaustible 14.357 - assurable - insurable 14.357 - hôtesses - stewardesses 14.357 - Héritage - Heritage 14.347 - ridiculement - ridiculously 14.347 - laboratoires - laboratories 14.347 - consignation - consignment 14.347 - impopulaire - unpopular 14.347 - Laurentides - Laurentian 14.347 - trafiquant - pusher 14.347 - suprématie - supremacy 14.347 - subterfuge - subterfuge 14.347 - argentiers - bagmen 14.347 - médailles - medals 14.347 - cannabis - cannabis 14.347 - anarchie - anarchy 14.347 - taureau - horns 14.347 - couteau - knife 14.347 - courbes - curves 14.347 - cheddar - cheddar 14.347 - atroces - atrocious 14.347 - jargon - jargon 14.347 - cornes - horns 14.347 - whips - whips 14.347 - morue - cod 14.347 - haine - hatred 14.347 - San - Francisco 14.336 - funérailles - funeral 14.336 - grossesse - pregnancy 14.336 - Quarante - Forty 14.335 - millionnaire - millionaire 14.335 - aveux - confessions 14.334 - alphabétique - alphabetical 14.333 - coupeurs - hewers 14.330 - températures - temperatures 14.330 - acupuncture - acupuncture 14.330 - palliatif - palliative 14.330 - patinage - skating 14.330 - Journaux - Journals 14.324 - photographie - photograph 14.324 - truquage - rigging 14.324 - jambes - legs 14.320 - insurmontable - insurmountable 14.320 - platitudes - platitudes 14.320 - pirates - hijackers 14.317 - descriptions - descriptions 14.314 - organisateur - organizer 14.314 - lecteur - reader 14.314 - chemise - shirt 14.310 - verbiage - verbiage 14.308 - guillotine - guillotine 14.308 - piliers - pillars 14.304 - brouillard - fog 14.302 - ténacité - tenacity 14.302 - prince - prince 14.298 - régionalisation - regionalization 14.298 - étoile - star 14.294 - refinancement - refinancing 14.294 - fondateur - founder 14.294 - révérend - Reverend 14.294 - Académie - Academy 14.293 - quadruplé - quadrupled 14.292 - soeurs - sisters 14.291 - bouteille - bottle 14.291 - menti - lied 14.288 - colonialisme - colonialism 14.288 - totalitaire - totalitarian 14.288 - sélectivité - selectivity 14.288 - patriotisme - patriotism 14.288 - réinvestis - reinvested 14.288 - fourrures - furs 14.288 - Tanzanie - Tanzania 14.288 - valorem - valorem 14.288 - bananes - bananas 14.288 - Géorgie - Georgia 14.288 - Noire - Mediterranean 14.288 - riz - rice 14.288 - LMF - WFL 14.288 - But - Purpose 14.285 - éthylène - ethylene 14.282 - timidité - timidity 14.282 - Receveur - Receiver 14.282 - Galerie - Gallery 14.279 - dévalué - devalued 14.279 - musées - museums 14.279 - amont - upstream 14.273 - Finlande - Finland 14.273 - solaire - solar 14.269 - caméras - cameras 14.266 - voleur - thief 14.259 - jaloux - jealous 14.259 - bible - bible 14.259 - César - Caesar 14.253 - digitales - fingerprints 14.250 - trahissent - betray 14.247 - industrieux - industrious 14.247 - carabine - rifle 14.243 - savon - soap 14.243 - lion - lion 14.240 - instincts - instincts 14.231 - généralisation - generalization 14.231 - préfabriquées - prefabricated 14.231 - nationalistes - nationalists 14.231 - hospitalité - hospitality 14.231 - signataire - signatory 14.231 - symbolise - symbolizes 14.231 - illusoire - illusory 14.231 - profanes - laymen 14.231 - Atlantic - Richfield 14.231 - canyon - Canyon 14.231 - Damas - Damascus 14.231 - PAQ - NIP 14.226 - médiateurs - mediators 14.224 - psychiatre - psychiatrist 14.224 - sordide - sordid 14.221 - fédéraliste - federalist 14.217 - Parliamentary - Practice 14.217 - humanisme - humanism 14.214 - sociologues - sociologists 14.214 - passeport - passport 14.214 - virgule - comma 14.209 - renégocier - renegotiate 14.209 - bonbons - candies 14.209 - nuages - clouds 14.209 - campus - campus 14.202 - diplomates - diplomats 14.198 - unification - unification 14.198 - bouteilles - bottles 14.198 - codage - coding 14.198 - veufs - widowers 14.195 - provocation - provocation 14.195 - probation - probation 14.195 - épisode - episode 14.195 - séchage - drying 14.195 - érudit - scholar 14.191 - palliatifs - palliatives 14.191 - ethno - ethno 14.186 - paresseux - lazy 14.186 - sectes - sects 14.183 - aiguille - needle 14.181 - rois - kings 14.177 - philosophe - philosopher 14.177 - exclusions - disqualifications 14.172 - mécanicien - mechanic 14.172 - flétan - halibut 14.169 - vulnérabilité - vulnerability 14.169 - toxiques - toxic 14.169 - Soixante - Seventy 14.169 - Libre - Cité 14.162 - hémisphère - hemisphere 14.162 - altitude - altitude 14.160 - pessimisme - pessimism 14.154 - intransigeante - intransigent 14.154 - Damoclès - sword 14.153 - catalyseur - catalyst 14.152 - régiments - Highland 14.150 - commentateurs - commentators 14.150 - magnanime - magnanimity 14.150 - illustres - illustrious 14.150 - activisme - activist 14.150 - coulant - noose 14.150 - thèmes - themes 14.150 - canard - canard 14.150 - Jésus - Christ 14.145 - successivement - successively 14.145 - criminologie - Criminology 14.140 - festival - festival 14.138 - coque - hull 14.136 - totalitaires - totalitarian 14.136 - irréparables - irreparable 14.136 - organiques - organic 14.135 - fosses - septic 14.132 - Sixièmement - Sixth 14.131 - Musées - Museums 14.124 - budgétisation - Budgeting 14.124 - canadianisme - Canadianism 14.124 - inoffensif - innocuous 14.124 - inconduite - misconduct 14.124 - débentures - debentures 14.124 - munitions - ammunition 14.124 - curiosité - curiosity 14.124 - Attention - Watch 14.124 - Détroit - Detroit 14.124 - prière - prayer 14.124 - chalet - cottage 14.124 - Syrie - Syria 14.124 - zinc - zinc 14.124 - Banc - Bench 14.124 - jus - juices 14.122 - Indonésie - Indonesia 14.116 - orchestrée - orchestrated 14.116 - fiabilité - reliability 14.115 - Juifs - Jews 14.111 - Danemark - Denmark 14.110 - commissionnaires - Corps 14.110 - aube - dawn 14.107 - Sérieusement - Seriously 14.107 - harmonieux - harmonious 14.107 - réservoir - reservoir 14.107 - drainage - drainage 14.107 - ouï - hearsay 14.106 - pragmatique - pragmatic 14.103 - chocolat - chocolate 14.103 - milice - militia 14.100 - fragmentation - fragmentation 14.100 - huissier - Usher 14.100 - Pères - Fathers 14.099 - plage - beach 14.095 - actuariel - actuarially 14.094 - confessions - confessions 14.094 - turbines - propulsion 14.094 - tacite - tacit 14.086 - protectionniste - protectionist 14.086 - abdication - abdication 14.086 - batailles - battles 14.084 - comptoirs - counters 14.084 - équation - equation 14.084 - pléthore - plethora 14.084 - fromages - cheeses 14.084 - gril - broilers 14.081 - organique - organic 14.080 - accrédités - accredited 14.079 - Ajoutez - Add 14.079 - grise - eminence 14.079 - tact - tact 14.079 - rit - laughs 14.077 - iceberg - iceberg 14.074 - répression - repression 14.074 - chasseurs - hunters 14.074 - Jordanie - Jordan 14.074 - jouets - toys 14.074 - golf - golf 14.074 - GRP - PRG 14.071 - musée - museum 14.070 - escomptes - discounts 14.069 - créatures - creatures 14.069 - pilule - pill 14.068 - Belgique - Belgium 14.068 - coroner - coroner 14.066 - animosité - animosity 14.066 - roulante - wheelchair 14.066 - Comparez - Compare 14.063 - architecte - architect 14.062 - Armée - Army 14.061 - transcontinental - transcontinental 14.061 - spectateurs - spectators 14.061 - tribu - tribe 14.060 - sorcières - witch 14.057 - donateurs - donors 14.057 - abonnés - subscribers 14.057 - Stores - Steinberg 14.054 - bureaucraties - bureaucracies 14.054 - arbitrale - arbitral 14.046 - fièvre - fever 14.045 - horticole - horticultural 14.042 - réversible - reversible 14.039 - péages - tolls 14.038 - hivers - winters 14.036 - auguste - august 14.036 - hangar - hangar 14.032 - laine - wool 14.032 - been - bout 14.029 - rançon - ransom 14.025 - dessinateurs - designers 14.025 - restitution - restitution 14.025 - Manitobains - Manitobans 14.025 - pourvoyeur - hatred 14.025 - insolubles - insoluble 14.025 - divergents - divergent 14.025 - complicité - complicity 14.025 - chalutiers - trawlers 14.025 - dissoudre - dissolve 14.025 - Présentez - Bring 14.025 - éditeurs - Publishers 14.025 - réveillé - woke 14.025 - paroisse - parish 14.025 - fabuleux - fabulous 14.025 - Vietcong - Cong 14.025 - aspirer - aspire 14.025 - Algérie - Algeria 14.025 - radoub - refit 14.025 - inique - iniquitous 14.025 - billes - logs 14.025 - paire - pair 14.025 - cargo - freighter 14.025 - anglo - Anglo 14.025 - adage - adage 14.025 - lord - Killanin 14.025 - Life - Assurance 14.025 - x - viii 14.021 - impunément - impunity 14.021 - onzième - eleventh 14.019 - amnistie - amnesty 14.017 - espadon - swordfish 14.016 - mandarins - mandarins 14.016 - symboles - symbols 14.014 - résidé - resided 14.013 - formations - formations 14.013 - Natural - Inland 14.013 - risqué - risked 14.012 - paroisses - parishes 14.012 - fibres - fibres 14.009 - mini - mini 14.009 - Can - Ad 14.006 - Ouganda - Uganda 14.003 - dictature - dictatorship 14.000 - doyen - dean 13.999 - Répondez - Answer 13.999 - Trente - Thirty 13.999 - onces - ounces 13.996 - lunettes - glasses 13.992 - enveloppe - envelope 13.992 - guides - guides 13.987 - tortueux - tortuous 13.987 - captif - captive 13.984 - biologiques - biological 13.984 - fourrure - fur 13.984 - vérités - truths 13.984 - pseudo - pseudo 13.983 - contaminent - contaminate 13.983 - canards - ducks 13.982 - insurmontables - insurmountable 13.982 - documentaire - documentary 13.982 - humainement - humanly 13.982 - spiritueux - spirits 13.980 - scandales - scandals 13.977 - climatisation - conditioning 13.977 - Hutterian - Brethren 13.977 - verge - Usher 13.973 - promotions - promotions 13.972 - oléagineuses - oilseeds 13.972 - restaurants - restaurants 13.972 - corollaire - corollary 13.972 - amiable - amicable 13.970 - écrasé - crashed 13.968 - justificatives - vouchers 13.968 - paraphrase - paraphrasing 13.968 - esclaves - slaves 13.968 - slogans - slogans 13.966 - ambitieux - ambitious 13.958 - déraillé - derailment 13.958 - colonel - Colonel 13.958 - canon - cannon 13.955 - arrestations - arrests 13.954 - extravagance - extravagance 13.954 - réinvestir - reinvest 13.954 - chaussée - causeway 13.954 - Églises - Churches 13.951 - papeterie - stationery 13.951 - métropole - metropolis 13.949 - Adopté - Carried 13.947 - conglomérats - conglomerates 13.947 - inestimable - invaluable 13.947 - régression - regression 13.947 - coercition - coercion 13.947 - diversion - diversionary 13.947 - fantômes - ghost 13.947 - fantôme - ghost 13.947 - soufre - sulphur 13.947 - Nommez - Name 13.947 - said - bout 13.947 - has - bout 13.942 - confiserie - confectionery 13.942 - artisanat - crafts 13.942 - implore - implore 13.942 - genoux - knees 13.937 - rênes - reins 13.932 - interparlementaire - interparliamentary 13.932 - infrastructures - infrastructures 13.932 - rémunérateurs - remunerative 13.932 - photographies - photographs 13.932 - libéralisme - liberalism 13.932 - copropriété - condominium 13.932 - innocence - innocence 13.932 - tolérant - tolerant 13.932 - paysages - scenery 13.932 - haricots - beans 13.932 - célébrer - celebrate 13.932 - soldat - soldier 13.927 - fanatisme - bigotry 13.925 - collision - collision 13.925 - raisin - grape 13.925 - colons - settlers 13.925 - serre - greenhouse 13.916 - présomptueux - presumptuous 13.914 - irrationnelle - irrational 13.914 - déploiement - deployment 13.914 - scénario - scenario 13.914 - CCN - NCC 13.909 - déraillement - derailment 13.909 - évaluateurs - appraisers 13.909 - discrédit - disrepute 13.909 - anonymes - anonymous 13.909 - annuaire - directory 13.909 - fertile - fertile 13.909 - peaux - skins 13.906 - pharmaceutique - pharmaceutical 13.906 - confrontations - confrontations 13.905 - phénomènes - phenomena 13.903 - métro - subway 13.902 - révocation - revocation 13.902 - distrait - distracted 13.901 - Chiliens - Chileans 13.899 - nager - swim 13.893 - trésorier - treasurer 13.890 - thérapeutique - therapeutic 13.887 - spécialisation - specialization 13.887 - incroyablement - incredibly 13.887 - submersibles - submersibles 13.887 - psychopathes - psychopathic 13.887 - échappement - emission 13.887 - disciplines - disciplines 13.887 - fanatiques - fanatics 13.887 - euphémisme - euphemistically 13.887 - éclairage - lighting 13.887 - omissions - omissions 13.887 - Highlands - Highland 13.887 - stigmate - stigma 13.887 - juvénile - delinquency 13.887 - mutilés - mutilated 13.887 - camping - camping 13.887 - poumon - lung 13.887 - paille - straw 13.887 - levier - lever 13.887 - dindes - turkeys 13.887 - gazon - lawn 13.887 - veuf - widower 13.887 - bouc - scapegoat 13.887 - DU - OF 13.884 - patiemment - patiently 13.884 - empreintes - fingerprints 13.883 - Européens - Europeans 13.877 - émeutes - riots 13.873 - protections - protections 13.873 - négociable - negotiable 13.873 - seigle - rye 13.873 - humide - damp 13.873 - Grèce - Greece 13.873 - tape - wrist 13.870 - ambassades - embassies 13.869 - prescrivant - prescribing 13.869 - aval - downstream 13.867 - démocratiquement - democratically 13.861 - insensibilité - insensitivity 13.861 - monstrueux - monstrous 13.861 - friction - friction 13.855 - transcontinentaux - transcontinental 13.855 - bibliothèques - libraries 13.855 - secrètement - secretly 13.855 - escadrille - squadron 13.855 - coupures - clippings 13.855 - roumain - Roumanian 13.853 - anonyme - anonymous 13.852 - insidieux - insidious 13.851 - magazines - magazines 13.848 - infirmière - nurse 13.844 - soumissionnaires - tenderers 13.844 - Tchécoslovaquie - Czechoslovakia 13.844 - aérospatiale - aerospace 13.844 - herbagère - grasslands 13.844 - Argentine - Argentina 13.844 - unifier - unify 13.844 - Bientôt - Soon 13.844 - rires - laughter 13.844 - Brant - Blackburn 13.844 - juif - Jewish 13.839 - officieusement - informally 13.839 - dent - tooth 13.836 - jaune - yellow 13.835 - anormalement - abnormally 13.833 - Irlande - Ireland 13.832 - pâturages - pastures 13.832 - voleurs - thieves 13.832 - ruban - ribbon 13.832 - miel - honey 13.829 - supériorité - superiority 13.829 - innover - innovate 13.828 - transférables - portable 13.826 - repentir - repentance 13.825 - Albertain - Albertan 13.823 - tempêtes - storms 13.822 - oranges - oranges 13.820 - School - Economics 13.818 - camarades - comrades 13.816 - disproportionnée - disproportionate 13.816 - stipulations - stipulations 13.813 - interdictions - prohibitions 13.813 - miracle - miracle 13.811 - sabotage - sabotage 13.809 - boycottage - boycott 13.806 - émetteurs - transmitters 13.806 - modestie - modesty 13.806 - Neuf - Nine 13.805 - lecteurs - readers 13.802 - philosophiques - philosophic 13.802 - pénétration - penetration 13.802 - machinistes - machinists 13.802 - interceptée - intercepted 13.802 - hydraulique - hydraulic 13.802 - gouverneurs - governors 13.802 - république - republic 13.802 - pernicieux - pernicious 13.802 - extrémités - extremities 13.802 - analytique - analytical 13.802 - traitants - subcontractors 13.802 - frictions - friction 13.802 - respirer - breathe 13.802 - fluctuer - fluctuate 13.802 - piquets - picket 13.802 - miettes - crumbs 13.802 - inégale - unequal 13.802 - fervent - fervent 13.802 - cerises - cherries 13.802 - obsédé - obsessed 13.802 - Quinze - Fifteen 13.802 - Moroz - Valentyn 13.800 - collectionneurs - collectors 13.800 - gentilhomme - Usher 13.798 - ratification - ratification 13.794 - interdépendance - interdependence 13.794 - actuarielles - actuarial 13.794 - émissaire - scapegoat 13.794 - désuétude - obsolescence 13.794 - luxueux - luxurious 13.794 - épée - sword 13.793 - torture - torture 13.793 - Nigéria - Nigeria 13.792 - irrigation - irrigation 13.792 - aluminium - aluminum 13.792 - péniches - barges 13.791 - Révision - Forecast 13.791 - Terres - Lands 13.790 - enveloppes - envelopes 13.790 - suédois - Swedish 13.787 - centième - hundredth 13.785 - Pays - Netherlands 13.784 - percepteur - collector 13.784 - revisés - Revised 13.784 - plaques - plates 13.784 - émeute - riot 13.783 - Allemands - Germans 13.780 - souscription - underwriting 13.777 - divin - divine 13.776 - colloques - seminars 13.773 - agression - aggression 13.772 - commandements - commands 13.772 - célébration - celebration 13.772 - adjectif - adjective 13.772 - assauts - onslaught 13.772 - coques - hulls 13.772 - Ocean - Cement 13.771 - protectionnistes - protectionist 13.771 - Reconnaissant - Recognizing 13.770 - Archipel - Archipelago 13.766 - boulangerie - Bakery 13.766 - baleine - whaling 13.766 - Rivière - Loup 13.762 - surabondance - glut 13.762 - monstruosité - monstrosity 13.762 - Metropolitan - Growth 13.762 - successions - estates 13.762 - mystérieuse - mysterious 13.762 - expositions - exhibitions 13.762 - thermiques - thermal 13.762 - remerciant - thanking 13.762 - catholique - Catholic 13.762 - artistique - artistic 13.762 - inaperçue - unnoticed 13.762 - coïncide - coincides 13.762 - désert - desert 13.762 - chahut - catcalls 13.762 - forés - drilled 13.762 - fleur - flower 13.762 - bébés - babies 13.762 - bain - bathroom 13.758 - détachement - detachment 13.757 - autoritaire - authoritarian 13.757 - méprisable - despicable 13.757 - séminaire - seminar 13.757 - célébré - celebrated 13.757 - beautés - beauties 13.756 - submersible - submersible 13.756 - scrupules - unscrupulous 13.756 - océans - oceans 13.755 - clinique - clinic 13.752 - pupitres - desks 13.752 - griller - broiler 13.751 - brucellose - brucellosis 13.751 - écossais - Highland 13.751 - OAA - FAO 13.750 - fleurs - flowers 13.747 - industrialisation - industrialization 13.747 - chevauchement - overlapping 13.746 - instructif - instructive 13.746 - explosive - explosive 13.745 - superficiellement - superficially 13.745 - capitaines - captains 13.745 - estomac - stomach 13.740 - péchés - sins 13.739 - évitement - siding 13.737 - enceintes - pregnant 13.737 - OLP - PLO 13.735 - navigabilité - worthiness 13.735 - banalités - platitudes 13.735 - Justement - Precisely 13.735 - dindons - turkeys 13.735 - fouet - circus 13.735 - Tri - Bao 13.732 - Asseyez - Sit 13.730 - perdants - losers 13.730 - cellules - cells 13.730 - barrages - dams 13.730 - pitance - pittance 13.729 - rafraîchir - refresh 13.729 - racistes - racist 13.726 - diplomatie - diplomacy 13.722 - ultérieurs - Closings 13.722 - motivés - Closings 13.720 - Éthiopie - Ethiopia 13.717 - présomption - presumption 13.717 - grandioses - grandiose 13.717 - huttérite - Hutterite 13.717 - mosaïque - mosaic 13.717 - légalisé - legalized 13.717 - sueur - sweat 13.717 - dames - ladies 13.709 - architectural - architectural 13.709 - consciemment - consciously 13.705 - spéculateur - speculator 13.703 - ressemblance - resemblance 13.703 - merveilles - Wonderland 13.703 - abandons - abandonments 13.703 - Hollande - Holland 13.703 - épouser - marry 13.703 - Règles - Voting 13.703 - lueur - glimmer 13.697 - intenable - untenable 13.697 - sel - salt 13.695 - prorogation - prorogation 13.695 - coïncider - coincide 13.692 - filets - nets 13.691 - plateaux - slopes 13.687 - Education - Visual 13.687 - garage - garage 13.684 - irréprochable - scrupulous 13.684 - appréhender - apprehend 13.684 - régularité - regularity 13.684 - isolation - insulation 13.684 - ennemis - enemies 13.684 - effigie - portrait 13.684 - Floride - Florida 13.684 - peint - painted 13.681 - ambitions - ambitions 13.674 - danse - dance 13.671 - discréditer - discredit 13.671 - brutalement - brutally 13.671 - contrôleur - controller 13.671 - rideaux - curtains 13.669 - disciplinaires - disciplinary 13.669 - architecture - architecture 13.669 - codes - codes 13.665 - retentissant - resounding 13.665 - tolérable - tolerable 13.665 - paradis - paradise 13.665 - barbare - barbaric 13.665 - gaffes - blunders 13.665 - Mars - Commander 13.662 - psychopathe - psychopathic 13.662 - courtiers - brokers 13.662 - ficelle - baler 13.662 - étages - storey 13.660 - diamétralement - diametrically 13.659 - handicap - handicap 13.659 - circuit - circuit 13.659 - chaises - chairs 13.655 - approbations - approvals 13.655 - meuniers - millers 13.655 - LA - OF 13.653 - magistrat - magistrate 13.651 - admirablement - admirably 13.650 - spirituelles - spiritual 13.650 - mennonites - Mennonite 13.649 - prélude - prelude 13.648 - terreur - terror 13.646 - superpétroliers - supertankers 13.646 - concentrations - concentrations 13.646 - insupportable - unbearable 13.646 - catholiques - Catholic 13.646 - perspicace - perceptive 13.646 - Provincial - Airways 13.646 - pétitions - Petitions 13.646 - obscurité - darkness 13.646 - bruyants - noisy 13.646 - accroche - clinging 13.646 - raciste - racist 13.646 - pannes - breakdowns 13.646 - Pourvu - Provided 13.646 - noyau - nucleus 13.646 - grecs - Greek 13.642 - intimidation - intimidation 13.642 - Israéliens - Israelis 13.642 - Proche - Near 13.639 - surchargés - overworked 13.639 - consulat - consular 13.639 - prêcher - preach 13.638 - pyramide - pyramid 13.636 - surintendant - Superintendent 13.636 - numérique - numerical 13.636 - viols - rapes 13.635 - Turquie - Turkey 13.633 - Claire - Clair 13.632 - obsédés - obsessed 13.630 - centralisateur - centralizing 13.630 - princesse - Princess 13.629 - Attendez - Wait 13.627 - centraliser - centralize 13.627 - doublement - doubly 13.627 - télex - telex 13.626 - chalets - cottages 13.625 - commémorer - commemorate 13.625 - champions - champions 13.624 - irrégularité - irregularity 13.624 - invitations - invitations 13.624 - indignation - indignation 13.624 - Ensemble - Together 13.622 - émettra - debentures 13.610 - confortablement - comfortably 13.610 - motocyclettes - motorcycle 13.610 - momentanément - momentarily 13.610 - étranglement - bottleneck 13.610 - subdivisions - subdivisions 13.610 - désorganiser - disrupting 13.610 - vétérinaire - veterinary 13.610 - spécialiser - specialize 13.610 - raffinement - refinement 13.610 - divergentes - divergent 13.610 - dissensions - dissension 13.610 - contrevient - contravenes 13.610 - navigables - Navigable 13.610 - vigilance - vigilance 13.610 - Bruxelles - Brussels 13.610 - tonneaux - drums 13.610 - pâturage - pasture 13.610 - créature - creature 13.610 - subtile - subtle 13.610 - satiété - nauseam 13.610 - dualité - duality 13.610 - Télésat - Telesat 13.610 - métaux - metals 13.610 - jungle - jungle 13.610 - extra - extraprovincial 13.610 - Coupe - Cup 13.610 - unie - Anglican 13.610 - poli - polite 13.610 - char - Centurion 13.610 - aire - apron 13.610 - Mont - Joli 13.610 - Cher - Dear 13.607 - Pologne - Poland 13.607 - Moscou - Moscow 13.606 - consolation - consolation 13.603 - destroyers - destroyers 13.601 - satellites - satellites 13.599 - périls - peril 13.598 - conditionnels - parolees 13.598 - amèrement - bitterly 13.598 - pluies - rains 13.598 - chats - cats 13.598 - lice - sufferance 13.596 - mennonite - Mennonite 13.596 - pilier - pillar 13.594 - blindé - armoured 13.593 - banquier - banker 13.592 - multiplication - multiplication 13.592 - biologique - biological 13.591 - transcriptions - transcripts 13.591 - trafiquants - traffickers 13.591 - revente - resale 13.588 - inspectés - inspected 13.588 - visuelle - Visual 13.588 - racisme - racism 13.585 - législateur - legislator 13.584 - déflation - deflator 13.582 - millionnaires - millionaires 13.582 - cellule - cell 13.581 - mystérieux - mysterious 13.581 - instinct - instinct 13.581 - ghettos - ghettos 13.581 - rideau - curtain 13.581 - bombe - bomb 13.579 - présidentiel - presidential 13.579 - modernisé - modernized 13.579 - instables - unstable 13.579 - drapeaux - flags 13.579 - isolant - insulation 13.579 - sonner - bells 13.578 - dépeuplement - depopulation 13.577 - cynisme - cynicism 13.577 - blindés - armoured 13.576 - chat - cat 13.574 - automobilistes - motorists 13.574 - Davenport - Caccia 13.574 - Rhodésie - Rhodesia 13.574 - cristal - crystal 13.574 - BFC - CFB 13.570 - Norvège - Norway 13.569 - surpeuplées - overcrowded 13.569 - humanités - sciences 13.569 - consterné - dismayed 13.569 - Tracker - Argus 13.568 - inconsciemment - unconsciously 13.568 - saisons - seasons 13.565 - massivement - massively 13.565 - Promenade - Sussex 13.565 - HP - propelled 13.560 - circulaire - circular 13.560 - receveur - Receiver 13.560 - plages - beaches 13.558 - tourteaux - cake 13.558 - seize - sixteen 13.558 - DE - OF 13.555 - inexplicable - inexplicable 13.555 - confiseries - confectionery 13.555 - intrigué - intrigued 13.555 - artistes - artists 13.555 - soeur - sister 13.554 - omnibus - omnibus 13.553 - involontaires - involuntary 13.553 - survit - survives 13.553 - mont - telescope 13.552 - loterie - lottery 13.551 - transférable - portable 13.551 - élisant - electing 13.550 - idéologique - ideological 13.549 - salut - salvation 13.547 - charade - charade 13.547 - cliché - cliché 13.546 - normalisation - standardization 13.546 - multipliant - multiplying 13.546 - caporal - corporal 13.546 - Attendu - Whereas 13.545 - archaïque - archaic 13.545 - horizon - horizon 13.544 - Cantons - Townships 13.539 - sociologiques - sociological 13.539 - spécialisent - specializing 13.539 - restructurer - restructure 13.539 - nationaliste - nationalist 13.539 - persistance - persistence 13.539 - congélation - chilling 13.539 - paramètres - parameters 13.539 - déceptions - disappointments 13.539 - métriques - metric 13.539 - facilitée - facilitated 13.539 - corridors - corridors 13.539 - visiteur - visitor 13.539 - révolte - revolt 13.539 - Essayez - Try 13.539 - amorti - depreciated 13.537 - bandits - gangsters 13.531 - rescinder - rescind 13.527 - Tête - Lakehead 13.526 - fièrement - proudly 13.525 - achoppement - stumbling 13.525 - indicateur - indicator 13.525 - ombudsman - ombudsman 13.525 - déploré - deplored 13.525 - patron - boss 13.522 - invisibles - invisible 13.522 - fallacieux - fallacious 13.522 - paradoxal - paradoxical 13.522 - mémorable - memorable 13.522 - asiatique - Southeast 13.522 - Salon - Show 13.522 - sacs - bags 13.521 - secte - sect 13.521 - Burke - Edmund 13.521 - grec - Greek 13.518 - pondérée - weighted 13.518 - escorte - escort 13.517 - prestigieux - prestigious 13.517 - alimentés - undernourished 13.517 - infâme - infamous 13.516 - cubain - Cuban 13.515 - impondérables - variables 13.514 - zonage - zoning 13.514 - Forêts - Lands 13.510 - foré - drilled 13.509 - libéralisation - liberalization 13.509 - stagiaires - trainees 13.509 - secoue - shakes 13.509 - ski - skiing 13.508 - malhonnêteté - dishonesty 13.507 - angulaire - cornerstone 13.507 - veaux - calves 13.505 - régressive - regressive 13.505 - polonaise - Polish 13.505 - Annuaire - Book 13.505 - MDN - DND 13.504 - races - races 13.503 - typiquement - typically 13.503 - colonie - colony 13.503 - jurys - juries 13.501 - clôtures - fencing 13.500 - bombardements - bombing 13.500 - réacteurs - reactors 13.499 - migrateurs - migratory 13.499 - bagages - baggage 13.499 - lâche - cowardly 13.496 - thérapeutiques - therapeutic 13.494 - éloignement - remoteness 13.494 - Précisément - Precisely 13.494 - subjective - subjective 13.494 - oppression - oppressive 13.494 - perplexes - perplexed 13.494 - irlandais - Irish 13.494 - hameaux - hamlet 13.494 - Eastern - Airways 13.494 - haché - hamburger 13.494 - brûlé - burned 13.494 - boni - bonuses 13.492 - continentaux - slopes 13.492 - contaminés - contaminated 13.491 - armoiries - Arms 13.489 - simplicité - simplicity 13.489 - cupidité - greed 13.489 - moeurs - mores 13.487 - sérénité - equanimity 13.487 - Croyez - Believe 13.485 - tragédies - tragedies 13.484 - tournantes - rotating 13.482 - artistiques - artistic 13.480 - centralisée - Budgeting 13.480 - enviable - enviable 13.480 - aigreur - bitterness 13.480 - masses - masses 13.477 - thermique - thermal 13.477 - unitaire - unitary 13.476 - soixantième - sixtieth 13.472 - disciplinaire - disciplinary 13.472 - Immédiatement - Immediately 13.472 - imprévisible - unpredictable 13.472 - boulangeries - bakeries 13.472 - belligérants - belligerents 13.472 - répétitions - repetitious 13.472 - métallurgie - smelting 13.472 - logistiques - logistic 13.472 - locomotive - locomotive 13.472 - balivernes - balderdash 13.472 - vaillants - valiant 13.472 - trentième - thirtieth 13.472 - ingénieux - ingenious 13.472 - horseshoe - horseshoe 13.472 - Olympique - IOC 13.472 - Horseshoe - horseshoe 13.472 - Frederick - Field 13.472 - réceptif - receptive 13.472 - repérage - beacons 13.472 - paradoxe - paradox 13.472 - glorieux - glorious 13.472 - fossiles - fossil 13.472 - charmant - charming 13.472 - imprime - prints 13.472 - départs - departures 13.472 - coupure - clipping 13.472 - alliait - identifiable 13.472 - lopins - smallholdings 13.472 - entête - stubborn 13.472 - doigts - wrist 13.472 - devise - motto 13.472 - vêtir - clothe 13.472 - Pékin - Peking 13.468 - surveillants - supervisors 13.468 - amalgame - amalgam 13.466 - entreprenant - enterprising 13.466 - distributeur - distributor 13.466 - désordonnée - disorderly 13.466 - jalon - milestone 13.466 - cheik - Sheik 13.465 - réactionnaire - reactionary 13.463 - profane - layman 13.461 - signataires - signatories 13.461 - tunnel - tunnel 13.461 - cartel - cartel 13.459 - LNH - NHL 13.458 - ambassadeurs - ambassadors 13.458 - tollé - hue 13.451 - incompréhensible - incomprehensible 13.451 - paternalisme - paternalism 13.447 - accidentelle - accidental 13.447 - insidieuse - insidious 13.447 - boutiques - shops 13.446 - révoltante - revolting 13.446 - créanciers - creditors 13.446 - préjuger - prejudge 13.446 - trésors - treasuries 13.446 - lune - moon 13.440 - constitutionnalité - constitutionality 13.440 - éternellement - eternally 13.440 - sociologique - sociological 13.440 - dictatoriaux - dictatorial 13.440 - dictatoriale - dictatorial 13.440 - Consolidated - Bathurst 13.440 - motivations - motivations 13.440 - laboratoire - laboratory 13.440 - descendance - descent 13.440 - cimenteries - cement 13.440 - inactivité - inactivity 13.440 - hiérarchie - hierarchy 13.440 - désaccords - disagreements 13.440 - primitive - primitive 13.440 - graphique - graph 13.440 - déplorait - deplored 13.440 - charmante - charming 13.440 - Rocheuses - Rockies 13.440 - sentiers - trails 13.440 - affiliée - affiliate 13.440 - pourrir - rot 13.440 - Excusez - Excuse 13.440 - érable - maple 13.440 - agonie - agony 13.440 - jetée - breakwater 13.440 - fibre - fibre 13.437 - monarchie - monarchy 13.435 - Suisse - Switzerland 13.433 - chiens - dogs 13.430 - piscine - swimming 13.429 - précaution - precaution 13.429 - australien - Australian 13.429 - archipel - Archipelago 13.428 - v - vii 13.424 - réorganiser - reorganize 13.424 - câblovision - cablevision 13.424 - collecteurs - mains 13.424 - imaginaire - imaginary 13.424 - ardents - ardent 13.424 - malice - malice 13.423 - indécision - indecision 13.423 - affiches - posters 13.421 - reproduction - reproduction 13.421 - saboter - sabotage 13.418 - artificiellement - artificially 13.418 - humblement - humbly 13.418 - courbe - curve 13.417 - absurdités - absurdities 13.417 - injection - injection 13.414 - hommages - tributes 13.412 - vaguement - vaguely 13.411 - échantillonnage - sampling 13.411 - hostilité - hostility 13.408 - planificateurs - planners 13.408 - échafaud - gallows 13.408 - Question - Period 13.408 - résisté - withstood 13.408 - jouet - toy 13.403 - colloque - seminar 13.402 - compensatoire - compensatory 13.402 - adolescents - teenagers 13.402 - terrasser - wrestle 13.402 - mobiliser - mobilize 13.402 - quatorze - fourteen 13.401 - motoneiges - snowmobiles 13.401 - désunion - disunity 13.401 - poules - hens 13.398 - Nucléaire - Nuclear 13.397 - prématurément - prematurely 13.396 - déraillements - derailments 13.395 - réfrigération - chilling 13.394 - dentistes - dentists 13.392 - ratifier - ratify 13.392 - syndic - receiver 13.392 - Charte - Magna 13.391 - radiodiffuseurs - broadcasters 13.391 - ambiguë - ambiguous 13.390 - étiquetage - Labelling 13.390 - larmes - tears 13.387 - soumissionnaire - tenderer 13.387 - maladresses - fumbling 13.387 - injonction - injunction 13.387 - distinctif - distinctive 13.387 - Exposition - Trajectoire 13.387 - consulats - consular 13.387 - gaffe - blunder 13.385 - incompétente - vacillating 13.385 - délinquance - delinquency 13.385 - festivités - celebrations 13.385 - polonais - Polish 13.384 - compensateurs - countervailing 13.384 - fiction - fiction 13.384 - Lisez - Read 13.383 - conciliateur - conciliator 13.383 - contestées - contested 13.383 - citadin - dweller 13.383 - mondes - worlds 13.381 - corrélation - correlation 13.377 - quorum - quorum 13.376 - commandant - commander 13.375 - lieutenant - lieutenant 13.373 - chargements - loadings 13.373 - réciter - recite 13.373 - boeufs - cart 13.373 - admiré - admired 13.372 - vitalité - vitality 13.372 - verdict - verdict 13.369 - échantillons - samples 13.369 - accrédité - accredited 13.369 - postales - postcards 13.366 - colonies - colonies 13.365 - consternation - dismay 13.365 - golden - horseshoe 13.364 - coupons - coupons 13.364 - ivoire - ivory 13.362 - photographiques - cameras 13.362 - impressions - impressions 13.362 - cosmétiques - cosmetics 13.362 - ruiné - ruined 13.362 - Viet - Cong 13.361 - gloire - glory 13.359 - bienveillant - benevolent 13.359 - rénovations - renovations 13.359 - oléagineux - oilseeds 13.359 - adversaire - opponent 13.359 - pègre - underworld 13.358 - mortalité - mortality 13.357 - mathématique - mathematical 13.357 - reconstitué - reconstituted 13.357 - sécheresse - drought 13.357 - bipartite - bipartisan 13.357 - Sécurité - Maximum 13.357 - fuyants - equivocation 13.357 - enrichi - enriched 13.357 - muets - dumb 13.357 - drame - drama 13.357 - aride - barren 13.355 - subdivision - subdivision 13.355 - écraser - crush 13.354 - courtois - courteous 13.353 - incomplètes - incomplete 13.353 - cubes - cubic 13.347 - correctionnels - Correctional 13.347 - incontrôlable - uncontrollable 13.347 - configuration - configuration 13.347 - rémunérateur - remunerative 13.347 - commémoratif - memorial 13.347 - épouvantail - strawman 13.347 - torpilleurs - destroyer 13.347 - insinuation - insinuation 13.347 - italienne - Italian 13.347 - angoisses - anxieties 13.347 - détendre - relax 13.347 - acquiert - acquires 13.347 - rangées - rows 13.347 - ivresse - drunken 13.347 - clocher - parochial 13.347 - dégoût - disgust 13.347 - atroce - atrocious 13.347 - patte - leg 13.347 - gelée - frost 13.347 - LE - OF 13.344 - Coast - Chilcotin 13.342 - égoïstes - selfish 13.342 - Current - Swift 13.338 - interaction - interaction 13.338 - Espagne - Spain 13.337 - enrichissement - enrichment 13.337 - coordonnateur - ordinator 13.337 - alcoolisme - alcoholism 13.337 - amertume - bitterness 13.336 - véracité - veracity 13.335 - rétroactivité - retroactivity 13.335 - Bibliothèque - Library 13.335 - baseball - baseball 13.335 - goutte - bucket 13.335 - Tu - Thou 13.333 - négociateur - negotiator 13.333 - ancienneté - seniority 13.333 - métrique - metric 13.331 - éditoriaux - editorials 13.330 - négociables - negotiable 13.330 - fascicule - Issue 13.330 - parte - parte 13.329 - compensés - discounts 13.325 - pondéré - weighted 13.325 - étagés - separations 13.324 - géographiquement - geographically 13.324 - réconciliation - reconciliation 13.324 - chronologique - chronology 13.324 - superficiel - superficially 13.324 - Montréalais - Montrealers 13.324 - pourvues - indoor 13.324 - cols - collar 13.321 - singulièrement - singularly 13.321 - rubriques - headings 13.321 - portugais - Portuguese 13.320 - cérémonies - ceremonies 13.319 - symptômes - symptoms 13.317 - quarantaine - quarantine 13.317 - Supérieur - Superior 13.317 - Charlotte - McCain 13.317 - amiante - asbestos 13.317 - Islande - Iceland 13.317 - ultra - ultra 13.317 - Essex - Danforth 13.317 - FUNU - UNEF 13.315 - cuisine - kitchen 13.314 - pécuniaire - pecuniary 13.314 - imparfait - imperfect 13.314 - avenue - Avenue 13.313 - tracteur - tractor 13.311 - polluées - polluted 13.309 - avertissements - warnings 13.309 - technocrates - technocrats 13.308 - dissuade - deters 13.306 - idéaux - ideals 13.305 - manipuler - manipulate 13.305 - épidémie - epidemic 13.302 - capitalistes - capitalists 13.302 - impitoyable - ruthless 13.302 - protecteur - protector 13.302 - huttérites - Hutterite 13.301 - musique - music 13.301 - cantons - townships 13.299 - cauchemar - nightmare 13.297 - XVIIIE - eighteenth 13.294 - stratégies - strategies 13.294 - passive - passive 13.293 - Pratiquement - Virtually 13.293 - variables - variables 13.293 - canaux - canals 13.292 - préparatoire - preparatory 13.291 - généralités - generalities 13.291 - divine - divine 13.290 - contrebande - smuggling 13.288 - incompréhensibles - incomprehensible 13.288 - pétrochimiques - petrochemicals 13.288 - hydrographique - Estevan 13.288 - subordonnés - subordinate 13.288 - capitaliser - capitalizing 13.288 - subtilités - niceties 13.288 - promenades - trails 13.288 - courageuse - courageous 13.288 - clairsemée - sparse 13.288 - protocole - protocol 13.288 - pionniers - pioneers 13.288 - parierais - wager 13.288 - motorisés - extraprovincial 13.288 - fusionnés - merged 13.288 - défalquer - Cities 13.288 - caravanes - trailers 13.288 - agresseur - bullet 13.288 - accrocher - cling 13.288 - réparées - repaired 13.288 - recycler - recycle 13.288 - expulser - deport 13.288 - détroits - Straits 13.288 - coulent - shining 13.288 - Bedford - Massachusetts 13.288 - mouton - lamb 13.288 - louant - praising 13.288 - boisés - woodlot 13.288 - agréés - Chartered 13.288 - poule - hen 13.288 - Moins - Less 13.288 - Tour - Tower 13.288 - Kong - Hong 13.288 - Gros - Morne 13.285 - aveuglément - blindly 13.285 - versions - versions 13.284 - simultanée - simultaneous 13.284 - tailles - sizes 13.284 - mineur - miner 13.282 - fenêtres - windows 13.280 - spectre - spectre 13.279 - messagers - messenger 13.276 - malnutrition - malnutrition 13.276 - réouverture - reopening 13.276 - magnétiques - tapes 13.276 - inhumaines - inhumane 13.276 - simplifié - simplified 13.276 - Torontois - Torontonians 13.276 - épineux - thorny 13.276 - brousse - bush 13.276 - pentes - slopes 13.276 - soirs - evenings 13.276 - facto - facto 13.271 - prêteur - lender 13.271 - arables - arable 13.270 - rationnellement - rationally 13.270 - solliciteurs - solicitors 13.270 - intensifié - intensified 13.270 - ironie - irony 13.269 - adoucissement - relaxation 13.269 - toilette - toilet 13.269 - censure - censorship 13.267 - ridiculisé - ridiculed 13.264 - palestiniens - Palestinian 13.264 - scepticisme - skepticism 13.264 - popularité - popularity 13.264 - cadets - cadets 13.263 - tristesse - sadness 13.263 - peinture - paint 13.263 - ciment - cement 13.262 - multiplicité - multiplicity 13.261 - ameublement - furnishings 13.261 - textiles - textiles 13.261 - Saïgon - Saigon 13.259 - désenchantement - disillusionment 13.259 - frauduleuses - fraudulent 13.259 - dynamisme - dynamism 13.259 - révoqué - thereupon 13.259 - Normes - Standards 13.259 - iv - iv 13.258 - capitales - capitals 13.256 - africains - African 13.256 - mystère - mystery 13.255 - pléniers - Committees 13.255 - Précis - Forms 13.253 - involontaire - manslaughter 13.253 - récidive - recidivism 13.253 - odeur - smell 13.250 - paternaliste - paternalistic 13.250 - incalculable - incalculable 13.250 - idéologiques - ideological 13.250 - imbéciles - fools 13.250 - stériles - sterile 13.250 - raffiner - refine 13.250 - écrasés - crashed 13.250 - serres - cucumbers 13.250 - inouïe - unparalleled 13.249 - Come - Chance 13.247 - subtiles - subtle 13.247 - revendre - resell 13.247 - porteurs - drawers 13.247 - italien - Italian 13.247 - Traité - Jay 13.243 - persisté - persisted 13.243 - By - Chance 13.240 - capturés - captured 13.240 - delta - delta 13.240 - CEE - EEC 13.238 - réactionnaires - reactionary 13.238 - imperfections - imperfections 13.238 - monuments - monuments 13.238 - illicite - illicit 13.237 - ratifié - ratified 13.235 - intégrées - vertically 13.235 - rotation - rotation 13.234 - ambition - ambition 13.234 - whip - whip 13.233 - stagnation - stagnation 13.231 - candidatures - nominations 13.231 - Palestiniens - Palestinians 13.231 - impuissante - impotent 13.231 - entraîneurs - coaches 13.231 - trottoirs - rinks 13.231 - liquidité - liquidity 13.231 - formalité - formality 13.231 - assimilés - assimilated 13.231 - sonnerie - bells 13.231 - scrupule - qualms 13.231 - fertiles - fertile 13.231 - rivages - shorelines 13.231 - cercles - conspiracies 13.231 - violée - kidnapped 13.231 - Golfe - Persian 13.228 - cérémonie - ceremony 13.227 - vins - wines 13.225 - sisal - twine 13.224 - surpopulation - overpopulation 13.224 - Centenaire - Centennial 13.224 - trahison - treason 13.224 - habitat - habitat 13.221 - chaussure - shoe 13.221 - malsaine - unhealthy 13.220 - productions - productions 13.217 - diversification - diversification 13.217 - Télécommunications - Telecommunications 13.217 - ininterrompu - uninterrupted 13.217 - symboliques - gestures 13.217 - paralysée - paralyzed 13.217 - orphelins - orphans 13.217 - invention - invention 13.217 - influents - influential 13.217 - attentifs - attentive 13.217 - phoques - seals 13.217 - ennemi - enemy 13.217 - mélo - podge 13.217 - méli - podge 13.212 - luttes - struggles 13.210 - enseignements - teachings 13.210 - inexcusable - inexcusable 13.209 - réfrigérateurs - refrigerator 13.209 - rassurant - reassuring 13.209 - colonial - colonial 13.208 - Statuts - Statutes 13.207 - familiariser - familiarize 13.207 - Great - Sands 13.204 - passionnels - passion 13.204 - psychose - psychosis 13.203 - hérité - inherited 13.202 - divorce - divorce 13.200 - inspecteur - inspector 13.200 - inopérante - inoperative 13.200 - digression - digress 13.200 - contaminé - contaminated 13.200 - durables - durable 13.199 - certification - certification 13.199 - toxicomanes - addicts 13.199 - dissoute - dissolved 13.199 - inondés - flooded 13.199 - dessins - designs 13.198 - brièveté - brevity 13.198 - complot - plot 13.195 - logistique - logistic 13.195 - dissension - dissension 13.195 - tripotage - tampering 13.195 - débrayage - walkout 13.195 - synonyme - synonymous 13.195 - hongrois - Hungary 13.195 - aventure - adventure 13.195 - Prairie - Portage 13.195 - Église - Anglican 13.195 - croix - Christ 13.195 - blocs - blocs 13.192 - mécanisation - mechanization 13.192 - chrétienne - Christian 13.192 - éternelle - eternal 13.191 - cartels - cartels 13.189 - suicide - suicide 13.188 - intensité - intensity 13.187 - planchers - floors 13.186 - compensatoires - compensatory 13.185 - joueur - player 13.182 - cliniques - clinics 13.181 - usuriers - sharks 13.181 - concise - concise 13.181 - plaque - plate 13.177 - inéluctable - inescapable 13.177 - dictatorial - dictatorial 13.177 - graphiques - charts 13.177 - Parlements - Parliaments 13.177 - usuraires - sharking 13.177 - minotiers - millers 13.177 - impropres - unfit 13.177 - Richesses - Natural 13.177 - Intérieur - Morton 13.177 - tolèrent - repressive 13.177 - déguisée - disguised 13.177 - nerveux - nervous 13.177 - jugulée - licked 13.177 - rubans - tapes 13.177 - Wood - Gundy 13.174 - rapatrier - repatriate 13.173 - perfection - perfection 13.172 - loyauté - loyalty 13.170 - sauterelles - grasshoppers 13.170 - idéologie - ideology 13.169 - collection - numismatic 13.168 - paraphraser - paraphrase 13.167 - instable - unstable 13.167 - tueur - killer 13.167 - plume - pen 13.166 - sanctionné - sanctioned 13.166 - concurrent - competitor 13.166 - négation - negation 13.165 - analogie - analogy 13.161 - dangereusement - dangerously 13.161 - armement - armament 13.155 - fonctionnelle - functional 13.154 - respectables - respectable 13.154 - idiot - idiot 13.154 - os - sop 13.153 - transalaskien - TAPS 13.150 - affirmativement - affirmatively 13.150 - merveilleuses - marvelous 13.150 - gracieusement - graciously 13.150 - corporelles - ensues 13.150 - contentieux - Parkdale 13.150 - commodément - conveniently 13.150 - témoignant - testifying 13.150 - dépouillés - stripped 13.150 - athlétisme - athletics 13.150 - réchauffé - rehash 13.150 - fourberie - deceit 13.150 - acquiescé - acquiesced 13.150 - usuraire - usurious 13.150 - leurrons - delude 13.150 - lectures - readings 13.150 - freinage - brake 13.150 - déformée - warped 13.150 - discorde - discord 13.150 - arbitral - referees 13.150 - ranimer - revive 13.150 - ineptes - inane 13.150 - dixième - tenth 13.150 - bonnets - cats 13.150 - sourds - dumb 13.150 - rougir - blush 13.150 - freins - brake 13.150 - acuité - alarmingly 13.150 - épais - thick 13.150 - nappe - containment 13.150 - joies - pleasures 13.150 - Group - Assurance 13.150 - FBI - CIA 13.150 - ad - valorem 13.150 - k - k 13.147 - largesse - largesse 13.145 - portrait - portrait 13.145 - enterrer - bury 13.145 - gallons - gallons 13.144 - désavantageux - disadvantageous 13.144 - nutritifs - nutritious 13.144 - Messieurs - Messrs 13.143 - Demandez - Ask 13.143 - écrémé - skim 13.143 - roue - wheel 13.140 - ukrainienne - Ukrainian 13.138 - réacteur - reactor 13.137 - inapplicable - unworkable 13.137 - bombardement - bombing 13.137 - incontrôlée - uncontrolled 13.136 - toxicomanie - addiction 13.136 - sexuel - sexual 13.135 - camionneurs - truckers 13.132 - ensembles - complexes 13.129 - brochures - brochures 13.129 - pouce - inch 13.128 - climatiques - climatic 13.128 - restaurant - restaurant 13.124 - villégiature - resorts 13.124 - phraséologie - phraseology 13.124 - ferraille - scrapping 13.124 - épuisent - depleting 13.124 - briseurs - breakers 13.124 - aspirent - aspire 13.124 - Écoutez - Listen 13.124 - pieuses - pious 13.124 - larcins - pilferage 13.124 - bévues - blunders 13.124 - Agency - Intelligence 13.124 - plomb - zinc 13.124 - forer - drill 13.124 - rage - rage 13.124 - pile - battery 13.123 - Malpèque - Malpeque 13.122 - intentionné - intentioned 13.122 - Métis - Metis 13.118 - tertiaires - tertiary 13.118 - inertie - inertia 13.118 - priant - praying 13.117 - psychiatres - psychiatrists 13.117 - taudis - slums 13.116 - intelligemment - intelligently 13.116 - imparfaite - imperfect 13.115 - successeur - successor 13.115 - piscines - swimming 13.114 - architectes - architects 13.114 - Gaspé - Cyr 13.110 - spirituel - spiritual 13.110 - légaliser - legalize 13.110 - phoque - seal 13.108 - manuels - textbooks 13.108 - crème - cream 13.107 - annonceurs - advertisers 13.107 - polluent - pollute 13.107 - diplômé - graduate 13.107 - balles - bullet 13.106 - visas - visas 13.105 - fiasco - fiasco 13.103 - communiste - Communist 13.102 - survécu - survived 13.101 - univers - universe 13.101 - foin - hay 13.100 - harcèlement - harassment 13.100 - migration - migration 13.099 - télécommunication - telecommunication 13.099 - séparatistes - separatists 13.099 - vigilants - vigilant 13.099 - plausible - plausible 13.099 - montagne - mountain 13.099 - compiler - compile 13.099 - appétit - appetite 13.099 - vents - winds 13.099 - raté - blew 13.096 - élite - elite 13.096 - rêves - dreams 13.096 - XIXe - nineteenth 13.095 - minoterie - milling 13.094 - alinéas - subparagraphs 13.094 - pouces - inches 13.094 - culot - unmitigated 13.094 - arbre - tree 13.093 - fronts - fronts 13.092 - étiquettes - labels 13.090 - contamination - contamination 13.090 - égoïste - selfish 13.089 - effrayer - frighten 13.089 - caprice - whim 13.089 - Légion - Legion 13.086 - diversifier - diversify 13.086 - trahis - betrayed 13.084 - ensemencement - seeding 13.084 - brûler - burn 13.084 - fèves - beans 13.082 - polluants - pollutants 13.079 - périphériques - periphery 13.079 - prolongations - extensions 13.079 - dégradation - degradation 13.078 - expéditeur - shipper 13.077 - implicitement - implicitly 13.075 - psychiatriques - psychiatric 13.075 - brevets - patents 13.074 - indicateurs - indicators 13.074 - complément - adjunct 13.074 - hostile - hostile 13.074 - homards - lobsters 13.074 - Croix - Cross 13.074 - Bar - Yarmouth 13.072 - plastique - plastic 13.072 - maternité - maternity 13.070 - dictionnaire - dictionary 13.070 - dominent - dominate 13.070 - gâtés - spoiled 13.069 - meunerie - milling 13.069 - CIPAN - ICNAF 13.067 - Garde - Guard 13.066 - indulgente - lenient 13.066 - fanfare - fanfare 13.065 - perpétue - perpetuates 13.064 - exécutions - executions 13.062 - cynique - cynical 13.061 - irréalisable - impracticable 13.061 - narcomanes - addicts 13.061 - athlétique - athletic 13.061 - ukrainien - Ukrainian 13.061 - malchance - misfortune 13.061 - dérision - derision 13.061 - angoisse - anguish 13.061 - courses - racing 13.061 - abréger - shorten 13.061 - évasif - evasive 13.060 - Traditionnellement - Traditionally 13.057 - expérimentales - Experimental 13.057 - cavalièrement - roughshod 13.057 - stratégiques - strategic 13.057 - chatouilleux - touchy 13.057 - sciemment - knowingly 13.057 - détection - detection 13.057 - Général - McAlpine 13.057 - nocifs - noxious 13.057 - diesel - diesel 13.056 - incompatibles - incompatible 13.054 - précipité - precipitated 13.054 - humilité - humility 13.053 - huiles - edible 13.052 - dévaluation - devaluation 13.051 - inspecter - inspect 13.051 - ambiguïté - ambiguity 13.051 - méfiance - mistrust 13.050 - pollué - polluted 13.049 - zambiennes - Zambian 13.048 - Russes - Russians 13.047 - surproduction - overproduction 13.047 - séparatiste - separatist 13.046 - PNB - GNP 13.044 - Commandement - Command 13.041 - tri - sorting 13.040 - inscriptions - registrations 13.037 - promenade - Drive 13.037 - oratoire - rhetorical 13.037 - dénoncer - denounce 13.037 - pneus - tires 13.037 - purs - nobodies 13.037 - ri - laughed 13.033 - contenants - containers 13.032 - négociateurs - negotiators 13.032 - ébranler - shake 13.030 - banlieues - suburbs 13.029 - illicites - illicit 13.029 - moutons - sheep 13.029 - sexes - sexes 13.027 - surveillant - supervisor 13.027 - favorite - favourite 13.025 - interdépendants - interdependent 13.025 - incontrôlables - uncontrollable 13.025 - atermoiements - fiddling 13.025 - stupéfaction - amazement 13.025 - opportunisme - opportunism 13.025 - héroïnomanes - addicted 13.025 - Travailleurs - Auto 13.025 - narcotiques - narcotics 13.025 - moyennement - intermediate 13.025 - indésirable - gaze 13.025 - forfaitaire - severence 13.025 - désapprouve - disapproves 13.025 - terrifiant - frightful 13.025 - pharmacies - medicines 13.025 - betteraves - beets 13.025 - Provencher - Epp 13.025 - sinistres - sinister 13.025 - satellite - Satellite 13.025 - oralement - verbally 13.025 - inattendu - unexpected 13.025 - boulettes - Pittsburgh 13.025 - Indiennes - aides 13.025 - révoquer - revoke 13.025 - imprévue - unforeseen 13.025 - fusionné - merged 13.025 - excusant - condoning 13.025 - ennuyeux - boring 13.025 - désarroi - disarray 13.025 - arrières - grandchildren 13.025 - équiper - equip 13.025 - réformé - reformed 13.025 - odieuse - invidious 13.025 - sépare - separates 13.025 - phares - beacons 13.025 - ronds - rounded 13.025 - péché - sin 13.025 - culte - worship 13.025 - cases - boxes 13.025 - atout - trump 13.025 - Érié - Erie 13.025 - Erié - Erie 13.025 - osé - dared 13.021 - sexuels - sexual 13.020 - Grain - Growers 13.017 - révélations - revelations 13.014 - nutritive - nutritional 13.013 - expérimenter - experimentation 13.013 - travaillais - miner 13.013 - inépuisable - inexhaustible 13.013 - hospitalisé - hospitalized 13.013 - bombardiers - missile 13.013 - insécurité - insecurity 13.013 - infirmités - disabilities 13.013 - illustrant - illustrating 13.013 - redoubler - Waldheim 13.013 - bagatelle - picayune 13.013 - habiller - clothe 13.013 - campeurs - camping 13.013 - abstenus - refrained 13.013 - évincer - displace 13.013 - relais - relay 13.013 - bums - bums 13.013 - nu - naked 13.012 - téléphoné - phoned 13.011 - communistes - communists 13.011 - maires - mayors 13.009 - hydrocarbures - hydrocarbons 13.009 - acquittement - Morgentaler 13.009 - inquiétants - disquieting 13.009 - gratuites - gratuitous 13.009 - révisés - Revised 13.009 - avouée - avowed 13.009 - las - weary 13.008 - prolifération - proliferation 13.008 - polluer - pollute 13.008 - russe - Russian 13.006 - châtiments - corporal 13.002 - églises - churches 13.001 - biculturalisme - biculturalism 13.001 - représailles - retaliatory 13.001 - synthétique - synthetic 13.001 - corruption - corruption 13.001 - Indochine - Indochina 12.998 - séquestre - receivership 12.996 - comotionnaire - Blaker 12.996 - salutaire - salutary 12.996 - Boundary - Whittaker 12.995 - piraterie - piracy 12.995 - endurcis - hardened 12.994 - préférences - preferences 12.993 - inspiration - inspiration 12.993 - éparpillés - scattered 12.992 - marques - brands 12.989 - appendice - appendix 12.989 - pourris - rotten 12.989 - souper - supper 12.988 - pièges - traps 12.988 - jardin - garden 12.987 - affaiblissement - weakening 12.987 - expérimentale - Experimental 12.987 - rapatriement - repatriation 12.987 - plastiques - plastics 12.987 - variétés - varieties 12.987 - barbares - barbaric 12.987 - sourit - smiles 12.985 - harceler - harass 12.985 - fragile - fragile 12.984 - traductions - Translation 12.983 - Chapitre - Chapter 12.982 - soleil - sun 12.980 - accessoires - accessories 12.980 - locataire - tenant 12.980 - préface - preface 12.979 - couloirs - corridors 12.978 - techniquement - technically 12.977 - intentionnellement - intentionally 12.977 - insidieuses - insidious 12.977 - accidentel - accidental 12.977 - gracieuse - gracious 12.977 - tortures - torture 12.977 - perplexe - perplexed 12.977 - romain - Roman 12.977 - comtés - Counties 12.975 - cruauté - cruelty 12.974 - insérant - inserting 12.974 - café - coffee 12.972 - portefeuilles - portfolios 12.972 - potable - drinking 12.970 - étonnants - disconcerting 12.970 - immigrer - immigrate 12.970 - coucher - bedrooms 12.970 - abusifs - abusive 12.970 - Projet - Anti 12.969 - banquiers - bankers 12.968 - nationalisées - nationalized 12.968 - Absolument - Absolutely 12.968 - évasives - evasive 12.968 - chenal - dredged 12.967 - rente - annuity 12.967 - pieux - pious 12.966 - Line - Pipe 12.962 - fonctionnel - functional 12.959 - moralement - morally 12.958 - douceurs - goodies 12.958 - monstre - monster 12.958 - fuites - leaks 12.955 - monument - monument 12.954 - arithmétique - arithmetic 12.954 - téléphones - phones 12.954 - précipitée - precipitated 12.954 - Poursuivez - Continue 12.954 - chinoise - descent 12.954 - calamité - calamity 12.954 - timides - timid 12.954 - forfait - underwriting 12.954 - abrégée - Short 12.954 - Street - Wall 12.954 - talus - slopes 12.954 - métis - Métis 12.954 - émoi - trepidation 12.953 - Inuits - Inuit 12.951 - subversives - subversive 12.951 - vertus - virtues 12.950 - tomates - tomatoes 12.949 - imprévisibles - unpredictable 12.949 - vôtre - yours 12.947 - maladroite - ham 12.947 - compagnons - companions 12.947 - Management - Associates 12.947 - affaiblit - weakens 12.947 - pluviaux - sewers 12.947 - indignes - unworthy 12.947 - résumée - summarized 12.947 - réfugié - refugee 12.947 - ailes - wings 12.947 - Citez - Name 12.944 - chanson - song 12.942 - terminologie - terminology 12.942 - astucieux - astute 12.942 - trucs - gimmicks 12.941 - insinuations - insinuations 12.941 - périodiques - periodicals 12.941 - conteneur - container 12.938 - rétroactivement - retroactively 12.937 - insulaires - islanders 12.937 - sanitaire - sanitary 12.937 - oiseau - bird 12.936 - inutilisés - unused 12.936 - abominable - abominable 12.936 - déprécier - depreciate 12.936 - indécis - undecided 12.934 - désapprobation - disapproval 12.934 - impraticable - unworkable 12.932 - multilatérales - multilateral 12.932 - textuellement - verbatim 12.932 - extravagante - extravagant 12.932 - auxiliaires - auxiliaries 12.932 - valeureux - gallant 12.932 - pénaliser - penalizing 12.932 - manuel - Manual 12.932 - ardue - arduous 12.932 - case - Box 12.930 - irrégularités - irregularities 12.930 - compliquer - complicate 12.929 - substitution - substitution 12.926 - cumulatif - cumulative 12.924 - inventé - invented 12.923 - Cinquièmement - Fifth 12.923 - inspections - inspections 12.923 - dépliants - pamphlets 12.923 - magique - wand 12.923 - École - School 12.923 - hôtes - guests 12.922 - supermarché - supermarket 12.918 - désintéressé - disinterested 12.918 - chaotique - chaotic 12.918 - panacée - panacea 12.918 - décence - decency 12.914 - stades - arenas 12.913 - remboursables - repayable 12.913 - littérature - literature 12.910 - décentralisé - decentralized 12.910 - by - Chance 12.909 - manipulation - manipulation 12.909 - intempestive - intemperate 12.909 - inconcevable - inconceivable 12.909 - commissariat - Refugees 12.909 - arriveraient - yielded 12.909 - insensibles - insensitive 12.909 - consortiums - syndicates 12.909 - modérément - sparingly 12.909 - consortium - consortium 12.909 - Abbotsford - Chilliwack 12.909 - surchargé - overburdened 12.909 - dispense - dispensation 12.909 - peuplé - thinly 12.909 - oncle - electrician 12.909 - Gimli - Transcona 12.909 - Food - Ont 12.907 - loyaux - loyal 12.906 - uniformément - uniformly 12.905 - théoriquement - theoretically 12.905 - divulgations - disclosures 12.905 - rétrograde - retrograde 12.904 - cyniques - cynical 12.903 - arctique - Archipelago 12.902 - rétrospective - retrospect 12.901 - contaminants - Contaminants 12.901 - chiliens - Chilean 12.901 - West - Transmission 12.899 - ravages - ravages 12.898 - faillites - bankruptcies 12.897 - atelier - shopcraft 12.897 - Capital - Ventures 12.897 - jet - jet 12.896 - commémoratifs - commemorative 12.896 - cigarettes - cigarettes 12.896 - rapié - patchwork 12.893 - perpétuelles - perpetual 12.892 - gazeuses - drinks 12.890 - ligues - leagues 12.889 - déchargement - unloading 12.889 - Père - Father 12.887 - involontairement - unintentionally 12.887 - magnifiquement - beautifully 12.887 - consciencieuse - industrious 12.887 - réorientation - redirection 12.887 - maintiendront - uneven 12.887 - embouteillage - bottleneck 12.887 - interrogeons - divested 12.887 - Construction - Lucas 12.887 - superviser - oversee 12.887 - périodique - periodical 12.887 - hémorragie - bleeding 12.887 - démesurée - Realizing 12.887 - reposant - formations 12.887 - insectes - spraying 12.887 - enrichie - enriched 12.887 - Valentin - Valentyn 12.887 - Hospital - Lodge 12.887 - évacuer - trawler 12.887 - paquets - packages 12.887 - fraudes - cheating 12.887 - cheveux - hair 12.887 - brigade - squad 12.887 - louche - shady 12.887 - closes - Account 12.887 - queue - caboose 12.887 - ponts - bridges 12.887 - noire - Gentleman 12.887 - loups - wolf 12.887 - pare - bumper 12.887 - muté - incumbents 12.887 - Mise - Start 12.885 - maladresse - bungling 12.885 - orange - orange 12.885 - minuit - midnight 12.885 - soif - lust 12.884 - affaibli - weakened 12.883 - désastres - disasters 12.881 - profiteurs - profiteers 12.881 - illégalité - illegality 12.881 - futilité - futility 12.881 - cordons - strings 12.876 - privation - deprivation 12.876 - no - Case 12.874 - Normalement - Normally 12.874 - percée - breakthrough 12.873 - occasionnée - occasioned 12.873 - fabuleuses - fabulous 12.873 - structuré - structured 12.873 - créations - creatures 12.873 - neuviens - Newfoundlanders 12.873 - caprices - whims 12.873 - tripler - tripling 12.873 - maillon - weakest 12.873 - annexés - appended 12.873 - divise - divides 12.873 - EXPO - Expo 12.872 - étrangement - strangely 12.870 - Harbour - Ship 12.869 - grévistes - strikers 12.869 - malsain - unhealthy 12.868 - hélicoptère - helicopter 12.868 - Partout - Everywhere 12.864 - visa - visa 12.861 - Politique - Phase 12.861 - rayon - radius 12.860 - marijuana - marijuana 12.858 - bière - beer 12.857 - admirables - admirable 12.857 - High - Jelinek 12.855 - surpeuplement - crowding 12.855 - mathématiques - mathematics 12.855 - déportation - Reddy 12.855 - avortements - abortions 12.855 - décevantes - disappointing 12.855 - remorques - trailers 12.855 - arctiques - Prevention 12.855 - groupées - grouped 12.853 - cumulatifs - cumulative 12.852 - capitaliste - capitalistic 12.851 - ancêtres - ancestors 12.850 - verre - glass 12.848 - condoléances - condolences 12.848 - ironique - ironic 12.847 - tardivement - belatedly 12.847 - souverains - sovereign 12.846 - concentrés - concentrates 12.844 - psychologiques - psychological 12.844 - obstinément - steadfastly 12.844 - utilement - usefully 12.844 - saillants - salient 12.844 - désordres - disorders 12.844 - applaudit - applauding 12.844 - emballés - packed 12.844 - champion - champion 12.844 - annulant - cancelling 12.844 - accablés - harassed 12.844 - artisan - pudding 12.844 - abusive - abusive 12.844 - épaves - barges 12.844 - amusé - amused 12.844 - taxi - taxi 12.842 - flottant - floating 12.841 - Connaissant - Knowing 12.840 - multilatéraux - multilateral 12.840 - populaires - populaires 12.840 - reporters - reporters 12.839 - compilation - compilation 12.839 - commutation - commutation 12.839 - piastres - Harris 12.839 - imminent - imminent 12.839 - profil - profile 12.837 - septième - seventh 12.837 - loyale - Loyal 12.835 - automatisation - automation 12.835 - décharger - unload 12.833 - barrière - barrier 12.832 - subversive - subversive 12.832 - concluante - conclusive 12.832 - concevable - conceivable 12.832 - nutrition - Nutrition 12.832 - casiers - traps 12.831 - enfance - childhood 12.829 - flottes - fleets 12.828 - conspiration - conspiracy 12.828 - diversifiée - diversified 12.828 - intimement - intimately 12.827 - signaux - signals 12.827 - Shore - Crouse 12.825 - patrouilleurs - patrol 12.825 - multilatérale - multilateral 12.825 - prédiction - prediction 12.825 - anormaux - abnormal 12.823 - affiliées - affiliated 12.823 - vitesses - speeds 12.823 - Document - Working 12.823 - paysage - scenery 12.823 - trêve - truce 12.823 - trahi - betrayed 12.822 - sacrifices - sacrifices 12.821 - versa - versa 12.820 - croisements - separations 12.820 - explosion - explosion 12.817 - mercure - mercury 12.816 - négligeables - negligible 12.816 - volumineux - voluminous 12.816 - prudemment - cautiously 12.816 - armements - armaments 12.816 - enchère - auction 12.816 - paris - racing 12.816 - fonte - melting 12.815 - commémoratives - commemorative 12.815 - scolarité - tuition 12.814 - déformation - distortion 12.814 - compliments - compliments 12.813 - hypocrite - hypocritical 12.812 - panier - basket 12.811 - tracteurs - tractors 12.810 - embarrasser - embarrass 12.809 - révolutionnaire - revolutionary 12.809 - ressentiment - resentment 12.809 - codification - coding 12.809 - métalliques - Arms 12.809 - attraction - attraction 12.809 - folles - spree 12.809 - CTC - CLC 12.808 - fiducies - trusts 12.808 - zambien - Zambian 12.807 - feuillets - slips 12.802 - grossièrement - rudely 12.802 - interjection - interjection 12.802 - pittoresque - colourful 12.802 - infaillible - hepatitis 12.802 - extradition - measurements 12.802 - contestable - exceptionable 12.802 - plaisanter - facetious 12.802 - légitimité - legitimacy 12.802 - indéniable - undeniable 12.802 - trompeurs - deceptive 12.802 - sucrières - beets 12.802 - méprendre - unmistakable 12.802 - imminence - looming 12.802 - engrenage - mesh 12.802 - confronté - vapour 12.802 - inventer - invent 12.802 - intrigue - puzzles 12.802 - débordés - overworked 12.802 - Colorado - Denver 12.802 - rouvrir - reopen 12.802 - piloter - piloting 12.802 - méprise - misapprehension 12.802 - pieuse - pious 12.802 - marées - tides 12.802 - dégagé - thread 12.802 - cahier - Administrator 12.802 - anodin - innocuous 12.802 - Procès - Votes 12.802 - Ernest - Roger 12.802 - sommé - ultimatum 12.802 - noyer - drowning 12.802 - jurés - juries 12.802 - douté - doubted 12.802 - MDT - MOT 12.802 - be - rammed 12.800 - déversements - spills 12.800 - Industries - Triton 12.800 - greffiers - clerks 12.800 - marges - margins 12.798 - Genève - Geneva 12.798 - Press - Free 12.797 - potasse - potash 12.796 - réévaluation - revaluation 12.794 - homicides - homicides 12.794 - coulisses - scenes 12.794 - épingle - pin 12.793 - inhumaine - inhuman 12.793 - hostiles - hostile 12.792 - catastrophique - catastrophic 12.792 - décisives - decisive 12.792 - patentes - patent 12.791 - relu - reread 12.790 - contrôleurs - controllers 12.789 - sinistre - sinister 12.788 - latine - Latin 12.787 - théâtre - theatre 12.785 - tablettes - chocolate 12.784 - jurisprudence - jurisprudence 12.784 - ateliers - workshops 12.784 - admire - admire 12.783 - zèle - zeal 12.782 - intellectuelles - intellectual 12.782 - miche - loaf 12.780 - OCDE - OECD 12.778 - immoral - immoral 12.777 - découragement - discouragement 12.777 - affiliation - affiliation 12.777 - paralysés - paralyzed 12.777 - esquimaux - hunters 12.776 - extrapolation - projection 12.776 - détenteur - holder 12.776 - déjeuner - luncheon 12.776 - Neuviens - Newfoundlanders 12.776 - aumônes - handouts 12.775 - lin - flax 12.774 - influences - influences 12.774 - alliés - allies 12.773 - réaffirmé - reaffirmed 12.772 - mesquinerie - selfishness 12.772 - concluantes - inconclusive 12.772 - glissement - breakwaters 12.772 - encombrées - overpopulation 12.772 - cramponner - clinging 12.772 - contempler - scenic 12.772 - vingtième - twentieth 12.772 - soudaines - jumps 12.772 - ingénieur - engineer 12.772 - corporate - bums 12.772 - vantait - boasted 12.772 - vacance - vacancy 12.772 - matches - televising 12.772 - infinie - infinite 12.772 - chanter - sing 12.772 - tuyaux - taps 12.772 - saveur - flavour 12.772 - minces - slim 12.772 - idiots - dumb 12.772 - amiral - barge 12.772 - laver - washing 12.772 - Pr - Fattah 12.771 - poignée - handful 12.771 - commuer - commute 12.770 - Égypte - Egypt 12.769 - hélicoptères - helicopters 12.768 - répugnant - repugnant 12.768 - décisive - decisively 12.766 - questionnaires - questionnaires 12.764 - roi - king 12.763 - quotient - quotient 12.762 - consciencieusement - conscientiously 12.762 - malveillantes - insinuations 12.762 - verbalement - verbally 12.762 - sénatoriale - senatorial 12.762 - pétrolifère - Leduc 12.762 - inversement - conversely 12.762 - immatriculé - Singapore 12.762 - diplômées - Criminology 12.762 - optimale - optimum 12.762 - naufrage - tug 12.762 - épaules - shrug 12.762 - largeur - width 12.762 - dispute - bone 12.762 - baratin - waffling 12.762 - trève - truce 12.762 - salon - lounge 12.762 - pêché - fished 12.762 - logés - housed 12.762 - coulé - sunk 12.762 - Bonne - Student 12.762 - Belle - belle 12.762 - cou - neck 12.759 - promoteur - promoter 12.759 - atomique - Atomic 12.757 - Fraternité - Brotherhood 12.757 - bâton - carrot 12.756 - interprétations - interpretations 12.756 - sourd - deaf 12.755 - remboursable - repayable 12.755 - Mauricie - Forillon 12.754 - complications - complications 12.754 - médiation - mediation 12.753 - polaires - polar 12.752 - ingrédients - ingredients 12.750 - collusion - collusion 12.750 - polaire - polar 12.746 - réaffirmer - reaffirm 12.746 - écologie - ecology 12.746 - crient - yell 12.746 - éludé - evaded 12.746 - rose - rosy 12.745 - importateur - importer 12.745 - suppléants - deputies 12.745 - tueurs - killers 12.745 - homard - lobster 12.744 - catalogue - catalogue 12.742 - exproprier - expropriate 12.742 - Madeleine - Béchard 12.742 - théories - theories 12.741 - irresponsabilité - irresponsibility 12.741 - amusant - amusing 12.740 - triage - marshalling 12.739 - Bas - Netherlands 12.738 - arrêts - stoppages 12.737 - réhabilités - rehabilitated 12.737 - effluents - effluent 12.737 - poulet - broiler 12.737 - maïs - corn 12.736 - chauffeurs - drivers 12.736 - groupés - grouped 12.735 - indéterminée - indeterminate 12.735 - entrepôt - sufferance 12.735 - chantage - blackmail 12.735 - amusante - amusing 12.735 - Ajoutons - Add 12.735 - welfare - bums 12.735 - planète - planet 12.735 - alcools - liquor 12.735 - ouvrés - artifacts 12.735 - micro - microphone 12.735 - Prêts - Loan 12.734 - bénédiction - blessing 12.733 - poussière - dust 12.732 - extravagances - extravagance 12.732 - moraux - ethical 12.730 - ascendance - ancestry 12.730 - affiliés - affiliated 12.730 - rassuré - reassured 12.729 - pécuniaires - pecuniary 12.729 - prévisible - predictable 12.729 - appréhendé - apprehended 12.729 - surcharge - surcharge 12.729 - clémence - clemency 12.729 - harcelé - harassed 12.728 - astronomique - astronomical 12.727 - abandonne - abandons 12.725 - Nouveaux - Horizons 12.725 - fléau - scourge 12.724 - accédé - acceded 12.722 - Lethbridge - Hurlburt 12.722 - dénigrer - denigrate 12.722 - épuiser - deplete 12.722 - Clark - Ramsey 12.722 - rêvé - dreamed 12.722 - RR - Guelph 12.721 - anomalie - anomaly 12.717 - aéronautique - Aeronautics 12.717 - souterrain - underground 12.717 - Gaspésie - Gaspe 12.717 - évite - avoids 12.716 - exceptionnellement - exceptionally 12.716 - fragmentaire - piecemeal 12.715 - triplé - tripled 12.713 - neutre - neutral 12.712 - astronomiques - astronomical 12.712 - intercepter - intercept 12.712 - dentaires - auxiliaries 12.710 - pessimiste - pessimistic 12.709 - insatisfaits - Firenza 12.709 - officieux - unofficial 12.709 - immensité - vastness 12.709 - affaiblie - weakened 12.709 - carcan - straitjacket 12.709 - allégé - eased 12.709 - clubs - clubs 12.708 - bribes - bits 12.707 - lucratives - lucrative 12.704 - moratoire - moratorium 12.703 - reconstruction - reconstruction 12.703 - congestionnés - congested 12.703 - Ordinairement - Ordinarily 12.703 - écroulement - collapsed 12.703 - examinateur - Petitions 12.703 - postulants - seekers 12.703 - mobilières - transferable 12.703 - auxiliaire - adjunct 12.703 - Territoire - Territory 12.703 - tolérante - laxity 12.703 - retombées - radioactive 12.703 - marquait - Fuel 12.703 - expulsée - expelled 12.703 - dentaire - Dental 12.703 - autruche - sand 12.703 - précoce - frost 12.703 - fidèles - faithful 12.703 - exploit - feat 12.703 - dissout - dissolved 12.703 - Entente - Areas 12.703 - Crown - Bathurst 12.702 - facultés - faculties 12.701 - arbitrairement - arbitrarily 12.701 - Asie - Asia 12.697 - énumération - enumeration 12.697 - chaise - wheelchair 12.697 - vante - boasts 12.697 - huis - camera 12.695 - suffisance - complacency 12.695 - vocation - vocation 12.694 - bourses - scholarships 12.692 - logiquement - logically 12.691 - organisateurs - organizers 12.691 - Newfoundland - Steamships 12.691 - soupçonneux - suspicious 12.691 - verbales - verbal 12.691 - Export - Import 12.689 - vacant - vacant 12.687 - soumissionné - tendered 12.687 - impuissance - helplessness 12.686 - comparatif - comparative 12.685 - affection - affection 12.684 - providence - divine 12.684 - espérance - expectancy 12.684 - déplacées - displaced 12.684 - externes - standardization 12.684 - amateurs - amateurs 12.684 - his - bout 12.683 - slogan - slogan 12.682 - Habituellement - Usually 12.682 - tertiaire - tertiary 12.682 - dénoncé - denounced 12.680 - vérificateur - auditor 12.679 - synthétiques - synthetic 12.679 - bulletins - bulletins 12.679 - pères - grandfathers 12.678 - solidarité - solidarity 12.677 - souverain - sovereign 12.675 - rationner - ration 12.674 - contradictions - contradictions 12.674 - consolidation - consolidation 12.674 - surestaries - demurrage 12.674 - effronterie - gall 12.674 - superflue - superfluous 12.674 - emportent - nays 12.674 - Continuez - Continue 12.674 - émaner - emanate 12.672 - emprunteur - borrower 12.671 - intergouvernementale - IMCO 12.671 - instabilité - instability 12.671 - négociants - traders 12.671 - ambiguïtés - uncovered 12.671 - prévalus - availed 12.671 - lésées - aggrieved 12.670 - maris - husbands 12.670 - frère - brother 12.669 - distingue - distinguishes 12.669 - Time - Digest 12.669 - Parc - Samuel 12.666 - fédération - federation 12.666 - vicieux - vicious 12.665 - météorologique - rainfall 12.665 - incontestables - undeniable 12.665 - engraissement - feedlot 12.665 - transitoires - transitional 12.665 - incorporant - embodying 12.665 - défavoriser - militate 12.665 - raffineurs - refiners 12.665 - Ukrainiens - Italians 12.665 - véhémence - vehemently 12.665 - promènent - wander 12.665 - litigieux - contentious 12.665 - analysées - analyzed 12.665 - insulter - insulting 12.665 - étouffe - stifled 12.665 - réussie - trigger 12.665 - inculpé - lawfully 12.665 - grasses - generic 12.665 - fraises - pears 12.665 - réfuté - rebuttal 12.665 - adhère - conspicuous 12.665 - sénat - senate 12.665 - amère - bitter 12.665 - X - Forecast 12.664 - textile - Clothing 12.664 - flotter - float 12.659 - délégations - delegations 12.659 - sévérité - severity 12.659 - surtemps - overtime 12.659 - emprunte - borrows 12.659 - revues - magazines 12.656 - fêtes - celebrations 12.655 - bibliothèque - library 12.655 - dérivation - Garrison 12.655 - perdant - loser 12.655 - réagit - reacts 12.655 - fusil - rifle 12.654 - fusion - fusion 12.653 - indéfinie - indefinite 12.653 - neutres - neutral 12.653 - lits - beds 12.650 - spécifique - valorem 12.650 - rigidité - rigidity 12.648 - monnaies - currencies 12.648 - armature - backbone 12.646 - tranquillement - quietly 12.646 - intransigeance - intransigent 12.646 - câblodiffusion - cablevision 12.646 - dédoublement - duality 12.646 - coprésidents - chairmen 12.646 - consécration - Morgentaler 12.646 - authentiques - authentic 12.646 - enseignants - Teachers 12.646 - encombrante - cumbersome 12.646 - empiètement - encroachment 12.646 - surestarie - demurrage 12.646 - méchanceté - malice 12.646 - localement - locally 12.646 - semailles - seeding 12.646 - roulottes - trailers 12.646 - dispensée - Occupational 12.646 - écrivain - writer 12.646 - pionnier - pioneering 12.646 - inactifs - inactive 12.646 - immorale - immoral 12.646 - attraits - beauties 12.646 - évasive - evasive 12.646 - bloquée - blocked 12.646 - pudeur - indecent 12.646 - empiré - worsened 12.646 - Credit - Retail 12.646 - gâter - spoil 12.646 - Wheat - Palliser 12.642 - incarcération - incarceration 12.642 - stratégique - strategic 12.642 - créatrice - creative 12.641 - Caraïbes - Caribbean 12.639 - souriant - smiling 12.639 - Paper - Pulp 12.638 - recrutés - recruited 12.636 - composés - compounds 12.636 - Norad - NORAD 12.633 - exportateur - exporter 12.633 - Exactement - Exactly 12.632 - autoroutes - expressways 12.632 - inhumain - inhumane 12.630 - applaudissent - applauding 12.629 - séparatisme - separatism 12.629 - arène - arena 12.628 - certifié - certified 12.626 - Zélande - Zealand 12.625 - déplacés - displaced 12.625 - péage - toll 12.624 - frauduleuse - fraudulent 12.624 - locations - rentals 12.623 - revalorisation - RRAP 12.623 - colis - parcels 12.622 - innombrables - innumerable 12.622 - distraire - distracted 12.622 - adduction - drainage 12.621 - discrétionnaires - discretionary 12.621 - fondateurs - founding 12.619 - systématiquement - systematically 12.619 - légalité - legality 12.619 - frères - brothers 12.618 - ingéniosité - ingenuity 12.617 - raciale - racial 12.617 - XXe - twentieth 12.616 - favori - favourite 12.614 - défenseurs - defenders 12.614 - parcelles - parcels 12.614 - chair - flesh 12.614 - tir - Range 12.613 - stérile - sterile 12.610 - rétentionnistes - retentionists 12.610 - perquisitionner - raid 12.610 - renonciation - forgiveness 12.610 - paperasserie - paperwork 12.610 - moissonneuse - combining 12.610 - convaincants - cogent 12.610 - accouchement - maternity 12.610 - liquidation - liquidation 12.610 - enlèvements - kidnappers 12.610 - dépositaire - repository 12.610 - indulgents - lenient 12.610 - désinvolte - flippant 12.610 - conteneurs - containerization 12.610 - Swackhamer - Archambault 12.610 - révoltant - revolting 12.610 - découlera - hopelessness 12.610 - densément - densely 12.610 - culminant - culmination 12.610 - conquérir - conquer 12.610 - complétée - complemented 12.610 - épineuse - ticklish 12.610 - paralysé - paralyzed 12.610 - minérale - Mineral 12.610 - minimise - minimizing 12.610 - magazine - Weekend 12.610 - fillette - Tanya 12.610 - cachette - secretly 12.610 - sortant - outgoing 12.610 - pierres - rocks 12.610 - déformé - distorted 12.610 - comique - humorous 12.610 - pesant - weighing 12.610 - nobles - noble 12.610 - voile - sailing 12.610 - noble - noble 12.610 - Hôtel - Samuel 12.610 - oeuf - hen 12.610 - lésé - encroached 12.610 - it - rammed 12.607 - applaudi - applauded 12.606 - échantillon - sample 12.604 - arrogants - arrogant 12.603 - infirmes - infirm 12.602 - ressortissants - nationals 12.601 - township - township 12.599 - universellement - universally 12.599 - Monnaie - Mint 12.599 - moulée - concentrates 12.598 - misérable - miserable 12.598 - diesels - diesel 12.598 - amasser - unearned 12.598 - vôtres - yours 12.598 - humble - praying 12.596 - superficies - acreages 12.596 - obscur - obscure 12.596 - fériés - holidays 12.596 - abusif - abusive 12.595 - toit - roof 12.594 - audacieuses - bold 12.594 - passion - passion 12.593 - démissionné - resigned 12.593 - sable - sand 12.592 - décevante - disappointing 12.592 - cessation - severence 12.592 - Roumanie - Roumanian 12.592 - pendus - hanged 12.591 - restructuration - restructuring 12.591 - Pâques - Easter 12.590 - révolution - revolution 12.588 - disparaît - disappears 12.586 - photos - pictures 12.584 - manquerais - remiss 12.584 - iota - iota 12.582 - désaisonnalisé - seasonally 12.582 - défenseur - defender 12.582 - toléré - tolerated 12.581 - tristement - sadly 12.581 - patrie - homeland 12.581 - gorge - canyon 12.580 - forclusion - foreclosure 12.580 - enrichir - enrich 12.579 - horizons - horizons 12.575 - coïncidence - coincidence 12.575 - manchettes - headlines 12.574 - adversaires - opponents 12.574 - Auparavant - Previously 12.574 - sixième - sixth 12.574 - pistes - runways 12.574 - Mettez - Put 12.574 - age - patchwork 12.572 - écrasement - crash 12.571 - rationaliser - rationalize 12.571 - viandes - meats 12.570 - Californie - California 12.569 - audace - audacity 12.568 - vérifications - audits 12.568 - nationalisé - nationalized 12.568 - ensemencer - sow 12.568 - sexuelle - sexual 12.568 - organe - organ 12.568 - commué - commuted 12.568 - soya - soya 12.566 - techniciens - technicians 12.565 - adjudicataire - tenderer 12.565 - nivellement - levelling 12.565 - dénaturer - misrepresent 12.565 - imprévus - contingencies 12.565 - exploits - exploits 12.565 - étouffé - stifled 12.565 - vantent - brag 12.565 - privant - depriving 12.565 - mélange - mixture 12.565 - imputée - imputed 12.565 - graduel - Penman 12.565 - express - expressways 12.565 - toupet - gall 12.565 - leurre - deluding 12.565 - canton - township 12.565 - usure - attrition 12.565 - OPEP - OPEC 12.564 - favoritisme - patronage 12.563 - fermeté - firmness 12.562 - alcooliques - alcoholic 12.562 - camps - camps 12.560 - modernisation - modernization 12.560 - hébergement - lodging 12.560 - spéculer - speculating 12.560 - insensée - senseless 12.555 - aménageur - developer 12.554 - révolutionnaires - revolutionary 12.554 - complexités - complexities 12.554 - péninsule - peninsula 12.553 - passifs - passive 12.553 - habiles - skilful 12.553 - additif - Budget 12.553 - dessin - Design 12.553 - sonné - bells 12.551 - pharmaceutiques - pharmaceutical 12.551 - ébranlé - shaken 12.551 - tonnage - tonnage 12.551 - stature - stature 12.551 - écran - smokescreen 12.551 - Vingt - Twenty 12.551 - fève - soybean 12.547 - élargissant - broadening 12.547 - exempte - exempts 12.546 - inviolabilité - sanctity 12.546 - Imaginez - Imagine 12.546 - manteau - coat 12.546 - dérive - drifting 12.545 - hypocrites - hypocritical 12.543 - coffres - coffers 12.543 - humour - humour 12.540 - soja - soybean 12.539 - inconditionnel - unconditional 12.539 - septentrional - Slope 12.539 - inadvertance - inadvertently 12.539 - malentendus - misunderstandings 12.539 - contrepoids - counterbalance 12.539 - manigances - gamesmanship 12.539 - exécutoire - enforceable 12.539 - surprises - surprises 12.539 - méritoire - meritorious 12.539 - familiers - pets 12.539 - détériore - deteriorates 12.539 - vêtement - Clothing 12.539 - précéder - preambles 12.539 - mutation - incumbents 12.539 - investit - invests 12.539 - Seigneur - possessions 12.539 - Province - belle 12.539 - Foutaise - Rubbish 12.539 - saumons - cohoe 12.539 - débordé - overworked 12.539 - chauds - ardent 12.539 - augure - ominous 12.539 - ardent - ardent 12.539 - volés - robbed 12.539 - prive - deprives 12.539 - Price - Brothers 12.539 - Côté - Roger 12.538 - prescrire - prescribe 12.537 - consécutives - consecutive 12.537 - caoutchouc - rubber 12.537 - timbre - bells 12.537 - leçons - lessons 12.537 - once - ounce 12.536 - bassin - basin 12.534 - capitulation - surrender 12.534 - simplistes - simplistic 12.534 - fumisterie - humbug 12.534 - gratitude - gratitude 12.533 - respectable - respectable 12.533 - plate - roadbed 12.532 - devis - specifications 12.531 - reconstitution - reconstituted 12.531 - servocentre - Chambord 12.531 - grandiose - grandiose 12.531 - Insurance - hail 12.531 - ramènera - steep 12.531 - astuce - trickery 12.531 - vanté - boasted 12.527 - indifférence - indifference 12.526 - Demain - Tomorrow 12.525 - prohibitif - prohibitive 12.523 - délinquant - offender 12.522 - spectaculaires - spectacular 12.522 - irréfutable - undisputed 12.522 - subordonné - subordinate 12.522 - périphérie - periphery 12.522 - diversifié - diversified 12.522 - superflus - upheaval 12.522 - lucratifs - lucrative 12.522 - contourné - circumvented 12.522 - barreaux - bars 12.522 - tombant - hereinafter 12.522 - revivre - revival 12.522 - remanie - Regulation 12.522 - crever - starve 12.522 - bleus - blues 12.522 - Sound - Parry 12.519 - inégalité - inequality 12.519 - diplômés - graduates 12.519 - barrage - dam 12.517 - interviewé - interviewed 12.517 - inaptes - unemployable 12.517 - ardu - arduous 12.516 - Sachant - Knowing 12.515 - simplifier - simplify 12.515 - grossistes - wholesalers 12.515 - variable - variable 12.514 - félicitant - commending 12.513 - uniformité - uniformity 12.513 - Impôt - Taxation 12.510 - inadmissibilité - disentitlement 12.510 - creux - hollow 12.508 - psychologique - psychological 12.508 - précautions - precautions 12.508 - hésité - hesitated 12.507 - chrétiens - Christian 12.505 - minutieuse - scrupulous 12.505 - incomplète - incomplete 12.505 - motiver - motivate 12.505 - Collège - Coastguard 12.505 - Hat - Hargrave 12.503 - Nulle - Nowhere 12.503 - ADAC - STOL 12.502 - prospérer - prosper 12.502 - admirable - admirable 12.501 - identification - Identification 12.501 - gonflés - inflated 12.500 - vietnamiennes - Vietnamese 12.499 - occidentales - democracies 12.499 - trous - holes 12.498 - naissances - births 12.496 - pessimistes - pessimistic 12.494 - divertissement - entertainment 12.494 - désinvolture - cavalier 12.494 - comparaisons - comparisons 12.494 - phénoménale - phenomenal 12.494 - flottement - float 12.494 - admiration - admiration 12.494 - ménagers - appliances 12.494 - feuilles - blanks 12.494 - Dépenses - Operating 12.494 - remises - remissions 12.494 - destine - intercept 12.494 - signal - signal 12.494 - ballon - basketball 12.492 - échappatoire - loophole 12.492 - Annexe - Schedule 12.491 - correctives - corrective 12.491 - hâtives - hasty 12.490 - dédouanement - clearance 12.490 - serment - oath 12.490 - nickel - nickel 12.489 - débardeurs - longshoremen 12.489 - assailli - beset 12.489 - verdure - landscape 12.488 - vietnamiens - Vietnamese 12.485 - Télévision - Television 12.485 - siècles - centuries 12.484 - rouge - circling 12.481 - prestige - prestige 12.481 - pluie - rain 12.480 - conducteur - driver 12.480 - allemand - yen 12.480 - corrige - corrects 12.479 - trou - hole 12.477 - parrains - sponsors 12.476 - notoires - notorious 12.476 - abrogé - repealed 12.475 - gris - grey 12.473 - impensable - unthinkable 12.472 - conventionnelle - stumpage 12.472 - généreusement - generously 12.472 - confirmation - confirmation 12.472 - congestion - congestion 12.472 - alimentées - undernourished 12.472 - élogieux - glowing 12.472 - punitive - punitive 12.472 - mentales - faculties 12.472 - légiféré - legislated 12.472 - habitées - habitation 12.472 - dominant - dominating 12.472 - commuées - commuted 12.472 - ébriété - drunken 12.472 - trajets - hauls 12.472 - quêteux - bums 12.472 - scènes - scenes 12.472 - pattes - cats 12.472 - fuyant - cop 12.472 - carton - wrapping 12.472 - cages - traps 12.472 - Cent - eighty 12.472 - bar - lounge 12.469 - folie - madness 12.468 - inondations - floods 12.468 - croyances - beliefs 12.467 - alliance - alliance 12.467 - Antilles - Caribbean 12.466 - suppléments - supplements 12.466 - empiétement - encroachment 12.466 - écriture - clerical 12.466 - horreur - horror 12.465 - exagérer - exaggerate 12.464 - interurbain - intercity 12.462 - intolérables - intolerable 12.462 - raciales - racial 12.461 - extraordinairement - extraordinarily 12.461 - uniformisation - standardization 12.461 - érection - erection 12.461 - graines - oilseeds 12.460 - engendre - breeds 12.459 - pertinence - relevancy 12.458 - fumée - smokescreen 12.457 - LCF - CFL 12.456 - hareng - herring 12.455 - invariablement - invariably 12.454 - ridiculiser - ridicule 12.454 - écrits - writings 12.454 - cercle - circling 12.453 - grotesque - ludicrous 12.452 - structurelles - structural 12.452 - explicatives - explanatory 12.452 - déchargé - unloaded 12.452 - sommeil - sleep 12.452 - phases - phases 12.452 - idiote - idiotic 12.450 - blessées - injured 12.450 - abroger - abrogate 12.449 - rafistolage - tinkering 12.448 - arriérés - arrears 12.447 - chilienne - Chilean 12.446 - extravagantes - extravagant 12.446 - contemporaine - contemporary 12.446 - extravagants - extravagant 12.446 - monumental - monumental 12.446 - victoire - victory 12.445 - arrestation - arrest 12.443 - expéditeurs - shippers 12.442 - intergouvernemental - intergovernmental 12.442 - redistribuer - redistribute 12.442 - coordonné - coordinated 12.440 - troisièmement - thirdly 12.440 - affrontements - confrontations 12.440 - hydrauliques - hydraulic 12.440 - contemporain - memorial 12.440 - parlements - Parliaments 12.440 - faussement - misrepresented 12.440 - artificiel - limb 12.440 - épaisseur - thick 12.440 - stupidité - stupidity 12.440 - querelles - quarrels 12.440 - patronage - bosses 12.440 - doctrines - tenets 12.440 - betterave - beets 12.440 - avalanche - inundated 12.440 - massacre - innocents 12.440 - liquides - liquid 12.440 - ignorant - ignorant 12.440 - Medicine - Hargrave 12.440 - rénover - renovate 12.440 - cravate - emblem 12.440 - attirés - attracted 12.440 - promus - promoted 12.440 - lapsus - slip 12.440 - Pensez - Think 12.440 - Homme - Declaration 12.440 - Haut - Refugees 12.438 - résistance - resistance 12.436 - interrogation - interrogation 12.436 - simpliste - simplistic 12.436 - décourage - discourages 12.434 - corrections - corrections 12.433 - impartialité - impartiality 12.433 - Zambie - Zambia 12.430 - détroit - Strait 12.429 - soumissionner - Invitation 12.429 - consciencieux - conscientious 12.429 - Comparons - Compare 12.428 - ramifications - ramifications 12.428 - sensibilité - sensitivity 12.428 - entreposés - CPIC 12.428 - blesse - hurts 12.427 - cabotage - coasting 12.426 - sourde - deaf 12.424 - nationalisée - nationalized 12.424 - retarderait - philosophic 12.424 - psychologie - psychology 12.424 - prédominant - predominant 12.424 - inventaires - inventories 12.424 - gigantesque - gigantic 12.424 - improvisée - cuff 12.424 - Industrial - Distribution 12.424 - épiceries - grocery 12.424 - musiciens - musical 12.424 - repenser - rethink 12.424 - hésitant - faltering 12.424 - gratuite - gratuitous 12.424 - fausseté - falsehood 12.424 - exonérer - dispensation 12.424 - détecter - detecting 12.424 - Shipping - Pelee 12.424 - nocives - deleterious 12.424 - lenteur - slowness 12.424 - doutait - doubted 12.424 - atténué - watered 12.424 - Douanes - Lansdowne 12.424 - cabine - climbing 12.424 - gênés - hindered 12.424 - sale - washing 12.422 - mécaniques - mechanical 12.422 - Brésil - Brazil 12.421 - psychiatrique - psychiatric 12.421 - oeillères - tunnel 12.421 - publie - publishes 12.421 - chien - dog 12.418 - patrouille - patrol 12.418 - contredire - contradict 12.417 - frappées - minted 12.416 - violés - violated 12.415 - certificats - certificates 12.415 - containers - container 12.415 - auditoire - audience 12.415 - sourire - smile 12.413 - renversement - overthrow 12.413 - inflexible - inflexible 12.413 - additions - additions 12.413 - densité - density 12.413 - proie - prey 12.412 - israélo - Israeli 12.411 - distributeurs - distributors 12.411 - caractérise - characterizes 12.411 - persuasion - suasion 12.411 - hypocrisie - hypocrisy 12.411 - usager - user 12.411 - City - Uranium 12.410 - projection - projection 12.410 - prématuré - premature 12.410 - sportifs - sportsmen 12.408 - spécialités - medicines 12.408 - exagération - exaggeration 12.408 - détériorée - deteriorated 12.408 - ascenseurs - Elevator 12.408 - rassurés - reassured 12.408 - opèrent - conspiracies 12.407 - moralité - morality 12.407 - amendes - fines 12.406 - chambres - bedrooms 12.406 - Frais - Travel 12.405 - végétales - vegetable 12.404 - indifférents - indifferent 12.404 - illimitées - limitless 12.404 - allégeance - allegiance 12.402 - réconfortant - comforting 12.402 - survivants - survivors 12.402 - estimative - appraised 12.402 - troupeaux - herds 12.402 - ménages - households 12.402 - litiges - litigation 12.402 - chapeau - hat 12.402 - géants - supertanker 12.400 - insensible - insensitive 12.399 - prohibitifs - prohibitive 12.399 - fondations - foundations 12.399 - présidée - presided 12.398 - Accise - Excise 12.397 - volées - stolen 12.397 - latin - Latin 12.396 - rationalisation - rationalization 12.396 - nantissement - collateral 12.396 - déclaratoire - enacting 12.395 - occupants - occupants 12.395 - junior - junior 12.392 - injustifiables - unjustifiable 12.392 - immédiats - Closings 12.392 - réalisme - realism 12.392 - clique - gang 12.392 - May - Erskine 12.390 - signalisation - signals 12.388 - douzaines - dozens 12.388 - concertée - concerted 12.388 - pinte - quart 12.387 - incorporation - incorporation 12.387 - prélèvements - samples 12.387 - approuvant - blanks 12.387 - libérées - liberated 12.387 - poulets - broilers 12.387 - décelé - detected 12.387 - annexé - appended 12.387 - amères - bitter 12.387 - piège - trap 12.387 - agrès - gear 12.387 - Lanka - Pakistan 12.386 - trusts - trusts 12.385 - expansionnistes - expansionist 12.385 - intentionnés - intentioned 12.385 - détériorent - deteriorating 12.385 - chancelante - shaky 12.385 - Vietnamiens - Vietnamese 12.385 - sceptiques - skeptical 12.385 - confirmant - confirming 12.385 - fonderies - Trail 12.385 - citoyenne - unmarried 12.385 - évaluant - evaluating 12.385 - prémunir - guarded 12.385 - méchant - wolf 12.385 - rêvent - dreaming 12.385 - postée - Presbyterian 12.385 - lèvres - lips 12.385 - gibier - prey 12.385 - fiable - dependable 12.385 - billet - promissory 12.385 - appât - carrot 12.383 - stabilisé - stabilized 12.383 - forages - Beaufort 12.378 - tentation - temptation 12.378 - meubles - furniture 12.378 - Corée - Korea 12.377 - appréhension - apprehension 12.377 - chercheurs - researchers 12.377 - conserves - canned 12.377 - Laurier - Chateau 12.377 - éloge - eulogy 12.376 - entités - entities 12.375 - dialogue - dialogue 12.375 - raciaux - racial 12.374 - fiduciaire - trustee 12.374 - rumeur - rumour 12.373 - nationalisation - nationalization 12.373 - température - temperature 12.373 - fardeaux - burdens 12.373 - nominal - nominal 12.373 - naïf - naïve 12.372 - arrogant - arrogant 12.371 - dissolution - dissolution 12.371 - cigarette - cigarette 12.369 - réitéré - reiterated 12.369 - traire - cows 12.368 - messages - messages 12.368 - Italie - Italy 12.367 - corde - rope 12.366 - timide - timid 12.364 - heureusement - fortunately 12.364 - plébiscite - plebiscite 12.364 - frustrant - frustrating 12.364 - décédé - deceased 12.363 - rédacteurs - drafters 12.362 - susmentionnée - effluent 12.362 - indiscutable - indisputable 12.362 - Forestville - Loup 12.362 - ressentons - sorrow 12.362 - océaniques - Patricia 12.362 - hostilités - hostilities 12.362 - assassinat - assassination 12.362 - gestation - pregnancy 12.362 - crapuleux - sordid 12.362 - canalisés - channelled 12.362 - lanterne - tin 12.362 - fourrage - fodder 12.362 - annulées - overruled 12.362 - vendeur - vendor 12.362 - regards - gaze 12.362 - dépeint - painted 12.362 - russes - McLeod 12.362 - Guyane - Jamaica 12.362 - ruine - ruin 12.362 - Cours - Basic 12.362 - vent - windmills 12.362 - doré - yellow 12.361 - perturbations - disturbances 12.361 - demeureront - Details 12.361 - futile - futile 12.360 - prérogatives - prerogatives 12.360 - prédictions - predictions 12.360 - émotions - emotions 12.359 - stockage - stockpiling 12.359 - imprévu - unforeseen 12.357 - insuffisances - inefficiencies 12.357 - réservations - Zenith 12.357 - conjectures - conjecture 12.357 - migrations - migration 12.357 - comportés - behaved 12.357 - minerais - ores 12.357 - dominer - dominating 12.357 - Néant - Nil 12.356 - détaillant - retailer 12.355 - spéculateurs - speculators 12.355 - Parties - Parts 12.352 - effroyable - appalling 12.352 - montagnes - mountains 12.352 - dumping - dumping 12.351 - bilans - sheets 12.350 - civilisation - civilization 12.349 - décentraliser - decentralize 12.347 - constitutionnellement - constitutionally 12.347 - répréhensibles - reprehensible 12.347 - interceptions - diligence 12.347 - interprétées - misrepresented 12.347 - préparatifs - preparations 12.347 - contrecoeur - reluctantly 12.347 - redoutable - formidable 12.347 - généralisé - generalized 12.347 - remettait - IBM 12.347 - jardinier - aren 12.347 - approches - beacons 12.347 - Téléphone - Telephone 12.347 - éveiller - arouse 12.347 - urgences - emergencies 12.347 - terminal - Lynn 12.347 - cordiale - cordial 12.347 - Oakville - Town 12.347 - failles - holes 12.347 - angles - angles 12.347 - viole - violates 12.347 - taxis - cab 12.347 - pures - unadulterated 12.347 - sise - Sullivan 12.346 - arrogante - arrogant 12.344 - méfier - wary 12.343 - indifférente - indifferent 12.343 - sténographe - reporter 12.343 - semences - seed 12.343 - indigne - unworthy 12.343 - commuée - commuted 12.342 - multipliés - multiplied 12.342 - étiquette - label 12.341 - compétitions - competitions 12.341 - manchette - headline 12.340 - transitoire - transitional 12.340 - brutal - brutal 12.337 - documenter - homework 12.337 - assistants - assistants 12.337 - circuiter - bypass 12.337 - intacts - intact 12.337 - peau - skin 12.335 - transmettent - Museums 12.335 - pourcentages - percentages 12.335 - pacifique - peaceful 12.335 - mécanique - mechanical 12.335 - racheter - redeem 12.335 - consente - consents 12.335 - gas - diesel 12.333 - interministérielle - interdepartmental 12.333 - négligeable - negligible 12.333 - illogique - illogical 12.331 - Chypre - Cyprus 12.330 - vapeur - vapour 12.329 - échappatoires - loopholes 12.329 - mentalement - mentally 12.329 - exploiteurs - profiteers 12.329 - couleurs - colours 12.329 - pendu - hanged 12.328 - tactiques - tactics 12.326 - cautionnement - Bail 12.325 - omission - omission 12.325 - blessé - wounded 12.324 - centralisation - centralization 12.324 - informatiques - Computer 12.324 - illustration - quadrupled 12.324 - vénézuélien - Creole 12.324 - religieuses - sects 12.324 - interprètes - translators 12.324 - incohérence - inconsistencies 12.324 - aimablement - graciously 12.324 - aboutissant - dispositions 12.324 - fidèlement - faithfully 12.324 - centenaire - centennial 12.324 - escroquer - cheat 12.324 - vinicole - grape 12.324 - renforce - reinforces 12.324 - patrons - bosses 12.324 - nuances - stripes 12.324 - Comptes - Accounts 12.324 - indues - dispensation 12.324 - Public - Cowan 12.324 - Bank - Roberts 12.321 - spécialité - specialty 12.321 - superflu - superfluous 12.321 - remorque - trailer 12.320 - oubliant - forgetting 12.320 - collèges - Colleges 12.320 - affront - affront 12.319 - détériorer - deteriorate 12.317 - complaisance - complacency 12.317 - intolérable - intolerable 12.317 - camaraderie - fellowship 12.317 - antidumping - dumping 12.317 - Committee - Churches 12.317 - succédés - Successive 12.317 - scieries - sawmill 12.317 - méprenne - misapprehension 12.317 - extrêmes - extremes 12.317 - gêner - obstruct 12.317 - dupés - cheated 12.317 - SIM - SIU 12.316 - interruptions - interruptions 12.314 - accessibilité - accessibility 12.314 - décourageant - discouraging 12.314 - liquidités - liquidity 12.314 - cerveaux - brain 12.314 - noires - spills 12.314 - douce - Freshwater 12.312 - référendum - referendum 12.312 - fusils - guns 12.311 - Demande - Request 12.308 - découragent - disincentives 12.308 - stimulé - stimulated 12.308 - attrait - attractiveness 12.308 - Society - Cooperative 12.308 - Extrême - Far 12.308 - dormir - sleep 12.308 - roues - wheels 12.307 - interpellations - interjections 12.306 - réorganisation - reorganization 12.306 - punissable - punishable 12.306 - défend - defends 12.305 - emballage - Labelling 12.305 - électeur - elector 12.303 - panique - panic 12.302 - superficielle - superficial 12.302 - injustifiable - unjustifiable 12.302 - inutilement - needlessly 12.302 - souveraine - sovereign 12.302 - précipiter - precipitate 12.302 - promulgués - promulgated 12.302 - laisserons - unearned 12.302 - formalités - formalities 12.302 - cohérentes - cohesive 12.302 - énergies - energies 12.302 - mobilité - Mobility 12.302 - arbitres - referees 12.302 - plane - hangs 12.302 - up - Country 12.301 - propagande - propaganda 12.301 - dragage - dredging 12.301 - métal - metal 12.300 - frustrations - frustrations 12.300 - dissocier - dissociate 12.300 - colonne - column 12.298 - Albertains - Albertans 12.297 - isoler - isolate 12.297 - Cinq - Five 12.296 - multiple - multiple 12.296 - apaiser - placate 12.295 - repas - meals 12.295 - mythe - myth 12.294 - constructeur - builder 12.294 - explicative - explanatory 12.294 - Red - Deer 12.293 - marémotrices - tidal 12.293 - marémotrice - tidal 12.293 - délinquants - delinquents 12.293 - comparative - comparative 12.293 - comparatifs - comparative 12.293 - Business - Nation 12.293 - remanié - revamped 12.293 - galerie - Gallery 12.293 - glissé - slipped 12.291 - interrogatoire - interrogation 12.291 - locomotives - locomotives 12.291 - décrets - decrees 12.291 - crises - crises 12.289 - stationnement - parking 12.288 - infailliblement - returnable 12.288 - désintégration - fumbling 12.288 - recherchaient - ins 12.288 - opportunistes - amassed 12.288 - ininterrompue - uninterrupted 12.288 - bienveillante - advantaged 12.288 - éventualités - contingencies 12.288 - spéculations - quantum 12.288 - dommageables - radioactive 12.288 - supposerait - anyhow 12.288 - stationnées - taped 12.288 - remédierait - incremental 12.288 - prétendrait - clash 12.288 - perpétuelle - vows 12.288 - passivement - reacts 12.288 - manquements - misconduct 12.288 - lamentables - cart 12.288 - extrémistes - jungles 12.288 - dépenserait - expanse 12.288 - distinguent - distinguishing 12.288 - cultivables - Formerly 12.288 - timidement - ham 12.288 - spécialise - stifling 12.288 - solidement - solidly 12.288 - ressortent - nebulous 12.288 - rationnels - instinctive 12.288 - préjudices - wronged 12.288 - mériterait - excesses 12.288 - faiblement - neutrality 12.288 - détournées - externally 12.288 - débarquées - bonded 12.288 - condamnait - McLeod 12.288 - attribuent - regression 12.288 - attribuant - Parkdale 12.288 - aménageant - pumping 12.288 - agencement - northland 12.288 - accessoire - chimneys 12.288 - accentuant - deteriorates 12.288 - Edmundston - separates 12.288 - énumérait - caps 12.288 - échelonné - eighteen 12.288 - victoires - misused 12.288 - suivirent - fanatics 12.288 - soulevons - fanatics 12.288 - sensation - Reader 12.288 - saucisses - steaks 12.288 - péjoratif - commons 12.288 - punitions - misconduct 12.288 - prêtaient - outgoing 12.288 - préservés - containment 12.288 - indignité - outrage 12.288 - illusions - illusions 12.288 - fragilité - fragile 12.288 - fourrages - fodder 12.288 - désavouer - defunct 12.288 - dissimulé - hid 12.288 - demeurons - wishful 12.288 - couronnes - memorial 12.288 - conférant - infallibility 12.288 - conférait - extraprovincial 12.288 - compilées - Unit 12.288 - commentée - elaborating 12.288 - circulant - extraprovincial 12.288 - chanteurs - un 12.288 - attaquait - brass 12.288 - évoquent - brutality 12.288 - échouent - Reddy 12.288 - vigilant - depress 12.288 - veillant - matches 12.288 - tournois - Ice 12.288 - survivra - trump 12.288 - ramènent - bakery 12.288 - présumés - brutality 12.288 - préservé - jealously 12.288 - prodigue - gloom 12.288 - portions - reflective 12.288 - miséreux - destitute 12.288 - maîtrisé - floundering 12.288 - malséant - expiring 12.288 - insolite - misused 12.288 - imprécis - indeterminate 12.288 - hystérie - lethargy 12.288 - habitait - Hughes 12.288 - envolées - atmospheric 12.288 - créaient - inclement 12.288 - consoler - cheer 12.288 - bravoure - withstood 12.288 - Duvernay - Voting 12.288 - Building - Chartered 12.288 - souvenu - rebellion 12.288 - soignés - Surveys 12.288 - signala - Mineral 12.288 - secouer - shaken 12.288 - pollués - gases 12.288 - peureux - dread 12.288 - nourris - nourished 12.288 - niveler - livable 12.288 - moulins - windmills 12.288 - montées - containment 12.288 - endetté - lobbying 12.288 - encouru - forfeited 12.288 - déborde - Côte 12.288 - dilemne - elaborating 12.288 - chassés - shacks 12.288 - attirée - hammer 12.288 - assigné - readjusting 12.288 - achevés - Harrington 12.288 - Tribune - Boulanger 12.288 - Suprême - Alyeska 12.288 - Parfait - Fine 12.288 - Faisant - bewildered 12.288 - Dickens - eternally 12.288 - thermo - radioactive 12.288 - rachat - redemption 12.288 - prêche - preaching 12.288 - jongle - fiddling 12.288 - ingère - interferes 12.288 - froids - livable 12.288 - choeur - demoted 12.288 - brossé - portray 12.288 - bouclé - sprung 12.288 - avérés - scored 12.288 - animés - realignment 12.288 - Orwell - horrifying 12.288 - étayé - fortified 12.288 - éclat - overrides 12.288 - terne - Lessard 12.288 - taxée - heaviest 12.288 - miser - preserves 12.288 - doses - lethal 12.288 - Sarre - Ltée 12.288 - Mieux - Better 12.288 - Henri - Printing 12.288 - Assez - reimbursements 12.288 - volé - stole 12.288 - vexé - annoying 12.288 - sers - clichés 12.288 - bris - surgical 12.288 - bac - practicality 12.288 - Sri - Sahel 12.287 - enquêteur - investigator 12.285 - centralisé - centralized 12.283 - secondes - seconds 12.282 - survivant - surviving 12.281 - baux - leases 12.280 - incertitudes - uncertainties 12.276 - bouleversements - dislocations 12.276 - Resources - Natural 12.276 - gâteau - pie 12.275 - territoriale - Zones 12.274 - meurt - dies 12.272 - correctionnel - correctional 12.271 - analyses - analyses 12.270 - applaudissements - applause 12.270 - Imaginons - Imagine 12.270 - remplace - replaces 12.270 - cruelles - cruel 12.269 - technologique - Satellite 12.269 - convaincant - cogent 12.269 - nommerai - unnamed 12.269 - bienfait - boon 12.269 - opérant - logistic 12.269 - duperie - deception 12.268 - correctionnelle - correctional 12.268 - entrepôts - warehouses 12.268 - routine - routine 12.268 - Surtout - Especially 12.268 - Barreau - Bar 12.268 - hoche - shakes 12.267 - remboursements - reimbursements 12.267 - amicaux - friendly 12.266 - innovations - innovations 12.266 - natalité - fertility 12.266 - gérants - managers 12.265 - marginaux - marginal 12.264 - tensions - tensions 12.263 - parraine - sponsoring 12.261 - tribunes - galleries 12.260 - emprunteurs - borrowers 12.259 - cinématographique - Film 12.259 - instructeurs - coaches 12.259 - retardement - bomb 12.259 - prévisibles - predictable 12.259 - philosophes - kings 12.259 - inopportune - timed 12.259 - hypothèses - assumptions 12.259 - attrayants - attractiveness 12.259 - multiplié - multiplied 12.259 - israélien - terrorists 12.259 - dominante - dominant 12.259 - analysant - analysing 12.259 - consomme - consumes 12.259 - Viscount - overhauled 12.259 - endurci - hardened 12.259 - déforme - distorting 12.259 - douceur - gently 12.259 - boucher - plug 12.259 - vase - dredged 12.258 - collectivement - collectively 12.257 - réveiller - wake 12.256 - agglomérations - Closings 12.256 - Technologie - Technology 12.256 - Diverses - Various 12.255 - soutènement - walls 12.255 - sucrière - beet 12.255 - réfuter - refute 12.255 - clarté - clarity 12.254 - péniblement - painfully 12.254 - huitième - eighth 12.254 - pente - slope 12.253 - fouille - searched 12.251 - notoire - notorious 12.251 - quais - wharves 12.250 - engraissé - implanted 12.250 - gouttes - drops 12.250 - annexée - guiding 12.250 - sauté - blown 12.247 - inéquitable - inequitable 12.247 - soupçons - suspicions 12.247 - dissous - dissolved 12.247 - truc - gimmick 12.246 - corridor - corridor 12.245 - prédécesseurs - predecessors 12.244 - réévaluer - reassess 12.244 - Expliquez - Explain 12.243 - violemment - violently 12.243 - capitaine - captain 12.243 - visibles - visible 12.243 - dorsale - backbone 12.241 - prêteurs - lenders 12.240 - Attendons - Wait 12.240 - avaler - swallow 12.240 - gâché - spoiled 12.240 - bébé - baby 12.239 - géographie - geography 12.239 - blessés - wounded 12.238 - conserverie - canning 12.238 - rédacteur - editor 12.238 - méchants - nasty 12.238 - envahi - invaded 12.237 - boîtes - cans 12.236 - sessions - sessions 12.235 - pacifiques - peaceful 12.234 - intellectuel - intellectual 12.231 - télédistribution - cablevision 12.231 - superpuissances - super 12.231 - interprovinciaux - conspiracies 12.231 - Recommandation - Recommendation 12.231 - psychiatrie - psychiatric 12.231 - pondération - reasonableness 12.231 - intensément - intensely 12.231 - changeantes - adapting 12.231 - réceptions - Duke 12.231 - réaffirme - reaffirm 12.231 - pavillons - flags 12.231 - obéissent - obey 12.231 - naviguant - plying 12.231 - maximales - Maximum 12.231 - imprécise - bereft 12.231 - dépistage - detecting 12.231 - diligence - diligence 12.231 - affaiblir - weaken 12.231 - lenteurs - slowness 12.231 - disputer - quarrelling 12.231 - coulisse - scenes 12.231 - notaire - Geoffroy 12.231 - naval - shipyard 12.231 - foire - Fair 12.231 - abîme - brink 12.231 - Falls - Smiths 12.231 - RPC - QPP 12.231 - Mer - oilfields 12.230 - objectivité - objectivity 12.230 - protesté - protested 12.229 - entrevues - interviews 12.228 - violations - violations 12.228 - cohérent - coherent 12.227 - accompagnait - journeys 12.227 - quinzaine - fortnight 12.226 - institutionnel - institutional 12.224 - intermédiaires - middlemen 12.224 - reconstruire - rebuilt 12.224 - friandises - candy 12.224 - affichage - Bluenose 12.224 - renverse - flabbergasted 12.224 - magnats - barons 12.224 - attrape - bait 12.224 - salons - funeral 12.224 - alarme - alarm 12.224 - Divers - Various 12.224 - lock - lock 12.224 - juré - sworn 12.224 - pot - bribe 12.222 - socialement - socially 12.222 - décevant - disappointing 12.222 - amitié - friendship 12.221 - ménagère - housewife 12.220 - consécutifs - consecutive 12.218 - investisseur - investor 12.217 - conditionnellement - paroled 12.217 - biodisponibilité - clinical 12.217 - récupération - recapture 12.217 - importateurs - importers 12.217 - ventilation - ventilation 12.217 - officieuse - informal 12.217 - florissant - flourishing 12.217 - forestier - depreciable 12.217 - exportait - cheddar 12.217 - explosifs - explosive 12.217 - carrières - careers 12.217 - Community - Gananoque 12.217 - dévoilés - returnable 12.217 - pleines - cans 12.217 - partial - biased 12.217 - château - shack 12.217 - trahir - betray 12.217 - sacrée - sacred 12.217 - montés - skyrocketed 12.217 - Seules - resignations 12.217 - malin - aleck 12.217 - brave - brave 12.217 - aléas - vagaries 12.216 - sacrifié - sacrificed 12.215 - Rouge - Cross 12.214 - viabilité - viability 12.213 - marginal - marginal 12.213 - refuge - refuge 12.213 - tuyau - pipe 12.212 - citations - quotations 12.212 - capture - capture 12.211 - examens - examinations 12.211 - Pacific - Rim 12.209 - exclusives - zones 12.209 - imprudent - unwise 12.209 - regrets - regrets 12.208 - chars - Centurion 12.207 - cargaisons - cargoes 12.207 - médiateur - mediator 12.206 - instructive - informative 12.206 - vaches - cows 12.204 - hospitalisation - Diagnostic 12.204 - étalement - averaging 12.204 - tempête - storm 12.203 - murs - walls 12.201 - économiste - economist 12.200 - enchères - auction 12.200 - ouvrant - YMPE 12.199 - professeurs - professors 12.199 - illusion - illusion 12.198 - éduquer - educate 12.195 - souveraineté - sovereignty 12.195 - relâchement - laxity 12.195 - adjacentes - adjoining 12.195 - fantaisie - fantasy 12.195 - mesquine - niggardly 12.195 - avides - greedy 12.194 - anomalies - anomalies 12.194 - exode - exodus 12.193 - partenaire - partner 12.193 - fréquence - frequency 12.192 - lamentablement - miserably 12.192 - discutable - debatable 12.192 - coopérants - volunteers 12.192 - Northern - Microsystems 12.190 - Kent - Danforth 12.189 - patrouiller - patrol 12.188 - objectivement - objectively 12.188 - boire - drink 12.187 - interministériels - interdepartmental 12.187 - voyageur - traveller 12.187 - cuivre - copper 12.187 - ours - polar 12.186 - rassemblement - rally 12.186 - réussites - successes 12.186 - accumule - piling 12.186 - paresse - lazy 12.186 - minable - shabby 12.185 - supermarchés - supermarkets 12.185 - traduits - translated 12.183 - enregistrée - taped 12.183 - charitables - charitable 12.183 - répugnante - repugnant 12.183 - fenêtre - window 12.182 - Contrairement - Contrary 12.182 - Park - Jelinek 12.181 - stupéfait - astounded 12.181 - éveillé - awake 12.181 - nez - noses 12.180 - universalité - universality 12.178 - israéliennes - Israeli 12.178 - facultative - optional 12.177 - opérationnelles - squadron 12.177 - affranchissement - postage 12.177 - superstructure - roadbed 12.177 - commercialisé - marketed 12.177 - ressembler - akin 12.177 - acoustique - mechanical 12.177 - élévation - elevation 12.177 - détérioré - deteriorated 12.177 - impropre - unfit 12.177 - empiéter - encroach 12.177 - repérer - submarines 12.177 - renfort - fanfare 12.177 - douleur - pain 12.177 - imiter - emulate 12.177 - empire - empire 12.177 - pacte - Warsaw 12.177 - clos - camera 12.175 - interception - interception 12.175 - malhonnête - dishonest 12.175 - coalition - coalition 12.175 - espaces - spaces 12.175 - avoine - oats 12.174 - pardonnera - forgive 12.173 - implicite - implicit 12.173 - Esquimaux - Eskimos 12.173 - cycle - cycle 12.172 - maquillage - cosmetics 12.172 - préceptes - teachings 12.172 - Research - Distribution 12.172 - volumes - volumes 12.172 - enlevée - kidnapped 12.170 - sape - undermining 12.169 - parrainer - sponsor 12.162 - courageux - courageous 12.161 - incarcéré - incarcerated 12.161 - barreau - Bar 12.160 - jouissance - enjoyment 12.160 - consolider - consolidate 12.159 - inefficacité - ineffectiveness 12.158 - auspices - auspices 12.155 - incompétent - incompetent 12.155 - Éducation - Education 12.155 - préjugés - prejudices 12.154 - impatiemment - anxiously 12.153 - nationalisme - nationalism 12.153 - missions - missions 12.152 - révélation - revelation 12.150 - autodétermination - liberated 12.150 - recommanderait - televising 12.150 - Antérieurement - Formerly 12.150 - surveillerons - bandwagon 12.150 - réaffectation - reclassification 12.150 - raisonnements - reeves 12.150 - honorablement - successors 12.150 - exportatrices - separates 12.150 - embarrassants - esoteric 12.150 - terrassement - roadbeds 12.150 - suppressions - unreliable 12.150 - solutionnera - impatiently 12.150 - ressentiront - axiomatic 12.150 - ralentissent - snowmobile 12.150 - introduisent - humanism 12.150 - innovatrices - cattleman 12.150 - inexistantes - slim 12.150 - farouchement - fierce 12.150 - exploitantes - rival 12.150 - exonérations - remissions 12.150 - continuaient - aggression 12.150 - consentiront - Alitalia 12.150 - comporteront - dole 12.150 - échelonnant - bungalow 12.150 - susciteront - denials 12.150 - silencieuse - silent 12.150 - satisferait - absurdity 12.150 - résulteront - watchdogs 12.150 - renouvelées - Initial 12.150 - préoccupant - returnable 12.150 - prématurées - intemperate 12.150 - prohibition - gases 12.150 - intrinsèque - adjunct 12.150 - immobilisme - lethargy 12.150 - formidables - dissension 12.150 - fantaisiste - fantasy 12.150 - engageaient - summit 12.150 - embarrassés - denigrating 12.150 - dérangement - upheaval 12.150 - apercevront - grandfathers 12.150 - abattements - reinvested 12.150 - trouvaille - miraculous 12.150 - subdiviser - playground 12.150 - songeaient - obsolescence 12.150 - sillonnent - sail 12.150 - réorienter - redirect 12.150 - rémunérées - contented 12.150 - régulateur - hurried 12.150 - revêtement - bungalow 12.150 - renforcent - redraft 12.150 - remplirait - decisively 12.150 - qualifiant - fanatics 12.150 - préservant - repository 12.150 - préméditée - immutable 12.150 - prouverait - conservatism 12.150 - phénoménal - phenomenal 12.150 - pendaisons - tales 12.150 - menacerait - playground 12.150 - licenciées - inventions 12.150 - intrusions - raids 12.150 - inscrivant - Countries 12.150 - exposerait - exceptionable 12.150 - entendrait - shade 12.150 - donnerions - alarmingly 12.150 - descendant - Valdez 12.150 - contractée - defunct 12.150 - cimetières - Wars 12.150 - attaquions - brass 12.150 - assassiner - accomplishes 12.150 - ascendante - overlooks 12.150 - appelaient - bicycles 12.150 - allemandes - shipbuilders 12.150 - élaborons - trump 12.150 - élaborant - gaze 12.150 - télévisés - prizes 12.150 - tromperie - delusion 12.150 - testament - carpenter 12.150 - siégerait - Democrat 12.150 - sceptique - skeptical 12.150 - réagiront - wager 12.150 - routières - arteries 12.150 - roulantes - trailers 12.150 - racontent - deceiving 12.150 - orientera - rotation 12.150 - ordonnait - encroached 12.150 - orchestre - featured 12.150 - operative - Owen 12.150 - nostalgie - clichés 12.150 - licencier - Zenith 12.150 - incendies - Fire 12.150 - impériale - Aluminum 12.150 - formeront - peroration 12.150 - familière - Living 12.150 - exécutifs - justices 12.150 - extraites - hereinafter 12.150 - exprimais - voicing 12.150 - escamoter - sweep 12.150 - encombrés - overloaded 12.150 - désignent - ribbon 12.150 - délaisser - stockpile 12.150 - débloquer - Pointe 12.150 - disparues - grandfathers 12.150 - devenions - insulated 12.150 - descendus - pretended 12.150 - cotisante - deceased 12.150 - convertir - convert 12.150 - concevons - departures 12.150 - concerner - raison 12.150 - complices - accessories 12.150 - boulevard - IGA 12.150 - banquette - Surveys 12.150 - astreints - demeaning 12.150 - ascenseur - carpenter 12.150 - agressive - belligerent 12.150 - Vénézuela - demeaning 12.150 - Coquitlam - uninsured 12.150 - étouffée - stifled 12.150 - émetteur - Tuktoyaktuk 12.150 - veillons - Ours 12.150 - stimulée - stimulated 12.150 - solitude - oft 12.150 - sagacité - toil 12.150 - rétablis - hereafter 12.150 - redouter - pretended 12.150 - recourra - taps 12.150 - ramassis - balderdash 12.150 - prêteuse - CHMC 12.150 - propager - communism 12.150 - paralyse - cripple 12.150 - nordique - northland 12.150 - mesquins - noticing 12.150 - lucidité - lucid 12.150 - loisible - hereinafter 12.150 - hésitons - watchdogs 12.150 - humidité - mock 12.150 - esquiver - dodge 12.150 - détienne - surpass 12.150 - droiture - hybrid 12.150 - douzième - compute 12.150 - diatribe - peroration 12.150 - comblées - communism 12.150 - aversion - foreman 12.150 - avançait - disarray 12.150 - attriste - saddened 12.150 - artifice - delusion 12.150 - achevées - Inland 12.150 - acharner - prey 12.150 - violées - raped 12.150 - signent - Annex 12.150 - réussis - unmarried 12.150 - rendais - naïve 12.150 - rancune - assassination 12.150 - oignons - cucumbers 12.150 - méfient - excepted 12.150 - légende - mythical 12.150 - liquidé - indisputable 12.150 - insinué - abstention 12.150 - initier - feedback 12.150 - idiotes - absurdities 12.150 - honorés - vengeful 12.150 - feindre - mock 12.150 - eussent - combinations 12.150 - enlevés - testified 12.150 - englobé - poisonous 12.150 - démodés - ink 12.150 - décrier - untimely 12.150 - décline - bribe 12.150 - dorment - dormant 12.150 - dictées - discard 12.150 - choqués - outraged 12.150 - brûlant - jungles 12.150 - bassins - northward 12.150 - baptisé - popularly 12.150 - atteler - outgoing 12.150 - assigne - assigns 12.150 - anéanti - harvests 12.150 - affilée - plow 12.150 - aciérie - Dofasco 12.150 - acharné - visionary 12.150 - abolies - candies 12.150 - Réserve - commands 12.150 - vaines - inane 12.150 - triple - threefold 12.150 - sursis - unofficially 12.150 - royaux - Procedures 12.150 - renier - peroration 12.150 - ration - diets 12.150 - parues - spoilage 12.150 - mouche - hammer 12.150 - matchs - Giving 12.150 - inclue - instal 12.150 - dérobé - hid 12.150 - dédain - disdain 12.150 - cruels - shattered 12.150 - coupes - alarmingly 12.150 - citais - Issue 12.150 - cachée - gaze 12.150 - brevet - obligatory 12.150 - ajourd - Medicare 12.150 - acculé - defunct 12.150 - acabit - nuts 12.150 - Tupper - counsellor 12.150 - tuant - crashed 12.150 - purge - meted 12.150 - mange - eats 12.150 - béton - jungles 12.150 - brisé - insulated 12.150 - bouge - fantastically 12.150 - aisés - statistician 12.150 - with - oft 12.150 - pari - wager 12.150 - logé - formations 12.150 - issu - inferiority 12.150 - déni - miscarriage 12.150 - créa - Realizing 12.150 - crié - wolf 12.150 - agro - Hilaire 12.150 - Tory - visionary 12.150 - bal - Swiss 12.150 - DM - yen 12.147 - embarrassé - embarrassed 12.147 - Simplement - Simply 12.147 - égaliser - equalize 12.144 - comotionnaires - Stollery 12.144 - autorisations - authorizations 12.144 - officieuses - understandings 12.144 - ménagement - gently 12.144 - critiquait - criticizes 12.144 - projetait - PEI 12.144 - handicapé - wheelchair 12.144 - fanatique - bigotry 12.144 - attentat - arson 12.144 - remords - qualms 12.144 - sonne - laughter 12.142 - semence - seed 12.139 - tangible - tangible 12.138 - épicerie - groceries 12.138 - verbale - asterisk 12.137 - endommagé - damaged 12.137 - blanche - carte 12.135 - expropriations - expropriations 12.134 - proportionnel - proportional 12.133 - solvabilité - rating 12.132 - perspicacité - insight 12.132 - négligent - negligent 12.132 - innocents - innocents 12.132 - sommet - summit 12.131 - canons - guns 12.130 - impasse - impasse 12.130 - Science - Technology 12.128 - abattement - abatement 12.128 - sphère - sphere 12.128 - oubli - oversight 12.126 - puni - punished 12.124 - explicitement - explicitly 12.124 - canalisations - mains 12.124 - manufactures - license 12.124 - débarquement - landings 12.124 - étatisation - overs 12.124 - nationalité - nationality 12.124 - rendements - yields 12.124 - expéditive - expeditious 12.124 - illogisme - inconsistency 12.124 - dissimule - verbiage 12.124 - souscrit - subscribed 12.124 - prudence - prudence 12.124 - mobilier - furniture 12.124 - sommets - heights 12.124 - crèvent - starving 12.124 - mordre - bite 12.124 - colère - anger 12.124 - affamé - elephant 12.124 - reins - liver 12.124 - casse - headache 12.123 - intellectuelle - intellectual 12.123 - effrayante - frightening 12.123 - présider - preside 12.123 - trame - fabric 12.122 - respectueux - abiding 12.122 - vulnérable - vulnerable 12.122 - contrainte - constraint 12.122 - récession - recession 12.122 - originaux - receivership 12.122 - mentalité - mentality 12.121 - urbanisation - urbanization 12.121 - parité - parity 12.121 - club - club 12.120 - sacrifice - sacrifice 12.120 - out - lock 12.118 - préparatoires - preparatory 12.118 - Heureusement - Fortunately 12.118 - soupçonnées - suspected 12.118 - désespéré - desperation 12.118 - dérisoire - paltry 12.118 - assigner - assigning 12.118 - animales - veterinarians 12.118 - aqueduc - paving 12.118 - saluer - greetings 12.118 - coeurs - bleeding 12.116 - activer - activate 12.116 - forum - Forum 12.116 - Tarif - Tariff 12.116 - quo - quo 12.115 - défectueuse - defective 12.114 - déséquilibre - unbalance 12.114 - discipline - discipline 12.113 - marginales - marginal 12.113 - consolidé - Consolidated 12.112 - philosophique - philosophical 12.112 - indexé - indexed 12.110 - théoriciens - academics 12.110 - U - TP 12.109 - vendeurs - salesmen 12.108 - modération - moderation 12.107 - désagréables - unpleasant 12.107 - inattendue - unexpected 12.107 - théorique - theoretical 12.107 - réadaptés - rehabilitated 12.107 - symbole - symbol 12.107 - White - Rock 12.106 - dépotoir - dump 12.106 - émotif - emotionally 12.106 - serrer - tighten 12.105 - fromage - cheese 12.104 - Supposons - Suppose 12.104 - bonheur - happiness 12.103 - interministériel - interdepartmental 12.103 - réimplantation - rerouting 12.103 - distinctions - distinctions 12.103 - socialisme - socialism 12.103 - flottilles - fleets 12.103 - facilitant - facilitating 12.103 - capturer - capture 12.103 - déteste - dislike 12.103 - statu - quo 12.102 - périodiquement - periodically 12.102 - infrastructure - infrastructure 12.102 - concurrents - competitors 12.099 - fonctionnaient - beacons 12.099 - irrégulières - alleging 12.099 - fluctuation - fluctuation 12.099 - déposition - affidavit 12.099 - relierait - terminus 12.099 - perpétuel - vows 12.099 - jugements - judgments 12.099 - maturité - maturity 12.099 - supplié - pleaded 12.099 - irrités - angered 12.099 - chutes - snowfall 12.099 - bonnet - nodding 12.099 - sacré - sanctity 12.099 - animé - cartoon 12.099 - o - n 12.098 - précaire - precarious 12.097 - transcription - transcript 12.097 - cachées - hidden 12.094 - incarcérés - incarcerated 12.094 - absents - absentee 12.094 - abrogée - repealed 12.093 - arbres - trees 12.091 - naïfs - naive 12.090 - esquimaudes - Eskimo 12.089 - compatibles - compatible 12.089 - endormir - sleep 12.088 - manifestations - manifestations 12.088 - arrogance - arrogance 12.088 - Arabes - Arabs 12.088 - noeud - crux 12.087 - interprète - interpreter 12.087 - optimisme - optimism 12.087 - tension - tension 12.087 - Donnez - Give 12.086 - encouragerons - entrants 12.086 - éducatives - tours 12.086 - bouleverse - upsetting 12.086 - contestée - disputed 12.086 - démodées - stubborn 12.086 - Western - Producer 12.086 - ignoré - cohesion 12.086 - atouts - trump 12.086 - asile - Chileans 12.086 - CISC - Cambodia 12.085 - intégration - vertical 12.084 - interurbains - intercity 12.084 - religieuse - sect 12.084 - concluant - conclusive 12.084 - classé - graded 12.083 - recyclage - retraining 12.083 - mur - wall 12.080 - télédiffusion - televising 12.080 - réservoirs - tanks 12.080 - retranchés - deleted 12.080 - infiniment - infinitely 12.080 - hésitante - hesitant 12.080 - démission - resignation 12.080 - compromet - jeopardizes 12.080 - écoutes - taps 12.080 - séparée - widowed 12.080 - malheur - doom 12.080 - décédés - deceased 12.080 - verges - yards 12.080 - traces - wolf 12.080 - nappes - formations 12.077 - couramment - fluent 12.077 - élisent - elect 12.077 - étau - squeeze 12.074 - réglementaires - Statutory 12.074 - éloquemment - eloquently 12.074 - sympathise - sympathize 12.074 - horribles - horrible 12.074 - éteindre - lights 12.074 - visible - visible 12.074 - élèves - pupils 12.074 - saint - sacrosanct 12.074 - Vers - Toward 12.072 - révisions - revisions 12.071 - effondrement - collapse 12.071 - dominé - dominated 12.070 - vérificateurs - auditors 12.070 - endommagées - damaged 12.070 - peuplées - sparsely 12.070 - rangée - row 12.070 - BEI - IDB 12.069 - préventives - preventive 12.069 - Maritime - Command 12.069 - église - church 12.068 - greffier - Clerk 12.068 - Dominion - Stores 12.067 - fraction - fraction 12.065 - perturber - disrupt 12.065 - détournée - devious 12.065 - diffuse - broadcasts 12.065 - analysé - analyzed 12.064 - stupéfiants - Narcotic 12.063 - Lakeshore - Grier 12.062 - semi - semi 12.062 - jury - jury 12.061 - Transportation - Telegraph 12.061 - intensifier - intensify 12.061 - fédérations - Sport 12.061 - réagissons - reacting 12.061 - concrétise - embodies 12.061 - incommode - cumbersome 12.061 - oubliées - waived 12.061 - ensuivre - ensue 12.061 - trompez - yourselves 12.061 - faculté - faculty 12.061 - gérant - Manager 12.061 - férié - holiday 12.061 - défis - challenges 12.060 - moderniser - modernize 12.060 - craignait - feared 12.060 - anormale - abnormal 12.060 - OTAN - NATO 12.059 - aile - wing 12.057 - transition - Adjustment 12.057 - préserve - forbid 12.057 - endosser - underwrite 12.057 - punis - punished 12.055 - recherchistes - researchers 12.055 - accélération - acceleration 12.054 - programmation - programming 12.054 - barrières - barriers 12.054 - troubler - disturb 12.053 - contractuelles - contractual 12.053 - objets - artifacts 12.049 - balle - bullet 12.048 - actionnaire - shareholder 12.047 - converti - converted 12.047 - Mexique - Mexico 12.046 - Polonais - Polish 12.045 - incline - bow 12.044 - remarquablement - remarkably 12.044 - Coopérative - Québec 12.044 - redevables - indebted 12.044 - amicales - friendly 12.044 - annexes - schedules 12.044 - coupe - stumpage 12.043 - motionnaires - movers 12.043 - prisonnier - prisoner 12.043 - marginale - marginal 12.043 - contredit - contradicts 12.043 - dominés - dominated 12.042 - rationnement - rationing 12.040 - fusionnement - amalgamation 12.040 - entravé - impeded 12.040 - lutté - struggled 12.039 - condamnons - condemn 12.039 - tapis - carpeting 12.038 - lumières - lights 12.038 - génie - genius 12.037 - transcanadien - Transcanada 12.037 - retranchement - Cooperative 12.037 - collaborera - situ 12.037 - doucement - gently 12.037 - énonçant - enunciating 12.037 - indéfini - resided 12.037 - inconnus - nobodies 12.037 - Products - Forest 12.037 - chilien - junta 12.037 - adjugés - contractees 12.037 - dévier - deviate 12.037 - rêver - dreaming 12.035 - délègue - delegated 12.034 - cruelle - cruel 12.032 - toléreront - tolerate 12.031 - exclut - excludes 12.029 - chaleureusement - warmly 12.029 - convenances - propriety 12.028 - résidences - residences 12.028 - reformuler - rephrase 12.028 - rejetant - rejecting 12.025 - proportionnelles - escalator 12.025 - récriminations - shattered 12.025 - règlementation - deceitful 12.025 - religieusement - assiduous 12.025 - présenteraient - miscarriage 12.025 - historiquement - historically 12.025 - conventionnels - oilfields 12.025 - établissaient - remissions 12.025 - tiraillements - tug 12.025 - respiratoires - disorders 12.025 - caractérisent - characterize 12.025 - atmosphérique - atmospheric 12.025 - accueilleront - Existing 12.025 - aboutissement - culmination 12.025 - scandaleuses - retract 12.025 - rétroactives - remissions 12.025 - récidivistes - recidivism 12.025 - retrouverons - floundering 12.025 - paraissaient - looming 12.025 - gérontologie - improves 12.025 - diffamatoire - expelled 12.025 - conserveront - demoted 12.025 - comprendrons - multiplication 12.025 - surveillées - wronged 12.025 - reconquérir - Soviets 12.025 - protectrice - Supervisory 12.025 - occasionner - exhaustion 12.025 - monumentale - monumental 12.025 - modestement - velocity 12.025 - manifestant - laxity 12.025 - incohérente - dissertation 12.025 - inaliénable - antithesis 12.025 - entendaient - fanatics 12.025 - ensemencées - grasslands 12.025 - empaquetage - Formerly 12.025 - comparaisse - intervenes 12.025 - choisissant - singling 12.025 - centralisés - centrally 12.025 - authentique - authentic 12.025 - adopterions - impinge 12.025 - abandonnera - diminishes 12.025 - Perspective - ordinators 12.025 - échéancier - expiring 12.025 - troublants - belligerent 12.025 - traduisant - blast 12.025 - sollicités - Sahel 12.025 - présuppose - punishments 12.025 - maraîchère - bargained 12.025 - magistrale - dissertation 12.025 - librairies - publisher 12.025 - implacable - eviction 12.025 - gaspillent - awakening 12.025 - franchisse - readings 12.025 - effectives - ideally 12.025 - détournent - diverting 12.025 - dérisoires - milked 12.025 - critiquons - storey 12.025 - cotisables - contributory 12.025 - contractés - okay 12.025 - consacrant - Parkdale 12.025 - condamnant - idleness 12.025 - attribuait - insistent 12.025 - aspiration - perverse 12.025 - acquéreurs - warranty 12.025 - acheminées - westbound 12.025 - accentuent - complicity 12.025 - vérifiant - mornings 12.025 - viabilisé - hooked 12.025 - trappeurs - leg 12.025 - suscitant - mouse 12.025 - spontanée - operatively 12.025 - simulacre - travesty 12.025 - récoltent - grandfathers 12.025 - reportent - Michener 12.025 - religions - mores 12.025 - redevable - subcontractors 12.025 - rappelais - Cité 12.025 - plombiers - carpenter 12.025 - paralysie - absurdity 12.025 - observant - milieu 12.025 - notoriété - Aluminum 12.025 - instaurés - podge 12.025 - implantée - milieu 12.025 - héritiers - successors 12.025 - habilités - sciences 12.025 - garderait - worship 12.025 - déversent - northward 12.025 - dégénérer - fierce 12.025 - cultivées - arable 12.025 - couronnés - observance 12.025 - coopèrent - observance 12.025 - certifier - Statement 12.025 - assouplir - relaxing 12.025 - ascension - dynamism 12.025 - amplifier - amplify 12.025 - affichent - revolves 12.025 - Septembre - Moore 12.025 - Remarquez - Note 12.025 - Interrogé - commuters 12.025 - élargira - liberalized 12.025 - virement - dredged 12.025 - souciait - solidly 12.025 - renaître - trademark 12.025 - rappelée - revived 12.025 - perpétré - defends 12.025 - monstres - jams 12.025 - miroiter - Estevan 12.025 - excluant - fumbling 12.025 - estimera - un 12.025 - entachée - condoning 12.025 - empreint - instinctive 12.025 - découper - tampering 12.025 - doublera - inclement 12.025 - divulgue - discloses 12.025 - dispensé - Foods 12.025 - desdites - equipping 12.025 - concéder - ominous 12.025 - clameurs - reacts 12.025 - bitumeux - shale 12.025 - auquelle - contravenes 12.025 - attachés - drums 12.025 - annulent - denominator 12.025 - allonger - Holiday 12.025 - aiderons - grandfathers 12.025 - Columbia - Cellulose 12.025 - traffic - loadings 12.025 - tentais - rudely 12.025 - sportif - sporting 12.025 - sentira - unconcerned 12.025 - réélire - conservatism 12.025 - révolus - eighteen 12.025 - planter - knife 12.025 - payante - circuit 12.025 - modeler - livable 12.025 - lurette - demonstrably 12.025 - jachère - plow 12.025 - inonder - Columbians 12.025 - hangars - bins 12.025 - guident - ineffectual 12.025 - fleuves - Arrow 12.025 - enjoint - enumerators 12.025 - débiter - contradicting 12.025 - civique - civic 12.025 - branche - limb 12.025 - Membres - Elevator 12.025 - volent - rob 12.025 - tribut - commanded 12.025 - traîné - dragged 12.025 - percer - scrupulous 12.025 - pardon - pardon 12.025 - navals - shipyards 12.025 - levées - aspire 12.025 - gênent - impedes 12.025 - guidés - reacts 12.025 - grâces - eulogy 12.025 - fautif - infraction 12.025 - digues - shorelines 12.025 - convoi - whistle 12.025 - boucle - circle 12.025 - barque - inane 12.025 - aspire - aspire 12.025 - Greene - hereinafter 12.025 - érigé - prefabricated 12.025 - vouer - doom 12.025 - verte - Verte 12.025 - trier - Poor 12.025 - toits - chimneys 12.025 - passa - Ages 12.025 - lâché - patrols 12.025 - goûts - Individuals 12.025 - allié - serviceable 12.025 - Poste - rage 12.025 - oser - curbed 12.025 - loge - housed 12.025 - dieu - worship 12.025 - abat - Ice 12.025 - Face - Faced 12.025 - man - diminishes 12.025 - dut - harass 12.025 - ré - realignment 12.023 - bandes - bands 12.022 - observateur - observer 12.022 - feux - fires 12.021 - balances - scales 12.021 - cruel - cruel 12.020 - infirmiers - nursing 12.020 - Huttérites - Hutterites 12.020 - proclamer - proclaim 12.019 - échangée - effluent 12.017 - emprisonnés - imprisoned 12.017 - dépression - depression 12.017 - connivence - collusion 12.016 - South - Crouse 12.015 - concerté - concerted 12.014 - rectifications - corrections 12.014 - Board - Dental 12.013 - improvisation - hocery 12.013 - apporteraient - Havilland 12.013 - sensationnel - populace 12.013 - réfléchiront - rub 12.013 - qualificatif - Democrat 12.013 - exhortations - instigation 12.013 - dépositaires - stocking 12.013 - découvrirons - mutilated 12.013 - autofinancer - burdensome 12.013 - emmagasiner - stockpile 12.013 - embarcation - barge 12.013 - distribuent - gloves 12.013 - appartenons - denials 12.013 - émotionnel - jealousy 12.013 - renforcera - assigns 12.013 - installant - Zenith 12.013 - hésiterons - deflationary 12.013 - exportions - bland 12.013 - enterprise - stifled 12.013 - décoration - Commander 12.013 - débarrasse - discord 12.013 - commencées - Inland 12.013 - apporterai - grammar 12.013 - accablante - burdensome 12.013 - syndiquer - constables 12.013 - suspicion - distrust 12.013 - rétribués - widowed 12.013 - pharmacie - lighten 12.013 - nordiques - myths 12.013 - interdira - disciplines 12.013 - incorpore - embodying 12.013 - détention - detention 12.013 - déloyales - sufferance 12.013 - distancer - newspapermen 12.013 - concluent - Heads 12.013 - apprenais - bauxite 12.013 - apparents - superiors 12.013 - surpassé - Jobs 12.013 - octroyée - Intensive 12.013 - détacher - redefine 12.013 - débiteur - redeem 12.013 - classent - defies 12.013 - attirera - disciplines 12.013 - vétéran - permanency 12.013 - visages - fourteen 12.013 - relégué - remunerated 12.013 - mandaté - Cases 12.013 - immigré - immigrate 12.013 - fichent - Venezuelans 12.013 - endossé - nuts 12.013 - emporté - washed 12.013 - concédé - discord 12.013 - taxées - plank 12.013 - renard - prince 12.013 - dérobe - sliding 12.013 - dérivé - asphalt 12.013 - criant - wolf 12.013 - aidait - massively 12.013 - accède - puppet 12.013 - marre - emphysema 12.013 - maman - peroration 12.013 - audit - Guidelines 12.013 - Jadis - miner 12.013 - voué - doomed 12.013 - rapt - ruthless 12.013 - lues - glossy 12.012 - indésirables - undesirable 12.012 - commodité - convenience 12.011 - conducteurs - drivers 12.011 - tactique - tactic 12.011 - Inde - India 12.009 - désavantages - drawbacks 12.009 - sollicité - solicited 12.009 - mensonge - falsehood 12.009 - embouche - feeder 12.009 - chinois - Chinese 12.009 - Songez - Think 12.009 - Marché - Common 12.008 - politicien - politician 12.008 - traîne - dragging 12.007 - départements - promotions 12.007 - farine - fishmeal 12.006 - manufacturiers - Manufacturers 12.006 - nationaliser - nationalizing 12.006 - pilotage - Pilotage 12.006 - sains - wholesome 12.006 - maux - evils 12.005 - sagement - wisely 12.005 - mers - seas 12.004 - artificielles - artificial 12.003 - pitoyable - pitiful 12.003 - Parcs - Parks 12.002 - troupeau - herd 12.002 - intenter - sue 12.002 - sapeurs - firefighters 12.002 - afflux - influx 12.001 - indices - indexes 12.000 - positivement - positively 12.000 - télégrammes - telegrams 12.000 - filles - girls 11.999 - attestation - certification 11.998 - touristiques - attractions 11.998 - entendement - comprehension 11.996 - mécontent - displeased 11.995 - sauvage - savage 11.995 - feuille - leaf 11.993 - annulation - cancellation 11.993 - allemands - German 11.993 - partance - terminating 11.993 - forêts - Forestry 11.991 - radicalement - radically 11.991 - Railway - Northland 11.991 - Parlez - Speak 11.990 - Nonobstant - Notwithstanding 11.989 - lotissements - subdivisions 11.989 - réciproques - reciprocal 11.989 - sauvetage - lifeboat 11.989 - Pêcheries - LeBlanc 11.989 - fidélité - loyalty 11.989 - quintal - hundredweight 11.989 - pourri - rotten 11.989 - boule - crystal 11.987 - déranger - disturb 11.987 - ineptie - ineptitude 11.987 - Report - News 11.985 - intergouvernementales - intergovernmental 11.985 - consultative - IMCO 11.985 - théoriques - theoretical 11.985 - rivaliser - rival 11.985 - civilisé - civilized 11.985 - guerres - Wars 11.984 - plaisanterie - joke 11.984 - transferts - transfers 11.984 - risée - laughing 11.983 - désavantageuse - disadvantageous 11.983 - effraction - arson 11.983 - cataplasme - wooden 11.983 - entravée - impeded 11.983 - blessure - wilfully 11.983 - garant - vouch 11.983 - verbe - tense 11.980 - renouvelable - revolving 11.980 - injustement - unjustly 11.980 - controversé - controversial 11.980 - conformés - complied 11.980 - ambassade - embassy 11.980 - épine - backbone 11.979 - honteuse - shameful 11.978 - isolément - isolation 11.977 - étonnement - amazement 11.977 - multiplier - multiply 11.977 - enquêteurs - investigators 11.977 - gaspillés - spoiled 11.977 - désignant - designating 11.977 - mesquin - niggardly 11.977 - maîtres - Closings 11.977 - anormal - abnormal 11.977 - défie - defy 11.977 - bacs - ferries 11.976 - cadeaux - gifts 11.975 - gras - fat 11.974 - diéthyle - DES 11.973 - uniformes - uniforms 11.973 - souffle - breath 11.973 - sac - bag 11.972 - condamne - condemns 11.972 - améliore - improves 11.972 - indexés - indexed 11.970 - européennes - Helsinki 11.970 - courantes - Routine 11.970 - séparées - widowed 11.969 - questionnaire - questionnaire 11.969 - occasionnels - casual 11.969 - veuve - widow 11.969 - punir - punish 11.966 - irrémédiablement - hopelessly 11.966 - compatriotes - countrymen 11.966 - commettons - discriminating 11.966 - tangibles - tangible 11.966 - rétracter - retract 11.966 - rembourse - reimbursing 11.966 - chiffrées - Gross 11.966 - fautes - sins 11.966 - manne - windfalls 11.966 - para - chocolate 11.966 - Mlle - Bégin 11.964 - emplettes - shopping 11.961 - interminables - endless 11.961 - lotissement - subdivision 11.961 - jette - throws 11.959 - anticipés - Advance 11.958 - neuvième - ninth 11.958 - banquet - dinner 11.958 - prédis - predict 11.957 - trimestrielle - quarterly 11.957 - cancer - cancer 11.955 - déception - disappointment 11.954 - catastrophiques - catastrophic 11.954 - Quatrièmement - Fourthly 11.954 - contredisent - contradict 11.954 - tractations - corrupt 11.954 - bouleverser - disrupt 11.954 - détruisant - destroying 11.954 - contrecoup - backlash 11.954 - échangent - exchanging 11.954 - cohérente - cohesive 11.954 - réfugier - refuge 11.954 - inculpés - indicted 11.954 - endiguer - tide 11.954 - adaptées - adapted 11.954 - émotifs - emotionally 11.954 - remèdes - remedies 11.954 - présidé - chaired 11.954 - furieux - angered 11.954 - ennuyer - bore 11.954 - classer - classify 11.954 - rebuts - recycled 11.954 - passif - liabilities 11.954 - louées - leased 11.954 - chassé - kicked 11.954 - cargos - icebreaking 11.954 - braves - brave 11.954 - banc - Bench 11.951 - catastrophes - disasters 11.951 - déléguer - delegate 11.951 - miner - undermine 11.950 - enthousiastes - enthusiastic 11.950 - artificiels - artificial 11.949 - inappropriée - impropriety 11.949 - recrutement - recruitment 11.949 - disséminées - scattered 11.949 - coordonnés - unco 11.949 - mariée - unmarried 11.947 - progression - progression 11.947 - désespoir - desperation 11.947 - chandelle - penny 11.947 - homicide - manslaughter 11.947 - ordures - garbage 11.947 - Fête - Day 11.947 - An - Year 11.946 - discrètement - quietly 11.946 - moteurs - motors 11.946 - anxiété - anxiety 11.944 - sacrifier - sacrifice 11.944 - sciences - sciences 11.943 - déductibilité - deductibility 11.942 - impressionnante - impressive 11.942 - héroïne - heroin 11.941 - acceptabilité - acceptability 11.941 - préséance - precedence 11.941 - remporté - championship 11.941 - oiseaux - birds 11.940 - acquittés - acquitted 11.939 - observateurs - observers 11.939 - déversement - spill 11.939 - East - Hants 11.938 - embarcations - craft 11.938 - bulletin - bulletin 11.937 - désapprouver - disapprove 11.937 - occasionnés - Greenpeace 11.937 - catastrophe - catastrophe 11.937 - privations - vacillating 11.937 - circulent - circulating 11.937 - tendres - bleeding 11.937 - habité - inhabited 11.937 - folle - weed 11.936 - gênant - inconvenient 11.936 - recul - setback 11.934 - abattus - slaughtered 11.933 - diversité - diversity 11.932 - restreignent - disqualify 11.932 - remaniements - refinement 11.932 - abrogation - repeal 11.932 - indulgent - lenient 11.932 - aventurer - angels 11.932 - absorbé - absorbed 11.932 - enjeu - stakes 11.930 - entité - entity 11.930 - Près - Nearly 11.929 - Reportée - Transferred 11.929 - Anciens - DVA 11.928 - inattendus - unearned 11.928 - scandale - scandal 11.928 - sacrés - sacred 11.928 - Bourse - Stock 11.928 - amp - amp 11.926 - éloquence - eloquence 11.926 - encourus - journey 11.926 - odieux - heinous 11.925 - publications - publications 11.925 - consommés - consumed 11.925 - dimanche - Sunday 11.925 - insulte - insult 11.925 - unis - UTU 11.923 - pierre - cornerstone 11.922 - minorités - minorities 11.920 - personnalité - personality 11.920 - expropriées - expropriated 11.920 - expropriée - expropriated 11.919 - Russie - Russia 11.918 - commodités - amenities 11.916 - convalescence - nursing 11.916 - scandaleux - scandalous 11.915 - endettés - indebted 11.915 - adapté - adapted 11.914 - malhonnêtes - corrupt 11.914 - moisson - harvesting 11.912 - Cape - Sydneys 11.911 - ingénierie - engineering 11.911 - pupitre - seatmate 11.910 - dévouement - devotion 11.910 - éthique - ethics 11.910 - fuite - leak 11.909 - électroniquement - missiles 11.909 - représentantes - tours 11.909 - perfectionnées - sophistication 11.909 - rencontraient - Square 11.909 - manipulations - floundering 11.909 - juridiquement - Families 11.909 - inflationiste - seagulls 11.909 - inaccessibles - indecisive 11.909 - déterminerait - tribe 11.909 - diminueraient - stipulations 11.909 - renflouement - Whale 11.909 - inexploitées - hydraulic 11.909 - garantissait - interestingly 11.909 - circonscrire - circumstantial 11.909 - aboutiraient - amicable 11.909 - tiendraient - Eberle 11.909 - soupçonnait - cooked 11.909 - réconcilier - intercede 11.909 - outrepasser - demolition 11.909 - offriraient - memberships 11.909 - inspiraient - inspire 11.909 - entrevoient - dread 11.909 - démographie - conundrum 11.909 - discuterait - Dog 11.909 - discutables - overzealous 11.909 - adressaient - seekers 11.909 - échelonnés - Counties 11.909 - rejoignent - Harris 11.909 - rattachait - voyage 11.909 - pronostics - stimulant 11.909 - interrompt - aleck 11.909 - fabriquant - extraprovincial 11.909 - expliquées - Beaupre 11.909 - entretenue - psychosis 11.909 - enseignent - Universities 11.909 - détruisons - aerosol 11.909 - démontrera - fertile 11.909 - découvrait - amicable 11.909 - divulguées - disadvantageous 11.909 - conservées - Wars 11.909 - conciliant - peacefully 11.909 - composante - inherently 11.909 - autorisons - denigrating 11.909 - assassinés - killings 11.909 - approchent - contiguous 11.909 - appellerai - tragically 11.909 - ajouteront - complemented 11.909 - élaborent - puzzles 11.909 - vérifiées - verified 11.909 - soutienne - withstood 11.909 - souffrait - southwest 11.909 - répandent - paraphrasing 11.909 - retraites - Maximum 11.909 - renvoyant - subvert 11.909 - préférera - negotiator 11.909 - priverait - malice 11.909 - parrainés - Ice 11.909 - nouveauté - grandfathers 11.909 - militants - memberships 11.909 - insulaire - cup 11.909 - importera - redistributed 11.909 - imaginons - dread 11.909 - finançant - tampering 11.909 - déroulera - perplexed 11.909 - commandés - reimbursing 11.909 - bâtissent - shacks 11.909 - auditeurs - audiences 11.909 - assiduité - assiduously 11.909 - aspirants - intake 11.909 - alarmante - alarmingly 11.909 - adjacents - contiguous 11.909 - Exception - tenderers 11.909 - écoulera - robbers 11.909 - tremplin - northward 11.909 - tolérera - okay 11.909 - suspects - suspects 11.909 - supporté - flak 11.909 - subirons - concomitant 11.909 - relisant - smiled 11.909 - prévient - depress 11.909 - pistolet - companions 11.909 - naissent - illegitimate 11.909 - manquant - indecisive 11.909 - insultes - excesses 11.909 - frappera - dweller 11.909 - fixerait - photograph 11.909 - entourer - kits 11.909 - enfoncer - rammed 11.909 - cessions - bagmen 11.909 - avantagé - advantaged 11.909 - aménagée - Aluminum 11.909 - accordez - tours 11.909 - évitera - forfeited 11.909 - éclaire - remissions 11.909 - visités - moderated 11.909 - sentant - grabbing 11.909 - relient - northland 11.909 - rajusté - reimbursing 11.909 - prompte - disarray 11.909 - peuplés - revulsion 11.909 - offense - resent 11.909 - mérités - sentimental 11.909 - masquer - calculates 11.909 - livrant - exceptionable 11.909 - leviers - externally 11.909 - ignorés - scant 11.909 - habités - Renewal 11.909 - fortuit - incidental 11.909 - flatter - tiger 11.909 - ferveur - candour 11.909 - envahir - undisputed 11.909 - embêter - annoying 11.909 - dérouté - puzzles 11.909 - déplace - displacement 11.909 - démunie - unprepared 11.909 - démarré - rugged 11.909 - convois - plow 11.909 - blâmons - denigrating 11.909 - altérer - taint 11.909 - treize - storey 11.909 - tracer - paths 11.909 - tiroir - Cash 11.909 - remous - overtones 11.909 - rallie - Cossitt 11.909 - impute - blames 11.909 - hocher - shaking 11.909 - common - dependant 11.909 - choque - blows 11.909 - aidées - conservatism 11.909 - Parler - exemplary 11.909 - soupé - hats 11.909 - rient - mock 11.909 - redit - persistently 11.909 - rayés - Hackett 11.909 - méfie - clichés 11.909 - multi - responsiveness 11.909 - gages - hijackers 11.909 - flanc - festering 11.909 - dupes - fooled 11.909 - dupe - fooling 11.909 - chou - bishops 11.908 - incidemment - incidentally 11.907 - prometteuses - promising 11.907 - législateurs - legislators 11.907 - prometteur - promising 11.907 - harmonie - harmony 11.905 - totalisant - Contributions 11.905 - camp - camp 11.903 - crier - shout 11.902 - occasionnel - casual 11.902 - inexistant - existent 11.902 - réservait - reserving 11.902 - contrarié - annoyed 11.902 - dictée - dictated 11.899 - Okanagan - Whittaker 11.897 - calme - calm 11.896 - combustibles - fossil 11.896 - certificat - certificate 11.895 - ceintures - belts 11.895 - Trop - Too 11.893 - envie - envy 11.891 - cotisant - contributor 11.890 - timbres - stamps 11.890 - race - creed 11.890 - sir - Wilfrid 11.887 - confidentiellement - plethora 11.887 - métallurgistes - dodge 11.887 - capitalisation - capitalization 11.887 - conventionnés - Terrace 11.887 - tracasseries - harassment 11.887 - revendiquent - newest 11.887 - prétendument - hocery 11.887 - prédilection - trademark 11.887 - hospitalisés - demolished 11.887 - engraisseurs - feeders 11.887 - découvrirait - awakening 11.887 - controversés - viewers 11.887 - étudierions - microcosm 11.887 - tributaires - baling 11.887 - rétablirait - segregation 11.887 - prometteuse - stocking 11.887 - prometteurs - heralded 11.887 - libéraliser - Automotive 11.887 - jouissaient - perimeter 11.887 - irréguliers - kangaroo 11.887 - intervalles - intervals 11.887 - incertaines - unexpectedly 11.887 - garantiront - vindicate 11.887 - entretenait - Lafarge 11.887 - définitions - definitions 11.887 - draconienne - pupil 11.887 - dirigeaient - likened 11.887 - chercherons - Tariffs 11.887 - assisteront - commemorating 11.887 - souciaient - repealing 11.887 - réaménager - redevelopment 11.887 - renforcées - insulated 11.887 - partageait - Diagnostic 11.887 - indemnisés - remunerated 11.887 - expulsions - eviction 11.887 - dépouiller - ravaged 11.887 - corporatif - folklore 11.887 - continuité - continuity 11.887 - attirerait - instinct 11.887 - attendront - Ships 11.887 - accentuera - heighten 11.887 - vainement - poet 11.887 - résultait - jargon 11.887 - réservons - plenary 11.887 - présidait - Lafarge 11.887 - perpétrer - oppressed 11.887 - ouvrables - forwarding 11.887 - minuscule - picayune 11.887 - fauniques - reinforcing 11.887 - disputent - betrayal 11.887 - calmement - meditation 11.887 - atténuera - infected 11.887 - attestant - medically 11.887 - armateurs - shipbuilders 11.887 - écrasant - crushing 11.887 - écouteur - liar 11.887 - écoulent - dinosaur 11.887 - voisines - coastlines 11.887 - vendront - Westcoast 11.887 - surtaxes - freezers 11.887 - riposter - Waldheim 11.887 - ricochet - trickle 11.887 - offenser - offending 11.887 - octroyés - PCV 11.887 - novateur - altitude 11.887 - garderie - shareable 11.887 - franchit - widowed 11.887 - exemptes - hereafter 11.887 - dépliant - Guide 11.887 - délicats - draining 11.887 - décerner - prizes 11.887 - docteurs - paramedical 11.887 - célèbres - Annex 11.887 - courtier - relinquish 11.887 - compatis - inundated 11.887 - combinés - lap 11.887 - changées - McLean 11.887 - broncher - vengeful 11.887 - biologie - technologically 11.887 - approché - bathroom 11.887 - affreuse - researching 11.887 - épuisée - Leduc 11.887 - électif - primacy 11.887 - sévices - beatings 11.887 - stricte - strictest 11.887 - stopper - halting 11.887 - réputés - reputable 11.887 - prônait - surmise 11.887 - piastre - wolf 11.887 - parquet - entitles 11.887 - libérés - parolees 11.887 - gentils - needlessly 11.887 - expulsé - expelled 11.887 - deviner - surmise 11.887 - croiser - blithely 11.887 - attiser - stifled 11.887 - apanage - cowardly 11.887 - affligé - canard 11.887 - venger - abhorrent 11.887 - tortue - stove 11.887 - tenure - Workmen 11.887 - souche - log 11.887 - jacent - unsettled 11.887 - injure - slur 11.887 - infini - tales 11.887 - graine - Rapeseed 11.887 - expire - expires 11.887 - dénués - undemocratic 11.887 - creusé - Leduc 11.887 - tuait - narcotic 11.887 - sises - camping 11.887 - sauve - snowmobile 11.887 - osons - booming 11.887 - marée - tide 11.887 - grade - Brigadier 11.887 - direz - battlefield 11.887 - coule - taps 11.887 - boucs - distract 11.887 - écho - echoed 11.887 - Être - affiliations 11.887 - sème - summons 11.887 - XXIe - bathroom 11.887 - Pis - umpire 11.887 - ue - Mayors 11.887 - MM - Comtois 11.887 - As - hurried 11.885 - courriéristes - gallery 11.885 - dizaines - tens 11.884 - restrictives - Restrictive 11.882 - Institute - Frenette 11.882 - décrété - decreed 11.881 - complémentaires - complementary 11.881 - stilbestrol - DES 11.881 - découragés - discouraged 11.881 - chroniques - chronically 11.881 - pénétrer - penetrate 11.881 - rumeurs - rumours 11.881 - dicte - dictates 11.879 - équipages - crews 11.878 - parier - bet 11.877 - divisions - divisions 11.877 - salarié - earner 11.876 - raccordement - standardization 11.876 - incompatible - incompatible 11.876 - secrétaires - secretaries 11.876 - populations - Closings 11.876 - exigeraient - necessitate 11.876 - normaliser - standardization 11.876 - souffrant - handicaps 11.876 - placerait - straitjacket 11.876 - regagner - regaining 11.876 - lesdites - Administrator 11.876 - invasion - infestation 11.876 - affiché - posted 11.876 - hâtive - hasty 11.876 - chaude - greenhouse 11.876 - panne - stranded 11.876 - ruse - gamesmanship 11.875 - locataires - tenants 11.874 - trimestriels - quarterly 11.873 - détournements - hijacking 11.873 - contractuelle - contractual 11.873 - applaudir - applauding 11.873 - absorbés - absorbed 11.872 - gagnaient - intervals 11.871 - abolitionniste - abolitionist 11.868 - rhétorique - rhetoric 11.867 - géant - giant 11.866 - expansionniste - expansionary 11.866 - marquées - asterisk 11.866 - Head - Ivan 11.866 - CICS - ICCS 11.865 - valorisation - upgrading 11.865 - sédentaires - ops 11.865 - résister - scrupulous 11.864 - abattoirs - packers 11.863 - fournisseur - supplier 11.863 - galopante - galloping 11.863 - convertis - converted 11.863 - contraste - contrast 11.862 - craignaient - feared 11.862 - impuissant - impotent 11.862 - variante - variation 11.862 - désuètes - antiquated 11.862 - affligés - saddled 11.862 - presqu - Forillon 11.861 - réservant - reserving 11.861 - modèles - models 11.861 - mobile - Mobile 11.861 - battus - beaten 11.860 - Quatre - Four 11.859 - athlètes - athletes 11.859 - socio - socio 11.858 - aides - navigational 11.857 - encombrement - congestion 11.857 - journaliste - journalist 11.857 - blessures - injuries 11.857 - mentaux - retarded 11.856 - constituées - unincorporated 11.855 - controversée - controversial 11.855 - irritation - irritants 11.855 - coordonner - coordinate 11.855 - concentré - focussed 11.855 - chauffeur - driver 11.855 - chantiers - shipyards 11.855 - déverser - dump 11.855 - cueillir - ripe 11.855 - coincés - squeezed 11.855 - civisme - patriotism 11.855 - cerveau - brain 11.855 - tirage - Reader 11.855 - ruiner - ruin 11.855 - prions - pray 11.855 - plaie - festering 11.853 - ignorance - ignorance 11.852 - impatience - impatience 11.851 - emprisonné - imprisoned 11.851 - intensive - intensively 11.851 - allemande - German 11.851 - soixante - sixty 11.851 - retirant - withdrawing 11.851 - promener - wander 11.851 - Veuillez - Please 11.851 - famine - famine 11.851 - veto - veto 11.851 - flot - afloat 11.850 - extinction - extinction 11.850 - dominées - dominated 11.849 - verbaux - Votes 11.849 - tours - towers 11.848 - méthodiquement - systematically 11.848 - catégoriques - categorical 11.848 - prescrits - medically 11.848 - Nickel - Belt 11.847 - projections - projections 11.847 - éclaircie - clarified 11.846 - assassiné - murdered 11.846 - géante - giant 11.844 - proportionné - proportionate 11.844 - Statistiques - Murder 11.844 - messageries - Steamship 11.844 - étroitesse - bigotry 11.844 - protestent - scream 11.844 - interrogés - polled 11.844 - embauchées - editors 11.844 - réexaminé - reorganized 11.844 - déplorons - deplore 11.844 - reposait - rested 11.844 - classés - alphabetical 11.844 - tissus - Clothing 11.844 - postés - mailed 11.844 - Région - Region 11.843 - chaussures - footwear 11.842 - bénévole - volunteer 11.842 - côtière - Guard 11.841 - proportionnellement - proportionately 11.841 - démodée - outmoded 11.840 - dicter - dictate 11.839 - spéculation - speculation 11.839 - méridionale - Pelee 11.839 - séparation - separation 11.839 - assassinée - kidnapped 11.839 - écoutera - Cowan 11.839 - longent - coastline 11.839 - chaleur - warmth 11.839 - fiches - affording 11.839 - cachés - hidden 11.838 - démographiques - demographic 11.838 - domination - domination 11.837 - Force - blanks 11.836 - rassurer - reassure 11.835 - vulnérables - vulnerable 11.834 - bataille - battlefield 11.834 - vin - wine 11.833 - boissons - beverages 11.833 - iii - iii 11.832 - alerte - alert 11.831 - élémentaire - elementary 11.829 - inepte - inept 11.829 - tue - kills 11.828 - perfectionnement - fellowships 11.828 - mensuelles - uneven 11.828 - remporter - medals 11.828 - complaire - delight 11.828 - absorber - absorb 11.828 - préside - chairing 11.828 - induits - deceived 11.828 - immisce - pervasive 11.828 - civiles - Liberties 11.828 - bruits - noises 11.827 - rétrogrades - regressive 11.826 - canaliser - channel 11.825 - passionnant - exciting 11.823 - impressionnants - impressive 11.823 - reconnaissants - thankful 11.823 - insuffisamment - underpaid 11.823 - dépouillement - generalized 11.823 - veuillent - yea 11.823 - multitude - multitude 11.823 - monnayer - mint 11.823 - couloir - corridor 11.823 - Samedi - Saturday 11.823 - lésée - aggrieved 11.823 - Loin - Far 11.823 - Sir - Wilfrid 11.821 - discrétionnaire - discretionary 11.820 - vache - cow 11.819 - spécialisée - unskilled 11.819 - félicité - complimented 11.819 - chaos - chaos 11.818 - embouchure - mouth 11.818 - malaise - malaise 11.818 - fumer - smoking 11.817 - expérimental - experimental 11.817 - démissionner - resign 11.817 - florissante - flourishing 11.817 - accompagner - accompany 11.817 - rémunérés - remunerated 11.817 - infliger - inflict 11.817 - enseigné - taught 11.817 - neige - snowfall 11.816 - enregistrements - tapes 11.816 - répréhensible - reprehensible 11.816 - détenteurs - holders 11.815 - commisération - compassionate 11.815 - probabilité - probability 11.815 - mariage - marriage 11.814 - éditorialistes - writers 11.814 - embarrassantes - embarrassing 11.814 - empresse - hasten 11.813 - exproprié - expropriated 11.813 - émotion - emotion 11.813 - Corbeau - Crowsnest 11.813 - câble - cable 11.812 - trimestriel - quarterly 11.812 - influencées - influenced 11.812 - vengeance - vengeance 11.812 - pardonner - forgive 11.812 - fraude - fraud 11.812 - outil - tool 11.811 - héritage - inheritance 11.811 - autarcie - sufficiency 11.810 - subventionne - subsidizes 11.810 - General - Motors 11.809 - irrégulière - uneven 11.809 - confortable - comfortable 11.809 - brancher - bug 11.808 - diplomatiques - diplomatic 11.808 - divergence - divergence 11.808 - effondrer - collapse 11.807 - mécaniciens - machinists 11.807 - amicale - friendly 11.805 - dominée - dominated 11.803 - correctifs - corrective 11.803 - réactions - reactions 11.803 - Nid - Crowsnest 11.802 - courageusement - boldly 11.802 - vraisemblance - infraction 11.802 - travaillerons - outgoing 11.802 - manifesteront - bricks 11.802 - inconséquence - inconsistency 11.802 - fournissaient - deceiving 11.802 - collaboreront - assembling 11.802 - stationnaire - onward 11.802 - restreignant - delineate 11.802 - rajustements - readjustments 11.802 - qualifierais - stifling 11.802 - investissant - investing 11.802 - draconiennes - complicity 11.802 - cybernétique - surround 11.802 - compétitives - innovate 11.802 - canalisation - mains 11.802 - applications - transferable 11.802 - accompagnant - consonant 11.802 - subordonnée - subordinate 11.802 - réglementés - worthiness 11.802 - rayonnement - Tuktoyaktuk 11.802 - irrévocable - irreversible 11.802 - interprétés - commanded 11.802 - fréquentant - associating 11.802 - disposerait - exceptionable 11.802 - destructeur - toss 11.802 - augmentions - painting 11.802 - abandonnant - cashed 11.802 - Mentionnons - Swearngen 11.802 - révéleront - kilter 11.802 - réglementé - depress 11.802 - remplaçait - Corriveau 11.802 - prononçais - saddle 11.802 - itinérants - shopcraft 11.802 - interprété - misinterpreted 11.802 - ingénieurs - engineers 11.802 - influencée - semantics 11.802 - fournirons - pat 11.802 - enjoignant - solicited 11.802 - engendrées - fatigue 11.802 - détruirait - subordinate 11.802 - chevronnés - resignations 11.802 - astérisque - asterisk 11.802 - acquittées - acquitted 11.802 - vivrières - IGA 11.802 - tenterons - glimmer 11.802 - réduisons - Dextraze 11.802 - renvoient - seekers 11.802 - quémander - begging 11.802 - précèdent - precede 11.802 - possédées - NFB 11.802 - orientale - Arrow 11.802 - montrerai - immemorial 11.802 - modifiait - hiatus 11.802 - laissions - plow 11.802 - intrigues - lobbying 11.802 - ignorants - ignorant 11.802 - hésiterai - beloved 11.802 - gardienne - winner 11.802 - formulera - embody 11.802 - flexibles - Precisely 11.802 - fauteuils - fools 11.802 - exigeants - dull 11.802 - effrayant - fierce 11.802 - déboursés - disbursements 11.802 - compensée - discontinuing 11.802 - arrivages - nub 11.802 - ajournera - prophet 11.802 - acquittée - acquitted 11.802 - accomplie - unconditionally 11.802 - abondants - plentiful 11.802 - vendrait - exceptionable 11.802 - utopique - visionary 11.802 - troublée - pursuits 11.802 - solidité - adage 11.802 - seconder - indigenous 11.802 - révoltés - dissolve 11.802 - publiera - booklets 11.802 - proverbe - proverbial 11.802 - poussant - buttons 11.802 - intenses - horrifying 11.802 - imaginez - imaginable 11.802 - féminins - lags 11.802 - ensuivit - westbound 11.802 - détruira - estates 11.802 - dépêches - Trident 11.802 - dénotent - medication 11.802 - dortoirs - unnatural 11.802 - cheminot - mornings 11.802 - alimente - eighteen 11.802 - Histoire - rebellion 11.802 - éhontée - milked 11.802 - votants - fanatics 11.802 - suspend - recessed 11.802 - réagira - bakers 11.802 - royaume - complements 11.802 - remonté - Cité 11.802 - piétons - motorists 11.802 - panneau - hydraulic 11.802 - ouvrent - Pope 11.802 - motrice - expiring 11.802 - faussée - warped 11.802 - estimés - tenderers 11.802 - déverse - filter 11.802 - défends - underscore 11.802 - coudées - wander 11.802 - cessons - prodded 11.802 - calibre - calibre 11.802 - avisait - refunding 11.802 - amortie - recapture 11.802 - agréées - fellowships 11.802 - Chinois - Chinese 11.802 - subite - aerosol 11.802 - statue - Meighen 11.802 - ranger - furs 11.802 - poster - typed 11.802 - munies - bonded 11.802 - moulin - windmills 11.802 - images - horrifying 11.802 - gratte - jams 11.802 - détour - commuters 11.802 - défunt - defunct 11.802 - capter - harness 11.802 - bâtons - sticks 11.802 - brèche - undisputed 11.802 - berner - fooled 11.802 - Puisse - calamity 11.802 - Donner - Giving 11.802 - voués - acquiesced 11.802 - taper - typed 11.802 - parus - defunct 11.802 - jetés - Swearngen 11.802 - guidé - piloted 11.802 - fille - daughter 11.802 - draps - toe 11.802 - cassé - decrees 11.802 - Règle - Problems 11.802 - hâté - skyrocketed 11.802 - dee - amateurs 11.802 - at - Chartered 11.801 - expressément - expressly 11.800 - insatisfaction - dissatisfaction 11.799 - thème - theme 11.798 - bilatéral - bilateral 11.797 - inexistante - existent 11.796 - défectueux - defective 11.796 - minimiser - minimize 11.795 - diplomatique - diplomatic 11.795 - effrayé - frightened 11.794 - voler - steal 11.793 - légitimement - legitimately 11.793 - marchands - merchants 11.792 - compensatrice - IV 11.791 - docteur - Morgentaler 11.791 - billets - tickets 11.790 - abolitionnistes - abolitionists 11.790 - Inutile - Needless 11.789 - poudre - powdered 11.788 - permanence - permanency 11.788 - incendie - firefighting 11.788 - charité - charity 11.788 - torts - wrongs 11.787 - instruits - educated 11.787 - relire - reread 11.786 - pénalisé - penalized 11.785 - prémédités - premeditated 11.785 - évasions - escapes 11.785 - récolté - reaped 11.785 - luxe - luxury 11.785 - bat - fights 11.784 - horrible - horrible 11.784 - arts - Films 11.783 - récompenser - reward 11.782 - récupérés - recovered 11.782 - vérifiés - audited 11.782 - soldats - soldiers 11.781 - flagrantes - glaring 11.781 - liquide - liquid 11.781 - quai - wharf 11.780 - quarante - forty 11.780 - attendue - awaited 11.780 - adultes - Adult 11.779 - chaînes - chains 11.778 - découvertes - discoveries 11.778 - surtaxe - surtax 11.778 - mobiles - mobile 11.777 - régularisation - legacy 11.777 - imputables - chargeable 11.777 - continuels - compile 11.777 - réfléchit - pondered 11.777 - prémédité - premeditated 11.777 - gouvernés - governors 11.777 - félicités - congratulated 11.777 - détourne - discourages 11.777 - circule - circulating 11.777 - égouts - sewers 11.777 - novice - newcomer 11.777 - adulte - adult 11.776 - irréaliste - unrealistic 11.776 - mainmises - takeovers 11.776 - câbles - cable 11.775 - bilatérales - bilateral 11.774 - bilatéraux - bilateral 11.774 - créateur - creative 11.774 - rentes - annuities 11.774 - beauté - beauty 11.773 - équipage - crew 11.773 - accusant - accusing 11.773 - excès - excesses 11.772 - subventionnons - massively 11.772 - contreviennent - Automobile 11.772 - travailleuses - unmitigated 11.772 - mensuellement - Form 11.772 - interlocuteur - militate 11.772 - dispendieuses - pitting 11.772 - remplaceront - steep 11.772 - remplacerait - Nation 11.772 - justifiaient - immorality 11.772 - dispendieuse - Setting 11.772 - commandement - Commander 11.772 - vaillamment - valiant 11.772 - surveillera - majors 11.772 - spécialiste - specialist 11.772 - rééducation - paramedical 11.772 - réprimander - vindictive 11.772 - rapprochées - assimilated 11.772 - condamnable - damning 11.772 - cesseraient - punishing 11.772 - abstiennent - homage 11.772 - téléviseur - snowmobile 11.772 - stupéfiant - tortuous 11.772 - spectateur - infirm 11.772 - réprimandé - superiors 11.772 - risquaient - risked 11.772 - relèveront - coarse 11.772 - protestons - vehemently 11.772 - prolongera - steers 11.772 - possédions - Always 11.772 - organisant - overloaded 11.772 - instaurant - Opportunity 11.772 - gouvernent - selfishness 11.772 - entendront - singing 11.772 - engraissés - steers 11.772 - empruntées - relay 11.772 - demandeurs - RDIA 11.772 - appréciées - carcass 11.772 - apprenions - styles 11.772 - succèdent - cabinets 11.772 - soupçonné - Hay 11.772 - soulevait - Baptiste 11.772 - sentirais - unprepared 11.772 - recevions - Hardly 11.772 - précitées - habitation 11.772 - ouvrirait - conforming 11.772 - observons - inducing 11.772 - imbroglio - voicing 11.772 - hésitants - faltering 11.772 - finissons - gimmickry 11.772 - empêchons - abdicating 11.772 - déficient - delinquency 11.772 - diminuait - fringes 11.772 - comptions - Bristol 11.772 - composera - Navy 11.772 - civilisée - civilized 11.772 - assistant - Room 11.772 - appuyions - clumsy 11.772 - aléatoire - Cap 11.772 - Northwest - Chapman 11.772 - vaisseau - burst 11.772 - suffrage - compromising 11.772 - répliqué - revamped 11.772 - répandus - voicing 11.772 - récupéré - recaptured 11.772 - militant - avowed 11.772 - haussées - thresholds 11.772 - enlevées - kidnapped 11.772 - corrigés - sorely 11.772 - choisira - vii 11.772 - chiffrer - spraying 11.772 - artisans - punishing 11.772 - appelant - Harris 11.772 - affronte - Davies 11.772 - évaluée - summers 11.772 - énerver - Lynch 11.772 - écartés - strayed 11.772 - résiste - raison 11.772 - rompues - negotiator 11.772 - repense - rethink 11.772 - recoure - immorality 11.772 - purgent - negatively 11.772 - neuvien - trawler 11.772 - heurtés - upstream 11.772 - enfermé - risked 11.772 - dictent - mandates 11.772 - capelan - USA 11.772 - avisées - cuff 11.772 - allonge - infirm 11.772 - alerter - CPIC 11.772 - valant - surpass 11.772 - havres - sailors 11.772 - enrayé - stalled 11.772 - démoli - demolished 11.772 - blâmés - whipping 11.772 - Seront - formality 11.772 - trust - popularly 11.772 - rebut - insecticides 11.772 - rails - rails 11.772 - obéir - obey 11.772 - léser - contravene 11.772 - aidée - punishing 11.772 - Table - Round 11.772 - Régie - QPP 11.772 - sapé - undermined 11.772 - modo - imaginary 11.772 - from - leaning 11.772 - Yord - forums 11.772 - qua - requisite 11.772 - her - leaning 11.771 - pétrochimique - petrochemical 11.771 - incompétence - incompetence 11.771 - nommées - appointees 11.770 - Saoudite - Saudi 11.768 - patience - patience 11.768 - Midwest - Transair 11.768 - Ai - Am 11.767 - imminente - imminent 11.762 - incontestablement - unquestionably 11.762 - matériellement - materially 11.762 - fructiculteurs - cherry 11.762 - redressements - ameliorate 11.762 - intéresseront - businesslike 11.762 - destinataires - overboard 11.762 - conventionnel - turbo 11.762 - cinquièmement - prostitution 11.762 - mériteraient - personalized 11.762 - mutuellement - mutually 11.762 - fédéralistes - federalist 11.762 - subissaient - nullify 11.762 - interdisent - pelts 11.762 - expectative - dynamism 11.762 - diminuaient - impeding 11.762 - diffamation - injure 11.762 - aggravation - worsening 11.762 - parenthèse - digress 11.762 - laborieuse - industrious 11.762 - incorrecte - shady 11.762 - impartiaux - impartially 11.762 - constatait - vouchers 11.762 - commençais - jacket 11.762 - chargeront - resell 11.762 - allégerait - soar 11.762 - affranchir - portrait 11.762 - éclairées - ethnocultural 11.762 - retournée - Stuart 11.762 - prévoyais - expelled 11.762 - prodiguer - admissions 11.762 - observées - Merely 11.762 - lentilles - angles 11.762 - exhortant - grasslands 11.762 - décadence - Herman 11.762 - civilisés - civilized 11.762 - appellera - jargon 11.762 - accumulée - donate 11.762 - réveille - woke 11.762 - réputées - Foods 11.762 - registre - registry 11.762 - perturbé - Chancellor 11.762 - observés - bred 11.762 - dépêcher - shale 11.762 - contacté - Teachers 11.762 - comparée - Criminology 11.762 - bizarres - championships 11.762 - McDonald - subdivisions 11.762 - étalage - displaying 11.762 - édictés - charters 11.762 - transit - pets 11.762 - tardera - wrath 11.762 - jouisse - unexplainable 11.762 - jacente - underlies 11.762 - ignoble - abhorrent 11.762 - divisés - vows 11.762 - blâment - snowfall 11.762 - atténue - Merely 11.762 - attarde - belabour 11.762 - agiront - unchallenged 11.762 - Voulons - medicines 11.762 - tirons - eviction 11.762 - permit - spotlight 11.762 - paquet - bundle 11.762 - munir - whistle 11.762 - index - consults 11.762 - finie - workmanship 11.762 - films - Films 11.762 - bond - leap 11.762 - O - Connor 11.761 - don - donation 11.760 - embarrassant - embarrassing 11.760 - plafonds - ceilings 11.760 - marin - submarine 11.759 - bureaucrates - bureaucrats 11.759 - atterrissage - Alitalia 11.758 - patient - patient 11.757 - retranchant - deleting 11.757 - renouvelle - recurrence 11.757 - envolée - Flight 11.757 - vices - flaws 11.756 - raffinage - refining 11.755 - désorganisation - disorganized 11.755 - insouciance - reckless 11.755 - dîner - dinner 11.753 - déficits - deficits 11.752 - Transcanadienne - Trans 11.752 - originales - redraft 11.752 - cotisantes - contributors 11.752 - soutenues - buoyant 11.752 - installée - shower 11.752 - refaire - redraft 11.752 - sigle - PEP 11.752 - Port - Basques 11.750 - accumuler - accumulate 11.750 - Dix - Eighteen 11.749 - varie - varies 11.747 - aliénation - alienation 11.746 - déchets - wastes 11.745 - épuisement - depletion 11.745 - fâcheuse - predicament 11.745 - saper - undermine 11.744 - irrégulier - kangaroo 11.744 - histoires - tales 11.744 - légales - uninsured 11.742 - douaniers - Tariffs 11.742 - prédit - predicts 11.742 - Pierre - Berton 11.741 - catégorique - categorical 11.741 - radical - radical 11.740 - laissez - laissez 11.740 - goût - taste 11.739 - formulaires - stationery 11.739 - impliqué - implicated 11.739 - déroger - depart 11.738 - habitudes - habits 11.737 - navale - shipbuilding 11.736 - supercherie - hoax 11.735 - congédiement - dismissal 11.734 - expulsés - deported 11.733 - tabac - tobacco 11.732 - métropolitaines - cutoff 11.732 - postsecondaire - VI 11.732 - justifiable - justifiable 11.732 - emballages - packaging 11.732 - brillantes - bright 11.732 - dérange - disturb 11.730 - dépendants - dependents 11.730 - convenance - expediency 11.729 - gratuit - wanton 11.729 - ériger - erect 11.728 - chevaux - horses 11.728 - canal - Canal 11.727 - Lacs - lakehead 11.726 - viabilisation - servicing 11.725 - simultanément - simultaneously 11.724 - obstruction - filibuster 11.723 - maternelle - tongue 11.722 - frontalières - frontier 11.722 - vietnamien - Vietnamese 11.722 - intervient - intervenes 11.721 - renouveler - renew 11.721 - dimension - dimension 11.721 - paisible - peaceful 11.720 - suffise - Suffice 11.720 - mortels - fatalities 11.720 - rêve - dream 11.719 - nécessiteuses - needy 11.718 - démodé - outmoded 11.717 - insatisfaisante - unsatisfactory 11.717 - divertissements - entertainment 11.717 - éminemment - eminently 11.717 - soulignant - stressing 11.717 - télévisé - televised 11.717 - intrants - inputs 11.717 - confirme - confirms 11.717 - notions - notions 11.717 - empirer - worsen 11.717 - admirer - admire 11.717 - Venez - Come 11.717 - cran - gumption 11.716 - saisonniers - seasonal 11.715 - déformer - distorting 11.715 - égide - aegis 11.714 - graduelle - gradual 11.714 - séparent - separating 11.713 - visites - visits 11.710 - Arabie - Saudi 11.709 - endettement - indebtedness 11.709 - surprend - surprises 11.709 - dilemme - dilemma 11.708 - qualification - Virtually 11.708 - expropriés - expropriated 11.708 - Sciences - Cowan 11.708 - dévoile - disclosing 11.708 - abolis - extinguished 11.708 - golfe - Persian 11.707 - géantes - giants 11.706 - arme - weapon 11.705 - recensement - census 11.705 - g - g 11.704 - dépendait - depended 11.704 - Point - Cherry 11.703 - préconisaient - idleness 11.703 - importatrices - shirts 11.703 - traverserait - paving 11.703 - sympathiques - foremen 11.703 - réglementant - lobbying 11.703 - inopportunes - unmistakable 11.703 - utiliserons - deflator 11.703 - remplissage - Sturgeon 11.703 - progressons - cling 11.703 - obstination - obstruction 11.703 - manufacture - paralyzed 11.703 - gouvernants - governors 11.703 - envisageant - focussed 11.703 - entreposées - plow 11.703 - déclenchées - Thieu 11.703 - dramatiques - relaxing 11.703 - dislocation - curbed 11.703 - attrayantes - gratification 11.703 - traitaient - Ray 11.703 - traduirait - Depending 11.703 - surveillés - buffer 11.703 - surenchère - auction 11.703 - soupçonnés - suspected 11.703 - rétablisse - belligerent 11.703 - répondrons - responsiveness 11.703 - réjouiront - overrides 11.703 - riveraines - Initial 11.703 - rapprochée - Lauzon 11.703 - objectives - enumerators 11.703 - manquement - praising 11.703 - maintienne - redraft 11.703 - incarcérer - detain 11.703 - fourragère - Occasionally 11.703 - essayeront - harness 11.703 - conjointes - Brazilian 11.703 - affligeant - Honduras 11.703 - accomplies - Langelier 11.703 - survivent - unconditionally 11.703 - supposait - rammed 11.703 - soulèvera - tampering 11.703 - rémunérée - Ice 11.703 - recoivent - subcontractors 11.703 - ralentira - dampen 11.703 - merveille - proverbial 11.703 - continues - velocity 11.703 - concorder - mesh 11.703 - assistait - Canberra 11.703 - abstienne - Haitians 11.703 - Procureur - exceptionable 11.703 - éternité - encroached 11.703 - surseoir - safeguarding 11.703 - proposez - okay 11.703 - propices - Poor 11.703 - perdions - forfeit 11.703 - montrons - hailed 11.703 - malheurs - gloom 11.703 - investie - cashed 11.703 - infirmer - serviceable 11.703 - entasser - storey 11.703 - enlèvera - pursuits 11.703 - enfermer - woodshed 11.703 - décédées - Fire 11.703 - confondu - inferiority 11.703 - comptais - decisively 11.703 - comparés - amicable 11.703 - brevetés - Master 11.703 - assortis - supportive 11.703 - assignés - contaminating 11.703 - alourdir - behest 11.703 - aimaient - resemblance 11.703 - Songeons - eats 11.703 - Ailleurs - Tuktoyaktuk 11.703 - tendait - Greenland 11.703 - stimule - beloved 11.703 - sombrer - disarray 11.703 - secondé - councillor 11.703 - recruté - enrolment 11.703 - peuplée - sparsely 11.703 - morceau - cherry 11.703 - jacents - motivations 11.703 - fraîche - inferiority 11.703 - essuyer - subcontractors 11.703 - entouré - surrounded 11.703 - avérées - imbalances 11.703 - adeptes - conservationists 11.703 - troupe - sprung 11.703 - repère - intervenes 11.703 - nuance - stripe 11.703 - léguer - successors 11.703 - jetées - breakwater 11.703 - freiné - curbed 11.703 - désiré - unwanted 11.703 - creuse - damp 11.703 - abrite - Airports 11.703 - silos - bins 11.703 - range - separates 11.703 - priée - hats 11.703 - moqué - derided 11.703 - lésés - wronged 11.703 - gares - marshalling 11.703 - antan - grandfathers 11.703 - Urban - affiliate 11.703 - tint - Congo 11.703 - pesé - weighed 11.703 - nées - readjusting 11.703 - gêné - noticeably 11.703 - gêne - impedes 11.703 - doué - feedback 11.703 - celà - jams 11.703 - was - resemblance 11.701 - procureurs - attorneys 11.701 - dotation - staffing 11.700 - trimestriellement - quarterly 11.700 - consécutive - consecutive 11.699 - manoeuvre - manoeuvre 11.699 - bleu - blue 11.698 - contrecarrer - thwart 11.698 - silencieux - silent 11.698 - expédients - hockery 11.698 - loués - leased 11.697 - lentement - slowly 11.697 - soulagé - relieved 11.695 - tripartites - trilevel 11.695 - chimique - chemical 11.695 - adjoints - assistants 11.694 - désuets - obsolete 11.692 - résolutions - resolutions 11.691 - largesses - largesse 11.690 - transcanadienne - trans 11.690 - dépendance - dependency 11.690 - outrage - contempt 11.690 - samedi - Saturday 11.688 - variations - variations 11.688 - illimitée - unlimited 11.688 - embargo - embargo 11.685 - cinquante - fifty 11.685 - faveurs - favours 11.684 - épouvantable - frightful 11.684 - contractuel - convening 11.684 - renversant - astounding 11.684 - prolongés - strife 11.684 - proclame - declares 11.684 - combiner - combine 11.684 - blanches - painted 11.684 - navales - naval 11.684 - induire - mislead 11.684 - créance - credence 11.684 - alarmer - alarmed 11.684 - fondre - melting 11.684 - aimait - loved 11.684 - évadé - Mercier 11.684 - sèche - dry 11.684 - aigus - acute 11.684 - Année - Year 11.684 - sec - dry 11.683 - nominale - nominal 11.683 - couples - couples 11.682 - dynamique - dynamic 11.682 - Presque - Practically 11.681 - touristes - tourists 11.679 - fluctuations - fluctuations 11.679 - promptement - promptly 11.678 - saisonnier - seasonal 11.678 - exposition - exhibition 11.677 - loyal - loyal 11.676 - ambassadeur - ambassador 11.674 - acquisitions - acquisitions 11.674 - laborieux - industrious 11.674 - interdits - corrupt 11.674 - dépassées - overtaken 11.674 - inspirée - inspired 11.674 - tardive - belated 11.674 - garçons - boys 11.674 - épaule - shoulder 11.674 - daigné - Providence 11.672 - expulsées - deported 11.671 - atmosphériques - atmospheric 11.671 - dissimulation - evasion 11.671 - notaires - Montmorency 11.671 - insérés - inserted 11.670 - pénalisés - penalized 11.669 - systématique - systematic 11.669 - fondements - foundations 11.669 - spirale - spiral 11.668 - symbolique - tokenism 11.668 - abattu - dressed 11.667 - sanitaires - sanitary 11.665 - travailleraient - graves 11.665 - interlocuteurs - featured 11.665 - frigorifiques - refrigerator 11.665 - empêcheraient - defense 11.665 - déclenchement - outbreak 11.665 - accueillerait - buoyancy 11.665 - accomplissait - assaulted 11.665 - suppositions - falsehoods 11.665 - rétractation - equanimity 11.665 - reproduisent - unreliable 11.665 - reconstituer - infected 11.665 - faciliteront - Gaspe 11.665 - environnante - Inn 11.665 - commerçantes - republic 11.665 - apparaissait - Orleans 11.665 - revaloriser - whould 11.665 - injustifiés - unjustifiably 11.665 - imprécision - extraneous 11.665 - cruellement - punishing 11.665 - cambriolage - watchdogs 11.665 - appliquions - decennial 11.665 - étudiaient - encroach 11.665 - émissaires - distract 11.665 - tireraient - majors 11.665 - réticences - Penman 11.665 - préoccupée - taps 11.665 - pratiquant - stars 11.665 - nécessiter - competitively 11.665 - imposerons - ultimatum 11.665 - grassement - massively 11.665 - feuilleton - Forty 11.665 - facilitent - inventions 11.665 - députation - obeying 11.665 - décidèrent - Realty 11.665 - distinguée - august 11.665 - créeraient - energetically 11.665 - confrontés - dodge 11.665 - confirmées - drafters 11.665 - avantagent - haves 11.665 - assemblage - assembling 11.665 - accumulent - accumulating 11.665 - retranche - conceptual 11.665 - pénalités - grammar 11.665 - patronale - Thérèse 11.665 - parvenait - drawback 11.665 - mutations - phones 11.665 - manquions - lacked 11.665 - inquiétez - pole 11.665 - impliquée - Lafarge 11.665 - exhortons - dissident 11.665 - demandeur - Disabled 11.665 - contentés - contented 11.665 - comprimer - miraculous 11.665 - composées - exhibitions 11.665 - comparées - picayune 11.665 - brouiller - Setting 11.665 - Répondant - throes 11.665 - sterling - unprotected 11.665 - sellette - statisticians 11.665 - résument - microcosm 11.665 - revolver - trigger 11.665 - retirait - needlessly 11.665 - rabattre - rollback 11.665 - plaisant - Jimmy 11.665 - penchant - inclination 11.665 - locatifs - condominiums 11.665 - invitées - sufferance 11.665 - inusitée - enshrine 11.665 - haussent - shrug 11.665 - enjoigne - unsettled 11.665 - détenant - Brigadier 11.665 - détachés - commands 11.665 - devenons - switching 11.665 - conjurer - shotgun 11.665 - combinée - contrived 11.665 - attaquée - meted 11.665 - anecdote - sticks 11.665 - sonnent - pronouncements 11.665 - rebours - upside 11.665 - paysans - slavery 11.665 - glisser - sneak 11.665 - finisse - delinquency 11.665 - estimée - unattached 11.665 - escrocs - salesmanship 11.665 - dégagés - pollutant 11.665 - apparus - unkind 11.665 - achetez - cook 11.665 - abstenu - refrained 11.665 - Prenant - nights 11.665 - éluder - evading 11.665 - voirie - summers 11.665 - saurez - burdensome 11.665 - réfute - resumé 11.665 - livret - householder 11.665 - jetant - spree 11.665 - heurté - resounding 11.665 - calmer - placate 11.665 - Jusque - pollutant 11.665 - envol - airstrip 11.665 - colle - coincidental 11.665 - Noirs - Gandhi 11.664 - mentir - lying 11.663 - bloc - bloc 11.661 - professions - professions 11.659 - concertés - concerted 11.658 - piste - runway 11.658 - Voie - Seaway 11.656 - récompense - reward 11.655 - punissables - punishable 11.655 - raffinés - refined 11.655 - décevoir - deceive 11.655 - rejette - rejects 11.655 - modérée - moderated 11.655 - strict - strictest 11.655 - aéro - clubs 11.654 - interprovinciale - interprovincial 11.654 - ménagères - housewives 11.653 - promoteurs - promoters 11.653 - enfermés - cells 11.653 - muni - submersible 11.652 - personnalités - personalities 11.651 - monopoles - monopolies 11.650 - minoteries - milling 11.650 - durable - lasting 11.649 - Franchement - Frankly 11.648 - inexistants - existent 11.648 - enseignant - teacher 11.648 - dûment - duly 11.648 - degrés - degrees 11.646 - clandestinement - El 11.646 - septentrionaux - taint 11.646 - circonspection - cautiously 11.646 - Indépendamment - Leaving 11.646 - réfléchissent - intricate 11.646 - perfectionnés - technologically 11.646 - pensionnaires - segregation 11.646 - constaterions - infant 11.646 - sensibilisés - acutely 11.646 - retrouveront - shoved 11.646 - redéfinition - relegated 11.646 - perturbation - disorderly 11.646 - connaîtrions - perilous 11.646 - vasculaires - illnesses 11.646 - transférées - surrendered 11.646 - proposeront - fifteenth 11.646 - extractives - extractive 11.646 - établirons - fringes 11.646 - soulignais - accommodations 11.646 - partialité - sided 11.646 - gonflement - negated 11.646 - entêtement - unexplainable 11.646 - déconcerté - sacrosanct 11.646 - conduirait - conductor 11.646 - satisfera - attendants 11.646 - réitérées - assaults 11.646 - régnaient - Change 11.646 - réalisons - stack 11.646 - pénètrent - tentacles 11.646 - provienne - employable 11.646 - postérité - reader 11.646 - parrainée - jacket 11.646 - orientées - Chemical 11.646 - financera - lastly 11.646 - engendrée - drained 11.646 - douanière - counters 11.646 - documenté - ideally 11.646 - grimpent - soar 11.646 - emboîter - tuned 11.646 - décliner - strenuous 11.646 - circuits - censorship 11.646 - attester - vouch 11.646 - aggravée - worsened 11.646 - absorbée - concomitant 11.646 - abolisse - disappointments 11.646 - Essayons - stipulations 11.646 - évitons - rollbacks 11.646 - rendrez - ranching 11.646 - pénétré - bathroom 11.646 - parenté - Economist 11.646 - incarne - Room 11.646 - aménage - Front 11.646 - évadés - escaped 11.646 - taxant - redistributed 11.646 - tapage - slice 11.646 - suivit - grounding 11.646 - sombre - gloomy 11.646 - parlée - swear 11.646 - franco - rounded 11.646 - débité - fills 11.646 - coupés - tentacles 11.646 - Venant - understatement 11.646 - îlots - rugged 11.646 - usera - sorely 11.646 - opte - confrontations 11.646 - are - poet 11.645 - village - village 11.645 - minerai - ore 11.645 - menaces - threats 11.644 - mépris - disdain 11.643 - avènement - advent 11.642 - oléoducs - pipelines 11.642 - obscure - obscure 11.641 - Suède - Sweden 11.640 - confortables - comfortable 11.639 - remboursés - reimbursed 11.639 - préventive - preventive 11.639 - manoeuvres - GLT 11.639 - charitable - charitable 11.639 - plaisance - marina 11.639 - espionner - spying 11.639 - prairies - Grasslands 11.639 - ennuyé - annoyed 11.636 - rétroactif - retroactive 11.636 - bilatérale - bilateral 11.636 - distances - distances 11.635 - rétablissant - welcomes 11.635 - crédibilité - credibility 11.635 - îles - Caicos 11.633 - dividende - dividend 11.632 - incroyables - unbelievable 11.632 - abandonnées - deserted 11.632 - Athabasca - Yewchuk 11.632 - éleveur - cattleman 11.632 - délicat - ticklish 11.632 - vanter - brag 11.630 - cheval - horse 11.630 - hydro - hydroelectric 11.628 - manifestation - manifestation 11.628 - anniversaire - anniversary 11.627 - unilatéralement - unilaterally 11.627 - respectivement - respectively 11.626 - détresse - distress 11.625 - intime - intimate 11.624 - expérimentés - mediators 11.624 - secrétariat - secretariat 11.624 - Australie - Australia 11.623 - facultatif - optional 11.622 - contrevenant - offender 11.622 - spécifiques - Specific 11.622 - réhabiliter - rehabilitate 11.622 - prévention - Prevention 11.622 - imprévues - unforeseen 11.622 - découragé - discouraged 11.622 - libertés - liberties 11.622 - Lequel - Which 11.620 - multiculturel - multicultural 11.620 - attachement - attachment 11.619 - réagi - reacted 11.618 - manutentionnaires - handlers 11.618 - destin - destiny 11.618 - chère - COLA 11.617 - espionnage - espionage 11.617 - République - Republic 11.616 - secrets - Secrets 11.615 - marasme - stagnation 11.614 - désireuses - desiring 11.614 - provoqués - emphysema 11.613 - scandalisé - shocked 11.612 - consommé - consumed 11.611 - inconnues - unknown 11.610 - radiophoniques - movies 11.610 - éditorialiste - columnist 11.610 - utiliseraient - guest 11.610 - opérationnels - HS 11.610 - contrevenants - indeterminate 11.610 - consommatrice - Families 11.610 - renfermaient - minted 11.610 - fourniraient - glimmer 11.610 - exaspération - responsiveness 11.610 - enregistrées - taped 11.610 - démesurément - depress 11.610 - considérerai - synonymous 11.610 - concurrentes - rival 11.610 - anciennement - Formerly 11.610 - Broadcasting - rival 11.610 - travaillera - indecisive 11.610 - transmettra - fortnight 11.610 - rétribution - retribution 11.610 - remplissant - returnable 11.610 - interprétée - misused 11.610 - grandissent - undernourished 11.610 - désagréable - undisputed 11.610 - apercevrait - intangible 11.610 - retiennent - proverbial 11.610 - reprochent - flouting 11.610 - pratiquait - armaments 11.610 - poursuivit - anyhow 11.610 - opposeront - buffer 11.610 - occuperons - apron 11.610 - habilement - thoughtfully 11.610 - effectuait - raiding 11.610 - contentons - affirmatively 11.610 - aveuglette - haphazard 11.610 - accusaient - communism 11.610 - torontois - commuters 11.610 - souhaitée - imbalances 11.610 - remettant - apron 11.610 - rassemblé - histories 11.610 - naviguent - plying 11.610 - jugeaient - numismatic 11.610 - fréquente - attends 11.610 - créancier - creditors 11.610 - commandée - commanded 11.610 - avantagés - advantaged 11.610 - abondante - abundant 11.610 - siégeais - cogent 11.610 - reparler - mythical 11.610 - rengaine - fiddle 11.610 - remporte - Wallace 11.610 - ralentie - westbound 11.610 - nettoyer - containment 11.610 - gaspille - wastes 11.610 - fouiller - searched 11.610 - décalage - lag 11.610 - débloqué - architecture 11.610 - devancer - perplexed 11.610 - comptées - Registered 11.610 - afférent - imbalances 11.610 - accaparé - basketball 11.610 - éclater - momentarily 11.610 - tailler - lively 11.610 - rassure - reassurance 11.610 - promène - hats 11.610 - lançons - semantics 11.610 - juriste - Former 11.610 - inflige - wronged 11.610 - formant - intemperate 11.610 - désirée - eagerly 11.610 - diabète - diseases 11.610 - desdits - apron 11.610 - boisson - drinking 11.610 - arsenal - blast 11.610 - Pensons - assassination 11.610 - épuise - depleting 11.610 - réunie - misconduct 11.610 - répand - surge 11.610 - rallié - gratification 11.610 - nolisé - Creole 11.610 - jouons - trump 11.610 - drôles - audio 11.610 - cessez - ceasefire 11.610 - apprit - McAlpine 11.610 - acteur - Academy 11.610 - Review - Maxwell 11.610 - ronge - shacks 11.610 - roche - damp 11.610 - puisé - milked 11.610 - major - Dextraze 11.610 - aisée - Living 11.610 - Sault - Symes 11.610 - Chef - Louise 11.610 - toi - apron 11.610 - fou - criminally 11.610 - Vos - Getting 11.607 - impartiale - bipartisan 11.607 - rabaisser - downgrade 11.606 - conversion - conversion 11.604 - conditionnement - conditioning 11.603 - embarrassante - embarrassing 11.603 - anticipe - anticipates 11.602 - unilingue - incumbents 11.601 - inauguration - inauguration 11.601 - remplacées - superseded 11.601 - résilier - terminating 11.601 - disparue - extinct 11.601 - inconnu - stranger 11.601 - ferment - Loblaws 11.601 - fatigué - tired 11.601 - affrété - Princess 11.601 - Edward - Hees 11.601 - Trois - Rivières 11.601 - gage - marketable 11.601 - airs - cloak 11.599 - stimulation - stimulation 11.598 - autoroute - expressway 11.598 - traverse - crosses 11.598 - vain - vain 11.597 - ceinture - belt 11.597 - hasard - random 11.596 - saisonnières - seasonal 11.596 - irréfléchie - irresponsibly 11.596 - inspecteurs - inspectors 11.596 - gaspillons - wasting 11.596 - administre - administers 11.596 - réadapter - rehabilitate 11.596 - ordonnant - ordering 11.596 - civiques - junta 11.596 - aires - duck 11.596 - âme - soul 11.595 - dents - teeth 11.593 - retardés - retarded 11.593 - rigide - rigid 11.592 - recommandées - ensued 11.592 - chaleureux - glowing 11.592 - apparences - appearances 11.592 - licences - Permits 11.592 - enrichit - richer 11.592 - déférées - enquire 11.592 - détaché - detached 11.591 - bureaucratique - bureaucratic 11.591 - talents - talents 11.590 - temporairement - temporarily 11.590 - rétroactifs - retroactive 11.590 - variation - variation 11.590 - délégués - delegates 11.589 - confondre - confuse 11.588 - nécessités - necessities 11.588 - prudente - cautious 11.587 - construirait - hangar 11.587 - évaluations - evaluations 11.587 - hypothéquer - quadrupled 11.587 - répertoire - directory 11.587 - Dr - Morgentaler 11.586 - maîtresse - housewife 11.585 - multiplie - multiply 11.585 - fausser - twist 11.585 - courts - hauls 11.585 - acre - acre 11.584 - nettoyage - cleaning 11.583 - indéfiniment - indefinitely 11.583 - éloquent - eloquent 11.583 - volaille - poultry 11.581 - caractères - print 11.581 - éligibles - regrets 11.581 - doigt - finger 11.580 - législatures - parliaments 11.580 - réplique - rebuttal 11.580 - blague - joking 11.579 - multiculturelle - multicultural 11.579 - arbitraires - arbitrary 11.579 - générosité - generosity 11.579 - camionnage - trucking 11.579 - rubrique - Routine 11.578 - renversée - reversed 11.577 - enlèvement - kidnapping 11.577 - villages - villages 11.577 - pompiers - firefighters 11.577 - dépôts - deposits 11.576 - incompétents - incompetent 11.576 - substances - substances 11.576 - classique - classical 11.575 - brillants - brilliant 11.574 - masculin - male 11.574 - gisement - Leduc 11.574 - autobus - buses 11.574 - Souvent - Often 11.572 - perpétuité - perpetuity 11.572 - consommons - consume 11.572 - illimités - unlimited 11.572 - diffusent - broadcast 11.572 - exempter - exempting 11.571 - précisant - specifying 11.571 - vivront - urbanized 11.571 - Indian - Burrard 11.570 - dépréciation - depreciation 11.570 - attentif - attentive 11.569 - Incidemment - Incidentally 11.569 - dialoguer - dialogue 11.569 - Dites - Tell 11.568 - rivières - rivers 11.567 - souvenirs - memories 11.567 - maigre - pittance 11.565 - tergiversations - whereof 11.565 - disponibilités - constraint 11.565 - communiquerait - strictures 11.565 - réfléchissant - pondered 11.565 - investigation - consents 11.565 - considérerons - penetration 11.565 - spontanément - folklore 11.565 - résidentiels - Residential 11.565 - rationnelles - obsession 11.565 - authenticité - secrets 11.565 - termineront - graduating 11.565 - réalisaient - Greenpeace 11.565 - procurerait - Intensive 11.565 - originalité - cultivate 11.565 - manifestait - televising 11.565 - encouragées - mobilize 11.565 - découlerait - harness 11.565 - banqueroute - sliding 11.565 - atténuation - unease 11.565 - poseraient - hepatitis 11.565 - parvenions - cultivation 11.565 - manifestés - Democrat 11.565 - installent - Hitler 11.565 - inadéquate - uneven 11.565 - fatalement - rub 11.565 - dispersées - Regiment 11.565 - contestons - rationalized 11.565 - commentant - Outremont 11.565 - affections - emphysema 11.565 - traduites - drafts 11.565 - terminait - Bao 11.565 - supportés - Setting 11.565 - sortiront - cord 11.565 - rémunérer - remunerated 11.565 - réglerons - reckoning 11.565 - prévalant - prematurely 11.565 - parlerais - thresholds 11.565 - inhérente - drafts 11.565 - extorsion - Barbeau 11.565 - confirmés - denials 11.565 - comparant - comparing 11.565 - affirmons - affirm 11.565 - Prétendre - canard 11.565 - écartent - folklore 11.565 - voterait - lumped 11.565 - veuillez - foreman 11.565 - trompait - subservient 11.565 - tirerait - inconclusive 11.565 - spécifié - Petitions 11.565 - récolter - harvested 11.565 - rigueurs - myths 11.565 - remercié - workman 11.565 - prouvait - obstruction 11.565 - marquant - marking 11.565 - kyrielle - myriad 11.565 - invitons - conciliators 11.565 - imputées - Microsystems 11.565 - départir - divested 11.565 - croiront - energetically 11.565 - compagne - campaigned 11.565 - bloquées - vertically 11.565 - acharnés - defenders 11.565 - évitent - miraculous 11.565 - retiens - itemized 11.565 - rentrés - Iroquois 11.565 - prenais - Jour 11.565 - dépende - hinges 11.565 - blesser - offend 11.565 - arrache - Ethnic 11.565 - antigel - Walker 11.565 - absente - Ethnic 11.565 - étayer - buttress 11.565 - primer - toil 11.565 - opérés - surgery 11.565 - légers - stove 11.565 - lines - pipelines 11.565 - bradé - connotation 11.565 - Soyez - Be 11.565 - unit - edict 11.564 - Regardez - Look 11.563 - motivation - motivation 11.562 - électorat - electorate 11.562 - hôte - broadcaster 11.561 - concepts - concepts 11.561 - absences - absences 11.560 - proportionnelle - proportional 11.560 - pâte - Cellulose 11.559 - sanctions - sanctions 11.559 - proclamée - proclaimed 11.558 - proclamation - proclamation 11.558 - intrusion - intrusion 11.556 - auteurs - authors 11.555 - pont - bridge 11.553 - interdites - forbidden 11.553 - tranches - intervals 11.553 - méfaits - wrongdoing 11.553 - grief - grievance 11.553 - URSS - USSR 11.552 - brillant - brilliant 11.552 - mineurs - miners 11.551 - bouleversement - upheaval 11.551 - merveilleuse - marvelous 11.551 - préviens - warn 11.551 - plaidé - pleaded 11.550 - télécommunications - Satellite 11.549 - croisement - separation 11.549 - perpétuer - perpetuate 11.547 - tripartite - tri 11.547 - aveugles - Blind 11.546 - désespérée - desperate 11.546 - citernes - tank 11.546 - World - News 11.545 - cultures - cultures 11.545 - fortune - makeshift 11.544 - compliment - compliment 11.544 - interview - interview 11.544 - oreilles - ears 11.544 - erronés - misinformation 11.541 - multiculturels - multicultural 11.541 - annexe - annex 11.540 - employant - employing 11.539 - traditionnellement - traditionally 11.539 - correspondaient - typographical 11.539 - justifieraient - diligence 11.539 - rémunérations - billed 11.539 - conséquemment - Economists 11.539 - explorations - redirection 11.539 - uniformiser - uniformity 11.539 - soulignerai - pudding 11.539 - rapprochent - unattached 11.539 - progressent - progressing 11.539 - procédurale - lastly 11.539 - méconnaître - tamper 11.539 - importerait - implanted 11.539 - exagérément - battlefield 11.539 - démissionne - resigning 11.539 - délicatesse - firmness 11.539 - constations - lastly 11.539 - apprendrons - Amsterdam 11.539 - plaidoyers - pleas 11.539 - négligeant - heavens 11.539 - essayerons - Tariffs 11.539 - consacrait - Magna 11.539 - annoncerai - Related 11.539 - acheminent - Dawson 11.539 - Considérez - Morgan 11.539 - régresser - unprotected 11.539 - reflétait - battlefield 11.539 - quasiment - slavery 11.539 - perpétrés - Valentyn 11.539 - oratoires - Morgan 11.539 - incombera - illnesses 11.539 - imposante - consults 11.539 - formulant - formulating 11.539 - embarquer - adventure 11.539 - décroître - curves 11.539 - corrigera - pave 11.539 - cohérence - NFL 11.539 - autonomie - autonomy 11.539 - étendues - tracts 11.539 - émouvoir - vindicate 11.539 - tronçons - unprofitable 11.539 - trompeur - specious 11.539 - songions - ideally 11.539 - ressorti - lovely 11.539 - panneaux - panels 11.539 - lamenter - ardent 11.539 - jacentes - republic 11.539 - incomber - plausible 11.539 - exerçais - practising 11.539 - dirigera - Buchanan 11.539 - complice - Deep 11.539 - assumait - pears 11.539 - aimables - unkind 11.539 - accusera - blocking 11.539 - vieilli - volition 11.539 - révolue - bulldozer 11.539 - imaginé - imagined 11.539 - gênante - invidious 11.539 - favoris - pets 11.539 - excelle - trademark 11.539 - dépêché - envoy 11.539 - débâcle - bust 11.539 - brandir - waving 11.539 - adjuger - Lapetina 11.539 - adaptés - collaborate 11.539 - Régimes - incapacitated 11.539 - Federal - Reserve 11.539 - éclate - expelled 11.539 - nulles - conspiracies 11.539 - garçon - lad 11.539 - devrez - vocation 11.539 - coupée - lumbering 11.539 - allier - bundle 11.539 - Police - Academy 11.539 - tenez - changeover 11.539 - tendu - comfortably 11.539 - rêvée - alloted 11.539 - drôle - funny 11.535 - innovation - innovation 11.535 - extraits - excerpts 11.534 - bureaucratiques - bureaucratic 11.534 - réfléchis - thoughtful 11.534 - audacieux - daring 11.534 - armistice - truce 11.534 - couleur - creed 11.533 - protéines - proteins 11.531 - congédiements - Transcona 11.531 - immobilières - Société 11.531 - envisagerons - mechanic 11.531 - égalisation - equalling 11.531 - ravitailler - Pine 11.531 - protecteurs - skirts 11.531 - parvenaient - Cash 11.531 - mentionnant - Economist 11.531 - fournissait - Provided 11.531 - diminueront - abate 11.531 - allègements - extinguished 11.531 - réclamions - François 11.531 - figureront - boots 11.531 - triompher - gouvernment 11.531 - tranchées - adjudicated 11.531 - retardées - mandates 11.531 - remettons - abdicating 11.531 - féminines - mandates 11.531 - analysons - miracles 11.531 - remaniée - revamped 11.531 - marquera - Winston 11.531 - grandeur - greatness 11.531 - Chambres - Houses 11.531 - suspect - implicated 11.531 - excéder - yielded 11.531 - cachent - quilt 11.531 - tentée - beauties 11.531 - cédées - surrendered 11.531 - longe - carcass 11.531 - agite - spectre 11.530 - inexacts - inaccurate 11.530 - cadeau - gift 11.529 - tonne - ton 11.528 - chronique - chronic 11.527 - dilatoires - tactics 11.527 - lancement - launching 11.527 - pilote - pilot 11.526 - réciproque - reciprocal 11.526 - estimer - underestimate 11.525 - suspens - abeyance 11.523 - anticipation - anticipation 11.523 - saisonnière - seasonal 11.522 - participeraient - outgoing 11.522 - transbordement - lakehead 11.522 - circonstanciée - Parkdale 11.522 - accompagnaient - precede 11.522 - remplissaient - reaping 11.522 - Développement - Massachusetts 11.522 - transportait - Main 11.522 - retourneront - filter 11.522 - perfectionné - Extension 11.522 - hospitaliers - disapproves 11.522 - contractuels - contractual 11.522 - accorderions - conferring 11.522 - souffrirait - derided 11.522 - remplissait - Sales 11.522 - relèvements - incremental 11.522 - prélèvement - infringes 11.522 - oppositions - gases 11.522 - ontariennes - canvass 11.522 - insisterons - prodding 11.522 - habillement - diets 11.522 - coordonnées - decisively 11.522 - conscientes - rivalry 11.522 - émoluments - Courts 11.522 - trompeuses - deceptive 11.522 - transférée - Responsibility 11.522 - suspendues - Fox 11.522 - suppriment - assassination 11.522 - opérateurs - inexperienced 11.522 - montraient - plow 11.522 - manitobain - Chartered 11.522 - manipulent - toxic 11.522 - impliquent - whence 11.522 - engraisser - bald 11.522 - embarrasse - annoying 11.522 - détruisent - recurrence 11.522 - déchiffrer - disinterested 11.522 - convenions - eliminates 11.522 - commandées - environmentally 11.522 - chargerait - audiences 11.522 - sévissent - floods 11.522 - supportée - equalizing 11.522 - provision - Resource 11.522 - protègent - jealously 11.522 - perdaient - balderdash 11.522 - impliquer - aforementioned 11.522 - fruitière - complemented 11.522 - expertise - Appendix 11.522 - exhortent - aides 11.522 - demeurait - foetus 11.522 - changeait - memberships 11.522 - accroisse - unchecked 11.522 - surmonté - grandfathers 11.522 - sectaire - neutrality 11.522 - rejetait - merged 11.522 - pénalise - penalizing 11.522 - incluant - hereinafter 11.522 - finirons - pumping 11.522 - envoyait - patrols 11.522 - déloyale - eliminates 11.522 - défendus - defended 11.522 - consisté - antithesis 11.522 - attachée - bald 11.522 - arrêtant - tampering 11.522 - arrivais - dug 11.522 - ajoutées - baking 11.522 - tristes - fumbling 11.522 - tombait - semantics 11.522 - subisse - Dofasco 11.522 - stocker - Agents 11.522 - pénètre - suspects 11.522 - polices - debenture 11.522 - plonger - depress 11.522 - pensera - destitute 11.522 - majorée - wheelchair 11.522 - livrées - bonded 11.522 - imputés - Brand 11.522 - haussés - reaped 11.522 - dénonce - Wars 11.522 - chasser - hunt 11.522 - avérait - compute 11.522 - Spatero - Buffalo 11.522 - suites - containment 11.522 - nourri - stimulant 11.522 - jouira - Alitalia 11.522 - cachet - preserves 11.522 - ajouta - testified 11.522 - adonne - pusher 11.522 - Maison - preparedness 11.522 - élues - Canberra 11.522 - puise - intake 11.522 - lorqu - consumes 11.522 - frise - complicity 11.522 - semé - retract 11.522 - CPR - instal 11.522 - as - apron 11.521 - commettant - constituent 11.521 - doctrine - doctrine 11.521 - louable - laudable 11.520 - paragraphes - subclauses 11.520 - alcool - alcohol 11.519 - prérogative - prerogative 11.519 - populeuses - populated 11.518 - supposons - supposing 11.518 - annulée - cancelled 11.518 - Colline - Hill 11.518 - munis - insecticides 11.518 - pro - pro 11.517 - nouvellement - newly 11.517 - terminaux - terminals 11.517 - inaction - inaction 11.515 - explicite - explicit 11.514 - insignifiant - insignificant 11.514 - intégrer - integrate 11.514 - absurdes - bumbling 11.514 - élargie - broadened 11.514 - patente - gimmick 11.514 - doubles - bottoms 11.514 - peiné - distressed 11.514 - mangé - eaten 11.514 - brise - icebreaker 11.513 - salles - rooms 11.510 - dispenser - dispense 11.510 - maladies - diseases 11.510 - colline - Hill 11.509 - scandaleuse - scandalous 11.509 - présidents - presidents 11.509 - sottises - rubbish 11.509 - exagère - exaggerating 11.509 - nantis - haves 11.508 - inhérent - inherent 11.507 - désordre - disorder 11.506 - film - Film 11.505 - complémentaire - complementary 11.505 - Administration - Laurentian 11.505 - pleurer - tears 11.505 - grouper - grouping 11.505 - arbitre - umpire 11.505 - abusent - abusing 11.505 - trente - thirty 11.504 - illégalement - illegally 11.503 - idéale - ideal 11.502 - persistante - persistent 11.501 - dignitaires - guests 11.501 - culpabilité - guilt 11.501 - écologique - ecological 11.501 - aggravent - expressways 11.501 - lancera - Prescott 11.501 - ban - backbench 11.500 - caractérisé - characterized 11.500 - retient - Sulatycky 11.499 - englobent - encompass 11.498 - interprovinciales - interprovincial 11.498 - concentrées - concentrated 11.496 - transformateurs - processors 11.496 - échelles - scales 11.496 - verts - spaces 11.495 - Japonais - Japanese 11.495 - sombres - dark 11.494 - constituant - impedes 11.494 - indirectes - circumstantial 11.494 - censément - ostensibly 11.494 - modiques - inexpensive 11.494 - Notons - Note 11.493 - catégoriquement - categorically 11.493 - artificielle - artificial 11.493 - impulsion - spur 11.493 - pétition - petition 11.492 - intellectuels - intellectual 11.492 - renforcée - strengthened 11.491 - faisabilité - feasibility 11.489 - resocialisation - rehabilitative 11.489 - édification - edification 11.489 - traversiers - ferries 11.489 - surveillée - probation 11.489 - dissuadera - deter 11.489 - soutenus - buoyant 11.489 - parrainé - Student 11.489 - origines - origins 11.489 - avorter - aborted 11.489 - égaler - emulate 11.489 - royal - Dental 11.487 - transmission - transmission 11.487 - traduction - translation 11.487 - exploite - exploits 11.486 - renouvelables - renewable 11.486 - impartial - impartial 11.485 - clôture - fence 11.484 - terminus - terminus 11.484 - Prenez - Take 11.484 - pomme - potato 11.482 - multiculturelles - multicultural 11.482 - dépister - detect 11.481 - éclairée - enlightened 11.481 - douzaine - dozen 11.481 - cache - hides 11.480 - spéculatifs - speculative 11.480 - hésitations - fumbling 11.480 - fédéralisme - Federalism 11.480 - groupement - grouping 11.480 - remboursé - rebated 11.480 - informant - blanks 11.480 - fusionner - merged 11.480 - relâcher - relax 11.480 - confiant - confidently 11.480 - vivante - lively 11.480 - tronçon - Sioux 11.480 - menacer - threaten 11.480 - volant - trails 11.478 - communément - commonly 11.478 - attaques - attacks 11.478 - farce - farce 11.476 - dispensés - Marwick 11.476 - compensé - compensated 11.476 - brusque - upsurge 11.476 - prône - noisy 11.475 - dépendaient - depended 11.475 - improbable - unlikely 11.475 - réfugiés - refugees 11.475 - Council - accede 11.474 - appartements - apartments 11.473 - judicieux - judicious 11.472 - reconnaissaient - confessions 11.472 - occasionnellement - Outremont 11.472 - favoriseraient - defense 11.472 - réussissaient - risky 11.472 - entreprennent - ruthless 11.472 - considérerais - unofficial 11.472 - antipollution - commissioning 11.472 - transforment - vertically 11.472 - emmagasinage - stockpile 11.472 - renseignent - USA 11.472 - laborieuses - labouring 11.472 - intérieures - Inland 11.472 - intervenues - culminated 11.472 - influencent - exterior 11.472 - avertissant - terrifying 11.472 - Mississippi - commentator 11.472 - équilibrés - restraining 11.472 - totalisent - trillion 11.472 - prétextant - vehemently 11.472 - efforcions - tighter 11.472 - dérogation - noxious 11.472 - consultons - Malvern 11.472 - condamnent - uncalled 11.472 - compterait - secrets 11.472 - cardiaques - syndrome 11.472 - émotivité - stirring 11.472 - stimulera - motivate 11.472 - rassemble - embodying 11.472 - partagera - soup 11.472 - parasites - bums 11.472 - interdise - cautioned 11.472 - incertain - unsettled 11.472 - corrigées - energetically 11.472 - composant - constables 11.472 - arrangera - finite 11.472 - aggravera - heighten 11.472 - Signalons - refinement 11.472 - vivantes - births 11.472 - soumette - airing 11.472 - souffler - wolf 11.472 - résigner - Penman 11.472 - jouerait - militate 11.472 - inscrive - shortcoming 11.472 - fameuses - prizes 11.472 - diffusés - falsehoods 11.472 - cultivée - deferral 11.472 - atterrir - Town 11.472 - aggravés - unsolved 11.472 - émotive - burst 11.472 - recueil - poetry 11.472 - prêtait - intently 11.472 - postale - Box 11.472 - plaçons - deprives 11.472 - piètres - kneed 11.472 - insérée - embedded 11.472 - greffer - myths 11.472 - craquer - emanated 11.472 - avenant - cordial 11.472 - vannes - sewage 11.472 - influé - Penman 11.472 - gonflé - lined 11.472 - bêtise - dumb 11.472 - Entend - Allier 11.472 - vouée - doomed 11.472 - cédée - summers 11.472 - vifs - switching 11.472 - ruée - unparallelled 11.472 - dûs - corrosion 11.471 - fructueuses - fruitful 11.471 - textes - Statutory 11.469 - remboursera - reimbursed 11.469 - agrément - hobby 11.469 - factice - phony 11.469 - forage - rigs 11.468 - compatible - compatible 11.467 - enthousiaste - enthusiastic 11.467 - scandalisés - shocked 11.467 - homologue - counterpart 11.467 - super - super 11.467 - duré - lasted 11.466 - défavorable - unfavourable 11.466 - menacées - skins 11.464 - pardonne - forgive 11.463 - imprimerie - printing 11.461 - extrapolations - projections 11.461 - licenciement - Rudnicki 11.461 - fous - fools 11.460 - désuet - obsolete 11.459 - irrecevables - inadmissible 11.459 - exportateurs - exporters 11.459 - caractérisée - characterized 11.459 - retracer - trace 11.459 - négatifs - nationalists 11.459 - ajourner - adjourning 11.458 - tragédie - tragedy 11.458 - racines - roots 11.457 - traditions - traditions 11.456 - exceptionnelles - exceptional 11.455 - entrevue - interview 11.455 - ex - parte 11.454 - tolérance - permissiveness 11.454 - révélant - disclosing 11.454 - gaspillé - wasted 11.454 - bordure - rim 11.453 - uranium - uranium 11.452 - subrepticement - sneak 11.452 - insignifiantes - trivial 11.452 - spectaculaire - spectacular 11.452 - clandestins - Epp 11.452 - oublierai - warmth 11.452 - trompent - devil 11.452 - alarmant - alarming 11.452 - aliment - nutritious 11.452 - gestes - gestures 11.452 - sang - blooded 11.450 - réaménagement - redevelopment 11.450 - mûr - mature 11.449 - religion - religion 11.447 - éloquente - eloquently 11.447 - légumes - vegetables 11.446 - enseigner - teach 11.445 - creuser - dig 11.444 - inconnue - unknown 11.444 - voisin - seatmate 11.443 - fatigués - tired 11.443 - choc - shock 11.442 - fonctionnera - CPIC 11.442 - recruter - recruit 11.442 - totaux - totals 11.442 - King - Lyon 11.441 - optimiste - optimistic 11.440 - éclaircissement - enlightenment 11.440 - scrupuleusement - peacefully 11.440 - subventionnent - subsidizes 11.440 - contrebalancer - offsetting 11.440 - souhaiterions - IMCO 11.440 - reconnaîtrait - aborted 11.440 - envisageaient - northward 11.440 - contribuaient - integrating 11.440 - contemporains - forge 11.440 - compréhensifs - identities 11.440 - atteindraient - remitted 11.440 - équivaudrait - communism 11.440 - prospecteurs - benefitting 11.440 - prononceront - bagmen 11.440 - prescription - unrestricted 11.440 - irréfléchies - indisputable 11.440 - destinataire - inaccuracy 11.440 - contrôlerait - Gérard 11.440 - consacrerait - paving 11.440 - asphaltiques - technologically 11.440 - soumettrait - submits 11.440 - sensibilisé - defends 11.440 - présumément - moderated 11.440 - plaignaient - Agents 11.440 - introduites - shattered 11.440 - interviewer - interviewing 11.440 - inadéquates - untimely 11.440 - fiduciaires - distinguishing 11.440 - continuions - Pittsburgh 11.440 - cataplasmes - flounder 11.440 - assassinats - killings 11.440 - écoutaient - hailed 11.440 - échelonner - bungalow 11.440 - universels - illnesses 11.440 - traduisait - strawman 11.440 - spectacles - assemble 11.440 - solutionné - transports 11.440 - solidaires - interdependent 11.440 - saisissant - seizing 11.440 - retournées - photographs 11.440 - questionné - abhorrent 11.440 - protégeons - outer 11.440 - prononçant - IMCO 11.440 - prendrions - classroom 11.440 - intensives - PEP 11.440 - essaieront - Merely 11.440 - décidément - misunderstand 11.440 - distinguer - distinguishing 11.440 - contrôlera - stiffer 11.440 - bienvenues - Kelowna 11.440 - économisé - hid 11.440 - vieillard - cart 11.440 - tentaient - gestures 11.440 - tapageuse - spotlight 11.440 - supposées - artistic 11.440 - sentaient - Refugees 11.440 - rescousse - apron 11.440 - reflétera - experimented 11.440 - rappelait - Pope 11.440 - protéique - reproduction 11.440 - penseront - clichés 11.440 - passaient - Printing 11.440 - offensive - communism 11.440 - insistait - debenture 11.440 - fâcheuses - plywood 11.440 - fortunées - sisters 11.440 - fondaient - Twin 11.440 - enjoindre - exceptionable 11.440 - empreinte - storey 11.440 - déroulait - unfolding 11.440 - délimiter - delineate 11.440 - donnerais - deceptive 11.440 - discourir - disregarding 11.440 - consultez - Debates 11.440 - concilier - reconciling 11.440 - cesserait - stifling 11.440 - bienvenus - migrate 11.440 - apprenant - greet 11.440 - adressera - tenderer 11.440 - accablent - disregarding 11.440 - absurdité - absurdity 11.440 - Québecois - Quebecker 11.440 - évaluent - rightness 11.440 - étendait - expanse 11.440 - écartons - straying 11.440 - tournant - watershed 11.440 - subirait - Ordinarily 11.440 - stipulés - compatibility 11.440 - soutirer - NFL 11.440 - recouvré - forwarding 11.440 - rajustés - Effective 11.440 - quittant - availed 11.440 - précités - aforementioned 11.440 - projeter - tossing 11.440 - parfaits - industrious 11.440 - orientés - portray 11.440 - négociée - belligerent 11.440 - méritait - commanded 11.440 - morceaux - blows 11.440 - maximaux - hereinafter 11.440 - limitons - brake 11.440 - incluent - grandparents 11.440 - illustre - illustrious 11.440 - gouverné - Thieu 11.440 - foutaise - baloney 11.440 - façonner - nationalities 11.440 - enlevons - concurrent 11.440 - décidées - inexplicable 11.440 - décharge - subordinate 11.440 - durerait - cup 11.440 - continus - boil 11.440 - comptoir - deplete 11.440 - comblera - meritorious 11.440 - centraux - westbound 11.440 - carences - Dog 11.440 - attentes - disappointments 11.440 - Montreal - Trust 11.440 - écoutez - Alastair 11.440 - vergers - wintertime 11.440 - subside - mined 11.440 - retombe - heaviest 11.440 - renommé - Maxwell 11.440 - périmés - Valentyn 11.440 - prouvée - immutable 11.440 - pourvue - gates 11.440 - montera - skyrocket 11.440 - heurter - pumped 11.440 - fléchir - curve 11.440 - flambée - Listening 11.440 - céréale - Barley 11.440 - brosser - gloomy 11.440 - aidions - swiftly 11.440 - adaptée - adapted 11.440 - acculés - fodder 11.440 - votait - wrapped 11.440 - séparé - expanse 11.440 - soumet - submits 11.440 - sonder - preparedness 11.440 - serrée - Amsterdam 11.440 - revisé - airborne 11.440 - rayons - shelves 11.440 - mitigé - reverence 11.440 - inapte - unfit 11.440 - faussé - Precisely 11.440 - entame - undo 11.440 - défier - flouting 11.440 - assise - brass 11.440 - abords - laymen 11.440 - abolit - motorcycle 11.440 - Autres - Universities 11.440 - étage - storey 11.440 - vivra - compounding 11.440 - taxés - relegated 11.440 - plats - indecisive 11.440 - jolie - patriotic 11.440 - issus - Surveys 11.440 - frime - dressing 11.440 - dense - redirection 11.440 - carré - carpeting 11.440 - abois - canning 11.440 - Route - Trenton 11.440 - sied - vigilance 11.440 - tu - thou 11.439 - faiblesse - weakness 11.438 - client - customer 11.436 - inondation - flooding 11.436 - assertions - acknowledgement 11.436 - alléguant - alleging 11.436 - descend - wooden 11.436 - reine - Philip 11.435 - japonaise - Japanese 11.435 - louables - commendable 11.434 - rétroactive - retroactive 11.433 - physiquement - physically 11.433 - Réponse - advises 11.432 - ligue - league 11.431 - volailles - poultry 11.429 - incitation - provocation 11.429 - sphères - spheres 11.428 - satisfaite - contented 11.428 - poursuivis - prosecuted 11.428 - couverture - glossy 11.428 - illustré - illustrated 11.428 - noirs - black 11.428 - lier - consents 11.426 - faiblesses - weaknesses 11.425 - interprovincial - interprovincial 11.425 - contradictoire - contradictory 11.425 - influencé - influenced 11.424 - subventionnant - enterprisers 11.424 - recommendation - textiles 11.424 - produiraient - yielded 11.424 - poursuivions - detecting 11.424 - possiblement - intricate 11.424 - informatique - Computer 11.424 - favoriseront - prompting 11.424 - appliquerons - crab 11.424 - éprouvaient - phones 11.424 - vocabulaire - sidetracked 11.424 - effritement - helplessness 11.424 - concentrent - centered 11.424 - suspension - suspension 11.424 - successifs - Successive 11.424 - renfermera - tack 11.424 - recommence - daylight 11.424 - immobilisé - Vessel 11.424 - effectuons - pretense 11.424 - douanières - barriers 11.424 - conformant - rescinding 11.424 - absorption - unreal 11.424 - Soviétique - Kosygin 11.424 - référerai - aptly 11.424 - renouveau - pawns 11.424 - remarquée - uttering 11.424 - projetons - Improvements 11.424 - identifie - culprits 11.424 - flagrants - sparingly 11.424 - combinées - Southern 11.424 - choisisse - washing 11.424 - absorbent - estates 11.424 - vivrière - retrospect 11.424 - supposés - cook 11.424 - semblera - slapped 11.424 - plaisait - Winston 11.424 - partiale - sided 11.424 - montrées - maximizing 11.424 - marchent - tread 11.424 - groupant - Richfield 11.424 - disputes - mischievous 11.424 - compense - Corp 11.424 - bloquant - blocking 11.424 - accabler - fertile 11.424 - variait - wilful 11.424 - invente - slapped 11.424 - annexer - Caicos 11.424 - évoque - visions 11.424 - lèvera - disorderly 11.424 - labeur - labours 11.424 - empare - aeroplane 11.424 - croira - coupon 11.424 - nuls - drafters 11.424 - we - dancing 11.423 - renforcement - strengthening 11.422 - désespérément - desperately 11.420 - alarmants - alarming 11.418 - limitrophes - Treaty 11.418 - louanges - praise 11.417 - disparaissent - disappearing 11.417 - quinze - fifteen 11.415 - accumulation - accumulation 11.414 - spectacle - spectacle 11.414 - inclusion - inclusion 11.414 - exercices - exercises 11.414 - métiers - trades 11.413 - décennies - decades 11.413 - renforcé - tightened 11.413 - encourir - incurring 11.413 - Island - Granville 11.412 - brochure - brochure 11.411 - Fondamentalement - Basically 11.411 - mental - mental 11.410 - forestière - logging 11.409 - obstacles - obstacles 11.409 - chimiques - chemicals 11.409 - réparti - intervals 11.408 - convaincante - cogent 11.408 - acharnement - eagerly 11.408 - détruites - fingerprints 11.408 - dirigeons - armaments 11.408 - inauguré - inaugurated 11.408 - divulgué - divulged 11.408 - épouses - wives 11.408 - rivage - shoreline 11.408 - orale - orally 11.408 - froid - blooded 11.407 - déficiences - deficiencies 11.406 - magistrature - bench 11.406 - échangés - exchanged 11.406 - rôles - roles 11.405 - protestations - protests 11.405 - ONU - UN 11.404 - hypothétique - hypothetical 11.404 - suspendre - suspend 11.404 - ralenti - slowed 11.404 - honoré - honoured 11.402 - Development - Patents 11.402 - occupation - gainful 11.402 - débouché - outlet 11.400 - assemblées - legislatures 11.400 - exempts - hepatitis 11.400 - confiés - NFB 11.400 - battant - coasting 11.399 - districts - districts 11.399 - épanouir - flourish 11.399 - minéraux - minerals 11.398 - justifiables - justifiable 11.398 - académique - academic 11.396 - revanche - revenge 11.395 - unilatéral - unilateral 11.395 - interrompu - rudely 11.394 - fortuits - windfall 11.392 - renoncent - divest 11.392 - déviation - rerouting 11.392 - tirera - altitude 11.392 - avoué - confessed 11.391 - optimistes - optimistic 11.390 - occupais - occupying 11.390 - Déjà - Already 11.389 - japonaises - Japanese 11.389 - japonais - Japanese 11.389 - désignée - Pembroke 11.387 - ordinateurs - computers 11.387 - réélection - Stormont 11.387 - étonnante - astounding 11.387 - détourner - divert 11.387 - poche - pocket 11.387 - Arts - fellowships 11.385 - opérationnelle - Class 11.385 - accommodements - compromising 11.385 - réintégration - Realizing 11.385 - rudimentaires - rigorous 11.385 - précipitation - rainfall 11.385 - compromettent - militate 11.385 - chercheraient - bigotry 11.385 - accomplissons - stark 11.385 - Effectivement - Bégin 11.385 - opportuniste - impute 11.385 - désavantager - cleaners 11.385 - construisant - conjecture 11.385 - compatissant - bearer 11.385 - commencerait - pretended 11.385 - éprouverait - suspending 11.385 - ordonnerait - packed 11.385 - empêcheront - insulated 11.385 - demeuraient - rotation 11.385 - conseillent - Disabled 11.385 - bénéficiait - raping 11.385 - subsistent - infringed 11.385 - révélerait - canadian 11.385 - péricliter - dependable 11.385 - estimatifs - CPIC 11.385 - dépendront - NPD 11.385 - compensent - attractiveness 11.385 - accordions - provisional 11.385 - Programmes - Intensive 11.385 - transiger - compromising 11.385 - orientent - weighty 11.385 - opposions - militate 11.385 - occuperai - canard 11.385 - négociant - mud 11.385 - nuisibles - noxious 11.385 - commercer - horizons 11.385 - abordions - carpet 11.385 - traînent - lagging 11.385 - intensif - Possibility 11.385 - féminine - widowed 11.385 - flexible - stars 11.385 - désirant - desiring 11.385 - déplaire - unhappily 11.385 - défendue - outlawed 11.385 - convenue - Bao 11.385 - commette - pleasures 11.385 - citadins - dwellers 11.385 - arrêtons - slim 11.385 - arrêtera - secrets 11.385 - alimenté - canard 11.385 - élargit - horizons 11.385 - ébauche - blueprint 11.385 - recette - blueprint 11.385 - raconté - falsehoods 11.385 - privent - lighten 11.385 - insigne - Outremont 11.385 - fondera - undertakes 11.385 - effacer - intentional 11.385 - arrange - Providence 11.385 - thèses - predicated 11.385 - gelés - rainfall 11.385 - Rares - confiscation 11.385 - ému - silicosis 11.385 - CNR - buttress 11.383 - doux - gentle 11.382 - historiques - Sites 11.382 - chargement - loading 11.382 - Alaska - Alaskan 11.381 - immatriculation - plates 11.381 - intégrante - integral 11.381 - décisif - watershed 11.381 - Suivant - Depending 11.380 - embrouiller - confuse 11.380 - coordonnée - ordinated 11.380 - présentes - hereby 11.379 - infirmières - nurses 11.379 - contourner - circumvent 11.379 - complexité - complexity 11.379 - misère - misery 11.379 - leçon - lesson 11.378 - prévoyance - foresight 11.378 - proclamé - proclaimed 11.377 - impressionner - impress 11.377 - observe - observes 11.377 - Marie - Symes 11.376 - indulgence - indulgence 11.375 - conversation - conversation 11.374 - forêt - forest 11.373 - dépassés - surpassed 11.373 - vacants - vacancies 11.373 - photo - photograph 11.373 - Grand - Trunk 11.373 - fête - celebration 11.371 - Organisation - Liberation 11.371 - agitation - unrest 11.370 - horaires - schedules 11.370 - refusée - k 11.369 - immensément - immeasurably 11.369 - empresser - crush 11.369 - différée - disposes 11.369 - sottise - Rubbish 11.369 - pots - flower 11.368 - universitaires - academics 11.367 - méritée - deserved 11.367 - gallon - gallon 11.366 - isolement - isolation 11.366 - Conseils - councils 11.365 - bienfaisance - charitable 11.364 - compréhensible - understandable 11.362 - parlementarisme - sixteen 11.362 - Essentiellement - Basically 11.362 - représentative - numismatic 11.362 - insatisfaisant - baked 11.362 - épouvantables - prophet 11.362 - inutilisables - resultant 11.362 - probabilités - geological 11.362 - interrogeait - unofficially 11.362 - fonctionnant - Twin 11.362 - désaffection - regression 11.362 - approuverait - Oppel 11.362 - utilisaient - availed 11.362 - nourrissent - geese 11.362 - inapproprié - singularly 11.362 - imaginables - imaginable 11.362 - empresserai - intake 11.362 - efforcerons - Barley 11.362 - aperçoivent - mate 11.362 - accroîtrait - radioactive 11.362 - abstiendrai - skip 11.362 - véridiques - affidavit 11.362 - réussirait - hats 11.362 - ramènerait - settlers 11.362 - lotisseurs - bang 11.362 - interrompe - halted 11.362 - embrouillé - kilter 11.362 - efforcerai - heckle 11.362 - défavorisé - noses 11.362 - approchant - Beach 11.362 - agissaient - harass 11.362 - étendrait - exceptionable 11.362 - violentes - raids 11.362 - vertement - IMCO 11.362 - verseront - aliens 11.362 - soutenait - lucid 11.362 - retardent - lags 11.362 - prétextes - skeleton 11.362 - profitons - prophet 11.362 - patronnés - sponsored 11.362 - frappante - salient 11.362 - encaisser - bagmen 11.362 - empruntés - debenture 11.362 - dignement - arteries 11.362 - couronnée - reflective 11.362 - convenant - abandonments 11.362 - contienne - stimulant 11.362 - confrères - endurance 11.362 - assorties - uniquely 11.362 - agrandies - channelled 11.362 - tourisme - tourism 11.362 - résidant - residing 11.362 - retenant - necessitate 11.362 - rajuster - readjusting 11.362 - publiant - readjusting 11.362 - paraîtra - Fox 11.362 - naviguer - sail 11.362 - instaure - realised 11.362 - infligés - Substantial 11.362 - goussets - pockets 11.362 - finirait - bang 11.362 - décompte - lion 11.362 - divisées - evenly 11.362 - divisent - unify 11.362 - commença - intemperate 11.362 - attendra - cleanup 11.362 - assortie - magistrates 11.362 - accapare - eats 11.362 - évoqués - commutations 11.362 - répétés - loadings 11.362 - revisée - updated 11.362 - oeuvres - Trajectoire 11.362 - maigres - meagre 11.362 - accable - advantaged 11.362 - Afrique - Africa 11.362 - figuré - woodshed 11.362 - bouger - indecisive 11.362 - vogue - furs 11.362 - filet - contaminating 11.362 - barbe - miscarriage 11.361 - rire - laughter 11.360 - créditiste - Créditiste 11.360 - trace - trace 11.359 - familiaux - cutoff 11.359 - herbe - grass 11.357 - décemment - decently 11.357 - Ste - Mary 11.354 - juridictions - jurisdictions 11.353 - plaignait - complaining 11.353 - f - f 11.352 - inspection - inspection 11.352 - American - Corp 11.352 - uni - united 11.350 - conditionneurs - processors 11.349 - radicaux - radical 11.347 - responsibilité - abdicate 11.347 - correspondrait - corresponds 11.347 - encourageront - redirection 11.347 - découleraient - lumbering 11.347 - approvisionné - Near 11.347 - imposeraient - restitution 11.347 - souscrivent - tidy 11.347 - réciprocité - reciprocal 11.347 - inconvenant - indecent 11.347 - entretenant - adhering 11.347 - contrecoups - shield 11.347 - comprenions - newest 11.347 - veillerons - liberalism 11.347 - suivraient - meditation 11.347 - promettent - curbing 11.347 - profiterai - treasurers 11.347 - explicites - nefarious 11.347 - corroborer - contemptuous 11.347 - contrôlant - tentacles 11.347 - consciente - conspiracies 11.347 - apprécions - grossing 11.347 - alimentent - packer 11.347 - tomberont - marshalling 11.347 - terminons - fishmeal 11.347 - répondais - luncheon 11.347 - répliquer - waits 11.347 - réduiront - Railroad 11.347 - remplisse - Certificate 11.347 - dépourvus - possessing 11.347 - conclurai - countenance 11.347 - amènerait - tug 11.347 - aboutisse - relegated 11.347 - suggérés - lastly 11.347 - songeais - treasurers 11.347 - populeux - densely 11.347 - parcourt - drives 11.347 - légifère - overrule 11.347 - jouaient - Strangely 11.347 - inchangé - untouched 11.347 - dégrader - unemployable 11.347 - dissipée - harnessing 11.347 - couronné - symptomatic 11.347 - perçoit - collects 11.347 - penchés - intermediary 11.347 - mordant - symptomatic 11.347 - montrée - lenient 11.347 - décente - hostel 11.347 - avertit - conspiracies 11.347 - animent - negate 11.347 - palais - celebrate 11.347 - décent - remunerative 11.347 - cardio - diseases 11.347 - bloque - impeding 11.347 - amenée - fingerprints 11.347 - anime - prestigious 11.347 - flux - tide 11.347 - art - art 11.346 - condamnations - convictions 11.346 - agréé - concurred 11.343 - agissements - compromising 11.343 - gagnait - Eighteen 11.342 - influencés - influenced 11.341 - stabiliser - stabilize 11.340 - subalternes - junior 11.338 - itinéraire - rerouting 11.338 - courtoisie - courtesy 11.337 - socialistes - socialists 11.337 - contraintes - constraints 11.337 - renommée - enviable 11.337 - détourné - diverted 11.337 - déplore - deplores 11.337 - Environ - Approximately 11.336 - appartement - apartment 11.336 - voisine - neighbouring 11.336 - beurre - butter 11.335 - exclusivité - consignment 11.335 - consommée - consumed 11.335 - mutuels - mutual 11.335 - brutale - brutal 11.335 - capita - capita 11.334 - comédie - farce 11.334 - veuves - widows 11.334 - rues - streets 11.333 - hypothétiques - hypothetical 11.333 - utilisateurs - users 11.333 - soixantaine - sixties 11.333 - cartes - maps 11.332 - ouvertement - openly 11.331 - enregistrement - registration 11.331 - transactions - transactions 11.330 - entreposé - stored 11.330 - évalués - appraised 11.330 - Disons - Say 11.329 - déféré - Conflict 11.329 - aveu - confession 11.329 - MEER - Details 11.328 - détournés - devious 11.328 - raffiné - refined 11.328 - Royal - Fairweather 11.327 - expressions - phrases 11.326 - géré - mismanaged 11.324 - entreprendrons - sportsmen 11.324 - amélioreraient - greetings 11.324 - résulteraient - ores 11.324 - syndicalisme - credentials 11.324 - retrouverait - delinquents 11.324 - administrées - Chilliwack 11.324 - Probablement - pegged 11.324 - restrictifs - concomitant 11.324 - exécutoires - bylaw 11.324 - expliquerai - verse 11.324 - résoudrons - compounding 11.324 - persistant - oppressive 11.324 - maintenait - pegged 11.324 - loyalement - faithfully 11.324 - inadéquats - conquest 11.324 - économise - achieves 11.324 - suivaient - lad 11.324 - plaignons - remoteness 11.324 - informées - stewardesses 11.324 - forcerait - cling 11.324 - englobera - crosses 11.324 - défendait - CNTU 11.324 - voterais - milking 11.324 - restions - conciliatory 11.324 - recevrai - unfamiliar 11.324 - quittait - climbing 11.324 - publient - Lynch 11.324 - marchera - derision 11.324 - insérées - fairest 11.324 - couverte - indoor 11.324 - averties - treachery 11.324 - aberrant - incongruous 11.324 - épargné - spared 11.324 - variera - Depending 11.324 - tenants - enterprisers 11.324 - règlera - Wonderland 11.324 - comparé - likened 11.324 - apparue - steep 11.324 - Cessons - suitably 11.324 - fixera - surrendered 11.324 - crève - faltering 11.324 - couru - circulating 11.324 - Fêtes - Holiday 11.324 - How - Perrault 11.323 - comptables - accountants 11.323 - incidents - incidents 11.323 - tournée - tour 11.322 - consommatrices - consuming 11.321 - enrichissent - enrich 11.321 - manoeuvrer - manoeuvre 11.321 - compromise - compromised 11.321 - substitut - substitute 11.321 - rancart - discarded 11.320 - frustrés - frustrated 11.318 - répugne - repugnant 11.318 - joueurs - players 11.318 - outils - tools 11.318 - sou - penny 11.317 - météorologiques - Problems 11.317 - environnementaux - pronouncement 11.317 - suffisaient - pronouncements 11.317 - sollicitent - proxy 11.317 - révélatrice - uttering 11.317 - questionner - unparalleled 11.317 - recommencé - Notre 11.317 - incessante - onward 11.317 - prêterait - Comstock 11.317 - présumées - Notre 11.317 - obligeait - paperwork 11.317 - exprimons - Biculturalism 11.317 - empressée - equanimity 11.317 - désirions - pronouncement 11.317 - demeurées - fruitless 11.317 - valaient - dull 11.317 - sauvages - savage 11.317 - proroger - CPI 11.317 - licencié - detrimentally 11.317 - habitons - transform 11.317 - figurera - Roads 11.317 - assumées - refunding 11.317 - protège - protects 11.317 - découlé - aftermath 11.317 - dissipé - scars 11.317 - absenté - Pitfield 11.317 - tendue - explosive 11.317 - libéré - parolee 11.317 - our - Deep 11.317 - not - Successive 11.317 - Act - Improvements 11.316 - volontaires - Voluntary 11.315 - cotisants - contributors 11.315 - consommer - consume 11.314 - excellence - excellence 11.312 - hebdomadaires - weekly 11.310 - amateur - Amateur 11.309 - prématurée - premature 11.309 - énergique - energetic 11.309 - The - Sydneys 11.308 - promettant - promising 11.308 - réformer - reforming 11.307 - pétrolifères - oilfields 11.307 - brillante - brilliant 11.307 - pause - luncheon 11.307 - opté - opted 11.306 - Déclaration - Rights 11.305 - partisanerie - partisanship 11.305 - noir - black 11.303 - compréhensibles - understandable 11.302 - réglementations - miraculous 11.302 - significatives - unreliable 11.302 - interviendront - defenceless 11.302 - administrateur - administrator 11.302 - participerait - Range 11.302 - respecteront - bauxite 11.302 - opérationnel - corrosion 11.302 - vigoureuses - Practically 11.302 - sauvegardes - spoilage 11.302 - mentionnons - sporting 11.302 - contribuait - contending 11.302 - praticable - gravel 11.302 - irréfléchi - indiscriminate 11.302 - hauturière - trawler 11.302 - expliciter - uninsured 11.302 - essaierait - Italians 11.302 - critiquant - criticizing 11.302 - éliminées - irritants 11.302 - soulignés - underlining 11.302 - rétablira - reinstate 11.302 - procurera - canadian 11.302 - postulant - Anglophone 11.302 - ordonnera - JP 11.302 - occupions - shipbuilders 11.302 - entraînée - plunge 11.302 - découpage - gerrymandering 11.302 - diffusées - relay 11.302 - correctif - delinquency 11.302 - contestés - contested 11.302 - animation - bland 11.302 - ramenant - inject 11.302 - militent - ensues 11.302 - imprimée - Statistician 11.302 - extraite - Forbes 11.302 - délaissé - interviewing 11.302 - disparus - graves 11.302 - cultiver - cultivate 11.302 - boutique - Inn 11.302 - évolués - Waldheim 11.302 - équipés - submarines 11.302 - vivions - denials 11.302 - tombées - snowmobile 11.302 - souciés - catastrophic 11.302 - expirée - ink 11.302 - dénommé - raping 11.302 - donnais - falsehoods 11.302 - cultive - Ken 11.302 - caisses - populaires 11.302 - brisés - burnt 11.302 - appert - mud 11.302 - United - Aircraft 11.302 - Ancien - Mennonites 11.302 - débit - throughput 11.302 - chute - snowfall 11.302 - borné - picayune 11.302 - aînés - elder 11.300 - caractéristiques - characteristics 11.300 - encouragée - groundfish 11.299 - anglophone - anglophone 11.298 - mesurer - measuring 11.298 - prompt - recovery 11.296 - Central - MacKay 11.295 - consultants - consultants 11.295 - chasse - witch 11.294 - Secrétariat - Secretariat 11.294 - violents - violent 11.293 - hebdomadaire - weekly 11.292 - pêcheur - fisherman 11.292 - mentale - mental 11.291 - insignifiants - insignificant 11.291 - enlèvent - Death 11.291 - grades - naval 11.290 - individuellement - individually 11.290 - détaillants - retailers 11.289 - syndiqués - unionized 11.289 - prudent - prudent 11.289 - opposée - diametrically 11.288 - entraîneraient - Substantial 11.288 - poursuivaient - patrols 11.288 - équivalentes - Square 11.288 - travailliste - BP 11.288 - inquiétantes - gloom 11.288 - élèveraient - amortization 11.288 - substituant - bungalow 11.288 - réduiraient - evils 11.288 - quinquennal - rehash 11.288 - participons - missionary 11.288 - Département - instal 11.288 - soutiendra - disallowed 11.288 - soulignent - miscarriage 11.288 - recherchés - Substantial 11.288 - occasionne - loadings 11.288 - instituant - observance 11.288 - fréquenter - nourished 11.288 - dépourvues - Families 11.288 - déposerait - amicable 11.288 - apercevons - playground 11.288 - alarmantes - alarmingly 11.288 - vaisseaux - IMCO 11.288 - suspendus - informational 11.288 - partirait - Clinton 11.288 - mensonges - observance 11.288 - fréquenté - fellowships 11.288 - entraient - fierce 11.288 - entourage - milieu 11.288 - déplacent - migrate 11.288 - concluait - Voting 11.288 - composait - stifling 11.288 - bailleurs - bagmen 11.288 - troublés - Porter 11.288 - repartir - scratch 11.288 - précisée - nebulous 11.288 - flagrant - blatant 11.288 - exposera - geologists 11.288 - doctorat - coaching 11.288 - divisant - acquiesced 11.288 - contesté - disputed 11.288 - choquant - portray 11.288 - anéantir - probing 11.288 - adresses - contractees 11.288 - regorge - automated 11.288 - patates - french 11.288 - légères - rebellion 11.288 - indexée - supplemental 11.288 - forçant - demeaning 11.288 - effraie - cheer 11.288 - comptés - jealously 11.288 - absorbe - radioactive 11.288 - étaler - outgoing 11.288 - trahit - disdain 11.288 - tirant - buttons 11.288 - plongé - disarray 11.288 - mortes - inquest 11.288 - joints - flak 11.288 - gérées - whence 11.288 - exprès - intercept 11.288 - dicton - adage 11.288 - créait - rival 11.288 - casser - hashish 11.288 - cédés - bolus 11.288 - axées - cattleman 11.288 - rime - mesh 11.288 - ores - trump 11.288 - fuir - northward 11.288 - cale - slip 11.288 - Mis - Z 11.286 - sexe - sex 11.285 - réexamen - reconsideration 11.283 - confond - confusing 11.283 - mères - mothers 11.283 - dame - lady 11.282 - répétition - repetition 11.281 - littéralement - literally 11.279 - veille - eve 11.279 - abusé - abused 11.277 - Manifestement - scant 11.277 - économistes - economists 11.277 - citoyenneté - Citizenship 11.277 - compliqués - intricate 11.277 - bénévoles - volunteers 11.277 - déployer - unfold 11.277 - filiale - subsidiary 11.277 - cri - clamouring 11.276 - séparément - separately 11.275 - classification - classification 11.274 - controverses - controversy 11.274 - fabricant - manufacturer 11.273 - violer - violate 11.271 - recevabilité - acceptability 11.270 - unilatérales - unilateral 11.270 - désespérés - brain 11.270 - aérogares - Terminals 11.270 - abattage - slaughter 11.270 - érosion - erosion 11.270 - rétabli - reinstated 11.269 - maintiendra - steamship 11.269 - détermine - determines 11.269 - élargies - broadened 11.269 - injecter - injected 11.268 - définit - defines 11.267 - mercantilisme - profiteering 11.267 - détournement - diversion 11.266 - concessionnaire - distributor 11.266 - rencontrera - sore 11.266 - incurie - carelessness 11.264 - expériences - experiments 11.263 - possédaient - Bond 11.263 - clandestine - secrets 11.263 - inciteront - prompt 11.263 - oubliez - Remember 11.262 - bouleversés - upset 11.262 - phase - Phase 11.261 - appréhensions - misgivings 11.261 - permissions - Matsqui 11.261 - invités - guests 11.261 - aveugle - blindness 11.261 - dons - donations 11.261 - bras - legs 11.260 - appréciée - appreciated 11.259 - encourageantes - ethnocultural 11.259 - accommodement - countenance 11.259 - désireraient - conferring 11.259 - universelle - Universal 11.259 - sécuritaire - necessitates 11.259 - supervision - discharges 11.259 - notablement - precaution 11.259 - hospitalier - attendants 11.259 - définissant - switched 11.259 - atteindrons - coercive 11.259 - affrètement - chartering 11.259 - accueillera - Michener 11.259 - rattachées - PCV 11.259 - opportunes - timely 11.259 - inaptitude - ineptness 11.259 - achèterait - Railroad 11.259 - accaparent - dreaming 11.259 - abolissant - wrath 11.259 - survienne - paradoxical 11.259 - retrouvés - reformation 11.259 - infirmité - escalator 11.259 - gentiment - gently 11.259 - Financial - Times 11.259 - tentions - intransigent 11.259 - saisisse - vires 11.259 - prévoira - segregation 11.259 - opposais - disagreeing 11.259 - motivant - Benefit 11.259 - démentir - trivial 11.259 - demeures - injecting 11.259 - consulte - consults 11.259 - aérogare - Terminal 11.259 - ajoutons - escalator 11.259 - accusées - narcotic 11.259 - évoquée - gateway 11.259 - écartée - Front 11.259 - quatres - smug 11.259 - procuré - precaution 11.259 - accusée - fingerprints 11.259 - Montant - Penner 11.259 - rouges - counters 11.259 - abonde - sacrosanct 11.259 - échos - echoed 11.259 - maire - mayor 11.259 - émet - phoney 11.257 - prédire - predict 11.255 - répugnance - reluctance 11.255 - raffinerie - refinery 11.255 - envoie - sends 11.254 - resserrer - tighten 11.253 - classement - grading 11.252 - prospecter - explore 11.252 - semblant - semblance 11.252 - audition - quantum 11.252 - précède - precede 11.252 - glaces - Polar 11.252 - Devons - Must 11.252 - Noël - Claus 11.251 - épuration - sewage 11.251 - affirmant - asserting 11.251 - collège - Pestalozzi 11.251 - grandi - grew 11.251 - Devant - Faced 11.250 - différemment - differently 11.250 - proximité - proximity 11.250 - ardemment - fervent 11.250 - traduire - translate 11.250 - déboursé - disbursement 11.250 - gonfler - treasuries 11.250 - empiète - encroach 11.250 - sols - soil 11.249 - mécontentement - discontent 11.249 - poissons - groundfish 11.248 - exhaustive - exhaustive 11.248 - aménageurs - developers 11.247 - maîtresses - housewives 11.247 - nomme - appoints 11.244 - parallèle - sixtieth 11.244 - hypothèse - hypothesis 11.244 - tribune - gallery 11.243 - promulguée - promulgated 11.242 - démonstration - demonstration 11.240 - contravention - ticket 11.240 - patrimoine - heritage 11.240 - justesse - correctness 11.240 - résider - reside 11.239 - détérioration - deterioration 11.239 - transaction - transaction 11.239 - expiration - expiry 11.239 - immiscer - intrude 11.239 - boîte - box 11.239 - Co - Doherty 11.238 - ensuivrait - ensue 11.238 - sélective - selectively 11.238 - civils - Civilian 11.238 - unies - nationalities 11.237 - expulsion - deportation 11.237 - habitués - accustomed 11.235 - occupations - occupations 11.235 - autonomes - autonomous 11.234 - fructueuse - fruitful 11.233 - radicales - radical 11.232 - démolir - tear 11.232 - titres - titles 11.231 - approvisionnent - picks 11.231 - manutentionner - crab 11.231 - irresponsables - irresponsible 11.231 - concurrencent - directory 11.231 - procentuelle - equalling 11.231 - inadmissible - inadmissible 11.231 - déplacements - relocations 11.231 - correspondra - Pending 11.231 - clairvoyance - deadly 11.231 - bénévolement - volunteered 11.231 - neutraliser - counteract 11.231 - considérais - quibble 11.231 - aviculteurs - tuned 11.231 - respectait - laboured 11.231 - rappelerai - minted 11.231 - méritaient - gallant 11.231 - habitaient - dweller 11.231 - devenaient - stumpage 11.231 - coïncident - compromises 11.231 - assuraient - rugged 11.231 - émergents - worsened 11.231 - stabilise - Cash 11.231 - précisent - honey 11.231 - impatient - impatient 11.231 - formulent - anonymous 11.231 - empressés - Fulton 11.231 - embrasser - feeble 11.231 - énormité - Privacy 11.231 - traduise - insulin 11.231 - tiraient - missiles 11.231 - repasser - disorderly 11.231 - plaident - impartially 11.231 - effarant - astounding 11.231 - déposant - Room 11.231 - tombera - disrepute 11.231 - nommera - appoints 11.231 - moquent - ridicule 11.231 - endosse - endorses 11.231 - déplaît - resent 11.231 - décliné - climbing 11.231 - assorti - stipulations 11.231 - arroger - rings 11.231 - visera - oligopolies 11.231 - rendit - surrendered 11.231 - recule - smallholding 11.231 - menait - crusade 11.231 - grimpe - stirring 11.231 - assaut - onslaught 11.231 - Vallée - MacKenzie 11.231 - doués - skilful 11.231 - sine - requisite 11.231 - vas - morals 11.230 - automatique - automatic 11.229 - roulant - rolling 11.229 - vagues - waves 11.228 - SEE - EDC 11.227 - impressionnant - impressive 11.227 - concentration - concentration 11.226 - caractéristique - trademark 11.226 - embarras - embarrassment 11.225 - guérir - cure 11.224 - assainissement - recovering 11.224 - interminable - endless 11.224 - communiquent - Beryl 11.224 - interdirait - outlawed 11.224 - examineront - populace 11.224 - Législature - Legislature 11.224 - trouverais - Jour 11.224 - soustraits - insulated 11.224 - persistera - dominating 11.224 - médicament - pharmaceutical 11.224 - limiteront - Lands 11.224 - baisseront - strife 11.224 - achèteront - Practically 11.224 - écrasante - overwhelming 11.224 - échéances - accessories 11.224 - réuniront - disciplines 11.224 - précisées - noxious 11.224 - procédait - refurbishing 11.224 - instaurée - perpetuated 11.224 - infligées - beatings 11.224 - effleurer - conceptual 11.224 - apprenait - Outremont 11.224 - routiers - assigns 11.224 - rappelez - bi 11.224 - parviens - defies 11.224 - partiels - instalments 11.224 - déroulée - Gromyko 11.224 - dépanner - twenties 11.224 - devenant - tedious 11.224 - banlieue - GO 11.224 - Résultat - uninsured 11.224 - tardent - standardization 11.224 - nolisés - booking 11.224 - jettent - outlawed 11.224 - inusité - Bond 11.224 - insinue - displace 11.224 - combiné - summers 11.224 - allouer - Recognition 11.224 - gèrent - Zenith 11.224 - bannir - outlawed 11.224 - quasi - quasi 11.224 - Fera - infected 11.224 - Mr - Reason 11.220 - expliquée - Step 11.219 - patienter - patient 11.219 - convoquée - convened 11.217 - entreprendrait - apron 11.217 - significatifs - regression 11.217 - compréhensive - instructive 11.217 - vertigineuse - leaps 11.217 - conditionnés - complemented 11.217 - Généralement - Ordinarily 11.217 - ressemblait - deck 11.217 - mentionnent - extracts 11.217 - interrogées - authentic 11.217 - identifiées - radius 11.217 - entretenons - thread 11.217 - dérouleront - breakwater 11.217 - contraindre - exceptionable 11.217 - contenaient - bolus 11.217 - compétitive - thirdly 11.217 - assistaient - seekers 11.217 - paieraient - Canberra 11.217 - oubliettes - shelved 11.217 - magnétique - taped 11.217 - interjetés - Appeals 11.217 - incertains - dampen 11.217 - enregistre - loadings 11.217 - déficience - deficiency 11.217 - améliorons - pat 11.217 - acquièrent - inferiority 11.217 - abandonnée - deserted 11.217 - serviteur - wrath 11.217 - réfléchie - thoughtfully 11.217 - remettent - counsels 11.217 - prendrais - Ordinarily 11.217 - persister - persist 11.217 - onéreuses - reclassification 11.217 - minérales - Mineral 11.217 - insertion - Z 11.217 - inaugurer - inauguration 11.217 - fabriques - grape 11.217 - expédions - Daily 11.217 - exposerai - enunciating 11.217 - chargeant - trapping 11.217 - Ontariens - Close 11.217 - rédigent - weakens 11.217 - rendrons - disqualifying 11.217 - recouvre - Orléans 11.217 - préférer - southwest 11.217 - insuccès - successes 11.217 - indexant - eased 11.217 - enverrai - columns 11.217 - ensuivra - blast 11.217 - créances - Claims 11.217 - confrère - resides 11.217 - conformé - complied 11.217 - chargent - gratification 11.217 - braderie - Thatcher 11.217 - aimeront - flourishing 11.217 - affermir - inane 11.217 - aciéries - Chartered 11.217 - versant - Slope 11.217 - vedette - star 11.217 - stricts - matches 11.217 - siégera - Remembrance 11.217 - sentons - separates 11.217 - perdait - forfeited 11.217 - obtiens - portray 11.217 - nombres - enumerators 11.217 - millier - fertility 11.217 - maximal - incumbents 11.217 - lançait - floated 11.217 - grandit - vacations 11.217 - gagnant - winner 11.217 - futiles - fraught 11.217 - forcent - trucker 11.217 - filière - advisors 11.217 - apposer - complies 11.217 - annonça - grazing 11.217 - sauter - skip 11.217 - insère - elaborating 11.217 - façade - dressing 11.217 - exclue - Ice 11.217 - entres - accommodating 11.217 - dotées - endowed 11.217 - dirons - apron 11.217 - citait - Boisvert 11.217 - bandit - Thérèse 11.217 - annule - overrides 11.217 - Régina - Ralph 11.217 - glace - icemaking 11.217 - crie - yelling 11.217 - mit - Twin 11.217 - Law - Ralph 11.217 - It - stretched 11.216 - naïveté - naive 11.215 - arriéré - backlog 11.215 - nie - denies 11.213 - wagon - carload 11.213 - ouvre - opens 11.212 - violente - violent 11.212 - silence - silence 11.212 - basse - tendered 11.209 - corrigée - rectified 11.209 - Toujours - Always 11.209 - options - options 11.209 - faim - starve 11.208 - énumérant - listing 11.208 - grimpé - climbed 11.207 - frustré - frustrated 11.207 - usées - sewage 11.205 - provisions - basket 11.205 - conclut - concludes 11.204 - imprévoyance - foresight 11.204 - désignation - designation 11.204 - ressemble - resembles 11.204 - erronées - erroneous 11.204 - Lawrence - Durham 11.204 - Français - Germans 11.204 - Groupe - Group 11.204 - North - Hire 11.203 - calendrier - timetable 11.202 - illimité - unlimited 11.202 - listes - lists 11.201 - Syndicat - Seafarers 11.201 - commet - commits 11.201 - Jamais - Never 11.200 - exclusion - exclusion 11.200 - référant - tact 11.200 - défendu - defended 11.200 - affamés - hungry 11.200 - Accords - protocols 11.200 - variés - varied 11.200 - Débats - Debates 11.199 - multiplient - multiplying 11.198 - forestiers - forest 11.198 - préposé - attendant 11.197 - mérité - deserved 11.196 - hôtellerie - hotel 11.196 - pilotes - pilots 11.196 - bande - Band 11.195 - traversier - Argentia 11.195 - rigides - rigid 11.194 - resserrement - tight 11.194 - compassion - compassion 11.194 - Fonds - Monetary 11.193 - abondantes - abundant 11.192 - désavantagées - disadvantaged 11.192 - recouvrement - recovery 11.192 - signature - signature 11.191 - politiquement - politically 11.191 - spécialisées - specialized 11.191 - habitué - accustomed 11.190 - commode - convenient 11.190 - équipé - equipped 11.189 - affectations - appropriations 11.188 - Institut - Patricia 11.187 - dépasserait - surpass 11.187 - disparition - disappearance 11.187 - réagissent - reacting 11.187 - maintenus - Malvern 11.187 - aisément - Occupational 11.187 - ménage - householder 11.186 - constructeurs - builders 11.186 - inséré - inserted 11.186 - dresse - releasing 11.184 - équilibrée - balanced 11.184 - préférence - preferably 11.184 - inégalités - inequalities 11.183 - habilitante - enabling 11.183 - tragiques - tragically 11.183 - répugnent - repugnant 11.183 - diffuser - BBC 11.183 - abstenir - abstain 11.183 - horaire - hourly 11.183 - mutuel - mutual 11.181 - unilatérale - unilateral 11.181 - entreprenne - undertakes 11.181 - réconfort - consolation 11.181 - progressé - progressed 11.180 - déraisonnable - unreasonable 11.180 - combinaison - combination 11.179 - phénomène - phenomenon 11.179 - immigrant - immigrant 11.179 - vision - vision 11.179 - Dois - Am 11.178 - réparations - repairs 11.178 - douteuse - dubious 11.178 - sites - sites 11.177 - ralentissement - slowdown 11.177 - unifamiliale - detached 11.177 - préférerions - shield 11.177 - exorbitantes - lavish 11.177 - tergiverser - Stop 11.177 - suffiraient - Slope 11.177 - renseignera - Railroad 11.177 - préciserait - Caracas 11.177 - prononcerai - ensue 11.177 - composition - composition 11.177 - voteraient - drowned 11.177 - rattachant - successively 11.177 - parallèles - parallels 11.177 - judicieuse - judicious 11.177 - impératifs - surmise 11.177 - houillères - shutdown 11.177 - créatrices - developped 11.177 - consentant - intermediary 11.177 - compensera - amends 11.177 - prélevées - resembles 11.177 - plaignant - Lapetina 11.177 - exagérées - exaggerated 11.177 - décrivent - descriptive 11.177 - énumérés - enumerated 11.177 - éclairés - enlightened 11.177 - tournent - grind 11.177 - institut - institute 11.177 - déménagé - stakes 11.177 - débutera - deplete 11.177 - descendu - Ann 11.177 - accentué - Parliaments 11.177 - Vraiment - Really 11.177 - Devrions - safeguarding 11.177 - éminent - eminent 11.177 - détenue - Magna 11.177 - vider - feedlots 11.177 - osent - angels 11.176 - hôtel - Hotel 11.174 - présidente - Beryl 11.174 - précieuses - precious 11.173 - accumulés - accumulated 11.173 - parrain - sponsor 11.172 - automatiques - automated 11.172 - accaparer - grabbing 11.172 - étouffer - stifle 11.172 - camion - truck 11.172 - régit - governs 11.170 - débrouiller - scramble 11.170 - culturels - ethno 11.170 - séparés - segregated 11.169 - identifiés - identified 11.169 - induit - misled 11.169 - tests - tests 11.168 - agréables - pleasant 11.168 - néant - nil 11.167 - accompagnent - accompany 11.167 - équivalant - SX 11.167 - assujettir - thereupon 11.167 - fondation - founding 11.167 - cinquième - fifth 11.167 - fie - relies 11.166 - rigoureuses - rigorous 11.166 - crues - flood 11.166 - Allez - Go 11.165 - éclairer - enlighten 11.165 - délégué - delegate 11.164 - chanceux - lucky 11.163 - transporteur - carrier 11.163 - protéiques - protein 11.163 - intégrité - integrity 11.162 - respectueusement - respectfully 11.162 - tentés - tempted 11.162 - idéal - ideal 11.161 - médecine - medicine 11.161 - Voir - Refer 11.160 - impuissants - helpless 11.160 - formulation - formulation 11.160 - imputable - chargeable 11.160 - prémisse - premise 11.160 - prévalu - prevailed 11.160 - entoure - surrounds 11.160 - aumône - pittance 11.160 - Sûreté - detachment 11.159 - motivées - motivated 11.159 - infligée - inflicted 11.158 - concession - concession 11.158 - terrestre - overland 11.158 - soudaine - sudden 11.158 - calculs - calculations 11.158 - viol - rape 11.156 - doubler - doubling 11.156 - vide - vacuum 11.154 - carburants - fuels 11.154 - exclusifs - exclusive 11.154 - expirer - expire 11.154 - bourse - scholarship 11.153 - hôtels - hotels 11.151 - arbitraire - arbitrary 11.150 - industrialisée - industrialized 11.150 - Renseignements - circular 11.150 - environnantes - arteries 11.150 - commençaient - cats 11.150 - téléviseurs - cabinets 11.150 - transportée - ruthless 11.150 - tranquilles - myths 11.150 - susciterait - unjustifiably 11.150 - surprenante - fantastically 11.150 - supprimions - twist 11.150 - répercutera - burst 11.150 - réfléchirai - motto 11.150 - prétentions - Cossitt 11.150 - posséderont - sunk 11.150 - interrogent - harass 11.150 - intempéries - inclement 11.150 - fournitures - surgical 11.150 - escroquerie - episode 11.150 - découleront - subordinate 11.150 - décisionnel - precede 11.150 - consulterai - Equally 11.150 - écouteront - Weldon 11.150 - serviteurs - Chartered 11.150 - résoudront - compose 11.150 - réfléchira - motto 11.150 - reprochons - begrudge 11.150 - prononcera - upstream 11.150 - occasionné - trawler 11.150 - laisseront - fooled 11.150 - justifiait - naïve 11.150 - injustifié - stipulating 11.150 - implantées - Aluminum 11.150 - contentera - inaccuracy 11.150 - affrontent - myths 11.150 - abordables - heighten 11.150 - torpiller - Keep 11.150 - tendaient - confirming 11.150 - ressentie - finer 11.150 - renouvelé - renewed 11.150 - recourent - outraged 11.150 - préparons - enumerators 11.150 - préparant - assassination 11.150 - profitant - encroached 11.150 - nommément - Anti 11.150 - informera - Precisely 11.150 - escomptés - discounted 11.150 - empruntée - dodge 11.150 - détachées - Supervisory 11.150 - déclenché - enumerators 11.150 - causerait - rebated 11.150 - applaudis - scourge 11.150 - affligent - considerate 11.150 - secourir - Sahel 11.150 - rendions - Statistician 11.150 - relèvera - shopcraft 11.150 - protéine - steaks 11.150 - paraisse - extenuating 11.150 - officier - mate 11.150 - occupées - hereafter 11.150 - invitant - blanks 11.150 - invitait - defunct 11.150 - inspirer - inspire 11.150 - indirect - reimbursing 11.150 - emprunts - borrowings 11.150 - démunies - Pond 11.150 - croyance - creed 11.150 - accélère - plunge 11.150 - tranché - justices 11.150 - revêtir - looming 11.150 - partons - sweat 11.150 - nanties - stead 11.150 - modérer - dampen 11.150 - matinée - lonely 11.150 - grenier - unproductive 11.150 - gardons - jealously 11.150 - désirés - buttons 11.150 - besogne - nuts 11.150 - atterri - hamlet 11.150 - Parlant - Talking 11.150 - soucié - inane 11.150 - reculé - sprung 11.150 - plaira - lingering 11.150 - essuyé - miniscule 11.150 - engins - freighter 11.150 - déduis - diminishes 11.150 - avérée - raiding 11.150 - appuis - dissimilar 11.150 - vains - eternally 11.150 - mêlée - motorcycle 11.150 - donna - tours 11.150 - butte - rebellion 11.150 - ôter - gloves 11.150 - play - corollary 11.150 - Deux - Argenteuil 11.150 - oit - deceiving 11.150 - é - exploits 11.147 - religieux - religious 11.147 - interjeté - appealed 11.147 - supporte - generates 11.147 - diable - devil 11.147 - joli - chart 11.146 - chinoiseries - tape 11.144 - prescriptions - waived 11.144 - inadmissibles - inadmissible 11.144 - journalistes - newspapermen 11.144 - commencerons - unwittingly 11.144 - approuveront - unfold 11.144 - primordiaux - Unhappily 11.144 - connaîtrait - unwittingly 11.144 - adviendrait - peers 11.144 - éperdument - bay 11.144 - supprimait - workshops 11.144 - renouvelée - renewing 11.144 - partielles - hail 11.144 - fréquentes - frequent 11.144 - constatant - harassed 11.144 - offriront - unfold 11.144 - officiels - Secrets 11.144 - investira - Texaco 11.144 - inutilité - ICC 11.144 - exécutent - kidnapped 11.144 - créateurs - crafts 11.144 - clarifiée - precaution 11.144 - évoquées - remoteness 11.144 - menaçait - policed 11.144 - branches - branches 11.144 - alléguer - impute 11.144 - tournés - westward 11.144 - servies - distorting 11.144 - plongés - bath 11.144 - douteux - doubtful 11.144 - appelez - vertical 11.144 - votées - bishops 11.144 - menons - gouvernment 11.144 - jouant - posing 11.144 - fléchi - infant 11.144 - clairs - clearest 11.144 - amuse - amused 11.144 - muet - tacit 11.144 - pré - prestamped 11.143 - instruire - educate 11.142 - délicate - delicate 11.141 - calculer - compute 11.140 - arbitrage - arbitration 11.140 - animal - animal 11.139 - concentrée - concentrated 11.139 - modéré - moderately 11.137 - immobiliers - Estate 11.137 - renflouer - Whale 11.137 - innocent - executing 11.137 - inexacte - inaccurate 11.137 - bornes - overboard 11.134 - doublé - doubled 11.132 - intégrée - integrated 11.130 - exactitude - accuracy 11.130 - pensionné - pensioner 11.130 - amende - fined 11.127 - indirects - indirect 11.126 - Dernièrement - Lately 11.126 - générations - generations 11.126 - garderies - shareable 11.126 - épuisées - depleted 11.126 - pressés - hurry 11.126 - alléger - lighten 11.124 - perquisition - raid 11.124 - approximatif - approximate 11.124 - dépositions - Lucas 11.124 - apporterons - tidy 11.124 - préconisés - blend 11.124 - organisent - Considerable 11.124 - intensifie - maximizing 11.124 - insistance - insistence 11.124 - enlèverait - cores 11.124 - désirerait - Lords 11.124 - découvrent - unequal 11.124 - composants - DDH 11.124 - réfection - rebuilding 11.124 - retardant - Academy 11.124 - enquêtent - rings 11.124 - défendant - forbidding 11.124 - Athabaska - Roads 11.124 - prouvant - unemployable 11.124 - plafonné - revolting 11.124 - examinez - wealthiest 11.124 - décrète - decrees 11.124 - agréée - minimizing 11.124 - norme - norm 11.124 - blâmé - chastised 11.124 - you - mirror 11.124 - axé - McInnis 11.123 - élémentaires - elementary 11.123 - sénatorial - Poverty 11.121 - inévitablement - inevitably 11.120 - constructive - constructively 11.119 - sécuritaires - Analysis 11.119 - humanitaires - humanitarian 11.119 - inhérentes - inherent 11.119 - Georges - Barbe 11.118 - interprètent - misrepresenting 11.118 - subséquents - perpetuates 11.118 - partenaires - partners 11.118 - dorénavant - henceforth 11.118 - dissimuler - conceal 11.118 - favorisée - BP 11.118 - déclenche - cord 11.118 - douteuses - questionable 11.118 - bûcherons - logging 11.118 - séjourné - dwelt 11.118 - resterai - idly 11.118 - prouvées - immunity 11.118 - paierons - stupidity 11.118 - négligés - unnoticed 11.118 - exagérés - exaggerated 11.118 - emprises - weed 11.118 - diplômes - graduating 11.118 - pillage - milking 11.118 - nommant - assigning 11.118 - mettrai - chest 11.118 - haleine - toothpaste 11.118 - entamée - Cable 11.118 - Quoique - enrolment 11.118 - notons - crowding 11.118 - fidèle - faithful 11.118 - prier - unconditionally 11.118 - morte - defends 11.118 - Monde - ordinators 11.118 - menu - plates 11.117 - linéaire - depreciation 11.116 - exclusive - fringes 11.116 - évitées - avoided 11.116 - désuète - outmoded 11.115 - innovatrice - innovative 11.115 - entreposer - stockpile 11.115 - facettes - facets 11.115 - vrac - bulk 11.115 - bête - circus 11.114 - pendaison - hanging 11.114 - mémoires - briefs 11.113 - sommaire - summary 11.113 - combattu - fought 11.112 - flotte - fleet 11.112 - bruit - noise 11.111 - éloquents - eloquent 11.111 - titulaire - incumbents 11.111 - acquitté - journey 11.110 - partielle - partial 11.110 - exagéré - overstated 11.109 - visés - Pembroke 11.108 - supposant - Assuming 11.108 - égout - sewer 11.108 - vides - empty 11.107 - classiques - depleting 11.107 - fructueux - fruitful 11.106 - tracasse - bothers 11.106 - cris - shouting 11.105 - obstacle - obstacle 11.104 - interdisant - forbidding 11.104 - équilibré - balanced 11.104 - flagrante - flagrant 11.104 - sauvé - saved 11.103 - éditorial - editorial 11.103 - opter - opt 11.102 - fantastique - fantastic 11.102 - spécialisé - Maximum 11.102 - exagérée - overstated 11.102 - navette - Digby 11.101 - édition - Edition 11.101 - chaud - warm 11.100 - Grands - Lakes 11.099 - contribueraient - soar 11.099 - syndicaliste - dynamism 11.099 - progressives - curves 11.099 - continuelles - capitalistic 11.099 - accompagnées - flaxseed 11.099 - stimulerait - instinct 11.099 - préféraient - concise 11.099 - passeraient - orphan 11.099 - mensualités - repayments 11.099 - indiquerait - vows 11.099 - embêtements - unbalance 11.099 - évacuation - submarines 11.099 - établiront - additives 11.099 - soumettant - opportune 11.099 - socialiste - Socialist 11.099 - réglemente - vendor 11.099 - couvrirait - heaped 11.099 - construira - campus 11.099 - épargnera - slump 11.099 - suscitées - ineptness 11.099 - inusitées - snowfall 11.099 - expliqués - Amsterdam 11.099 - démagogie - equalled 11.099 - attachons - underlies 11.099 - évaluées - assessed 11.099 - tendrait - credence 11.099 - prélevée - deplete 11.099 - instruit - Leith 11.099 - européen - Common 11.099 - déplorer - deplore 11.099 - consigne - stricture 11.099 - restons - inactive 11.099 - refiler - RTPC 11.099 - libérée - homeland 11.099 - gardera - Electronics 11.099 - classée - Case 11.099 - vécues - hits 11.099 - vieil - Amish 11.099 - opère - Diagnostic 11.099 - Vont - hits 11.098 - viabilisés - serviced 11.098 - réclamants - claimants 11.098 - dignité - dignity 11.097 - aviation - Aviation 11.095 - caution - bail 11.094 - franchise - frankness 11.092 - territorial - territorial 11.092 - réformes - reforms 11.090 - discriminatoires - discriminatory 11.090 - identité - identity 11.090 - échouer - rocks 11.090 - unir - unite 11.089 - nécessiteux - needy 11.089 - révélateur - revealing 11.089 - élévateur - elevator 11.089 - nourrit - Caesar 11.089 - séries - rounds 11.089 - pivot - center 11.089 - joint - joins 11.088 - embauchage - hiring 11.088 - saumon - salmon 11.088 - plaint - complains 11.086 - travailleront - milieu 11.086 - préoccupaient - radioactive 11.086 - regroupement - discard 11.086 - consentaient - candid 11.086 - actionnaires - stockholders 11.086 - proposaient - Mattawa 11.086 - porteraient - blows 11.086 - modificatif - candid 11.086 - envisagions - destinies 11.086 - entreraient - exceptionable 11.086 - déclaraient - bakery 11.086 - disposeront - tents 11.086 - avoisinante - nearby 11.086 - réfléchies - complements 11.086 - montrerait - Examples 11.086 - desservant - viii 11.086 - conservera - confidently 11.086 - collectifs - Living 11.086 - adoptaient - Shultz 11.086 - accueillis - audiences 11.086 - viendrons - trump 11.086 - suscitera - repository 11.086 - subissait - Receiver 11.086 - servaient - Moses 11.086 - réclamées - Lessard 11.086 - ressentir - lethargy 11.086 - québecois - Pinard 11.086 - opportuns - gauge 11.086 - démontrée - belligerent 11.086 - cultivent - believer 11.086 - apportons - heaviest 11.086 - annoncent - jams 11.086 - amoindrir - inferiority 11.086 - réclamée - nominee 11.086 - regretté - regretted 11.086 - ramasser - missionary 11.086 - entraves - clutches 11.086 - encaisse - redemption 11.086 - confiera - appointee 11.086 - achetait - bungalow 11.086 - abondent - Jackson 11.086 - violons - resorted 11.086 - sortira - defends 11.086 - servons - buffer 11.086 - réglant - unfinished 11.086 - ouvrira - ineffectual 11.086 - orgueil - destinies 11.086 - montage - Arrow 11.086 - modérés - moderated 11.086 - mineure - infraction 11.086 - houille - interestingly 11.086 - déférée - shopcraft 11.086 - doutons - rebellion 11.086 - divisée - Asians 11.086 - cessait - exhaustion 11.086 - causant - grocer 11.086 - apports - eternally 11.086 - aperçus - freighter 11.086 - afflige - inferiority 11.086 - étende - containment 11.086 - édifié - dissension 11.086 - rentré - annex 11.086 - jouait - Orchestra 11.086 - froide - shower 11.086 - formel - BBC 11.086 - exempt - commuters 11.086 - cerner - forfeit 11.086 - allure - leaps 11.086 - Telles - patrols 11.086 - serré - disarray 11.086 - pâtes - pulp 11.086 - mutés - demoted 11.086 - brûle - fiddle 11.086 - armée - army 11.086 - omet - abandons 11.086 - fi - flouting 11.084 - destruction - destruction 11.084 - campagnes - campaigns 11.084 - mission - mission 11.083 - soviétique - Soviet 11.083 - rattrapage - catching 11.083 - onze - eleven 11.080 - approvisionnées - coastline 11.080 - fragmentaires - piecemeal 11.080 - sidérurgique - smelting 11.080 - enorgueillir - prizes 11.080 - réservation - booking 11.080 - manifestera - expend 11.080 - indifférent - indifferent 11.080 - inculpation - Lafarge 11.080 - défavorisée - Rosedale 11.080 - regrettent - noose 11.080 - obtiendrai - hinges 11.080 - inévitable - inevitable 11.080 - empressent - sour 11.080 - sentiront - persecution 11.080 - réalisant - massively 11.080 - penserait - deflationary 11.080 - licenciés - antagonism 11.080 - inexactes - inaccurate 11.080 - appartenu - Annex 11.080 - siégions - Castonguay 11.080 - salarial - glossy 11.080 - limitera - nuts 11.080 - exposait - enunciating 11.080 - entraver - obstruct 11.080 - enlevant - noxious 11.080 - étonnés - flabbergasted 11.080 - variant - Experimental 11.080 - tutelle - thumb 11.080 - trompés - erred 11.080 - plaçant - embodying 11.080 - nommait - EEC 11.080 - formait - emphysema 11.080 - enverra - bat 11.080 - assumée - chairing 11.080 - asseyez - Say 11.080 - annulés - reckoning 11.080 - Housing - Malvern 11.080 - écarté - strayed 11.080 - métier - GLT 11.080 - francs - forthright 11.080 - dévoué - pretended 11.080 - avisée - shrewd 11.080 - sitôt - punch 11.080 - indue - uncalled 11.080 - aisé - Departmental 11.079 - privilégiées - preferred 11.079 - étendant - stretching 11.079 - indûment - unduly 11.079 - trémie - hopper 11.079 - moteur - engine 11.078 - excessivement - excessively 11.076 - excédents - surpluses 11.076 - Assemblée - Assembly 11.076 - menacent - threaten 11.076 - poches - pockets 11.076 - orales - oral 11.076 - Nova - MacKay 11.075 - pendre - hang 11.074 - enfreignent - afoul 11.074 - puissante - potent 11.074 - indemnité - severence 11.074 - sénateur - senator 11.072 - suspendu - suspended 11.071 - exceptions - exceptions 11.071 - omis - omitted 11.070 - comparons - SX 11.070 - amortir - cushion 11.070 - cote - rating 11.069 - Gouvernement - Translation 11.069 - télégramme - telegram 11.069 - tranquille - quiet 11.069 - Excellence - Excellency 11.069 - défiance - successively 11.069 - peser - weigh 11.069 - gelé - frozen 11.066 - expropriation - expropriation 11.065 - recevables - receivable 11.065 - remanier - readjust 11.065 - prospère - prosperous 11.065 - abusives - profiteering 11.065 - chères - cherished 11.064 - éventualité - eventuality 11.064 - découverte - discovery 11.063 - indirecte - indirect 11.063 - disparité - disparity 11.063 - carburant - JP 11.062 - déduit - deducted 11.062 - accise - excise 11.061 - continueraient - inject 11.061 - gestionnaires - clerical 11.061 - retireraient - ripping 11.061 - trouverions - lectures 11.061 - handicapées - workshops 11.061 - décroissant - recaptured 11.061 - chiffraient - bidders 11.061 - prévoyions - weaker 11.061 - parcourant - expound 11.061 - opposerons - Bissau 11.061 - mésentente - disunity 11.061 - éviterait - obviate 11.061 - épargnent - avoids 11.061 - reflétant - restless 11.061 - impliqués - implicated 11.061 - exemptées - exempted 11.061 - décrivait - cautiously 11.061 - remplira - politic 11.061 - puissiez - contested 11.061 - manières - manners 11.061 - conserve - canning 11.061 - apprenne - exemplary 11.061 - trémies - hopper 11.061 - prélève - collects 11.061 - amusent - musical 11.061 - amenées - canning 11.061 - prôner - immorality 11.061 - essais - atmospheric 11.061 - mêlés - additives 11.061 - taxé - tightly 11.061 - rayé - defiance 11.060 - moquer - mockery 11.059 - intelligentes - intelligent 11.059 - insignifiante - insignificant 11.059 - échecs - failures 11.059 - comté - County 11.058 - échappé - escaped 11.058 - scruter - scrutinize 11.057 - comporté - behaved 11.057 - détenir - gainful 11.056 - négligée - neglected 11.056 - camions - trucks 11.055 - savants - scholars 11.055 - emporte - overrides 11.054 - fantastiques - fantastic 11.054 - remboursées - reimbursed 11.054 - entreposage - warehousing 11.054 - extraction - extraction 11.054 - télévisée - televised 11.054 - typique - typical 11.053 - prévision - Forecast 11.051 - compromettre - jeopardizing 11.051 - Fédération - Federation 11.051 - équivoque - equivocation 11.051 - marchand - dealer 11.049 - qualitative - Water 11.049 - malentendu - misunderstanding 11.049 - néglige - neglecting 11.049 - évalue - assesses 11.049 - abri - immune 11.048 - humanitaire - humanitarian 11.048 - critère - criterion 11.047 - racine - root 11.046 - approvisionnée - tractor 11.046 - merveilleux - marvellous 11.046 - statutaire - statutory 11.046 - préambule - preamble 11.046 - réseaux - networks 11.046 - inexact - inaccurate 11.046 - avisant - advising 11.046 - vaine - vain 11.046 - Honte - Shame 11.045 - garantissant - guaranteeing 11.045 - transformer - transform 11.045 - faune - Wildlife 11.044 - subsistance - subsistence 11.044 - remplit - fulfils 11.043 - aggravé - aggravated 11.042 - craintes - fears 11.041 - succession - succession 11.041 - couvre - quilt 11.041 - OCCO - CEMA 11.040 - rationnelle - rational 11.040 - assainir - healthier 11.040 - Congrès - Congress 11.040 - And - wings 11.039 - coordination - coordination 11.039 - camoufler - disguise 11.039 - couler - sinking 11.038 - curieuse - curious 11.037 - reviendraient - specifying 11.037 - introduisant - reinvest 11.037 - colonisation - Problems 11.037 - remarquerez - enterprising 11.037 - incitations - plate 11.037 - corresponde - corrects 11.037 - confrontent - dreaming 11.037 - éloquentes - constable 11.037 - témoignait - friendliness 11.037 - changeront - lure 11.037 - éprouvait - Liberalism 11.037 - salariaux - culprits 11.037 - répercute - overlap 11.037 - réduisait - slavery 11.037 - procurant - resorts 11.037 - inspirées - hockery 11.037 - diminuées - depreciated 11.037 - convoqués - summoned 11.037 - auditions - Doherty 11.037 - écoutons - prayer 11.037 - succéder - tale 11.037 - postuler - constable 11.037 - jouiront - solicit 11.037 - entamées - flowed 11.037 - afficher - opportunism 11.037 - élimine - eliminates 11.037 - relevée - decennial 11.037 - prêtons - foolishness 11.037 - mandats - warrants 11.037 - circulé - embargoes 11.037 - volets - Cultural 11.037 - briser - breakers 11.037 - porcs - hogs 11.037 - battu - beaten 11.037 - fair - safeguarded 11.037 - Paix - Tower 11.035 - exonération - forgiveness 11.034 - soviétiques - Soviet 11.034 - clause - COLA 11.033 - carrés - square 11.030 - entrepreneur - contractor 11.030 - persiste - persists 11.028 - Allemagne - Germany 11.027 - latitude - latitude 11.026 - Direction - Directorate 11.026 - tableaux - tables 11.026 - plaints - complained 11.025 - subventionnerait - chilling 11.025 - discriminatoire - discriminatory 11.025 - conventionnelles - hydraulic 11.025 - indescriptible - Thirty 11.025 - préméditation - immutable 11.025 - disparaîtrait - diverting 11.025 - bénéficiaient - noticing 11.025 - approximative - approximate 11.025 - provoquerait - elaborating 11.025 - obtiendrions - inexpensive 11.025 - interrompues - Carriers 11.025 - incessamment - awakening 11.025 - favorisaient - Making 11.025 - entretiendra - Chancellor 11.025 - constaterait - hen 11.025 - augmenterons - slap 11.025 - ultérieures - commemoration 11.025 - récapituler - Terms 11.025 - provisoires - successively 11.025 - poursuivant - Moving 11.025 - montréalais - Cité 11.025 - inévitables - unavoidable 11.025 - intervenant - meddling 11.025 - fournissons - Sahel 11.025 - fidéicommis - deposited 11.025 - entretenues - nourished 11.025 - contribuons - cling 11.025 - comparaîtra - Teron 11.025 - appuierions - laboured 11.025 - accueillent - assuredly 11.025 - supprimons - creativity 11.025 - retirerait - fiddle 11.025 - renseignée - faithfully 11.025 - promulguer - proclaim 11.025 - permettrez - afield 11.025 - perdraient - forfeited 11.025 - outrepassé - convening 11.025 - opposerais - justices 11.025 - hésiterait - pastures 11.025 - harmoniser - coordinate 11.025 - découvrira - belle 11.025 - déclenchée - enumerators 11.025 - coopératif - cooperative 11.025 - cherchions - redemption 11.025 - approuvera - eagerly 11.025 - afférentes - fellowships 11.025 - éliminant - bungalow 11.025 - traversée - Berthier 11.025 - terminent - reopened 11.025 - restaient - Close 11.025 - reprenant - Anglican 11.025 - rapportée - Telegram 11.025 - préparait - cheer 11.025 - projetées - redirection 11.025 - modifions - dissertation 11.025 - joindront - operatively 11.025 - insistera - Extension 11.025 - entrevoit - inward 11.025 - découlait - reproduction 11.025 - décollage - altitude 11.025 - chiffrant - Registered 11.025 - affluence - Estevan 11.025 - éliminés - redemption 11.025 - unissent - marvelous 11.025 - touriste - visitor 11.025 - suppléer - beacons 11.025 - stipulée - protections 11.025 - réticent - stubborn 11.025 - répétera - Numerous 11.025 - exerçons - wastes 11.025 - exerçait - regression 11.025 - diminués - pumping 11.025 - diapason - dictator 11.025 - convoque - summons 11.025 - contacts - contacts 11.025 - Canadian - Marketers 11.025 - Arrêtons - stalling 11.025 - évoluée - enlightenment 11.025 - échangé - Johnston 11.025 - vouliez - smelter 11.025 - situait - rebated 11.025 - sentait - RRAP 11.025 - réjouir - rejoice 11.025 - risquer - risking 11.025 - planche - cart 11.025 - octrois - kilter 11.025 - marqués - scored 11.025 - lançant - heaped 11.025 - frappée - trucker 11.025 - déroulé - episode 11.025 - vivait - lumbering 11.025 - visons - reproduction 11.025 - saines - soundly 11.025 - natale - perplexed 11.025 - liront - chapters 11.025 - domine - stack 11.025 - couche - aerosol 11.025 - citent - Bible 11.025 - apparu - Christ 11.025 - volet - festival 11.025 - Croit - Louise 11.025 - armé - provocative 11.025 - cap - containerization 11.025 - he - halo 11.024 - attitudes - attitudes 11.023 - Communauté - Community 11.022 - expédient - makeshift 11.022 - attaquent - overlooking 11.021 - territoriaux - territorial 11.021 - directions - directions 11.020 - visiteurs - visitors 11.020 - talent - talent 11.019 - négligence - negligence 11.019 - absurde - absurd 11.018 - prêtés - lent 11.017 - Appelle - Qu 11.016 - restrictive - restrictive 11.016 - déplorables - deplorable 11.016 - sévères - stiffer 11.016 - Reine - Duke 11.015 - contradictoires - conflicting 11.015 - guide - guide 11.014 - aratoires - implements 11.013 - politicaillerie - politicking 11.013 - industrialisées - folklore 11.013 - correspondait - drafts 11.013 - prétendaient - pretended 11.013 - éliminerait - lips 11.013 - réussissait - plateau 11.013 - présentions - pin 11.013 - célibataire - unmarried 11.013 - supprimera - thresholds 11.013 - réexaminée - rescinded 11.013 - restrictif - restrictive 11.013 - pratiquées - practiced 11.013 - obtenaient - bi 11.013 - instituera - discounted 11.013 - inciterait - trigger 11.013 - expliquait - umpire 11.013 - appuierais - guarded 11.013 - troublant - immigrate 11.013 - suggérait - uncalled 11.013 - réservent - flesh 11.013 - récréatif - bearer 11.013 - privément - Granville 11.013 - mutuelles - Federalism 11.013 - gagnerait - prizes 11.013 - embauchés - punch 11.013 - désirable - conspicuous 11.013 - conservée - Annex 11.013 - anglaises - Jour 11.013 - adjoindre - constituting 11.013 - révisées - permanency 11.013 - répondez - McKeough 11.013 - méritons - indemnities 11.013 - maximums - Setting 11.013 - joignent - Laviolette 11.013 - incitant - focuses 11.013 - haussant - plateau 11.013 - prêtant - exploits 11.013 - invitée - instigation 11.013 - délivré - bearer 11.013 - attardé - regretfully 11.013 - lient - readers 11.013 - Faire - militate 11.012 - machine - machine 11.012 - marins - seamen 11.009 - rénovation - Renewal 11.009 - choisit - picks 11.009 - Royale - Duke 11.007 - progressif - graduated 11.007 - inventaire - inventory 11.007 - rétablie - reinstated 11.006 - injustifiée - unwarranted 11.006 - stupides - stupid 11.006 - rives - shores 11.005 - tonnes - tons 11.004 - confort - comfort 11.003 - district - District 11.002 - radicale - radical 11.001 - fonctionné - functioned 11.001 - policier - policeman 11.001 - entrave - impediment 11.000 - soupçon - suspicion 10.999 - cinquantaine - fifties 10.998 - réalités - realities 10.997 - intérieure - Internal 10.997 - Directeur - Director 10.997 - validité - validity 10.997 - sanction - Assent 10.997 - Ligue - Football 10.996 - déraisonnables - unreasonable 10.996 - décourager - discourage 10.996 - attaquant - attacking 10.995 - continentale - Continental 10.995 - désavantage - disadvantage 10.995 - persistent - persist 10.995 - supposée - veracity 10.995 - procédés - measurements 10.995 - épuisés - exhausted 10.995 - relâche - infringes 10.995 - violé - raped 10.995 - repos - relaxing 10.995 - purgé - forfeited 10.995 - joie - joy 10.995 - CAC - UIC 10.994 - isolées - isolated 10.992 - correction - Correctional 10.992 - chèque - cheque 10.991 - sondages - polls 10.991 - vérifié - audited 10.991 - âges - ages 10.990 - avoisinantes - neighbouring 10.989 - inclusivement - inclusive 10.989 - International - IOC 10.989 - prescrites - Certificate 10.989 - nucléaires - atmospheric 10.989 - innovateur - innovative 10.987 - déductible - deductible 10.986 - intensifs - moderating 10.986 - congédié - Spence 10.985 - impératif - imperative 10.985 - hésitent - hesitant 10.985 - réjouit - welcomes 10.984 - indexées - escalated 10.984 - différés - deferred 10.983 - qualifications - credentials 10.983 - prépondérant - predominant 10.983 - prolongerait - prolonging 10.983 - resteraient - watered 10.983 - controverse - controversy 10.983 - rassemblés - Nation 10.983 - exerceront - spectators 10.983 - contiendra - anglophone 10.983 - commandent - immorality 10.983 - reproduit - reprinted 10.983 - politesse - courtesy 10.983 - déplorent - legs 10.983 - adressons - bumbling 10.983 - abaissant - Danforth 10.983 - marquent - passages 10.983 - franchie - thalidomide 10.983 - moulées - François 10.983 - ventre - crafts 10.983 - réélus - manifestly 10.983 - enlevé - kidnapped 10.983 - agréer - quibble 10.983 - régné - Baptiste 10.983 - hr - Room 10.982 - prospérité - prosperity 10.980 - unifamiliales - detached 10.980 - empressé - hurried 10.980 - mince - slim 10.979 - griefs - grievances 10.977 - survivance - survival 10.977 - résolument - aggressively 10.977 - définie - identifiable 10.977 - parue - Policies 10.975 - défauts - faults 10.975 - flèche - skyrocket 10.974 - conciliation - conciliation 10.974 - prisons - prisons 10.973 - Angleterre - England 10.972 - nominations - appointments 10.972 - identiques - identical 10.972 - salle - bathroom 10.972 - bail - lease 10.970 - attaqués - tackled 10.970 - rouler - dough 10.968 - équivoques - unequivocal 10.967 - sélection - selection 10.967 - déduites - deducted 10.967 - dévoués - dedicated 10.966 - conviendraient - combinations 10.966 - communautaires - pastures 10.966 - vraisemblable - instal 10.966 - participaient - shopcraft 10.966 - encourageants - stimulant 10.966 - garantissent - feedback 10.966 - surveillent - Supervisory 10.966 - accroissant - atmospheric 10.966 - subiraient - cargoes 10.966 - respective - hats 10.966 - reproduire - strictest 10.966 - reprendrai - rehash 10.966 - prononcent - unconditionally 10.966 - prolongées - northward 10.966 - produisant - depress 10.966 - manquaient - Happy 10.966 - existerait - disdain 10.966 - déciderait - subordinate 10.966 - contrôlons - logs 10.966 - camouflage - strictest 10.966 - apprécient - intercede 10.966 - aboutiront - seekers 10.966 - soutenant - greet 10.966 - négociées - Living 10.966 - jouissait - commanded 10.966 - inquiétés - oft 10.966 - décidions - Alitalia 10.966 - couvertes - Polar 10.966 - comparent - cheer 10.966 - aménagées - trails 10.966 - agissions - unmistakable 10.966 - suscitée - Valdez 10.966 - retrouvé - bullet 10.966 - lointain - stifle 10.966 - habituer - portray 10.966 - donnions - regression 10.966 - cabinets - Counties 10.966 - appuyées - complemented 10.966 - abordons - stifle 10.966 - Décembre - excludes 10.966 - réflète - embraces 10.966 - présumé - rightness 10.966 - infligé - wager 10.966 - démunis - destitute 10.966 - bêtises - Families 10.966 - actives - relaxing 10.966 - variée - diversified 10.966 - humeur - mood 10.966 - fermée - overland 10.966 - branle - regression 10.966 - Faites - Call 10.966 - menés - adage 10.966 - gérés - thirdly 10.966 - Hélas - profoundly 10.966 - tués - hijackers 10.966 - vil - brass 10.966 - fus - overruled 10.966 - is - headlined 10.965 - Université - University 10.964 - Londres - London 10.964 - via - Panama 10.963 - confidentiels - Details 10.962 - proportionnée - rep 10.961 - interventions - interventions 10.960 - universités - universities 10.960 - diffusion - dissemination 10.960 - explorer - explore 10.958 - ajustements - adjustments 10.958 - achèvement - completion 10.958 - éminents - eminent 10.957 - patients - patients 10.955 - minimums - floors 10.954 - parviendrait - countenance 10.954 - impressionne - Pompidou 10.954 - gigantesques - mammoth 10.954 - ordonnances - prescriptions 10.954 - généralisée - generalized 10.954 - commencerai - participates 10.954 - tributaire - simplified 10.954 - saisissent - dinosaurs 10.954 - manquerons - awakening 10.954 - fermetures - downs 10.954 - Canadienne - minting 10.954 - écritures - acquires 10.954 - suggèrent - aspire 10.954 - sportives - sporting 10.954 - plafonner - curves 10.954 - indiquais - exchanging 10.954 - habilitée - rollback 10.954 - entravent - impediments 10.954 - cherchais - journal 10.954 - assimiler - digest 10.954 - accentuée - necessitates 10.954 - vendions - seigniorage 10.954 - répétons - cheated 10.954 - relevées - incorrectly 10.954 - rejetons - repudiate 10.954 - présumée - Magna 10.954 - prospéré - minting 10.954 - projetés - assesses 10.954 - oeuvrant - operatively 10.954 - envoyant - instructive 10.954 - conférée - lawfully 10.954 - Aussitôt - Immediately 10.954 - occupez - creditable 10.954 - diffère - differs 10.954 - agirons - escalator 10.954 - Prévoit - proxy 10.954 - Libéral - Brother 10.954 - verbal - verbally 10.954 - achève - Dare 10.954 - votée - Neighbourhood 10.954 - fossé - ditch 10.954 - Etat - concentrations 10.953 - restauration - restoration 10.953 - annonces - ads 10.953 - devises - currencies 10.952 - génération - generation 10.952 - fréquents - frequent 10.952 - fabrique - manufactures 10.950 - Parfois - Sometimes 10.949 - délimitations - impacts 10.949 - établissions - constraint 10.949 - Démocratique - plank 10.949 - Britanniques - Swiss 10.949 - participait - CAHA 10.949 - immobilisés - carloads 10.949 - surprendre - resounding 10.949 - retireront - slim 10.949 - provoquant - Hilaire 10.949 - maltraités - researching 10.949 - indemnités - indemnities 10.949 - favorisons - smelting 10.949 - décidaient - miraculous 10.949 - compétitif - vertically 10.949 - adopterait - Andrews 10.949 - négligées - neglected 10.949 - efforçant - contending 10.949 - charpente - carloads 10.949 - réunisse - gloves 10.949 - prétende - zealous 10.949 - précisés - hazy 10.949 - profonds - harshly 10.949 - formulés - pretended 10.949 - dureront - rains 10.949 - baissent - widowed 10.949 - assumant - hinges 10.949 - Pourrais - mobilize 10.949 - situant - barons 10.949 - offrons - insecticides 10.949 - octroie - repatriate 10.949 - excepté - candies 10.949 - déploie - Efforts 10.949 - centime - Using 10.949 - aéronef - Recognition 10.949 - éclaté - missile 10.949 - éclair - Supposing 10.949 - choqué - bland 10.949 - vives - Laviolette 10.949 - lopin - speculating 10.947 - handicapés - handicapped 10.947 - ingérence - interference 10.947 - Ordre - Amish 10.947 - lie - binding 10.946 - éterniser - prolong 10.946 - oreille - ear 10.945 - fils - sons 10.943 - incroyable - incredible 10.942 - Québécois - Quebecker 10.941 - prestataire - claimant 10.941 - poursuivies - prosecuted 10.939 - irresponsable - irresponsible 10.938 - équilibrer - balancing 10.937 - exprimaient - gestures 10.937 - télévisées - performances 10.937 - entraînait - prematurely 10.937 - engendrent - environments 10.937 - tomberait - desert 10.937 - acception - rigging 10.937 - témoigné - testified 10.937 - formées - recruits 10.937 - dépêche - dispatch 10.937 - évitée - veterinarians 10.937 - rédige - prepares 10.937 - jetons - consumes 10.937 - Appuyé - Neale 10.937 - tâché - repression 10.937 - voeu - vows 10.937 - axés - Job 10.937 - amie - Transcanada 10.936 - estimé - underestimated 10.936 - per - capita 10.935 - aspirations - aspirations 10.935 - mutuelle - mutual 10.935 - filiales - subsidiaries 10.935 - loué - rented 10.934 - dangereuses - unsafe 10.934 - comptable - accountant 10.934 - énumérer - enumerate 10.934 - tragique - tragic 10.934 - acier - steel 10.933 - promulgation - promulgated 10.933 - différé - differed 10.932 - publicitaires - commercials 10.932 - accroîtront - outward 10.932 - baissera - Francisco 10.932 - fâcheux - divulged 10.932 - échoue - foreigner 10.932 - annulé - discharged 10.932 - senti - sensed 10.932 - sente - smell 10.931 - station - CKSB 10.931 - douze - twelve 10.929 - impardonnable - wanton 10.929 - froidement - wanton 10.929 - discerner - perceive 10.928 - négliger - neglecting 10.928 - excuses - apologies 10.927 - innocentes - innocent 10.927 - caché - hidden 10.926 - imagination - imagination 10.925 - honnêtement - honestly 10.925 - description - description 10.925 - science - science 10.925 - concède - concede 10.924 - rabais - discounting 10.923 - embranchements - abandonments 10.923 - typiques - typical 10.921 - dissiper - dispel 10.920 - immobilière - Property 10.918 - allégation - allegation 10.918 - licence - sufferance 10.918 - bases - bases 10.917 - exceptionnelle - exceptional 10.916 - assassins - killers 10.916 - malaises - uneasiness 10.916 - saisies - seized 10.915 - importée - implanted 10.915 - surgit - Sulatycky 10.915 - stress - stress 10.915 - légaux - ethical 10.915 - élan - momentum 10.914 - comptabilité - bookkeeping 10.914 - contingent - contingent 10.914 - Peu - Shortly 10.913 - raffineries - refineries 10.912 - médecin - doctor 10.911 - recommandée - impost 10.911 - chaîne - chain 10.910 - inhabituel - unusual 10.909 - recommendations - canals 10.909 - invraisemblable - preaching 10.909 - revendication - hereinafter 10.909 - fléchissement - depress 10.909 - orientations - Ralph 10.909 - inhabituelle - reflective 10.909 - amélioreront - Substantial 10.909 - soutenaient - Angola 10.909 - sanctionner - magistrates 10.909 - protégerait - portrayed 10.909 - demeurerait - instal 10.909 - siégeaient - probing 10.909 - requièrent - ironically 10.909 - rapportées - reclassification 10.909 - inquiétant - disquieting 10.909 - exercerait - lively 10.909 - déciderons - indecisive 10.909 - souffrons - inferiority 10.909 - reportons - dependant 10.909 - observent - gaze 10.909 - lointaine - looming 10.909 - inspirant - Porter 10.909 - indiquera - radioactive 10.909 - exigeront - axiomatic 10.909 - essayions - pawns 10.909 - déblocage - lingering 10.909 - cardiaque - boots 10.909 - bienfaits - prodded 10.909 - visitent - raids 10.909 - unanimes - Supervisory 10.909 - périmées - dragged 10.909 - prélevés - unsold 10.909 - percevra - collector 10.909 - limitait - mock 10.909 - gratuits - Getting 10.909 - estimant - suppressed 10.909 - créeront - windfalls 10.909 - arrêtent - steaks 10.909 - abuserai - uncomplicated 10.909 - Occident - bipartisan 10.909 - vivants - Census 10.909 - verrais - redraft 10.909 - saisira - impotent 10.909 - revenue - woodlot 10.909 - records - surpassed 10.909 - préjugé - outburst 10.909 - phrases - phrases 10.909 - majorés - unofficially 10.909 - intégré - integrated 10.909 - forcera - spectators 10.909 - dessine - disquieting 10.909 - curieux - curious 10.909 - confuse - redemption 10.909 - achevée - demolition 10.909 - tolère - absurdities 10.909 - sortis - Chartered 10.909 - maître - Hackett 10.909 - louent - Hackett 10.909 - livrée - caps 10.909 - firent - quantum 10.909 - escale - freighter 10.909 - accuse - accuses 10.909 - irons - paralysed 10.909 - gérée - petrochemicals 10.909 - Mardi - bakers 10.909 - Juste - hats 10.907 - professionnelle - vocational 10.907 - image - image 10.906 - professionnelles - leagues 10.906 - déplorable - deplorable 10.905 - franche - candid 10.904 - limitations - limitations 10.904 - avancement - PAIT 10.904 - remontant - dating 10.904 - congédiés - strikers 10.904 - diffusée - Country 10.904 - classées - graded 10.904 - réussit - succeeds 10.904 - drapeau - flag 10.904 - ton - tone 10.903 - plateau - shelf 10.903 - Adresse - Reply 10.902 - préférentiels - preferential 10.902 - électricité - electricity 10.902 - légalement - lawfully 10.902 - moyennes - averages 10.902 - thèse - thesis 10.901 - mouvements - movements 10.899 - conserveries - packing 10.899 - livraisons - deliveries 10.899 - pénibles - painful 10.897 - adjudication - presentations 10.897 - exclure - exclude 10.896 - douanes - Customs 10.896 - attache - attaches 10.895 - recommanderais - abstain 10.895 - côtiers - slopes 10.895 - isolés - segregated 10.894 - rassembler - assemble 10.894 - puits - wells 10.892 - inconvénients - disadvantages 10.892 - rentabilité - profitability 10.891 - oublie - forgets 10.890 - remboursée - refunded 10.890 - hélas - unhappily 10.888 - municipale - amalgamated 10.887 - constitueraient - meted 10.887 - reconnaissions - counterbalance 10.887 - utilisations - oceans 10.887 - travaillions - fruition 10.887 - répondraient - lastly 10.887 - reconduction - Granville 10.887 - rapportaient - contending 10.887 - construisait - rainfall 10.887 - concrètement - hulls 10.887 - répondaient - Invitation 10.887 - marchandage - lever 10.887 - gentillesse - kindness 10.887 - abondamment - massively 10.887 - viabiliser - tracts 10.887 - sévèrement - harshly 10.887 - prouveront - unquestionably 10.887 - parcourent - curves 10.887 - mettraient - endured 10.887 - incorporés - Dictionary 10.887 - gaspillage - wastage 10.887 - consacrons - defense 10.887 - admettrait - confession 10.887 - vêtements - underwear 10.887 - mettaient - rapes 10.887 - informait - Penman 10.887 - riverain - eighty 10.887 - risquait - risking 10.887 - recevant - involuntary 10.887 - rattaché - deviation 10.887 - rappelés - restitution 10.887 - présenta - culmination 10.887 - prouvera - signify 10.887 - jugerait - Adequate 10.887 - exportée - generic 10.887 - détenait - Andrews 10.887 - bornerai - fame 10.887 - archives - hinges 10.887 - abattoir - feedlots 10.887 - Laissons - trampled 10.887 - énoncer - enunciate 10.887 - ressens - vindictive 10.887 - reflété - redistributing 10.887 - intenté - cherry 10.887 - gagnera - researching 10.887 - entiers - chapters 10.887 - corrigé - chastised 10.887 - assumés - fantastically 10.887 - annales - ineptness 10.887 - amendée - relegated 10.887 - tories - Grits 10.887 - gagnés - unearned 10.887 - côtier - coastal 10.887 - casier - Salvador 10.887 - répit - breathing 10.887 - ferez - illustrious 10.887 - croît - punishments 10.887 - joui - slur 10.887 - dose - habitual 10.887 - nié - denials 10.886 - enthousiasme - enthusiasm 10.886 - dramatique - dramatic 10.885 - analyser - analyse 10.884 - liaison - liaison 10.883 - contradiction - contradiction 10.882 - statutaires - statutory 10.882 - esthétique - IDAP 10.882 - qualités - qualities 10.882 - porc - pork 10.879 - composantes - components 10.879 - transformé - transformed 10.879 - écoutant - Listening 10.879 - British - Telephone 10.879 - lieux - Sites 10.878 - signes - signs 10.876 - représenteraient - misapprehension 10.876 - approvisionnés - traffickers 10.876 - applaudissons - consular 10.876 - primordiales - fellowship 10.876 - utiliserait - machinations 10.876 - recouvrer - recover 10.876 - intimider - Atkinson 10.876 - imprimées - brochures 10.876 - honnêteté - honesty 10.876 - coûtaient - mains 10.876 - apparente - seeming 10.876 - résorber - barring 10.876 - laissées - scars 10.876 - hésitera - cook 10.876 - entendez - Pas 10.876 - déposait - affidavit 10.876 - règlent - Exports 10.876 - puisant - Compensation 10.876 - achevé - rally 10.876 - vint - Mission 10.875 - informent - Secretariat 10.874 - délivrance - issuance 10.874 - envisagés - Selling 10.874 - continent - continent 10.874 - soigner - dentist 10.874 - déduite - deducted 10.873 - vérification - auditing 10.873 - préservation - preservation 10.873 - construisent - dams 10.873 - homologues - counterparts 10.873 - débours - disbursements 10.872 - décentralisation - decentralization 10.872 - cargaison - cargo 10.872 - Acte - BNA 10.871 - imprimer - print 10.870 - recommandant - recommending 10.870 - emplacements - sites 10.870 - sondage - Gallup 10.869 - indirectement - indirectly 10.869 - voisins - neighbours 10.869 - arrêt - stoppage 10.867 - impressionné - impressed 10.866 - industrialisé - industrialized 10.866 - Voyez - Look 10.865 - honorer - honouring 10.862 - diminue - diminishes 10.862 - dettes - debts 10.862 - semer - sow 10.861 - soupçonne - suspects 10.861 - remplacée - replaced 10.861 - dépourvu - devoid 10.860 - mécontents - dissatisfied 10.860 - européenne - Community 10.860 - annuels - YMPE 10.860 - vice - Vice 10.859 - injustifiées - unjustified 10.858 - zéro - zero 10.856 - anglophones - Anglophones 10.855 - montréalaise - center 10.855 - consistaient - consisted 10.855 - autoriserait - exceptionable 10.855 - substantiel - tripling 10.855 - réjouissent - cheer 10.855 - reprendrait - alien 10.855 - permettions - ripe 10.855 - magnifiques - scenery 10.855 - inquiétante - ominous 10.855 - expérimenté - demoralizing 10.855 - exhaustives - analogous 10.855 - écouterons - Dionne 10.855 - reproduira - downs 10.855 - remarquons - loadings 10.855 - procédural - Côte 10.855 - laissaient - readings 10.855 - exploitant - woodlot 10.855 - conduisent - serviceable 10.855 - attarderai - belabour 10.855 - rendaient - stimulant 10.855 - pratiqués - abortions 10.855 - négocions - conciliatory 10.855 - négatives - Porter 10.855 - médiocres - matches 10.855 - jouissons - Wars 10.855 - désireuse - reins 10.855 - critiqués - flak 10.855 - conservés - containment 10.855 - avantager - miniscule 10.855 - approcher - crowding 10.855 - Autrefois - Formerly 10.855 - éprouvés - Bang 10.855 - suscités - imbalances 10.855 - surprise - amazement 10.855 - révélées - ineffectual 10.855 - répétant - palliative 10.855 - revenues - stiff 10.855 - préférez - fiddling 10.855 - influera - Publishers 10.855 - fabriqué - carpeting 10.855 - embauché - geologists 10.855 - dérouler - deteriorates 10.855 - Logement - Salary 10.855 - évertué - prone 10.855 - soumets - conciliatory 10.855 - rentrée - tiger 10.855 - raconte - rebellion 10.855 - mousser - brag 10.855 - lesdits - hereinafter 10.855 - exécute - Examples 10.855 - détente - considerate 10.855 - disette - destitute 10.855 - causera - french 10.855 - baisses - Indications 10.855 - abaisse - weakens 10.855 - élargi - widened 10.855 - vitaux - absurdity 10.855 - soldes - balances 10.855 - réjoui - Mediterranean 10.855 - mettez - yeas 10.855 - libère - delinquents 10.855 - salir - innuendo 10.855 - mater - conquer 10.855 - House - steaks 10.855 - end - Asians 10.854 - préférentiel - preferential 10.853 - touristique - tourist 10.852 - continental - continental 10.852 - hésitation - hesitancy 10.851 - coprésident - Statutory 10.851 - succédé - successive 10.851 - erronée - misconception 10.849 - convictions - convictions 10.849 - candidature - nomination 10.849 - décès - Closings 10.848 - intelligence - intelligence 10.848 - amabilité - kindness 10.848 - mensuel - Mincome 10.848 - perd - loses 10.846 - caucus - caucus 10.845 - sélectifs - selective 10.845 - rareté - scarcity 10.844 - politicailler - degrading 10.844 - concrétiser - materialize 10.844 - traiterait - Narcotic 10.844 - surgiront - shudder 10.844 - inadéquat - climatic 10.844 - identifié - identified 10.844 - orientée - equalizing 10.844 - mûrement - specifying 10.844 - exigible - instantly 10.844 - cruciale - crucial 10.844 - prorata - Reverend 10.844 - leurrer - kid 10.844 - charbon - coal 10.844 - Tories - bible 10.843 - abondance - abundance 10.842 - disparaîtront - disappear 10.842 - sympathique - sympathetic 10.842 - déductibles - deductible 10.841 - directive - Directive 10.841 - usagers - users 10.840 - partagés - shareable 10.840 - escompte - discount 10.839 - représentations - Owners 10.839 - recommandable - lighting 10.839 - contestation - defiance 10.839 - disparaisse - assimilated 10.839 - satisfasse - Edinburgh 10.839 - pressantes - Labelling 10.839 - exorbitant - exorbitant 10.839 - acquiescer - alleges 10.839 - aboutirait - whitewash 10.839 - soumettra - casts 10.839 - renfermer - contradicted 10.839 - syndiqué - unionized 10.839 - obtenant - tribe 10.839 - absenter - earnestness 10.839 - évitant - avoiding 10.839 - mitigée - Daily 10.839 - intense - intense 10.839 - tombés - soared 10.839 - évité - avoided 10.838 - prêtées - lent 10.837 - frustration - frustration 10.837 - conférences - conferences 10.837 - ouvrages - publisher 10.836 - technologiques - technological 10.836 - directrices - Translation 10.836 - légiférer - legislate 10.836 - disparu - disappeared 10.835 - sentences - commuting 10.835 - version - version 10.835 - assiste - attends 10.835 - Chili - Chile 10.833 - accumulées - accumulated 10.833 - exempté - exempted 10.833 - ère - era 10.832 - féminin - female 10.832 - appoint - deficiency 10.832 - rejet - disallowance 10.831 - minimes - minimal 10.831 - manger - dining 10.828 - conservatrices - NPD 10.828 - majoritaires - Avis 10.828 - encourageons - medals 10.828 - accompagnés - glib 10.828 - renfermant - embodying 10.828 - jouiraient - patents 10.828 - apparaître - silicosis 10.828 - améliorent - campaigned 10.828 - échangées - sufferance 10.828 - revenions - Malvern 10.828 - rejettent - Beef 10.828 - rattachés - bearer 10.828 - favorisés - advantaged 10.828 - employons - clumsy 10.828 - chiffrait - emphysema 10.828 - répètent - persecution 10.828 - obtenait - wrecked 10.828 - légistes - constitutionality 10.828 - confiées - Cases 10.828 - achètera - Havilland 10.828 - recouru - surpass 10.828 - recourt - wrapping 10.828 - affreux - clumsy 10.828 - indien - Inter 10.828 - munie - compact 10.828 - fière - lanes 10.828 - élue - popularly 10.827 - communiqués - releases 10.827 - piètre - lame 10.826 - rationnel - rational 10.826 - pêchent - spawning 10.825 - leaders - Leaders 10.823 - indubitablement - unquestionably 10.823 - regrettables - perverse 10.823 - concertation - surmise 10.823 - dépourvue - bathroom 10.823 - supplier - bred 10.823 - répartit - divides 10.823 - entières - untouched 10.823 - détruite - divides 10.823 - avançons - disappointments 10.823 - résulté - ensued 10.823 - massifs - curves 10.823 - inactif - inactive 10.823 - style - style 10.823 - rude - crippling 10.823 - rond - log 10.823 - laps - presentations 10.822 - épanouissement - fulfilment 10.822 - terriblement - terribly 10.822 - rigoureuse - rigorous 10.822 - acquitte - discharges 10.820 - protégés - sheltered 10.819 - protestation - protest 10.819 - attrayant - attractive 10.817 - transbordeur - ferry 10.817 - correspondre - correspond 10.816 - rouages - intricate 10.816 - légère - lightly 10.815 - inscription - tuition 10.815 - reculées - frontier 10.814 - aggraver - aggravate 10.814 - retrait - withdrawal 10.811 - mandataires - agents 10.811 - stables - stable 10.810 - seuil - threshold 10.809 - souple - flexible 10.809 - litige - litigation 10.808 - rarement - seldom 10.807 - conseiller - counsellor 10.807 - assurances - Superintendent 10.807 - Nanaimo - Cowichan 10.806 - Commissaire - Commissioner 10.806 - négociés - negotiated 10.806 - coins - corners 10.805 - entreprend - propulsion 10.805 - dynamiques - dynamic 10.805 - trompeuse - misleading 10.805 - acheteur - buyer 10.803 - Personnellement - Personally 10.803 - relier - connect 10.802 - modificatrice - Originally 10.802 - comparaissent - apron 10.802 - apprentissage - electrician 10.802 - souhaitaient - fervent 10.802 - supposément - supposedly 10.802 - réfléchisse - pause 10.802 - reviendront - retract 10.802 - discuteront - transpired 10.802 - souhaitant - wishing 10.802 - réunissant - diets 10.802 - références - booklets 10.802 - patronales - stead 10.802 - Règlements - Wages 10.802 - trouverez - Unit 10.802 - sentirait - lonely 10.802 - réussisse - hammer 10.802 - reportage - broadcaster 10.802 - raisonner - absurdity 10.802 - institués - sawmill 10.802 - contracté - buffer 10.802 - comparaît - Lamontagne 10.802 - assistera - scramble 10.802 - suivrons - classical 10.802 - répétait - actuarially 10.802 - outrance - brutality 10.802 - mènerait - disputed 10.802 - mettrons - tripling 10.802 - exposent - canvass 10.802 - desservi - kilowatt 10.802 - croirait - marvelous 10.802 - abordant - rump 10.802 - vitales - clutches 10.802 - sachiez - abusing 10.802 - rejoint - Canyon 10.802 - mérites - extolling 10.802 - inspiré - visionary 10.802 - déployé - wax 10.802 - devants - tha 10.802 - confère - confers 10.802 - évader - migrate 10.802 - vendra - pusher 10.802 - motive - gratuitous 10.802 - infime - miniscule 10.802 - gentil - preparedness 10.802 - gardée - encroached 10.802 - cherté - harvests 10.802 - Blancs - southwest 10.802 - menus - exposition 10.802 - match - blows 10.802 - week - Asians 10.802 - tory - conservatism 10.802 - prit - seizing 10.802 - Post - headlined 10.802 - Faut - Must 10.801 - Soit - Incidentally 10.800 - entraînées - disciplined 10.800 - opposées - diametrically 10.800 - magasins - stores 10.800 - insérer - insert 10.800 - finales - Helsinki 10.800 - es - Nairobi 10.799 - fameuse - famous 10.798 - stipulent - stipulate 10.798 - culturel - culturally 10.797 - coopératives - operatives 10.796 - transformés - unprocessed 10.795 - quarts - quarters 10.795 - belle - belle 10.794 - reproché - castigated 10.794 - familial - FISP 10.794 - longs - hauls 10.793 - remembrement - assembly 10.792 - confidentielles - divulging 10.792 - librement - freely 10.792 - rémunéré - underpaid 10.792 - adjugé - tenderer 10.792 - civil - marital 10.791 - aborigènes - aboriginal 10.791 - désastre - disaster 10.791 - croyant - believing 10.789 - privilégiés - privileged 10.789 - correspond - corresponds 10.789 - violent - violate 10.788 - incertaine - uncertain 10.788 - trouble - disturbs 10.788 - budgets - Forecast 10.787 - dangers - dangers 10.786 - exceptionnels - exceptional 10.786 - abaissé - lowered 10.785 - Conformément - Pursuant 10.785 - nucléaire - nuclear 10.785 - littoral - seaboard 10.784 - judicieuses - judicious 10.784 - culturelles - Cultural 10.784 - identique - identical 10.783 - pavillon - coasting 10.782 - résumer - summarize 10.782 - Moose - Jaw 10.781 - concessionnaires - dealers 10.781 - marquée - starred 10.781 - exclues - excluded 10.781 - voyagé - travelled 10.780 - rurale - Closings 10.780 - primes - premiums 10.779 - convoquer - convene 10.778 - confrontation - confrontation 10.778 - désavantagés - disadvantaged 10.777 - septentrionales - northland 10.777 - progressivement - disapproves 10.777 - veillerait - suasion 10.777 - répondrais - Superintendent 10.777 - Churchill - Winston 10.777 - sélectif - selective 10.777 - récoltes - harvests 10.777 - enchanté - delighted 10.777 - consens - columns 10.777 - aimer - emblem 10.776 - itinéraires - rerouting 10.775 - troupes - troops 10.774 - indemniser - compensating 10.774 - hockey - hockey 10.774 - frappe - minting 10.773 - récréatives - recreational 10.772 - quinquennale - swings 10.772 - encourageait - barren 10.772 - souviendrez - resounding 10.772 - originaires - metropolis 10.772 - informerait - defiance 10.772 - prévoirait - confessions 10.772 - imposeront - bat 10.772 - conforment - conforming 10.772 - arriveront - dumb 10.772 - allègement - alleviation 10.772 - redevenir - reader 10.772 - entrevois - inroads 10.772 - dépensera - Vogel 10.772 - continuel - thinly 10.772 - complique - summit 10.772 - écrivent - newspapermen 10.772 - écoutait - uncalled 10.772 - traduira - Renewal 10.772 - prévenus - risked 10.772 - exécutée - malice 10.772 - dépassée - surpassed 10.772 - proposa - ranching 10.772 - portons - contending 10.772 - mangent - eat 10.772 - formons - Regiment 10.772 - enquêté - senate 10.772 - avèrent - hazy 10.772 - allègue - trigger 10.772 - réputé - subparagraphs 10.772 - dénuée - bereft 10.772 - Sommes - shrewd 10.772 - élude - hides 10.772 - suffi - plunge 10.772 - inter - Lynch 10.772 - avise - umpire 10.772 - gère - insecticides 10.772 - usé - firefighting 10.771 - reconnaissance - reconnaissance 10.771 - souvienne - recollection 10.767 - discernement - indiscriminately 10.767 - forestières - forest 10.767 - retournés - fellowship 10.767 - richesse - richness 10.767 - attaqué - attacked 10.767 - confus - overwhelmed 10.766 - stable - stable 10.766 - Mail - Globe 10.763 - appartenait - belonged 10.762 - autofinancement - deferral 10.762 - partageaient - primitive 10.762 - immatriculés - Registered 10.762 - exploitants - feedlot 10.762 - disposerons - awakening 10.762 - outrepasse - snooping 10.762 - manquerait - derelict 10.762 - empruntera - unpopular 10.762 - confiants - Keynes 10.762 - commencée - generalized 10.762 - assistent - interparliamentary 10.762 - subsiste - Lest 10.762 - stipuler - stipulate 10.762 - parfaire - battery 10.762 - menaçant - classroom 10.762 - arracher - pulling 10.762 - Mercredi - Wednesday 10.762 - dévoilé - envoy 10.762 - avérera - shaping 10.762 - saurai - Immediately 10.762 - plaide - illnesses 10.762 - habile - slick 10.762 - attire - attracts 10.762 - Pardon - pardon 10.762 - tuées - Ages 10.762 - juges - Judges 10.762 - brefs - writs 10.761 - navigation - navigational 10.760 - commissaires - commissioners 10.760 - certitude - certainty 10.759 - remplaçant - substituting 10.759 - quartiers - Neighbourhood 10.759 - préfère - prefers 10.757 - volontairement - voluntarily 10.757 - substantielles - landmark 10.757 - remarqueront - spheres 10.757 - définitifs - discharges 10.757 - achetaient - Shah 10.757 - divulguer - divulge 10.757 - dressent - fog 10.757 - signées - Trades 10.757 - reliant - connecting 10.757 - Royaume - Kingdom 10.757 - relief - Contaminants 10.757 - Tenant - southeast 10.757 - te - purity 10.756 - malades - patients 10.755 - multiculturalisme - multiculturalism 10.755 - hôpitaux - hospitals 10.754 - modèle - model 10.753 - spécialisés - unskilled 10.753 - dévoilée - disclosed 10.753 - payable - payable 10.753 - notes - notes 10.752 - ravitaillement - gloom 10.752 - indéniablement - transferable 10.752 - comprendraient - Bull 10.752 - radiophonique - Ralph 10.752 - manufacturier - fumbling 10.752 - compensations - quantum 10.752 - poursuivront - Assurance 10.752 - déficitaires - recycle 10.752 - réussissons - extremities 10.752 - résidentiel - storey 10.752 - mentionnais - deceiving 10.752 - déterminent - separates 10.752 - subitement - stipulating 10.752 - existeront - inequality 10.752 - constantes - imbalances 10.752 - consentait - Appendix 10.752 - approuvait - seizing 10.752 - surveillé - fiddling 10.752 - rehausser - milieu 10.752 - rappelons - inane 10.752 - encourues - Harrington 10.752 - consister - strictest 10.752 - concerter - concerted 10.752 - attachent - grandfathers 10.752 - assistais - atmospheric 10.752 - acheminés - bonded 10.752 - verrions - arteries 10.752 - trouvais - woodlot 10.752 - tenterai - Boisvert 10.752 - subiront - cattleman 10.752 - réprimer - discard 10.752 - relâchés - laxity 10.752 - rectifié - corrected 10.752 - obligera - caps 10.752 - finiront - blows 10.752 - composer - compose 10.752 - édicter - equipping 10.752 - réduise - regression 10.752 - fussent - culprit 10.752 - animale - confidently 10.752 - rompre - readjusting 10.752 - citées - informational 10.752 - battre - windmills 10.752 - Pouvez - Maxwell 10.752 - durs - inclement 10.752 - Ah - flock 10.751 - fournisseurs - suppliers 10.751 - Quelqu - Somebody 10.751 - Oshawa - Whitby 10.750 - aisance - affluence 10.750 - comble - fills 10.749 - prospères - prosperous 10.748 - remerciements - thanks 10.747 - parcours - hauls 10.747 - frein - brake 10.746 - injustices - injustices 10.746 - viables - viable 10.746 - Nanaïmo - Nanaimo 10.745 - souvient - recalls 10.745 - varier - vary 10.745 - Uni - Kingdom 10.744 - participants - participants 10.744 - co - condominium 10.743 - émanent - originate 10.743 - régie - Internal 10.742 - décrivant - describing 10.741 - participant - participant 10.740 - surface - surface 10.740 - survie - survival 10.740 - ombre - shadow 10.739 - renouvellement - renewal 10.739 - métropolitain - Greater 10.739 - célibataires - unmarried 10.739 - interrompue - Liability 10.739 - troubles - disturbances 10.739 - nuisible - mischievous 10.739 - monopole - monopoly 10.739 - intitule - Privacy 10.739 - mourir - die 10.738 - rue - Sparks 10.737 - accessibles - accessible 10.737 - sincérité - sincerity 10.736 - installé - installed 10.736 - stupide - stupid 10.736 - agrandi - Malton 10.735 - intelligente - intelligently 10.735 - pétroles - canadian 10.734 - préliminaire - preliminary 10.733 - drogues - Drugs 10.732 - considérerait - Thérèse 10.732 - Conservateur - compensating 10.732 - domestiques - pets 10.732 - comprendrez - obstruct 10.732 - chercherait - legitimacy 10.732 - sélectives - untouched 10.732 - subséquent - decennial 10.732 - versaient - Retail 10.732 - terribles - frightful 10.732 - resterons - hewers 10.732 - respectif - amateurs 10.732 - prescrite - depreciable 10.732 - plaidoyer - advocacy 10.732 - plaisent - jokers 10.732 - manquait - lacked 10.732 - invitent - revolt 10.732 - circuler - circulate 10.732 - incités - norm 10.732 - exclus - excluded 10.732 - compté - relied 10.732 - rayer - delete 10.731 - placement - placement 10.731 - magasin - store 10.731 - copies - prints 10.729 - énergiques - energetic 10.729 - professeur - professor 10.729 - mercredi - Wednesday 10.729 - détruits - destroyed 10.728 - géographiques - geographical 10.728 - chauffer - heat 10.728 - Majesté - Majesty 10.727 - signalées - infringes 10.727 - admission - admission 10.727 - émises - writs 10.726 - célèbre - celebrating 10.726 - fermé - circuit 10.725 - Troisièmement - Thirdly 10.724 - interdiction - prohibition 10.723 - exorbitants - exorbitant 10.723 - Récemment - Recently 10.722 - Richmond - Hogan 10.722 - abuser - abusing 10.721 - surveillons - watching 10.720 - adoptés - Clauses 10.720 - adapter - adapt 10.719 - transbordeurs - ferries 10.719 - délibérée - deliberate 10.717 - rapporterait - amortized 10.717 - rappellerais - chairing 10.717 - désintéresse - pray 10.717 - assureraient - alleviation 10.717 - compétitifs - competitively 10.717 - ontarienne - Triton 10.717 - favorisait - Federalism 10.717 - construise - plank 10.717 - souhaités - pray 10.717 - importait - veal 10.717 - exécutées - tales 10.717 - défendent - autocracy 10.717 - recevais - Pond 10.717 - ignorais - Realizing 10.717 - déplacée - relocated 10.717 - croirais - humbug 10.717 - abordera - euphemistically 10.717 - réitère - Lavell 10.717 - ajourné - Holmes 10.717 - aidant - Improvement 10.717 - Tantôt - NPD 10.717 - value - unearned 10.715 - françaises - Dutch 10.715 - précieux - precious 10.711 - correspondantes - corresponding 10.711 - prospection - prospecting 10.709 - amortissement - amortization 10.709 - improvisées - weakened 10.709 - réception - acknowledgment 10.708 - bénéficiaire - beneficiary 10.708 - revendiquer - Economist 10.708 - réussiront - inroads 10.708 - débarrassé - sinking 10.708 - franches - candid 10.708 - Pourriez - Might 10.708 - écoulés - elapsed 10.708 - versait - sow 10.708 - lourdes - distillates 10.708 - correct - Gundy 10.708 - relie - Argentia 10.707 - inhérents - inherent 10.707 - accession - AHOP 10.707 - accumulé - accumulated 10.705 - inefficace - inefficient 10.704 - scrutin - polling 10.703 - intensification - enhancement 10.703 - indiscutablement - indisputable 10.703 - judicieusement - thoughtfully 10.703 - confidentielle - returnable 10.703 - aéroportuaires - valorem 10.703 - préalablement - derided 10.703 - maintiendrait - Fuel 10.703 - impressionnés - immersion 10.703 - entretiennent - Johnston 10.703 - rencontrerai - Regan 10.703 - occasionnées - complexes 10.703 - considérions - segregation 10.703 - comportaient - tours 10.703 - augmentaient - harvests 10.703 - transportés - westbound 10.703 - préférerait - UTU 10.703 - privilégiée - esoteric 10.703 - interdisait - sane 10.703 - déterminera - trump 10.703 - dépasseront - identities 10.703 - acceptaient - Louisiana 10.703 - réunissait - conglomerates 10.703 - retrouvera - booklets 10.703 - montreront - payers 10.703 - matérielle - hijackers 10.703 - bénéfiques - ineffectual 10.703 - assumerait - praising 10.703 - approprier - realignment 10.703 - adopterons - glimmer 10.703 - éprouvons - obstruction 10.703 - élèveront - Agents 10.703 - supposent - necessitates 10.703 - remédiera - commons 10.703 - regretter - woodshed 10.703 - parleront - elaborating 10.703 - exploités - underpaid 10.703 - englobant - Nipigon 10.703 - déclarées - Supervisory 10.703 - changeons - ruin 10.703 - afférents - extraprovincial 10.703 - éprouvée - sympathies 10.703 - énonçait - Extension 10.703 - sujettes - Precisely 10.703 - résidait - resting 10.703 - rédigées - wronged 10.703 - querelle - ensued 10.703 - gazières - Mineral 10.703 - frappent - evenly 10.703 - familier - abstention 10.703 - existera - polarization 10.703 - estimais - reinvested 10.703 - envoyons - campus 10.703 - dessiner - inertia 10.703 - conduits - misconduct 10.703 - balancer - aggravate 10.703 - sorties - blanks 10.703 - prônent - overthrow 10.703 - gardées - subcontractors 10.703 - expédie - prefabricated 10.703 - courons - counters 10.703 - achever - outrage 10.703 - vaille - bolus 10.703 - pleins - considerate 10.703 - plains - sympathies 10.703 - minime - miniscule 10.703 - datent - Centurion 10.703 - sévir - gougers 10.703 - perde - shattered 10.703 - niera - multiplier 10.703 - Vient - Dofasco 10.703 - Seuls - fundamentals 10.703 - dits - indeterminate 10.702 - George - Oberle 10.701 - sectarisme - partisanship 10.700 - infractions - infractions 10.700 - syndicales - dues 10.699 - perception - perception 10.699 - avortement - abortion 10.698 - réitérer - philosophic 10.698 - associe - associating 10.696 - rigoureusement - rigidly 10.696 - ajoutant - comma 10.695 - défavorables - unfavourable 10.695 - intelligent - intelligent 10.695 - impérieux - imperative 10.695 - prudents - cautious 10.694 - affirmations - assertions 10.694 - plainte - complaint 10.694 - influer - pecuniary 10.692 - passible - liable 10.692 - carrière - career 10.692 - sucre - cane 10.691 - assurés - uninsured 10.691 - canado - Automotive 10.691 - sages - wiser 10.690 - écologiques - ecological 10.690 - boisseaux - bushels 10.688 - rétablissement - reinstatement 10.688 - inefficaces - inefficient 10.688 - champs - battlefield 10.687 - surprenant - surprising 10.687 - marines - extremities 10.686 - financièrement - financially 10.686 - multiples - multiple 10.686 - équipes - teams 10.686 - mari - husband 10.685 - requérant - applicant 10.685 - Sous - Subject 10.685 - ACDI - CIDA 10.684 - nécessiterait - necessitate 10.684 - successives - successive 10.684 - apprendront - messenger 10.684 - restreints - Lords 10.684 - impérieuse - immediacy 10.684 - formidable - formidable 10.684 - espéraient - tidy 10.684 - consacrera - MacKenzie 10.684 - éducative - broadcasters 10.684 - mondiales - Wars 10.684 - échelons - echelons 10.684 - précité - revolting 10.684 - battent - Israelis 10.684 - ardeur - eagerness 10.684 - ravis - Superintendent 10.684 - pèche - motivate 10.684 - chers - loved 10.683 - postiers - Postal 10.683 - apprécié - appreciated 10.681 - insuffisance - inadequacy 10.681 - carrément - bluntly 10.681 - acquéreur - compensating 10.681 - papiers - pulp 10.681 - diplôme - graduated 10.679 - minutieusement - canvass 10.679 - contractées - contracted 10.679 - provenait - Eighty 10.678 - consomment - consume 10.677 - retenues - TP 10.677 - Limitée - Atomic 10.676 - autonome - autonomous 10.676 - péril - peril 10.676 - Lake - Meadow 10.675 - pressenti - approached 10.675 - confirmé - confirmed 10.674 - désintéresser - railroading 10.674 - appartenaient - vows 10.674 - appréciation - acquisitions 10.674 - affecterait - paradoxical 10.674 - assurerons - Petro 10.674 - parlerait - Narcotic 10.674 - suivrait - southeast 10.674 - sportive - sporting 10.674 - reportée - Transferred 10.674 - exemptés - exempted 10.674 - coutumes - mores 10.674 - assaille - nutshell 10.674 - prépare - prepares 10.674 - Plutôt - Rather 10.674 - Chose - Strangely 10.673 - coefficient - intensive 10.671 - médicales - surgical 10.671 - allusions - references 10.670 - désigner - designate 10.669 - abandon - abandonment 10.668 - unilingues - unilingual 10.668 - luttent - struggling 10.667 - attribuée - attributed 10.667 - stations - stations 10.666 - proportions - epidemic 10.666 - structures - structures 10.666 - associé - partner 10.666 - pèsent - weigh 10.665 - fonctionnarisme - Coulombe 10.665 - spécifiquement - Bucharest 10.665 - justifierait - Denver 10.665 - commenceront - Cold 10.665 - épargnerait - facetiously 10.665 - permettrons - wander 10.665 - indiquaient - mud 10.665 - définissent - constituting 10.665 - transmette - simplest 10.665 - souffrance - sufferance 10.665 - essayaient - cultivation 10.665 - suggérons - enforceable 10.665 - promulgué - promulgated 10.665 - apercevra - seigniorage 10.665 - éducatif - McLean 10.665 - Écoutons - Listen 10.665 - démarrer - possessions 10.665 - Advenant - Assuming 10.665 - voudrez - householder 10.665 - variées - Important 10.665 - meurent - silicosis 10.665 - enclins - circus 10.665 - démenti - uncalled 10.665 - attente - sufferance 10.665 - valide - invalid 10.665 - tracée - firmness 10.665 - Israël - Israel 10.665 - front - sweat 10.665 - barre - flip 10.665 - Seule - obeying 10.665 - Reste - bust 10.665 - Posée - argumentative 10.665 - Avons - unprotected 10.664 - intelligents - intelligent 10.664 - créditistes - Creditists 10.664 - transférer - transferring 10.664 - accueillie - greeted 10.662 - innocente - innocent 10.661 - indépendants - independents 10.661 - attraper - catching 10.659 - accélérée - accelerated 10.659 - orge - barley 10.658 - récupérer - recoup 10.657 - impossibilité - impossibility 10.657 - confidentiel - confidentiality 10.657 - justifie - justifies 10.657 - pitié - callous 10.655 - incontestable - humanism 10.655 - faciliterait - severence 10.655 - envisageront - spoiled 10.655 - réclamaient - rebellion 10.655 - prolongeant - Revision 10.655 - exprimeront - spoiled 10.655 - soumettent - tenderers 10.655 - relevaient - extraprovincial 10.655 - provoquées - intake 10.655 - ignoraient - baggage 10.655 - détenaient - numismatic 10.655 - distribuée - Moving 10.655 - consistant - apron 10.655 - ajouterait - outraged 10.655 - utilisait - Barley 10.655 - recueille - reaping 10.655 - occurence - Trident 10.655 - examinait - scholars 10.655 - efforcera - esoteric 10.655 - définisse - salesmen 10.655 - changeant - trucker 10.655 - écoliers - addicted 10.655 - mineures - bandwagon 10.655 - facilite - liberated 10.655 - élargis - assassination 10.655 - tâchons - containerization 10.655 - tâchent - relaxed 10.655 - supplie - begging 10.655 - statuer - Morrow 10.655 - décidée - adamant 10.655 - boucler - Formerly 10.655 - statué - Chartered 10.655 - forcée - idleness 10.655 - créons - detain 10.655 - basées - appellants 10.655 - tuent - northland 10.655 - sport - Fitness 10.655 - ronde - bandwagon 10.654 - régulièrement - regularly 10.653 - radiodiffusion - Films 10.652 - distribués - undistributed 10.652 - cheptel - herd 10.651 - réservées - reserved 10.651 - olympique - olympic 10.651 - blancs - beans 10.650 - détruit - destroys 10.649 - conventions - conventions 10.648 - illustrer - illustrate 10.648 - aviser - Spence 10.646 - appliqueraient - norms 10.646 - rapprochement - cooling 10.646 - quatrièmement - prostitution 10.646 - souhaiterait - Pan 10.646 - portefeuille - portfolio 10.646 - foncièrement - inherently 10.646 - entreprendra - Mark 10.646 - constructifs - penetrate 10.646 - appartiendra - escalator 10.646 - généraliser - generalization 10.646 - désavantagé - infirm 10.646 - effectuant - heroic 10.646 - tenteront - mediators 10.646 - parvenues - negotiator 10.646 - limiterai - bishops 10.646 - élucider - inconvenienced 10.646 - médaille - athlete 10.646 - intimité - creativity 10.646 - illégaux - ratify 10.646 - expresse - spotlight 10.646 - amorçant - initiating 10.646 - habiter - landscape 10.646 - exercés - effecting 10.646 - avancée - daylight 10.646 - report - compound 10.646 - penche - leaning 10.646 - vende - additives 10.646 - lisez - Night 10.646 - bilan - sheet 10.646 - code - code 10.645 - exécuté - executed 10.645 - dure - lasts 10.644 - meurtrier - murderer 10.644 - ouvrage - Practice 10.643 - payables - payable 10.642 - pages - pages 10.641 - élévateurs - elevators 10.639 - octroyées - Grants 10.639 - intentées - prosecutions 10.639 - gravité - gravity 10.638 - résidence - Harrington 10.638 - militaire - Military 10.637 - automatiquement - automatically 10.637 - Breton - Sydneys 10.636 - amplement - amply 10.635 - régulariser - harassed 10.635 - passages - separations 10.635 - minier - Resource 10.635 - comblé - Providence 10.634 - sus - apportioned 10.632 - susmentionnés - aforementioned 10.632 - intéresserait - boring 10.632 - initialement - cashed 10.632 - transformée - transformed 10.632 - participera - situ 10.632 - utilisions - obsessed 10.632 - revenaient - staged 10.632 - poursuites - prosecutions 10.632 - restants - Individual 10.632 - empêchés - precluded 10.632 - assumons - endowed 10.632 - visage - colours 10.630 - administrations - administrations 10.629 - soudainement - suddenly 10.629 - objections - objections 10.628 - dividendes - dividends 10.628 - revision - Readjustment 10.628 - Premier - Harrington 10.627 - résidentielles - residential 10.626 - graduellement - gradually 10.626 - tolérer - tolerate 10.625 - invitation - invitation 10.622 - réglementer - regulate 10.622 - Quiconque - Anyone 10.621 - accueille - welcomes 10.620 - vacances - vacation 10.620 - achète - buys 10.620 - colza - rapeseed 10.619 - félicitations - congratulations 10.619 - bénéficiaires - contractees 10.619 - intégrale - safeguarding 10.618 - prestation - debentures 10.618 - places - seating 10.617 - partisan - supporter 10.616 - respectifs - slopes 10.616 - attrayante - attractive 10.616 - compromis - compromises 10.616 - apprend - learns 10.616 - épuisé - exhausted 10.615 - écarts - spreads 10.614 - incompréhension - mushroom 10.614 - rencontreront - ideologies 10.614 - deviendraient - punishing 10.614 - attendrait - senate 10.614 - probables - shareable 10.614 - employait - denials 10.614 - remettra - mushroom 10.614 - informée - Whichever 10.614 - couvrant - Zenith 10.614 - sujette - bearer 10.614 - forcées - rainfall 10.614 - atteste - departures 10.614 - attendu - waited 10.614 - oeuvré - campaigned 10.614 - dégage - Outremont 10.614 - émane - erase 10.614 - vécue - Gandhi 10.614 - vend - sells 10.613 - universelles - universal 10.612 - humanité - humanity 10.610 - céréaliculteur - delivers 10.610 - constitueront - contaminating 10.610 - produisaient - fumbling 10.610 - appuieraient - mythical 10.610 - appliquaient - stray 10.610 - proposerons - harass 10.610 - personnages - instal 10.610 - affecteront - demographic 10.610 - accepterais - translations 10.610 - introduite - Crime 10.610 - inopportun - untimely 10.610 - favorisées - advantaged 10.610 - exigeaient - Voting 10.610 - emblavures - baking 10.610 - consultent - whence 10.610 - étudiions - ironically 10.610 - voyageant - provocation 10.610 - reprocher - faulted 10.610 - repousser - miscarriage 10.610 - estimatif - Estimated 10.610 - accroîtra - Dofasco 10.610 - viserait - tripling 10.610 - opposant - Boulanger 10.610 - maîtrise - Master 10.610 - liquider - liquidation 10.610 - imposons - trump 10.610 - ajournée - ironically 10.610 - éloigne - preserves 10.610 - pénales - demoralizing 10.610 - endurer - endure 10.610 - dérober - weakens 10.610 - amènera - bookings 10.610 - pommes - apples 10.609 - portes - doors 10.608 - prédécesseur - predecessor 10.608 - géographique - geographic 10.608 - contraint - compels 10.607 - affrontement - confrontation 10.607 - défavorisés - underprivileged 10.607 - riverains - rim 10.607 - mardi - Tuesday 10.605 - physique - fitness 10.604 - motionnaire - mover 10.602 - atmosphère - atmospheric 10.602 - êtres - beings 10.601 - souhaiteraient - overworked 10.601 - demanderaient - unborn 10.601 - accorderons - attentive 10.601 - accorderais - treason 10.601 - traiteront - embody 10.601 - supportent - undeniable 10.601 - découvrons - discovering 10.601 - suggérées - readjustments 10.601 - touchons - tamper 10.601 - parution - Biculturalism 10.601 - montait - bacon 10.601 - chèques - cheques 10.601 - visité - visited 10.601 - venais - imperfections 10.601 - lirait - stranger 10.601 - prôné - advocacy 10.601 - Leurs - Honours 10.599 - désaccord - disagreement 10.598 - préciserai - specify 10.598 - intitulé - intituled 10.598 - pénale - penal 10.598 - Oil - Creole 10.597 - distingué - distinguished 10.596 - interviendrait - divine 10.596 - stabilisation - Stabilization 10.596 - détermineront - asserting 10.596 - répartissent - proficiency 10.596 - procéderait - paradoxical 10.596 - marchandise - merchandise 10.596 - accomplisse - duck 10.596 - entendions - Dhabi 10.596 - entraînés - sucked 10.596 - attachées - compile 10.596 - excèdent - Owing 10.596 - imputer - impute 10.596 - aiguë - acute 10.595 - durement - hardest 10.594 - inhabituelles - unusual 10.593 - préférable - preferable 10.593 - réticence - unwillingness 10.592 - subventionnées - perimeter 10.592 - provisoirement - temporarily 10.592 - refuseraient - precluded 10.592 - réalisables - amenable 10.592 - expéditions - shipments 10.592 - rapportera - thorny 10.592 - discrétion - discretion 10.592 - veillerai - unchallenged 10.592 - provendes - Livestock 10.592 - financent - stockholders 10.592 - discutait - idiot 10.592 - attaquera - newcomers 10.592 - apportait - palatable 10.592 - acheminée - Puget 10.592 - évoluent - mores 10.592 - requêtes - petitions 10.592 - installe - battery 10.592 - attirent - alloted 10.592 - accentue - balkanization 10.592 - uniques - Polysar 10.592 - entrait - Strangely 10.592 - sensés - belle 10.592 - gagnée - disappointments 10.592 - Aurait - RTPC 10.592 - dur - Durum 10.591 - ordinateur - computer 10.590 - désastreuses - disastrous 10.590 - nonobstant - notwithstanding 10.590 - quota - quota 10.589 - extérieure - exterior 10.589 - prétexte - pretext 10.588 - manufacturés - manufactured 10.588 - Chine - China 10.587 - bénéficierait - stalled 10.587 - plafonnement - slapped 10.587 - équivalents - Navy 10.587 - connaissais - historians 10.587 - exemplaire - exemplary 10.587 - consultera - objectors 10.587 - adjonction - casts 10.587 - rattachée - conglomerates 10.587 - précieuse - STAP 10.587 - parfaites - pretends 10.587 - entériner - LeDain 10.587 - effarante - suicides 10.587 - déclarons - delight 10.587 - cesseront - redistributed 10.587 - remplis - unfilled 10.587 - organes - organ 10.587 - écris - atomic 10.587 - âmes - souls 10.586 - isolée - isolated 10.585 - réputée - hydrocarbons 10.582 - correspondante - corresponding 10.581 - décennie - decade 10.580 - remarquable - remarkable 10.580 - grossière - exaggeration 10.580 - organise - seminars 10.580 - aubaine - bonanza 10.580 - confie - entrust 10.579 - gardien - guard 10.578 - comparables - comparable 10.578 - rentables - uneconomic 10.577 - collectif - collectively 10.577 - voyages - journeys 10.576 - achats - purchases 10.575 - indépendance - independence 10.574 - insistant - emphasizing 10.574 - gisements - oilfields 10.574 - marge - margin 10.573 - retards - delays 10.571 - souples - flexible 10.571 - loisirs - leisure 10.570 - récréation - Recreation 10.568 - exposant - exposing 10.566 - uniforme - uniform 10.565 - avantageusement - pitting 10.565 - toucheraient - BP 10.565 - intersession - Taiwan 10.565 - concernaient - commutations 10.565 - développent - complicity 10.565 - accueillies - thoughtfully 10.565 - accorderont - Brand 10.565 - terrestres - Examples 10.565 - revirement - reversal 10.565 - refusaient - informational 10.565 - proposions - scoffed 10.565 - méthodique - circus 10.565 - individuel - CPIC 10.565 - démontrant - Publishers 10.565 - desservies - adage 10.565 - concordent - Addington 10.565 - syndicale - fragmentation 10.565 - suffiront - emanated 10.565 - soulèvent - brutality 10.565 - prêteuses - enhancing 10.565 - empêchant - excesses 10.565 - empêchait - Hilaire 10.565 - diminuera - uneven 10.565 - commander - Alastair 10.565 - calculées - diagnosis 10.565 - enseigne - Christ 10.565 - diminuée - protector 10.565 - calculés - equipping 10.565 - associée - stead 10.565 - ajoutera - westbound 10.565 - tentera - thirdly 10.565 - résolue - alarmingly 10.565 - relance - prefabricated 10.565 - oserait - statistician 10.565 - ingérer - intrude 10.565 - déplacé - precede 10.565 - combats - Mediterranean 10.565 - calcule - calculates 10.565 - abriter - naked 10.565 - éloges - heaped 10.565 - traits - distinguishing 10.565 - subira - Westcoast 10.565 - rentre - milking 10.565 - reflet - whence 10.565 - durent - matches 10.565 - votés - testifying 10.565 - stage - punch 10.565 - nuira - harmless 10.565 - duper - miscalculation 10.565 - armés - poisonous 10.565 - rare - uncommon 10.565 - pèse - bookings 10.565 - Doit - Must 10.564 - incertitude - uncertainty 10.564 - défaite - defeat 10.561 - rejetée - negatived 10.560 - regrettable - regrettable 10.560 - insensé - insane 10.560 - entrées - entrants 10.559 - amortissements - offs 10.559 - concentrer - concentrate 10.559 - tourné - derision 10.559 - rive - shore 10.558 - majeure - majeure 10.554 - progressive - gradual 10.554 - bouleversé - upset 10.554 - acheteurs - buyers 10.554 - adhésion - adherence 10.553 - mensuels - monthly 10.552 - effrénée - uncontrolled 10.552 - mûre - ripe 10.551 - engrais - fertilizers 10.549 - démocratiques - undemocratic 10.549 - crucial - crucial 10.548 - Canadiennes - girls 10.547 - lacs - lakes 10.546 - insinuer - imply 10.545 - sénateurs - senators 10.545 - option - option 10.544 - indispensables - indispensable 10.544 - exclusif - exclusive 10.544 - réagir - react 10.543 - prêté - loaned 10.542 - pointe - peak 10.541 - hommage - homage 10.540 - messieurs - gentlemen 10.540 - autorise - authorizes 10.540 - moral - morale 10.539 - représenteront - subterfuge 10.539 - formellement - formally 10.539 - prétendront - presided 10.539 - convocation - convening 10.539 - choisissent - correspondingly 10.539 - assisterons - procurement 10.539 - traversant - hooked 10.539 - convaincue - legitimacy 10.539 - suggérant - roster 10.539 - prévalent - fluctuate 10.539 - protégées - fished 10.539 - fournirai - furnishing 10.539 - estimions - backbenches 10.539 - Américain - barn 10.539 - voudrons - capitalistic 10.539 - retirera - donate 10.539 - renoncer - forgo 10.539 - indigène - disappointments 10.539 - assurées - restate 10.539 - assurons - countenance 10.539 - écoutés - louder 10.539 - ressent - heaped 10.539 - laissée - relegated 10.539 - intègre - sloppy 10.539 - cultivé - seeded 10.539 - carence - nullify 10.539 - absolus - coercive 10.539 - stock - Ferguson 10.539 - lents - Democracy 10.539 - vole - robbed 10.539 - coin - landscape 10.539 - Tels - Therein 10.537 - bienveillance - kindness 10.537 - électrique - hydroelectric 10.537 - éducatifs - educational 10.536 - attendant - Pending 10.536 - parfaite - perfect 10.535 - distingués - distinguished 10.534 - accessible - accessible 10.534 - accent - accent 10.533 - équitablement - equitably 10.533 - organisées - exhibits 10.533 - engendré - engendered 10.532 - cible - target 10.532 - u - disappointed 10.531 - réaliseront - sing 10.531 - retrancher - crusade 10.531 - formulaire - stationery 10.531 - fabriquées - radios 10.531 - rétention - illegitimate 10.531 - proposais - stern 10.531 - critiquée - criticized 10.531 - supprime - removes 10.531 - cotisent - organizers 10.531 - tenions - compressed 10.531 - rendrai - photograph 10.531 - allouée - dispositions 10.531 - regain - beauties 10.530 - scientifique - scientific 10.530 - redevance - royalty 10.530 - persuader - persuade 10.530 - bonté - kindness 10.529 - gardiens - guards 10.529 - parfait - perfect 10.528 - professionnel - Professional 10.528 - médicale - Medical 10.528 - compare - compares 10.528 - Baie - Hudson 10.527 - varient - vary 10.526 - enfreint - contravenes 10.526 - finis - fabricated 10.524 - rang - ranked 10.522 - appartiendrait - rumoured 10.522 - rencontrerait - inconvenience 10.522 - présentaient - shower 10.522 - malheureuses - externally 10.522 - expliquerait - Oppel 10.522 - entraînement - coaching 10.522 - constateront - assiduously 10.522 - suggérerais - raids 10.522 - reprendront - Flight 10.522 - impossibles - miniscule 10.522 - trimestres - lags 10.522 - transforme - rage 10.522 - sauvegarde - safeguarded 10.522 - réputation - reputation 10.522 - remarquera - loadings 10.522 - prononçait - Chartered 10.522 - personnage - mythical 10.522 - mécanismes - mechanisms 10.522 - installées - installed 10.522 - empruntant - Polar 10.522 - recherché - audiences 10.522 - planifiée - Asians 10.522 - opportune - timely 10.522 - jouissant - Cité 10.522 - cheminots - railwaymen 10.522 - apprendra - laxity 10.522 - songeant - hammer 10.522 - révélait - bullet 10.522 - heurtent - Revision 10.522 - expédiée - gaze 10.522 - côtières - patrols 10.522 - choisies - Job 10.522 - étendra - communism 10.522 - siennes - assiduous 10.522 - poussés - vertical 10.522 - miennes - absurdities 10.522 - lancent - diminishes 10.522 - conçoit - poisonous 10.522 - tierce - occurrences 10.522 - basses - poisonous 10.522 - allées - goings 10.522 - clef - baloney 10.522 - bâti - bungalow 10.522 - ayez - woodshed 10.522 - use - Fidinam 10.521 - subventionné - subsidized 10.521 - excessives - overfishing 10.520 - combattant - veteran 10.520 - fameux - famous 10.520 - poids - weights 10.518 - ordinairement - ordinarily 10.518 - Parallèlement - propelled 10.518 - compréhensif - rebut 10.518 - Relativement - Class 10.518 - souffrances - endured 10.518 - poursuivait - plenary 10.518 - atteindront - Granville 10.518 - soumission - Triton 10.518 - répondront - canadian 10.518 - opposerait - pitting 10.518 - maintenons - cucumbers 10.518 - changerait - supposing 10.518 - protégera - trampled 10.518 - ontariens - Colleges 10.518 - distribue - prizes 10.518 - passager - cigars 10.518 - collecte - caisses 10.518 - bilingue - functionally 10.518 - revoit - reconsidering 10.518 - planer - Siddeley 10.518 - mènera - Gandhi 10.518 - fixent - Lafarge 10.518 - erroné - whould 10.518 - Sera - alleviation 10.517 - ajuster - adjust 10.517 - loue - rented 10.516 - Espérons - Hopefully 10.516 - message - Gentleman 10.516 - expert - expert 10.515 - assassin - Claus 10.515 - victime - victim 10.514 - territoriales - Lands 10.514 - illustrent - surrounds 10.514 - éliminera - opportune 10.514 - trentaine - thirties 10.514 - précédant - rounded 10.514 - consultée - Forbes 10.514 - anticiper - anticipating 10.514 - remédié - bumbling 10.514 - viable - viable 10.514 - référé - celebrating 10.514 - époux - husbands 10.514 - isolé - alienated 10.512 - révisée - revised 10.510 - extraordinaires - extraordinary 10.510 - union - Terms 10.509 - élargissement - broadening 10.509 - réalisable - feasible 10.509 - québécois - Parti 10.509 - interdite - banned 10.509 - intégrés - integrated 10.509 - dirigées - hostels 10.509 - défaits - defeated 10.509 - couvert - guise 10.509 - proche - nearest 10.508 - coups - blows 10.505 - conjointement - jointly 10.505 - préparées - refinement 10.505 - savant - scholar 10.504 - tendances - Trends 10.504 - interdit - prohibits 10.504 - avertir - warn 10.502 - renversé - astounded 10.502 - auteur - author 10.501 - intéressait - Johnston 10.501 - extérieurs - outdoor 10.501 - conservant - individuality 10.501 - élèverait - Noting 10.501 - délicates - subversion 10.501 - congédier - shutting 10.501 - conduites - Noting 10.501 - regardez - candid 10.501 - ciel - heaven 10.501 - nés - Iroquois 10.500 - Mettons - Suppose 10.499 - sincères - condolences 10.499 - diviser - divide 10.498 - tradition - tradition 10.496 - qualifiée - skilled 10.496 - armes - firearms 10.495 - déductions - deductions 10.495 - raconter - tales 10.495 - gardes - guards 10.494 - téléphoner - phone 10.494 - conjoints - spouses 10.494 - grimper - climbing 10.492 - répartis - cutoff 10.492 - étend - stretches 10.490 - Auditeur - Auditor 10.490 - réparer - repaired 10.489 - communiquera - unexplainable 10.489 - électriques - electrical 10.489 - flexibilité - solidly 10.489 - Commençons - ghettos 10.489 - soulevant - injure 10.489 - attendrai - Columbians 10.489 - volontés - mores 10.489 - refusera - billed 10.489 - motivent - spotlight 10.489 - fréquent - changeover 10.489 - accéléré - accelerated 10.489 - indiens - Chiefs 10.489 - franc - frank 10.488 - médecins - doctors 10.488 - couverts - boxcars 10.487 - susmentionnées - resided 10.487 - récréatifs - recreational 10.487 - passagers - Bugdens 10.487 - participe - participates 10.486 - strictement - strictly 10.485 - puissantes - powerful 10.485 - suffira - suffice 10.485 - ennuie - bothers 10.484 - dimensions - dimensions 10.484 - universel - universal 10.483 - rembourser - reimburse 10.482 - meurtriers - murderers 10.481 - invalide - disabled 10.480 - substantiels - undeniable 10.480 - chercheront - straitjacket 10.480 - brusquement - rudely 10.480 - appellation - flak 10.480 - soupçonner - corrupted 10.480 - respectera - poeple 10.480 - insisterai - lean 10.480 - impliquées - Wallace 10.480 - appuyaient - Quebecois 10.480 - aideraient - gaze 10.480 - acceptions - excesses 10.480 - vigoureux - vigorous 10.480 - pratiquée - cohesion 10.480 - formaient - tonnage 10.480 - craignons - raiding 10.480 - voterons - tamper 10.480 - reportés - lucid 10.480 - rentrent - collision 10.480 - planifié - boldly 10.480 - initiaux - Initial 10.480 - complété - fortified 10.480 - acquises - communism 10.480 - abordées - faulted 10.480 - trouvez - couldn 10.480 - motivée - Ours 10.480 - Octobre - excludes 10.480 - servie - annoying 10.480 - revers - buttons 10.480 - nettes - woodlot 10.480 - enquis - inquired 10.480 - tarde - Lessard 10.480 - subis - seizing 10.480 - siens - carpenter 10.480 - to - prayer 10.479 - révisé - revised 10.478 - agréable - pleasant 10.477 - correspondance - correspondence 10.477 - politiciens - politicians 10.477 - pressé - hurry 10.476 - modificateur - amending 10.476 - diminutions - decreases 10.476 - accélérés - speeded 10.476 - revenons - Returning 10.476 - desserte - slackening 10.476 - courtes - strips 10.476 - test - sprays 10.476 - régi - stripes 10.474 - reproches - censure 10.474 - apparent - seeming 10.474 - ose - dares 10.473 - stimulant - stimulant 10.472 - démographique - demographic 10.472 - existeraient - format 10.472 - continuelle - remunerative 10.472 - remettrait - cannabis 10.472 - engagerait - régime 10.472 - désastreux - disastrous 10.472 - contracter - steers 10.472 - regrouper - keeper 10.472 - heureuses - Federalism 10.472 - engagions - lest 10.472 - revenant - TEMBEC 10.472 - ethnique - Ethnic 10.472 - couvrent - Lafarge 10.472 - achetons - snowmobile 10.472 - achemine - permanency 10.472 - restées - stove 10.472 - relâché - raping 10.472 - changée - dominating 10.472 - Chacune - commands 10.472 - veillé - Practically 10.472 - tendre - kneed 10.472 - Quoiqu - unequalled 10.472 - née - constraint 10.471 - investisseurs - investors 10.471 - espérances - expectations 10.471 - trafic - trafficking 10.470 - extension - Extension 10.469 - interpréter - interpret 10.469 - approchons - approaching 10.469 - reproche - reproach 10.469 - menacé - threatened 10.469 - vert - green 10.468 - cacher - hide 10.467 - recueils - books 10.467 - courante - indoor 10.466 - prémisses - premises 10.465 - introduction - introductory 10.465 - vigoureuse - vigorous 10.465 - naître - unborn 10.465 - fierté - pride 10.465 - veine - vein 10.464 - conclues - Agreements 10.464 - sûreté - valve 10.464 - saine - wholesome 10.464 - gare - marshalling 10.463 - ethniques - ethnic 10.461 - obligatoires - enforceable 10.461 - salariés - earners 10.460 - aéroports - airports 10.460 - soudain - abrupt 10.456 - inverse - converse 10.456 - Fait - Strangely 10.455 - raisonnement - reasoning 10.455 - souplesse - flexibility 10.454 - énumérées - enumerated 10.454 - accéder - accede 10.453 - zones - Refer 10.453 - mêler - meddle 10.452 - strictes - stringent 10.452 - invoquée - invoked 10.452 - attendus - Dhabi 10.452 - allégué - deterrents 10.451 - favorablement - favourably 10.451 - divisé - divided 10.450 - profession - profession 10.450 - saison - season 10.449 - grevant - residential 10.447 - commandé - commissioned 10.446 - ramène - boils 10.446 - amour - love 10.445 - accompli - accompli 10.444 - francophones - francophones 10.444 - bureaucratie - bureaucracy 10.444 - précédents - precedents 10.444 - Compagnie - debentures 10.444 - vols - thefts 10.443 - emprunté - journey 10.442 - coalitions - Combines 10.442 - contenant - containing 10.442 - exhorté - urged 10.442 - assises - foundations 10.441 - annuler - cancel 10.441 - fruits - fruits 10.440 - commercialiser - serviceable 10.440 - renseignerait - preferably 10.440 - transmettrai - transmit 10.440 - accepterions - reverting 10.440 - surviennent - sustenance 10.440 - restreintes - momentarily 10.440 - indubitable - unquestionably 10.440 - collaborent - cooperate 10.440 - cherchaient - seekers 10.440 - transporte - crosses 10.440 - soulignait - Fox 10.440 - souhaitait - autocratic 10.440 - revendique - editor 10.440 - proviendra - erecting 10.440 - procédions - alloted 10.440 - limiterait - alien 10.440 - desservent - Sahel 10.440 - contraints - blackmailed 10.440 - construite - Gentilly 10.440 - comportera - laymen 10.440 - compliquée - uncomplicated 10.440 - accomplira - travesty 10.440 - Également - Equally 10.440 - souffrira - fortified 10.440 - signalent - bagmen 10.440 - résidants - applicability 10.440 - regardons - confidently 10.440 - préférait - Harold 10.440 - précisait - festering 10.440 - invoquées - translations 10.440 - incombait - equalled 10.440 - exportées - floated 10.440 - révélera - reinvested 10.440 - résumait - summed 10.440 - liaisons - CPAir 10.440 - joueront - hatred 10.440 - incitent - transferable 10.440 - exercera - whence 10.440 - avancent - disorders 10.440 - anticipé - damp 10.440 - ambiance - impedes 10.440 - adéquats - holier 10.440 - renonce - Fine 10.440 - regardé - disdain 10.440 - reculer - draining 10.440 - presser - buttons 10.440 - notable - perverse 10.440 - déférer - readings 10.440 - aplanir - fortnight 10.440 - rendez - relaxing 10.440 - fiche - damn 10.440 - bruts - grossing 10.440 - site - Louise 10.440 - Dire - balderdash 10.439 - officiellement - officially 10.439 - bord - outboard 10.438 - dissuader - deter 10.437 - francophone - Francophone 10.437 - destination - destination 10.437 - exemptions - exemptions 10.437 - souvenir - remembrance 10.437 - mazout - bunker 10.436 - recrudescence - rash 10.436 - québécoises - thalidomide 10.436 - entourent - surrounds 10.436 - secrète - secret 10.435 - avertissement - warning 10.435 - délégation - delegation 10.434 - promotion - promotion 10.434 - congrès - conventions 10.433 - bloqués - frozen 10.432 - évolué - evolved 10.432 - modes - modes 10.430 - hésiterais - hesitate 10.430 - loyers - rents 10.429 - installation - installation 10.429 - unanimement - unanimously 10.429 - solliciter - solicit 10.429 - miniers - mineral 10.429 - aigu - acute 10.428 - sensibiliser - mobilize 10.428 - contribuant - pensioned 10.428 - promettait - fame 10.428 - facilitera - Routine 10.428 - augmentons - canard 10.428 - procédant - extenuating 10.428 - fabriquée - baling 10.428 - apprêtait - outlet 10.428 - étendrai - Ethnic 10.428 - souvenez - featured 10.428 - résolues - bugs 10.428 - reposent - graves 10.428 - immigrés - Table 10.428 - Revenons - vii 10.428 - remplie - Form 10.427 - exclusivement - exclusively 10.427 - passibles - punishable 10.425 - intervenu - intervened 10.424 - construisons - Toward 10.424 - rencontrons - pioneering 10.424 - Initiatives - Initiative 10.424 - félicitons - Hermann 10.424 - consentons - mains 10.424 - autorisait - Financing 10.424 - albertains - equanimity 10.424 - Remarquons - devoid 10.424 - remplacés - replaced 10.424 - embaucher - Economist 10.424 - desservie - hills 10.424 - boisseau - bushel 10.424 - élevage - ranching 10.424 - frapper - knock 10.424 - course - racing 10.424 - Ni - Neither 10.423 - électroniques - electronic 10.423 - interruption - interruption 10.423 - généreuses - generous 10.423 - stratégie - strategy 10.423 - imposable - taxable 10.421 - inacceptables - unacceptable 10.421 - disparités - disparities 10.421 - aéronefs - transmitters 10.420 - illégales - unlawful 10.418 - encourageant - heartening 10.417 - énoncés - hereafter 10.417 - dessein - purposely 10.417 - priver - deprive 10.417 - sol - basement 10.416 - rappellera - reminder 10.416 - développés - underdeveloped 10.416 - éloignées - outlying 10.416 - vitesse - speeds 10.415 - industrialisés - industrialized 10.415 - incident - incident 10.414 - marine - navy 10.413 - protester - protest 10.413 - efforcent - striving 10.413 - épreuve - withstood 10.412 - conversations - conversations 10.412 - emploie - employs 10.411 - linguistique - linguistic 10.411 - refusant - refusing 10.411 - fouillis - jungle 10.411 - morales - suasion 10.410 - déroulement - chronology 10.410 - auditeur - Auditor 10.410 - retirée - k 10.410 - exclu - excluded 10.409 - procureur - Attorney 10.408 - parenthèses - bloc 10.408 - répercuter - Outside 10.408 - attendrons - tinker 10.408 - appartiens - Béchard 10.408 - reportées - deferral 10.408 - comblés - Direct 10.407 - Agence - Agency 10.405 - vigoureusement - vigorously 10.405 - conférés - conferred 10.402 - désastreuse - disastrous 10.400 - résidentielle - serviceable 10.400 - inquiétaient - pursuits 10.400 - approuvaient - Remember 10.400 - satisfaites - liberated 10.400 - examinerait - kilter 10.400 - atteindrait - exhaustion 10.400 - remplacera - Maxwell 10.400 - examinions - detain 10.400 - découverts - loadings 10.400 - réétudier - goverment 10.400 - rapportés - dissolve 10.400 - pressants - inane 10.400 - possédait - freighter 10.400 - garantira - cleanup 10.400 - desservis - Square 10.400 - associées - preserves 10.400 - refusons - wrist 10.400 - assumera - cleanup 10.400 - Victoria - Corbin 10.400 - prélevé - wager 10.400 - placées - Revision 10.400 - pensées - tiger 10.400 - fermier - lakehead 10.400 - emparer - hijackers 10.400 - déduits - exhaustion 10.400 - couches - Corriveau 10.400 - saisit - seizing 10.400 - purger - forfeited 10.400 - neufs - Brand 10.400 - plu - competency 10.399 - geler - freezing 10.399 - bêtes - feedlot 10.399 - né - born 10.398 - grandissante - telecommunication 10.398 - deuxièmement - secondly 10.398 - pratiqué - Morgentaler 10.397 - survivre - survive 10.396 - accuser - accuse 10.396 - aboli - abolished 10.395 - ii - ii 10.394 - entrepreneurs - contractors 10.394 - apporte - Gentleman 10.393 - Ou - Or 10.392 - embranchement - unprofitable 10.392 - constaterons - blocs 10.392 - rencontrées - Events 10.392 - demanderons - oversee 10.392 - décideront - judgement 10.392 - incombent - attracts 10.392 - déroulées - invidious 10.392 - abordable - workmanship 10.392 - rentrées - soar 10.392 - Nombreux - wicked 10.392 - énuméré - enumerated 10.392 - facture - billed 10.392 - défaire - divest 10.392 - céderai - cowardly 10.392 - Anglais - Magna 10.392 - vraies - truths 10.392 - réunis - amalgamated 10.391 - financées - financed 10.389 - consenti - Pembroke 10.388 - consensus - consensus 10.388 - élargir - broaden 10.388 - exporté - exported 10.386 - continuation - continuation 10.385 - particularités - technicality 10.385 - qualifiées - hocery 10.385 - impatients - impatient 10.385 - connaissez - resumé 10.385 - réexamine - wastage 10.385 - passerait - bi 10.385 - retomber - endorsation 10.385 - habitant - capita 10.385 - milieux - environments 10.385 - jongler - twist 10.385 - révise - sticking 10.385 - résout - exhaust 10.383 - commentaire - Citation 10.383 - poursuivi - sued 10.382 - embauche - hiring 10.382 - lacunes - gaps 10.381 - syndicalistes - workman 10.381 - intégralement - Berthier 10.381 - dépensant - overthrow 10.381 - Rappelons - outskirts 10.381 - laitier - fowl 10.381 - seules - unattached 10.381 - liens - ties 10.381 - carte - map 10.380 - classe - Class 10.380 - datée - dated 10.378 - ajustement - adjustment 10.378 - précédée - preceded 10.377 - encouragements - inducements 10.377 - recueillies - refinement 10.377 - minimales - norms 10.376 - lente - slower 10.375 - opposés - diametrically 10.373 - représentatifs - prestamped 10.373 - métropolitaine - Metropolitan 10.373 - opposeraient - professes 10.373 - châtiment - retribution 10.373 - reprenne - resumes 10.373 - gazière - nucleus 10.373 - soldée - entailed 10.371 - violation - breach 10.371 - importées - bicycles 10.371 - lac - Slave 10.369 - arrangements - Arrangements 10.369 - réaliserait - scramble 10.369 - commencions - enforceable 10.369 - arrivaient - Imports 10.369 - écouterai - wandering 10.369 - porteront - untouched 10.369 - offraient - depreciable 10.369 - demandées - rescinding 10.369 - Regardons - Watch 10.369 - parcelle - possessions 10.369 - onéreuse - onerous 10.369 - limitant - limiting 10.369 - comptera - roster 10.369 - fixait - YMPE 10.369 - deça - subsistence 10.368 - tâches - tasks 10.367 - identifier - identify 10.367 - englobe - embraces 10.366 - subventionnés - tabulated 10.366 - signer - sign 10.365 - pénitenciers - Penitentiaries 10.364 - mandataire - signify 10.364 - changes - Shultz 10.364 - ultime - ultimate 10.364 - P - Box 10.363 - allégations - allegations 10.363 - repris - recaptured 10.363 - dates - dates 10.362 - transformations - french 10.362 - bénéficieraient - Crow 10.362 - nécessiteront - omnibus 10.362 - traversons - sprung 10.362 - perçoivent - outgoing 10.362 - désirerais - cotton 10.362 - confirmera - steak 10.362 - soustrait - liberated 10.362 - rédigeant - corollary 10.362 - modifient - juices 10.362 - voyaient - vacations 10.362 - répartie - evenly 10.362 - poseront - candy 10.362 - heurtons - impedes 10.362 - exécuter - execute 10.362 - délivrés - extraprovincial 10.362 - apprends - unofficially 10.362 - Libéraux - lethargy 10.362 - Carleton - McCain 10.362 - vérifie - audits 10.362 - reprise - resumption 10.362 - diffusé - Massachusetts 10.362 - suivis - counsels 10.362 - donnez - infallibility 10.362 - émise - cashed 10.361 - coopérative - op 10.361 - associer - associate 10.358 - affectation - Appropriation 10.358 - résultant - disturbances 10.358 - confirmée - confirmed 10.357 - maritimes - liner 10.357 - acres - acres 10.356 - océan - Ocean 10.355 - transmet - transmitting 10.353 - civile - calendar 10.353 - vague - vague 10.352 - péréquation - equalization 10.352 - enfreindre - violating 10.352 - Chemins - debentures 10.352 - régis - regulated 10.352 - plat - flat 10.351 - aptitudes - abilities 10.351 - média - media 10.351 - Don - Gillies 10.350 - secrètes - secret 10.350 - résumé - resumé 10.349 - machinerie - Machinery 10.349 - statuts - Statutes 10.349 - ouvrier - workman 10.349 - conféré - conferred 10.348 - soulagement - bandaid 10.348 - tournure - flavour 10.348 - varié - varied 10.347 - parviendront - sanctuary 10.347 - présenterai - companion 10.347 - coopératifs - op 10.347 - contingents - quotas 10.347 - appartienne - hostel 10.347 - respectées - obeyed 10.347 - respectons - worship 10.347 - autochtone - attracts 10.347 - registres - steadfastly 10.347 - concentre - ensued 10.347 - capacités - capacities 10.347 - réclamés - verification 10.347 - revoyons - undergoing 10.347 - plancher - senatorial 10.347 - occupant - occupant 10.347 - évasion - perimeter 10.347 - amorcée - eagerly 10.347 - écarte - straying 10.347 - voyais - tailor 10.347 - votera - nullify 10.347 - vaudra - bargained 10.346 - purement - purely 10.346 - classes - classes 10.346 - triste - sad 10.346 - tué - killed 10.344 - éclairé - enlightened 10.343 - intéressaient - pretended 10.343 - apprécierais - Victoriaville 10.343 - maintenues - umpire 10.343 - consistera - Andrews 10.343 - réglerait - populaires 10.343 - obtenions - Cap 10.343 - garderont - fond 10.343 - discutant - perseverance 10.343 - répétées - blithely 10.343 - oeuvrent - summers 10.343 - étendus - undisputed 10.343 - élèvera - burst 10.343 - onéreux - burdensome 10.343 - amènent - extenuating 10.343 - évalué - evaluated 10.343 - lus - emanated 10.342 - invoquant - invoking 10.342 - reviser - revise 10.341 - fermeture - closure 10.340 - opportunité - advisability 10.340 - voeux - vows 10.339 - accident - accident 10.337 - endetter - deeper 10.336 - chauffe - Joli 10.335 - scientifiques - IRDIA 10.335 - incorporer - incorporate 10.334 - déférence - deference 10.332 - envoi - dispatching 10.331 - exportés - exported 10.330 - ordonnance - prescription 10.330 - stipulées - deadlines 10.329 - chapitre - chapter 10.327 - résident - reside 10.326 - distribuées - brochures 10.326 - subie - thereunder 10.325 - interne - internal 10.325 - prime - premium 10.324 - préjudiciables - justices 10.324 - subventionnée - subsidized 10.324 - considéraient - robbers 10.324 - transportent - heaviest 10.324 - recommandera - precede 10.324 - déterminante - voter 10.324 - comporterait - Automobile 10.324 - équivalente - yen 10.324 - signalerais - expound 10.324 - recommandés - Dain 10.324 - préconisant - stipulating 10.324 - compétition - athletic 10.324 - électoraux - canvass 10.324 - substituer - substitute 10.324 - provoquent - poisonous 10.324 - poursuivie - numismatic 10.324 - fabriquent - withstood 10.324 - discutions - combinations 10.324 - contentent - disorderly 10.324 - consignées - returnable 10.324 - améliorant - musical 10.324 - ultérieur - merged 10.324 - survenues - jokes 10.324 - souvenons - glimmer 10.324 - salariale - axiomatic 10.324 - négocient - Pinard 10.324 - exploitée - Pittsburgh 10.324 - doléances - matches 10.324 - centrales - thermal 10.324 - risquons - demoralizing 10.324 - qualifie - adjective 10.324 - montrait - overzealous 10.324 - demeurés - stayed 10.324 - aboutira - depress 10.324 - Capitale - Capital 10.324 - vaincre - instinctive 10.324 - souhait - wishful 10.324 - soufflé - prompting 10.324 - renoncé - forfeited 10.324 - remette - impracticable 10.324 - refonte - fortnight 10.324 - pourvus - reflective 10.324 - placent - syndicates 10.324 - ouverts - Riding 10.324 - demanda - aggression 10.324 - votons - hybrid 10.324 - tourne - revolves 10.324 - régner - reign 10.324 - posons - returnable 10.324 - neuves - livable 10.324 - grossi - enormously 10.324 - admise - falsehood 10.324 - surgi - sprung 10.324 - baser - adage 10.324 - ample - abrupt 10.324 - père - father 10.324 - Chez - intercede 10.323 - sports - sports 10.322 - inconvénient - drawback 10.322 - mines - mines 10.321 - desservirait - retrograde 10.321 - médicaments - medication 10.321 - emprisonner - Putting 10.321 - cédera - canyon 10.318 - fortunés - fortunate 10.318 - hauteur - height 10.318 - pêches - peaches 10.318 - hâte - hastily 10.317 - préféreraient - extraneous 10.317 - manifestées - retrospect 10.317 - réparties - apportioned 10.317 - reportant - legitimacy 10.317 - arrivions - unprotected 10.317 - observée - breached 10.317 - voyez - behold 10.317 - léger - lighter 10.317 - admet - admits 10.315 - témoin - witness 10.315 - venus - newcomers 10.314 - placements - placements 10.314 - bancs - spawning 10.313 - pagaille - mess 10.313 - congés - absences 10.313 - dé - disappointed 10.311 - montent - skyrocketing 10.310 - jeudi - Thursday 10.307 - partiellement - partially 10.307 - inacceptable - unacceptable 10.307 - explications - explanations 10.307 - annonçant - announcing 10.307 - écrivait - columnist 10.306 - affectée - Langelier 10.305 - quatrième - fourth 10.304 - transporteurs - carriers 10.303 - abolie - abolished 10.302 - subséquemment - umpire 10.302 - redressement - practiced 10.302 - utiliseront - dough 10.302 - embrouillée - intentioned 10.302 - bénéficiant - horizons 10.302 - prétention - formations 10.302 - justifiant - bugs 10.302 - continuait - unfolding 10.302 - comparable - comparable 10.302 - acheminons - sequence 10.302 - stipulait - duality 10.302 - satisfont - luxurious 10.302 - invoquent - noose 10.302 - incorporé - embedded 10.302 - engageait - creditable 10.302 - écoutent - tales 10.302 - ressenti - Inland 10.302 - puissant - powerful 10.302 - permises - kangaroo 10.302 - généraux - generals 10.302 - décidant - divested 10.302 - agissant - hereafter 10.302 - adoptera - expansionist 10.302 - suivait - altitude 10.302 - sensées - uncalled 10.302 - néfaste - nefarious 10.302 - journal - newsprint 10.302 - détours - selfishness 10.302 - admises - bugs 10.302 - menant - relay 10.302 - averti - Triton 10.302 - aidons - drunken 10.302 - eh - yours 10.300 - constatations - findings 10.300 - confier - entrust 10.300 - scène - scene 10.299 - media - media 10.298 - productivité - productivity 10.297 - marque - brand 10.296 - compliqué - intricate 10.296 - critiqué - criticized 10.295 - linguistiques - linguistic 10.293 - défait - defeated 10.293 - vital - lifeline 10.291 - communiquée - communicated 10.291 - ridicules - Westmount 10.291 - effective - philosophic 10.291 - assiette - gravy 10.291 - ordonne - instructs 10.291 - papier - Cellulose 10.290 - Japon - Japan 10.289 - rectification - correction 10.289 - Dorénavant - domestically 10.289 - grandir - thrive 10.288 - majoritairement - complains 10.288 - perfectionner - Poor 10.288 - connaissaient - blanks 10.288 - contrepartie - Alitalia 10.288 - connaîtront - Indications 10.288 - appréciable - appreciable 10.288 - toucherait - sorters 10.288 - manifestes - disdain 10.288 - interjeter - demoted 10.288 - incapacité - incapacity 10.288 - confirment - clippings 10.288 - attribuées - insistent 10.288 - pétrolier - geologists 10.288 - paralyser - stifle 10.288 - finissent - clutches 10.288 - commerces - displacement 10.288 - admettant - Granted 10.288 - soucions - dismayed 10.288 - refusées - disqualifying 10.288 - provenir - diminishes 10.288 - opposera - reintroduction 10.288 - conférer - confer 10.288 - Première - sockeye 10.288 - vendant - debenture 10.288 - attende - withstood 10.288 - affiche - disdain 10.288 - écoule - expiring 10.288 - gardés - buffer 10.288 - dures - lethal 10.288 - arabe - Israeli 10.288 - mêle - tampering 10.287 - expliquant - explaining 10.287 - Jeudi - Thursday 10.287 - Bay - Goose 10.286 - invalides - disabled 10.286 - traités - treaties 10.286 - humains - humans 10.284 - Approvisionnements - Supply 10.284 - extraire - extract 10.284 - avances - advances 10.284 - fuel - bunker 10.283 - préféré - preferred 10.282 - remboursement - refund 10.282 - concours - competitions 10.280 - titulaires - incumbents 10.280 - nourrir - clothe 10.279 - concevoir - conceive 10.277 - fonctionnerait - steep 10.277 - mixtes - quadrupled 10.277 - Songe - captured 10.276 - adéquate - cohesion 10.276 - avouer - confess 10.275 - témoigner - testify 10.275 - excessive - overfishing 10.274 - Apparemment - Apparently 10.274 - hôpital - Hospital 10.274 - alinéa - subparagraph 10.273 - souscrire - subscribe 10.273 - dommages - damages 10.272 - négocié - negotiated 10.271 - généreux - generous 10.271 - côtes - coasts 10.270 - accepteraient - delinquents 10.270 - souhaits - salute 10.270 - chargera - Greenpeace 10.270 - renvois - references 10.270 - remédie - fluctuation 10.270 - obtenez - biological 10.270 - numéros - Statement 10.270 - abattre - slaughter 10.270 - refusa - wasn 10.270 - larges - lax 10.270 - reçut - Armstrong 10.270 - jadis - addict 10.268 - plaider - plead 10.268 - assis - seated 10.267 - Company - Cellulose 10.266 - documentation - kits 10.266 - accroissent - radiation 10.266 - occuperont - paperwork 10.266 - banquettes - benches 10.266 - coupables - culprits 10.266 - traduite - embargoes 10.266 - jugeront - assembling 10.266 - époques - bountiful 10.266 - négatif - negative 10.266 - honteux - shameful 10.266 - excède - exceeds 10.266 - I - Phase 10.265 - nommée - appointee 10.264 - émissions - broadcasts 10.264 - sagesse - wisdom 10.263 - atteignaient - plateau 10.263 - proposerait - switching 10.263 - reproduise - Laviolette 10.263 - inscrivent - marking 10.263 - admettront - tortuous 10.263 - suffrages - Barbeau 10.263 - procédera - exterior 10.263 - laitières - cucumbers 10.263 - aborderai - angle 10.263 - étendent - shareable 10.263 - promises - tales 10.263 - formules - formulas 10.263 - envoient - uninsured 10.263 - régnait - summit 10.263 - fermées - flabbergasted 10.263 - doutent - skeptical 10.263 - animaux - pets 10.263 - Maintes - Cuban 10.263 - firmes - conceptual 10.263 - conçus - propelled 10.263 - bougé - torn 10.261 - assistons - witnessing 10.261 - trains - trains 10.260 - élimination - elimination 10.259 - viendraient - disappointments 10.259 - respectives - respective 10.259 - nécessitera - ounces 10.259 - grandissant - Barrie 10.259 - provoquera - curves 10.259 - parvenons - medicines 10.259 - exportent - developped 10.259 - annoncera - announces 10.259 - déclarée - Certificate 10.259 - lancées - bombs 10.259 - gardant - injecting 10.259 - perçue - inactive 10.259 - suive - righteous 10.257 - injustice - injustice 10.257 - dommage - pity 10.257 - parent - parent 10.254 - justification - justification 10.254 - remarquables - remarkable 10.254 - discutent - Departmental 10.253 - localité - locality 10.253 - reliées - interrelated 10.252 - septentrionale - northward 10.252 - oppositionnels - returnable 10.252 - augmenteraient - swoop 10.252 - profiteraient - audiences 10.252 - additionnelle - swoop 10.252 - mentionnerai - Oppel 10.252 - incorporées - moderated 10.252 - appellerais - Reddy 10.252 - traduisent - outgoing 10.252 - succursale - Frenette 10.252 - regrettons - displacement 10.252 - autorisent - acquiesced 10.252 - urbanisme - Square 10.252 - sollicite - worthiness 10.252 - parvienne - brass 10.252 - insistent - forfeit 10.252 - donnaient - laymen 10.252 - retirées - testifying 10.252 - payaient - milked 10.252 - entendra - unconcerned 10.252 - Sûrement - jams 10.252 - restant - rump 10.252 - orienté - clash 10.252 - marquer - Lots 10.252 - Soyons - compose 10.252 - soyez - naïve 10.252 - réélu - Parkdale 10.252 - borne - Sioux 10.252 - Tiers - insistent 10.252 - lot - woodlot 10.250 - abandonnés - abandoned 10.250 - promesses - promises 10.250 - manifeste - manifesto 10.250 - oublié - forgot 10.250 - ravi - delighted 10.248 - invalidité - disability 10.248 - honoraires - fees 10.247 - contrairement - unlike 10.246 - autorisant - authorizing 10.245 - terrible - terrible 10.244 - gouverne - edification 10.243 - renverser - subvert 10.243 - commandes - unfilled 10.243 - tromper - deceive 10.243 - haussé - Lafarge 10.243 - Se - Realizing 10.242 - offices - Agencies 10.241 - peines - punishments 10.240 - immigrants - immigrants 10.240 - étrange - Strangely 10.239 - variété - variety 10.238 - salutaires - stemming 10.238 - entendrai - cheek 10.238 - situent - ladder 10.238 - liées - consignment 10.238 - dotés - transmitters 10.237 - industriels - industrialists 10.237 - magnifique - magnificent 10.237 - stipulé - stipulated 10.237 - trompé - deceived 10.237 - honte - ashamed 10.237 - nets - Net 10.236 - imposables - taxable 10.236 - internes - internal 10.235 - instructions - instructions 10.235 - gouverner - govern 10.235 - associés - associates 10.235 - menées - IOC 10.235 - Merci - Thank 10.235 - Grâce - Thanks 10.234 - théorie - theory 10.234 - foyers - hostel 10.234 - pure - unadulterated 10.233 - barils - barrels 10.231 - corporation - unincorporated 10.231 - transmises - Automobile 10.231 - incorporée - immorality 10.231 - constitués - unincorporated 10.231 - recevrons - Digby 10.231 - Mackenzie - Korchinski 10.231 - punition - Punishment 10.231 - excédant - exceeding 10.231 - seriez - arduous 10.231 - débute - commences 10.230 - reconsidérer - reconsider 10.230 - exemplaires - copies 10.229 - supprimés - scrapped 10.229 - troublé - disturbed 10.228 - extraordinaire - extraordinary 10.227 - élire - elect 10.226 - franchement - frankly 10.226 - commençant - commencing 10.225 - clients - clients 10.225 - détenu - inmate 10.224 - préopinants - Previous 10.224 - reportages - falsehoods 10.224 - consentira - Zenith 10.224 - condamnées - meted 10.224 - encourage - encourages 10.224 - convienne - Burwash 10.224 - perdrait - depreciate 10.224 - horloge - trampled 10.224 - échoué - miserably 10.224 - lots - lots 10.221 - réalisations - achievements 10.221 - parents - grandparents 10.221 - déduire - deduct 10.218 - travailleur - workingman 10.217 - obligatoirement - beacons 10.217 - conseillerais - recited 10.217 - transportant - Valdez 10.217 - constatation - dissension 10.217 - coûteraient - shirts 10.217 - préalables - disdain 10.217 - effectuera - painting 10.217 - dédommager - reimbursing 10.217 - contentant - medication 10.217 - comptaient - acutely 10.217 - adopteront - configuration 10.217 - verserait - cord 10.217 - réalisera - tripling 10.217 - rejoindre - plow 10.217 - passeront - piloted 10.217 - parlerons - broadest 10.217 - confèrent - assures 10.217 - chiffrent - tours 10.217 - remplacé - replaced 10.217 - posaient - payers 10.217 - pipeline - Cartier 10.217 - ignorait - appellants 10.217 - dossiers - files 10.217 - croyions - switched 10.217 - pourrez - cheer 10.217 - partent - northward 10.217 - oserais - sloppy 10.217 - occupée - equipping 10.217 - grossir - comfortably 10.217 - évolue - axiomatic 10.217 - régies - untouched 10.217 - quoiqu - anyhow 10.217 - plaise - pudding 10.217 - oblige - compels 10.217 - majoré - inane 10.217 - miens - publisher 10.217 - irais - flounder 10.217 - coupé - raiding 10.216 - productif - productive 10.216 - charges - burdens 10.215 - divulgation - disclosure 10.214 - constructives - constructive 10.214 - gâchis - mess 10.213 - instruments - instruments 10.212 - rejetés - ballots 10.212 - calculé - calculated 10.212 - Laissez - Leave 10.211 - occidental - hemisphere 10.211 - exploitées - registrations 10.211 - reprend - resumed 10.211 - Service - Wildlife 10.210 - conseillers - advisers 10.209 - déceler - detecting 10.208 - commenté - commented 10.207 - contingentements - quotas 10.207 - productives - productive 10.207 - chantier - shipyard 10.207 - traîner - drag 10.207 - amendé - comma 10.206 - débarrasser - rid 10.206 - clé - keystone 10.205 - séances - sittings 10.204 - énergiquement - strenuously 10.204 - constituaient - Firenza 10.204 - corporations - Returns 10.204 - préconisait - freeing 10.204 - aériennes - airlines 10.202 - distribuer - distribute 10.202 - quotas - quotas 10.202 - zone - zone 10.201 - préposés - conductor 10.201 - risques - risks 10.200 - transformées - unprocessed 10.200 - favorise - promotes 10.200 - essayez - psychiatrist 10.199 - Solliciteur - Analysis 10.199 - illégale - unlawful 10.199 - arrêtées - arrested 10.198 - réparation - repairing 10.198 - minutieux - scrutiny 10.198 - mariées - married 10.197 - geste - gesture 10.196 - nuirait - hinder 10.196 - menacés - threatened 10.196 - Dieu - bless 10.195 - professionnels - professionals 10.195 - foncière - speculation 10.194 - accusations - accusations 10.194 - mariés - married 10.193 - entourant - surrounding 10.193 - condamner - condemning 10.193 - accusés - indicted 10.192 - frontières - borders 10.192 - adéquates - artifacts 10.192 - efforcés - struggled 10.192 - utilité - usefulness 10.190 - concessions - concessions 10.190 - réalistes - safeguarding 10.190 - prolongé - lengthened 10.190 - délibéré - advisement 10.190 - pénible - painful 10.190 - envoyé - envoy 10.189 - préliminaires - Preliminary 10.189 - prolongée - prolonged 10.188 - condamnation - condemnation 10.188 - influencer - influencing 10.187 - interviennent - trawler 10.187 - définitives - embedded 10.187 - dirigeait - delinquency 10.187 - étroites - Distribution 10.187 - trouvées - immigrate 10.187 - tireront - Sixty 10.187 - routière - Traffic 10.187 - expédiés - horses 10.187 - engagera - bi 10.187 - arrivées - departures 10.187 - formera - forming 10.187 - coûtant - stocking 10.187 - dressé - crept 10.187 - quote - Thereafter 10.187 - bovin - steers 10.184 - blanc - white 10.183 - recherchent - assiduous 10.183 - intéressons - preparedness 10.183 - garantirait - ironically 10.183 - productive - productive 10.183 - considérez - thin 10.183 - véhicules - vehicles 10.183 - vendaient - Lots 10.183 - escompter - amplify 10.183 - alentours - playground 10.183 - vivaient - grandparents 10.183 - traitait - piloted 10.183 - présumer - cashed 10.183 - dépensée - Harrington 10.183 - différer - defer 10.183 - demandez - windfalls 10.183 - concorde - Thieu 10.183 - jointe - stead 10.183 - influe - damp 10.183 - payez - Travel 10.183 - avéré - geese 10.180 - Arctique - Arctic 10.179 - objective - objectively 10.179 - suprême - Supreme 10.179 - royales - royal 10.178 - obligatoire - compulsory 10.178 - rangs - ranks 10.177 - bénéficions - backlash 10.177 - essaierons - lengthened 10.177 - entendrons - nominations 10.177 - démocratie - democracy 10.177 - acquittent - classroom 10.177 - procèdent - additives 10.177 - offrirait - Diagnostic 10.177 - disposera - marshalling 10.177 - penchera - announces 10.177 - majorées - contested 10.177 - intégral - halting 10.177 - courage - courage 10.177 - Hansard - Faced 10.177 - Suite - Subsequent 10.177 - Avril - Present 10.177 - Néo - scuttled 10.176 - fondamentalement - fundamentally 10.175 - faillite - bankruptcy 10.174 - privilèges - Privileges 10.174 - Hier - Yesterday 10.173 - secondaires - coarse 10.173 - citation - quotation 10.173 - John - Doherty 10.172 - voisinage - vicinity 10.171 - guider - guide 10.170 - indépendantes - independents 10.170 - continuerait - painting 10.170 - abaissement - lowering 10.170 - privilégié - privileged 10.170 - renseigne - segregated 10.170 - espérions - regaining 10.170 - engageant - bickering 10.170 - chauffage - plumbing 10.170 - salariat - shaped 10.170 - aperçois - prayer 10.170 - avisés - appraised 10.170 - logis - soared 10.170 - aime - loves 10.168 - reliés - Consultative 10.167 - justifient - justifying 10.167 - effectif - Details 10.167 - débattus - obstruction 10.167 - Bretagne - Britain 10.167 - lisons - subservient 10.167 - vol - theft 10.166 - grèves - strikes 10.166 - types - apportioned 10.165 - rigoureux - stern 10.165 - tranche - slice 10.164 - infraction - infraction 10.163 - exceptionnel - exceptional 10.163 - organisé - syndicated 10.163 - offrant - bidder 10.163 - dos - knife 10.163 - h - h 10.162 - généreuse - generous 10.162 - fournit - Details 10.161 - dégâts - containment 10.161 - arabes - Arab 10.161 - nulle - nowhere 10.160 - vingtaine - twenties 10.160 - souscris - subscribe 10.160 - rigueur - rigidity 10.160 - aimé - liked 10.160 - É - Centennial 10.159 - compliquées - complicated 10.159 - poisson - fishmeal 10.159 - culture - culture 10.158 - subventionner - subsidize 10.158 - populaire - popular 10.158 - élevait - Offices 10.158 - requise - conductor 10.158 - clés - key 10.158 - Très - Fine 10.157 - administrent - administer 10.156 - antécédents - backgrounds 10.155 - habileté - skill 10.155 - daté - dated 10.154 - facilité - facilitated 10.153 - témoignage - testimony 10.152 - transférés - transferred 10.150 - substantiellement - warehousing 10.150 - parallèlement - Revision 10.150 - supprimerait - dumb 10.150 - présenterons - copyright 10.150 - délibérément - deliberately 10.150 - conservation - conservation 10.150 - connaissions - practicality 10.150 - occidentaux - cultivation 10.150 - majorations - majors 10.150 - interrompus - disrupted 10.150 - comparution - appellants 10.150 - relèverait - Enforcement 10.150 - rappellent - untimely 10.150 - proposerai - velocity 10.150 - produiront - looming 10.150 - pratiquent - magistrates 10.150 - continuant - paradise 10.150 - améliorera - containment 10.150 - regardant - sharper 10.150 - préparent - decisively 10.150 - nombreuse - looming 10.150 - inspirent - inspire 10.150 - entrerait - intentional 10.150 - disposant - rein 10.150 - demeurant - Fine 10.150 - collaboré - Refugees 10.150 - Transport - Pinard 10.150 - tenaient - Wallace 10.150 - semestre - Reader 10.150 - proteste - thirdly 10.150 - montrant - clippings 10.150 - massives - blithely 10.150 - habilité - Wallace 10.150 - découler - confiscation 10.150 - achetant - promoter 10.150 - songera - ineffectual 10.150 - rédigés - textbooks 10.150 - exigées - memberships 10.150 - conçois - bearer 10.150 - aimable - cabinets 10.150 - aboutit - Higher 10.150 - Rapport - hereafter 10.150 - fixant - heighten 10.150 - amuser - clippings 10.150 - amorce - trump 10.150 - Était - contented 10.150 - nui - Steinberg 10.150 - lue - trucker 10.147 - rapporteront - annuities 10.147 - lamentable - pitiful 10.147 - entendant - Listening 10.146 - versements - instalments 10.144 - disponibilité - availability 10.144 - déroulés - Round 10.144 - lira - Resource 10.144 - insu - unconsciously 10.144 - hors - outboard 10.143 - réhabilitation - rehabilitative 10.143 - écoles - schools 10.141 - parer - ward 10.139 - véhicule - Vehicle 10.139 - imprimé - reprinted 10.137 - risquerait - unexpectedly 10.137 - accepterai - bypassed 10.137 - songerait - feedlots 10.137 - resteront - waits 10.137 - apprenons - classroom 10.137 - Faisons - thorny 10.136 - différends - disputes 10.135 - comptait - k 10.135 - marié - married 10.134 - revisées - revised 10.134 - prononce - hybrid 10.133 - morts - deaths 10.133 - or - gold 10.132 - concurrentiels - competitively 10.132 - réclamation - Davies 10.131 - orateurs - speakers 10.131 - attribue - attributes 10.130 - requérants - applicants 10.130 - minute - minute 10.127 - dispositifs - devices 10.126 - intervenus - intervened 10.126 - entrons - era 10.125 - transporté - hauled 10.124 - traversé - soared 10.124 - maritime - seaway 10.124 - derrière - curtain 10.124 - commente - responds 10.124 - épargne - Savings 10.124 - versons - balancing 10.124 - rompu - causeway 10.124 - ennui - bored 10.124 - in - Financing 10.124 - À - OF 10.123 - pénalité - Receiver 10.123 - acceptée - Pembroke 10.122 - émission - Period 10.121 - etc - Closings 10.120 - prônée - advocated 10.119 - stabilité - stability 10.118 - reconnaissait - demonstrably 10.118 - adéquatement - ironically 10.118 - profitables - publisher 10.118 - supprimées - moderated 10.118 - réflexions - Poor 10.118 - refuserait - solemnly 10.118 - disposions - aides 10.118 - équilibre - equilibrium 10.118 - réclamait - rival 10.118 - parlaient - periodical 10.118 - déposerai - Forbes 10.118 - coûteront - cleanup 10.118 - composent - compose 10.118 - bonnement - bolus 10.118 - surcroît - exceptionable 10.118 - majeures - cheer 10.118 - appuyait - Frenette 10.118 - énumère - Reader 10.118 - réunira - tours 10.118 - oriente - storey 10.118 - majeurs - rammed 10.118 - gardent - regression 10.118 - ajoutés - Statement 10.118 - placée - lethal 10.118 - dénote - disdain 10.118 - revue - magazine 10.118 - croie - Lest 10.118 - clore - subcontractors 10.118 - citée - matches 10.118 - Etant - McCracken 10.118 - âgée - imputed 10.118 - axée - Porter 10.117 - lendemain - overnight 10.116 - massif - Step 10.115 - préconisées - diagnosis 10.115 - dispendieux - pupil 10.115 - céréaliers - stockpile 10.115 - précision - precision 10.115 - prenaient - streamlining 10.115 - adviendra - insatiable 10.115 - retirons - embarking 10.115 - jugeons - tacitly 10.115 - forment - Experimental 10.115 - avertis - cautioned 10.115 - aligner - hangs 10.114 - organiser - organize 10.113 - traditionnels - traditional 10.110 - contingentement - quota 10.110 - intitulée - booklet 10.109 - baril - barrel 10.108 - immobilier - estate 10.108 - consultées - consulted 10.107 - assentiment - acquiesce 10.103 - limitation - consignment 10.103 - diffèrent - differ 10.103 - malade - sick 10.103 - déclin - decline 10.102 - disparaîtraient - recalling 10.102 - communiquées - objectors 10.102 - université - university 10.102 - partisanes - partisan 10.102 - soutenons - impracticable 10.102 - puissants - powerful 10.102 - partagées - Westerners 10.102 - installés - Ugandans 10.102 - consignés - grounded 10.102 - périodes - periods 10.102 - appelait - STAP 10.102 - étroit - communism 10.102 - trajet - Valdez 10.102 - pénal - penal 10.101 - location - Avis 10.101 - siècle - century 10.100 - remplacement - replacement 10.100 - constructif - constructive 10.100 - marchande - merchant 10.100 - étranges - strange 10.100 - violence - violence 10.100 - enclin - inclined 10.099 - salariales - comparability 10.099 - expliquent - enquire 10.099 - opposerai - coincide 10.099 - mensuelle - monthly 10.099 - tombée - snowfall 10.099 - réunit - profitably 10.099 - restés - stranded 10.099 - globe - globe 10.099 - aidés - abetted 10.098 - printemps - spring 10.096 - retiré - withdrew 10.095 - refus - refusal 10.093 - Services - Supply 10.090 - délais - deadlines 10.089 - spécialistes - specialists 10.089 - prisonniers - prisoners 10.089 - productifs - productive 10.089 - rapproche - nearer 10.089 - investies - Contributions 10.089 - vivres - Ethiopia 10.089 - lancés - geographic 10.089 - Existe - gravel 10.089 - pur - pure 10.089 - feu - ceasefire 10.088 - Nombre - Number 10.087 - allégement - relieving 10.086 - déménagement - displacement 10.086 - comprenaient - ancestral 10.086 - profitaient - strengths 10.086 - donneraient - boldly 10.086 - demanderont - competency 10.086 - conceptions - aggression 10.086 - accepterons - jealously 10.086 - figuraient - Surveys 10.086 - expliquera - oft 10.086 - instituée - mythical 10.086 - affectant - hodge 10.086 - éloignée - northland 10.086 - éliminée - Weldon 10.086 - siégeait - commanded 10.086 - pénuries - shortages 10.086 - porterai - wedding 10.086 - partagée - Responsibility 10.086 - médiocre - Poor 10.086 - appelées - remissions 10.086 - appelée - hereinafter 10.086 - achetée - numismatic 10.086 - heurte - floundering 10.086 - Voulez - gallows 10.085 - confédération - confederation 10.081 - intérimaire - interim 10.080 - quotidiennes - Jour 10.080 - réintégrer - parolees 10.080 - instrument - instrument 10.080 - Volontiers - Sure 10.080 - trouvions - equanimity 10.080 - tiendrait - Pas 10.080 - procédons - awakened 10.080 - obligeant - accommodating 10.080 - attaquons - Currently 10.080 - apportant - researching 10.080 - répandre - squeezing 10.080 - financée - financed 10.080 - factures - hospitalized 10.080 - entrerai - hindered 10.080 - désirais - Meighen 10.080 - décréter - decree 10.080 - craindre - fearing 10.080 - contenue - safeguarding 10.080 - allouées - painting 10.080 - retenue - withholding 10.080 - ménager - heighten 10.080 - appuyés - wrecked 10.080 - signés - repayments 10.080 - débuté - Barbeau 10.080 - Partie - hereinafter 10.080 - file - fame 10.079 - administrateurs - administrators 10.079 - restait - unresolved 10.079 - envois - shipments 10.078 - activement - actively 10.078 - tuer - kill 10.077 - spéciales - Refer 10.077 - barèmes - schedules 10.077 - bloqué - frozen 10.077 - mixte - Joint 10.076 - candidat - candidate 10.074 - recherchons - aggressively 10.074 - remontent - dating 10.074 - siégeons - movies 10.074 - incitera - slick 10.071 - comportement - behaviour 10.071 - volontaire - voluntary 10.071 - bateau - boat 10.070 - préjudiciable - prejudicial 10.070 - routier - extraprovincial 10.070 - refusés - tabulated 10.070 - promets - faithfully 10.070 - digne - dignified 10.069 - accentuer - exacerbate 10.069 - épreuves - trials 10.069 - exprime - expresses 10.065 - transféré - transferred 10.065 - plaindre - complain 10.065 - chambre - bedroom 10.065 - avocat - lawyer 10.065 - volte - flip 10.064 - industriel - industrialist 10.064 - retraité - pensioner 10.063 - inquiétudes - anxieties 10.063 - dispositif - device 10.063 - transmise - transmitted 10.063 - européens - European 10.063 - abolir - abolish 10.063 - signe - nod 10.061 - visiblement - noticeably 10.061 - matérielles - shorelines 10.061 - consacrent - devoting 10.061 - commençait - conductor 10.061 - imaginent - seagulls 10.061 - dépendons - Added 10.061 - Pareille - descent 10.061 - plénier - Whole 10.061 - changés - Films 10.061 - arrangé - manipulation 10.061 - cotisé - understandings 10.061 - venez - insinuation 10.061 - jouit - enjoys 10.059 - délimitation - Boundaries 10.059 - commissaire - commissioner 10.058 - temporaires - absences 10.058 - déclencher - provoking 10.057 - provoquer - provoke 10.057 - dépassant - propelled 10.056 - explique - explains 10.055 - apparaissent - fiddling 10.055 - travaillait - Greenland 10.055 - diminuerait - curbed 10.055 - lourdement - lobbying 10.055 - initiales - nominee 10.055 - consultés - consulted 10.055 - répandue - Supervisory 10.055 - publiait - Profits 10.055 - incluses - lucid 10.055 - essayent - migrate 10.055 - évoluer - interestingly 10.055 - plantes - fodder 10.055 - gazoduc - Valdez 10.055 - décrits - Cité 10.055 - penché - visionary 10.055 - eurent - idleness 10.055 - Dirait - mock 10.055 - priés - recycle 10.055 - moque - naïve 10.055 - Va - competency 10.054 - compléter - complement 10.053 - meurtres - murders 10.053 - souffre - suffers 10.053 - regret - regretfully 10.051 - contester - contest 10.051 - commises - blunders 10.051 - viande - meat 10.051 - Grande - Britain 10.051 - Exact - Right 10.049 - re - printed 10.047 - profondément - profoundly 10.047 - tables - wiretaps 10.047 - tirée - Erskine 10.046 - Conservateurs - homage 10.046 - recommandent - hereafter 10.046 - considérera - emphysema 10.046 - abandonnent - trawler 10.046 - torontoise - Dow 10.046 - reparlerai - preoccupation 10.046 - rendraient - populace 10.046 - occuperait - rationalized 10.046 - démocrate - Democrat 10.046 - négligé - neglected 10.046 - adjoint - Assistant 10.045 - judiciaires - corrupted 10.045 - air - hijackers 10.043 - divulgués - disclosed 10.043 - arrière - backbench 10.042 - premièrement - firstly 10.042 - transmettre - transmit 10.042 - pain - bread 10.041 - terminés - CCGS 10.040 - contenus - audits 10.040 - bouts - ends 10.040 - sent - readjusting 10.039 - Olympiques - Olympics 10.039 - avocats - lawyers 10.037 - embarquement - uttering 10.037 - subséquente - incapacitated 10.037 - surgissent - Problems 10.036 - erreurs - errors 10.034 - éventail - spectrum 10.033 - inscrits - enrolled 10.030 - indications - indications 10.030 - confirmer - confirm 10.029 - accompagne - accompany 10.028 - nuire - harming 10.027 - charte - chartered 10.026 - légèrement - slightly 10.026 - incidence - incidence 10.026 - exécutif - executive 10.025 - additionnelles - Substantial 10.025 - allocataires - faithfully 10.025 - résulterait - freeing 10.025 - productrice - nominee 10.025 - démarcation - undisputed 10.025 - continuerai - affirmatively 10.025 - additionnel - Auto 10.025 - écoulement - woodlot 10.025 - québécoise - believer 10.025 - présentons - draftsmanship 10.025 - partageons - gratification 10.025 - occupaient - seekers 10.025 - fourniront - tailor 10.025 - consenties - commutations 10.025 - matériels - destinies 10.025 - développe - realignment 10.025 - débourser - Close 10.025 - étudiait - vapour 10.025 - tranchée - proviso 10.025 - survenir - miniscule 10.025 - retourné - diversifying 10.025 - paierait - companions 10.025 - oubliera - proportionate 10.025 - limitées - finite 10.025 - journées - alloted 10.025 - bancaire - Banking 10.025 - Envisage - equipping 10.025 - réunies - bombs 10.025 - débuter - Leblanc 10.025 - abordée - foetus 10.025 - Cabinet - Directive 10.025 - pousse - fishmeal 10.025 - lisais - skip 10.025 - firme - Pittsburgh 10.025 - Parmi - Among 10.022 - supposition - disorderly 10.022 - disposaient - indoor 10.022 - Présidence - Room 10.022 - accidents - Accident 10.022 - réduites - minimized 10.022 - crainte - autocracy 10.022 - sorti - walked 10.022 - dus - suicides 10.021 - Nationaux - debentures 10.020 - raffermir - strengthening 10.020 - contribue - contributes 10.018 - accompagné - accompanied 10.018 - expédiées - shipped 10.018 - atténuer - mitigate 10.017 - disparaîtra - disappear 10.015 - requises - confidently 10.014 - soucie - cares 10.013 - gratuitement - Zenith 10.013 - reprennent - horizons 10.013 - améliorées - coastlines 10.013 - inspirait - enunciate 10.013 - collabore - researching 10.013 - iraient - flowers 10.011 - gaspiller - wasting 10.011 - fauteuil - wheelchair 10.010 - concurrencer - clutches 10.010 - sympathie - sympathy 10.010 - obtenues - Census 10.010 - atteints - Bang 10.010 - Îles - Magdalen 10.009 - culturelle - cultural 10.009 - oubliée - forgotten 10.007 - empressement - eagerness 10.007 - enquérir - enquire 10.006 - appareils - appliances 10.005 - Allons - Come 10.005 - copie - Cellulose 10.004 - territoires - territories 10.004 - morale - moral 10.004 - vécu - lived 10.002 - collaborer - collaborate 10.001 - tarifaire - expelled 10.000 - agglomération - metro 10.000 - coutume - custom 9.999 - frontière - border 9.999 - reporté - Stand 9.998 - détruire - destroy 9.995 - concurrentielles - NFB 9.995 - agrandissement - enlargement 9.995 - dédommagement - encroached 9.995 - pertinemment - Ramsey 9.995 - minoritaires - ethno 9.995 - Présentement - basketball 9.995 - fréquentent - typed 9.995 - consultant - livable 9.995 - comprenant - hereinafter 9.995 - assujettie - woodlot 9.995 - apprennent - relaxing 9.995 - signalais - rudely 9.995 - physiques - handicaps 9.995 - entreront - indecisive 9.995 - consentie - compose 9.995 - pourvoir - seekers 9.995 - obligent - transferable 9.995 - manquera - juices 9.995 - exhorter - gratification 9.995 - diraient - kilter 9.995 - assument - Agents 9.995 - élabore - bonded 9.995 - jugeait - disdain 9.995 - antenne - contradicting 9.995 - tenais - rudely 9.995 - plaire - french 9.995 - jugées - overruled 9.995 - Caisse - Claims 9.994 - merci - mercy 9.993 - acquisition - Assisted 9.993 - champ - battlefield 9.992 - secret - secrecy 9.991 - équivalait - invested 9.991 - policiers - policemen 9.991 - interdire - prohibit 9.991 - employeur - employer 9.991 - fermés - closed 9.990 - constructions - portable 9.990 - désirer - desired 9.989 - subséquentes - subsequent 9.989 - occuperaient - clinics 9.989 - dépassaient - airborne 9.989 - apporteront - uncover 9.989 - protégeant - Tariffs 9.989 - décidons - insoluble 9.989 - courent - newsletter 9.989 - avérer - bone 9.988 - PIL - LIP 9.987 - convenablement - decently 9.987 - B - Forecast 9.986 - réussirons - Providence 9.986 - bouche - mouths 9.985 - investi - invested 9.985 - Sainte - Scholastique 9.984 - Travaux - Works 9.984 - résume - summed 9.983 - terminera - bylaw 9.983 - contrôlé - tea 9.983 - mériter - trickery 9.982 - municipalité - Municipality 9.982 - atteignant - attaining 9.982 - rédaction - draftsmanship 9.982 - reprends - echo 9.981 - prestataires - claimants 9.981 - Perspectives - OFY 9.980 - étudieront - pollutant 9.980 - prétendons - stark 9.980 - impliquant - overloaded 9.980 - autorisera - desiring 9.980 - verraient - Colleges 9.980 - réduisent - fluctuating 9.980 - roulement - rotation 9.980 - procurent - Making 9.980 - tâcherai - kindness 9.980 - revêtent - Important 9.980 - menacée - endangered 9.980 - bizarre - Orleans 9.980 - aimez - powdered 9.980 - anti - Anti 9.979 - stimuler - stimulate 9.979 - replacer - perspective 9.979 - franchi - crossed 9.977 - criminalité - Crime 9.977 - abordés - dismayed 9.975 - médical - Use 9.975 - clauses - majeure 9.974 - provoquée - provoked 9.974 - attentive - attentive 9.974 - the - bout 9.972 - défavorisées - regionally 9.972 - dissuasion - deterrence 9.972 - antérieurs - rollbacks 9.972 - publier - publish 9.971 - traditionnel - traditional 9.971 - partisans - supporters 9.971 - calculée - calculated 9.971 - mère - mother 9.971 - Bill - intituled 9.969 - surplus - surpluses 9.968 - équivaut - tantamount 9.968 - avoirs - holdings 9.967 - Accord - pact 9.966 - virtuellement - carpenters 9.966 - accomplissent - Politicians 9.966 - souhaitables - Giving 9.966 - prendraient - piloted 9.966 - inquiétait - laxity 9.966 - favorisera - depress 9.966 - acquittera - hangar 9.966 - subissons - compute 9.966 - progresse - storey 9.966 - constants - Examples 9.966 - attribués - fatigue 9.966 - admettent - Former 9.966 - traitera - poisonous 9.966 - répondit - impatiently 9.966 - perdrons - niggardly 9.966 - juristes - destinies 9.966 - fixation - fixing 9.966 - atteigne - whence 9.966 - ajoutent - complemented 9.966 - accusait - accusing 9.966 - révélés - caps 9.966 - répétée - duplicated 9.966 - rallier - Cossitt 9.966 - perdues - casualty 9.966 - partagé - Pope 9.966 - nuisent - baking 9.966 - entrant - elaborating 9.966 - choisie - Parkdale 9.966 - censées - freighter 9.966 - Pouvons - abstention 9.966 - étonne - puzzles 9.966 - jouera - northland 9.966 - calcul - calculation 9.966 - plier - tents 9.966 - Somme - publisher 9.965 - arrêté - arrested 9.964 - perspective - perspective 9.964 - suspendue - recess 9.964 - douanier - Customs 9.964 - vallée - valley 9.963 - échanges - exchanges 9.963 - invite - invites 9.963 - lien - interparliamentary 9.962 - surmonter - overcome 9.962 - détriment - detriment 9.962 - soutenue - sustained 9.961 - édifices - Buildings 9.961 - cessera - loving 9.960 - Prenons - Take 9.960 - invité - invited 9.958 - remède - bandaid 9.958 - cédé - yielded 9.957 - définir - define 9.956 - prescrit - prescribed 9.956 - modeste - modest 9.955 - universitaire - academic 9.955 - espèces - species 9.954 - souffriront - booming 9.954 - refléter - mirror 9.954 - remets - maladministration 9.954 - exigée - tolerable 9.954 - borner - Minnesota 9.954 - doter - equip 9.954 - Plan - Population 9.954 - pis - undo 9.953 - importation - Permits 9.953 - victimes - victims 9.953 - levée - adjourned 9.952 - arrivée - arrival 9.952 - décrit - describes 9.951 - garantit - assures 9.951 - célérité - dispatch 9.950 - intervenue - intervened 9.950 - précédé - preceded 9.949 - plurinationales - canadian 9.949 - succursales - branches 9.949 - trésorerie - keeper 9.949 - éprouvées - agony 9.949 - maintiens - technicality 9.949 - veillera - submersible 9.949 - oubliés - wrecked 9.949 - lent - slower 9.948 - Cour - Supreme 9.946 - NDP - historians 9.944 - engendrer - breed 9.943 - Seconde - II 9.942 - discrimination - discrimination 9.942 - surveille - watches 9.942 - réaliste - realistic 9.942 - parcouru - travelled 9.942 - aérienne - aerial 9.941 - restriction - restriction 9.941 - accompagnée - accompanied 9.941 - restaurer - restore 9.941 - plaignent - complain 9.941 - illégal - illegal 9.939 - Jeunesse - Opportunity 9.939 - décrire - describe 9.938 - téléphonique - Zenith 9.938 - absolu - absolute 9.937 - implications - abandons 9.937 - ressemblent - Cossitt 9.937 - régulières - HS 9.937 - entretenus - marvelous 9.937 - adaptation - Asians 9.937 - utilisera - excesses 9.937 - obtention - passports 9.937 - disposées - observance 9.937 - diminuent - diminishes 9.937 - atteintes - brutality 9.937 - accomplit - eats 9.937 - touchait - imputed 9.937 - refusait - extremities 9.937 - indiqués - PEP 9.937 - demeurée - Productivity 9.937 - Ministre - Regulation 9.937 - tentait - conservatism 9.937 - rendant - cohesion 9.937 - définis - Extension 9.937 - disions - scoffed 9.937 - attaché - addicted 9.937 - votent - rump 9.937 - puiser - tiger 9.937 - jugera - calculates 9.937 - inclut - fatigue 9.937 - allée - Bull 9.936 - perspectives - WEOC 9.936 - relevés - releasing 9.935 - solides - solid 9.935 - équipe - team 9.934 - renseignés - briefed 9.934 - trimestre - quarter 9.933 - citant - citing 9.932 - approximativement - approximate 9.932 - respectent - adhering 9.932 - garantisse - remunerative 9.932 - éloignés - flung 9.932 - conjoint - spouse 9.932 - mi - mid 9.931 - admissibilité - eligibility 9.930 - souligne - underlines 9.927 - respectés - respected 9.927 - créerait - dispensation 9.927 - climat - climate 9.926 - raisonnablement - reasonably 9.925 - i - j 9.924 - stocks - inventories 9.923 - bénéficié - benefitted 9.923 - estimait - Census 9.923 - éliminé - eliminated 9.921 - sentiments - sentiments 9.920 - recommandait - McKinley 9.920 - envisagent - contagious 9.920 - effectuent - submarines 9.920 - conservent - freezers 9.920 - préventif - punishments 9.920 - institue - DND 9.920 - fondait - cowardly 9.920 - désirez - paraphrase 9.920 - perçus - collected 9.920 - alloue - monies 9.919 - Malheureusement - Unfortunately 9.919 - financé - financed 9.918 - manufacturières - summers 9.918 - recevraient - paramedical 9.918 - rappelant - commemorating 9.918 - football - football 9.918 - cloche - Democrat 9.918 - basés - Cold 9.917 - scolaires - textbooks 9.917 - tiers - thirds 9.916 - approuvées - tabulated 9.915 - permettaient - machinations 9.914 - attribuer - attribute 9.912 - rajustement - adjustment 9.912 - plaintes - complaints 9.912 - stade - stadium 9.911 - militaires - servicemen 9.911 - conception - conception 9.910 - hâter - expedite 9.909 - provenaient - rivalry 9.909 - modifierait - hustings 9.909 - interviens - Brazilian 9.909 - imposerait - kilowatt 9.909 - envisagera - storey 9.909 - appliquons - seekers 9.909 - apparition - surge 9.909 - préférons - clerical 9.909 - laisserai - historians 9.909 - justifiés - appellants 9.909 - inculquer - cadet 9.909 - convenons - Dextraze 9.909 - apparence - superficially 9.909 - minimale - Maximum 9.909 - essayais - rudely 9.909 - discutés - forums 9.909 - arrivant - beauties 9.909 - dégager - nebulous 9.909 - dessert - Crow 9.909 - têtes - oligopoly 9.909 - auto - floundering 9.909 - Sait - typed 9.907 - Plusieurs - Several 9.905 - considérées - cutoff 9.905 - cessé - ceased 9.904 - électronique - electronics 9.904 - prenez - yourselves 9.903 - pénitentiaires - penal 9.903 - doutes - doubts 9.902 - ressentent - pinch 9.902 - foncières - Possibility 9.902 - montrera - receptive 9.902 - maladie - illness 9.901 - conditionnelles - Budgeting 9.901 - acceptant - accepting 9.900 - critiquer - criticize 9.900 - avoue - confess 9.899 - fondée - Translation 9.898 - sage - wiser 9.897 - foncier - assembly 9.895 - obtiendraient - Depending 9.895 - établissons - underwear 9.895 - renvoyés - Notre 9.895 - rappels - recalls 9.895 - île - Manitoulin 9.895 - us - bewildered 9.893 - rectifier - rectify 9.892 - récolte - Crop 9.891 - retardée - delayed 9.891 - règne - reign 9.890 - naturels - cycles 9.889 - possession - possession 9.889 - garanties - warranties 9.888 - Confédération - Confederation 9.888 - emprunter - borrow 9.888 - extrait - excerpt 9.887 - collaborateurs - smallholdings 9.887 - quelconques - raid 9.887 - préoccupait - El 9.887 - policières - CPIC 9.887 - possédant - possessing 9.887 - dépensons - steadfastly 9.887 - élaborés - depots 9.887 - suggérée - sacrosanct 9.887 - quartier - ward 9.887 - poserait - sanctuary 9.887 - versera - pupil 9.887 - oeuvrer - counsellor 9.887 - espoirs - hopes 9.887 - drogue - drug 9.887 - crue - draining 9.886 - commerçants - traders 9.886 - jeunesse - hostels 9.886 - égaux - equals 9.886 - dépôt - depot 9.885 - contribueront - elaboration 9.885 - remonte - evaluative 9.884 - traditionnelle - traditional 9.884 - renvoi - hoist 9.883 - accélérer - expedite 9.882 - favoriserait - rivalry 9.882 - approfondies - fortified 9.882 - parviendra - bonded 9.882 - laisserait - keystone 9.882 - bitumineux - tar 9.882 - resterait - trails 9.882 - survient - fierce 9.882 - pareille - reciprocate 9.882 - ouvertes - subvert 9.882 - mettront - laymen 9.882 - règnent - loadings 9.882 - rupture - hiatus 9.882 - massive - massive 9.881 - accusent - accuse 9.880 - accusation - indictment 9.880 - partisane - partisan 9.880 - rétablir - reinstating 9.879 - stimulants - inducements 9.878 - concurrentielle - competitiveness 9.878 - développées - underdeveloped 9.878 - sortie - outflow 9.878 - pair - companion 9.877 - soumissions - bids 9.877 - déplacement - relocation 9.877 - prétendant - pretending 9.876 - serviraient - limousine 9.876 - procéderons - irregularities 9.876 - alternative - Westmount 9.876 - extractive - thwart 9.876 - discuterai - tack 9.876 - assertion - assertion 9.876 - tirés - reprinted 9.876 - taire - quiet 9.876 - Sa - Majesty 9.875 - détaillées - itemized 9.875 - éloigné - afield 9.875 - jeté - tossed 9.874 - constaterez - sparingly 9.874 - discutera - Norris 9.874 - écarter - assessed 9.874 - naguère - avowed 9.873 - dissuasif - deterrent 9.873 - englober - encompass 9.872 - étudiants - Students 9.872 - soulager - lighten 9.871 - attribution - Teachers 9.871 - soirée - Night 9.871 - Mme - Mrs 9.870 - compensation - quid 9.870 - condamné - sentenced 9.870 - garde - coastguard 9.869 - formelle - formal 9.868 - libérations - Budgeting 9.868 - juridiques - Legal 9.867 - recueillis - gathered 9.867 - reposer - redirect 9.867 - modifie - deleting 9.867 - post - graduate 9.866 - approuvé - Forecast 9.865 - équivalent - equivalent 9.865 - financés - financed 9.865 - prévaut - prevails 9.864 - poussées - uncontrolled 9.864 - aise - uncomfortable 9.863 - ignorer - ignore 9.860 - interprétation - Interpretation 9.860 - naissance - birth 9.860 - insisté - insisted 9.858 - étapes - stages 9.858 - usages - unparliamentary 9.857 - préconisée - ideologies 9.857 - démocrates - Democrats 9.857 - bénéfique - differentiation 9.857 - délivrer - Cases 9.857 - globaux - CPIC 9.857 - votant - miner 9.856 - New - Jersey 9.855 - éclaircissements - clarification 9.855 - correspondants - Average 9.855 - reconnaîtront - stifle 9.855 - indispensable - indispensable 9.855 - rappelleront - shook 9.855 - enregistrer - antithesis 9.855 - administrée - poisonous 9.855 - traversent - geese 9.855 - ressource - depleting 9.855 - persuadés - liberalized 9.855 - habituels - justices 9.855 - bienvenue - magnanimity 9.855 - songeait - laxity 9.855 - projetée - bakery 9.855 - produise - upheaval 9.855 - imprimés - harass 9.855 - emporter - clippings 9.855 - coopérer - cooperate 9.855 - adonnent - vacations 9.855 - évaluer - appraise 9.855 - minimal - senatorial 9.855 - entende - fiddling 9.855 - advient - grasslands 9.855 - perdra - lobbying 9.855 - jugés - unfit 9.854 - susmentionné - Were 9.854 - situés - unincorporated 9.854 - rural - Rural 9.853 - domiciliaires - residential 9.853 - pauvreté - Poverty 9.852 - mainmise - receivership 9.851 - détenues - uniquely 9.851 - St - Catharines 9.850 - retenus - cargoes 9.848 - reprendrons - resumption 9.848 - propriétés - properties 9.847 - consultatif - Advisory 9.847 - ridicule - ridiculous 9.847 - inutiles - needless 9.847 - hésite - hesitate 9.846 - effectués - journeys 9.844 - améliorerait - railroading 9.844 - échappe - escapes 9.844 - pétrin - mess 9.844 - feriez - soup 9.844 - assumé - condemns 9.844 - absent - absent 9.843 - développé - tertiary 9.842 - distinction - distinction 9.842 - souffert - suffered 9.841 - légitimes - legitimate 9.841 - désirs - wishful 9.840 - abus - abuses 9.839 - structurer - instrumental 9.839 - fermement - believer 9.839 - craignent - tread 9.839 - ouvrière - unrest 9.839 - mettions - regaining 9.839 - assurait - assists 9.839 - pieds - cubic 9.839 - Autre - brick 9.838 - modestes - modest 9.837 - tribunal - tribunal 9.837 - domicile - Sites 9.837 - livres - pounds 9.835 - remaniement - shuffle 9.835 - autorisées - unauthorized 9.835 - voyant - obstruction 9.835 - sables - sands 9.833 - profondeur - depth 9.832 - monnaie - currency 9.831 - significative - meaningfully 9.831 - résulter - ensue 9.831 - annoncés - advertised 9.828 - encouragerait - delinquency 9.828 - présenteront - disregarding 9.828 - équipements - Twin 9.828 - apporterait - inclement 9.828 - signifiait - recapture 9.828 - inviterais - technicality 9.828 - stipulant - stipulating 9.828 - policière - Unit 9.828 - dépendant - Former 9.828 - convenait - intercede 9.828 - prélever - plow 9.828 - pressant - mate 9.828 - octroyer - motorcycle 9.828 - définies - exceptionable 9.828 - admette - mishandling 9.828 - tirées - Porter 9.828 - pêcher - haddock 9.828 - payait - Korchinski 9.828 - mènent - McGill 9.828 - décida - aggression 9.828 - quête - migrate 9.828 - finit - Talking 9.828 - Faute - flounder 9.826 - considérant - diversionary 9.826 - encouragés - abetted 9.826 - profondes - profound 9.826 - négocie - Brascan 9.826 - commise - thereunder 9.826 - délits - offences 9.825 - ondes - broadcasts 9.824 - énoncée - enunciated 9.823 - expédition - forwarding 9.823 - répondait - Houlton 9.823 - agissons - expediting 9.823 - observé - observed 9.823 - lisent - Torontonians 9.823 - revu - perpetuating 9.823 - mine - Denison 9.823 - Eux - infamous 9.822 - sensibles - perceptive 9.822 - débuts - beginnings 9.822 - Guerre - War 9.820 - différences - differences 9.820 - convoqué - summoned 9.817 - lacune - flaw 9.817 - bois - hewers 9.815 - habitations - RRAP 9.815 - néfastes - relaxing 9.815 - arrêtée - measurements 9.813 - emprisonnement - imprisonment 9.813 - désolé - distressed 9.812 - sincère - sincere 9.810 - discute - discusses 9.809 - soustraire - evading 9.809 - lourde - Gentilly 9.808 - exprimant - expressing 9.808 - gars - guys 9.807 - employeurs - employers 9.807 - assaillent - beset 9.807 - joins - Wally 9.806 - satisfaction - gratification 9.805 - mauvaises - weed 9.805 - affectera - Opportunity 9.805 - automne - autumn 9.804 - incité - prompted 9.804 - final - successively 9.803 - supérieurs - superiors 9.802 - multinationale - Mediterranean 9.802 - intéressera - Buchanan 9.802 - abstraction - brass 9.802 - informerai - gratuitous 9.802 - adresserai - saves 9.802 - élaborées - adjunct 9.802 - tiendrons - fluctuate 9.802 - dirigeant - westbound 9.802 - améliorés - Examples 9.802 - signalée - ticklish 9.802 - demandés - returnable 9.802 - vendons - resorts 9.802 - tentant - plow 9.802 - survenu - inquest 9.802 - incluse - enclosed 9.802 - demeuré - static 9.802 - adhérer - denigrating 9.802 - essor - booming 9.802 - Seul - disapproves 9.801 - aménagés - chargeable 9.801 - Deuxième - Army 9.800 - considérations - considerations 9.800 - Considérant - US 9.800 - traiterons - ingenuity 9.800 - prétendait - contending 9.800 - obligerait - Addington 9.800 - critiquent - perseverance 9.800 - voteront - burst 9.800 - prévoie - depots 9.800 - votes - votes 9.799 - machines - machines 9.798 - valeurs - values 9.796 - renforcer - strengthen 9.795 - intentions - intentions 9.795 - empêché - prevented 9.793 - accueillir - welcoming 9.793 - assisté - attended 9.792 - prévoyaient - incorrectly 9.791 - Finalement - Eventually 9.790 - territoire - territory 9.790 - Gouverneur - Honourable 9.789 - interrogé - interviewed 9.789 - faciliter - facilitate 9.788 - circulation - Traffic 9.788 - rivière - Richelieu 9.787 - installer - instal 9.787 - CCT - CTC 9.786 - scolaire - pupil 9.785 - réjouissons - rejoice 9.785 - éleveurs - cattlemen 9.784 - constitutionnel - constitutionally 9.784 - comprenez - juice 9.784 - baie - Prudhoe 9.782 - technologie - technology 9.782 - solide - actuarially 9.781 - frappé - struck 9.780 - déclarant - declaring 9.780 - favorisé - fostered 9.777 - excédentaires - recycle 9.777 - encourageante - ghetto 9.777 - représentera - woodlot 9.777 - entraîneront - appellants 9.777 - imposaient - Former 9.777 - empruntent - wax 9.777 - suffisait - addict 9.777 - condamnée - magistrates 9.777 - écoulées - Ladner 9.777 - soucieux - spirited 9.777 - soucient - Auto 9.777 - prierais - Nipigon 9.777 - limitent - rehash 9.777 - exigeons - displaced 9.777 - envoyées - ensued 9.777 - aménagé - subway 9.777 - opérer - curbed 9.777 - Moyen - Middle 9.775 - dignes - credible 9.774 - déduction - deduction 9.772 - recommandons - swings 9.772 - fonctionnait - crashed 9.772 - globalement - sorely 9.772 - céréalières - glossy 9.772 - établirait - shareable 9.772 - signifient - mentionned 9.772 - renvoyées - Guidelines 9.772 - engageons - defenders 9.772 - dépendra - Thereafter 9.772 - révélée - trickle 9.772 - libérer - Pépin 9.772 - alloués - Contract 9.772 - taxer - levying 9.772 - aviez - smiles 9.772 - Veut - militate 9.769 - préparation - preparation 9.768 - reflète - reflects 9.768 - craint - feared 9.767 - communiquerai - furnishing 9.767 - lèvent - carelessness 9.766 - britannique - BNA 9.766 - édifice - Block 9.764 - commissions - commissions 9.764 - modifiera - Dupras 9.764 - combler - gaps 9.763 - arrêtés - arrested 9.762 - poursuivons - grassland 9.762 - aborderons - patently 9.762 - concernée - intermediary 9.762 - siégeant - Quebecker 9.762 - parvenue - perpetually 9.762 - concrets - safeguarding 9.762 - suivent - immersion 9.762 - désigne - soccer 9.762 - perdue - censorship 9.762 - lisait - meditation 9.762 - Jetons - guideline 9.762 - drap - blindly 9.761 - cotisation - QPP 9.761 - conscience - conscience 9.760 - élaboration - Courses 9.758 - référence - valuations 9.758 - signalés - thefts 9.758 - basé - campaigned 9.757 - consisterait - Step 9.756 - sincèrement - sincerely 9.756 - défi - challenge 9.753 - forts - strengths 9.752 - accomplissement - demonstrably 9.752 - implantation - Tuktoyaktuk 9.752 - occidentale - expanse 9.752 - retrouvons - baked 9.752 - originaire - Louise 9.752 - croissants - gaze 9.752 - apercevoir - keystone 9.752 - viendrait - supplemental 9.752 - reprendra - rehash 9.752 - élaborée - keystone 9.752 - relevait - Hackett 9.752 - perdront - Ours 9.752 - servait - playground 9.752 - réduira - swoop 9.752 - projeté - apron 9.752 - finira - skeleton 9.752 - autrui - quantum 9.752 - amenés - woodshed 9.752 - visée - exceptionable 9.752 - lirai - clippings 9.751 - importons - importing 9.751 - témoins - witnesses 9.751 - quart - quarter 9.749 - fabriquer - manufacture 9.749 - sain - realism 9.747 - distribution - Closings 9.747 - quantités - quantities 9.747 - fabriqués - manufactured 9.747 - sentence - sentencing 9.747 - écouler - disposing 9.747 - soumise - measurements 9.745 - traditionnelles - traditional 9.745 - soutient - contends 9.744 - allégements - habitation 9.744 - favorisant - favouring 9.744 - essayerai - precedence 9.744 - déposera - resumé 9.744 - arranger - Chapman 9.744 - allégués - alleged 9.744 - faciles - glib 9.744 - apprête - conciliators 9.744 - devint - Republican 9.743 - coûteuse - costly 9.743 - postaux - bags 9.743 - libellé - wording 9.742 - méritent - deserve 9.742 - fret - Steamship 9.741 - concrète - concrete 9.740 - judiciaire - judiciary 9.739 - statistique - statistic 9.739 - souhaiter - Happy 9.739 - préjudice - prejudice 9.739 - cherchera - forums 9.739 - ralentir - dampen 9.739 - apte - disrepute 9.738 - richesses - riches 9.738 - finances - finances 9.737 - excédent - surplus 9.736 - comparer - compare 9.736 - égards - respects 9.735 - Conférence - WEOC 9.733 - Limited - Cellulose 9.733 - Outre - Aside 9.732 - interviendra - tanning 9.732 - rechercher - deserted 9.732 - paraissait - Telegram 9.732 - organisée - Bucharest 9.732 - insistons - ethical 9.732 - indiquées - Teachers 9.732 - importent - bred 9.732 - gravement - grievously 9.732 - apprécier - appraise 9.732 - échanger - exchanging 9.732 - prolonge - Minnesota 9.732 - prêtera - sneak 9.732 - achetés - purchased 9.732 - soucis - dynamism 9.732 - serez - vocation 9.730 - divergences - differences 9.729 - déterminées - Agencies 9.729 - prétendues - irregularities 9.729 - viendrai - separating 9.728 - recommande - recommends 9.728 - liés - interrelated 9.727 - témoignent - apron 9.727 - échappent - Moses 9.727 - suscitent - motorists 9.727 - regardent - mornings 9.727 - connaîtra - sockeye 9.727 - éloigner - justices 9.727 - semblons - warped 9.727 - indiquée - Cité 9.727 - adressés - Anglican 9.727 - sortent - jungles 9.727 - retarde - moderated 9.727 - verrez - Auto 9.727 - hautes - proverbial 9.727 - gardé - missionary 9.727 - fisc - scrupulous 9.726 - administré - administered 9.723 - cherchait - Economist 9.723 - tas - heap 9.722 - attendions - eagerly 9.722 - probable - unlikely 9.722 - remise - grossing 9.722 - élève - pupil 9.721 - résidents - residents 9.721 - exécutés - measurements 9.721 - couper - shutting 9.721 - Pêches - LeBlanc 9.720 - rasseoir - resume 9.720 - pires - worst 9.719 - fil - thread 9.718 - préconisons - advocating 9.718 - critiques - criticisms 9.718 - dévoiler - disclose 9.718 - vitale - vitally 9.718 - Orient - Middle 9.717 - poursuivrons - perseverance 9.717 - minoritaire - minority 9.717 - pertinents - pertinent 9.717 - manqueront - declines 9.717 - ramené - confiscation 9.717 - lourd - Lloydminster 9.715 - reporterai - multiplicity 9.715 - similaire - Care 9.715 - respectée - respected 9.715 - élèvent - Maximum 9.715 - déroule - waged 9.713 - accueilli - welcomed 9.713 - Malgré - Despite 9.712 - développements - developments 9.712 - ordinaires - Routine 9.712 - complexes - complexes 9.712 - honnêtes - honest 9.712 - sévit - Sahara 9.711 - dépens - unearned 9.711 - mille - mile 9.710 - débouchés - outlets 9.708 - indépendamment - affiliations 9.708 - préalable - prerequisite 9.708 - confusion - confusion 9.708 - gagne - earns 9.708 - aurez - restless 9.707 - engagements - commitments 9.707 - exemption - exemption 9.705 - orientation - orientation 9.703 - quotidienne - diem 9.703 - aboutissent - unbearable 9.703 - retrouvent - ham 9.703 - rapprocher - swoop 9.703 - dangereuse - dangerous 9.703 - consistent - destitute 9.703 - prétendus - mythical 9.703 - portuaire - consults 9.703 - augmentée - destinies 9.703 - admettait - confessed 9.703 - poussent - bald 9.703 - patronat - fumbling 9.703 - parlions - Runciman 9.703 - frappant - hitting 9.703 - conservé - architecture 9.703 - promise - imaginable 9.703 - portion - forfeit 9.703 - sensée - sane 9.703 - pensez - Including 9.703 - payant - reimbursing 9.703 - relié - Seventy 9.703 - dudit - hereinafter 9.703 - and - Globe 9.701 - indigènes - natives 9.701 - injustes - unjust 9.701 - conforme - conforms 9.700 - conclusions - conclusions 9.700 - dirigé - Experimental 9.700 - Valley - Nowlan 9.698 - entrevoir - ray 9.698 - majeur - Expos 9.698 - noms - contractees 9.696 - tribunaux - tribunals 9.696 - préconisé - advocated 9.696 - égalité - equality 9.695 - publiquement - publicly 9.693 - espéré - hoped 9.693 - radio - radio 9.693 - chefs - Chiefs 9.692 - déplacer - relocate 9.692 - retardé - delayed 9.692 - siégé - sat 9.691 - détermination - determination 9.691 - dégrèvement - abatement 9.691 - expriment - voicing 9.691 - discutées - corrosion 9.691 - descendre - crashed 9.691 - épargner - dough 9.691 - perçues - collected 9.691 - Autant - reckoning 9.690 - provisoire - interim 9.690 - directs - Direct 9.689 - Gendarmerie - Mounted 9.688 - quotidien - successively 9.688 - employée - Ann 9.687 - demanderait - voluminous 9.687 - réviser - revise 9.687 - formés - trained 9.686 - indienne - ancestry 9.685 - redevances - royalties 9.685 - logiques - logical 9.685 - moderne - modern 9.684 - réclament - clamouring 9.684 - encouragé - encouraged 9.684 - donnerons - freeing 9.684 - proches - loved 9.684 - pensant - slick 9.684 - fiscaux - Arrangements 9.682 - officiers - Brigadier 9.682 - étudiant - student 9.681 - riches - wealthier 9.680 - lucratif - municipally 9.679 - indemnisation - Claims 9.679 - quelquefois - surge 9.679 - déterminant - successors 9.679 - attendaient - appellants 9.679 - rapportait - raiding 9.679 - développée - disqualifying 9.679 - résultent - disarray 9.679 - recueilli - amassed 9.679 - recevrait - Brand 9.679 - actualité - Happy 9.679 - retourne - rebellion 9.679 - remplies - marvelous 9.679 - préparée - robbers 9.679 - étroits - strictest 9.679 - étendue - expanse 9.679 - supposé - Reddy 9.679 - répandu - containerization 9.679 - majorer - baking 9.679 - voyait - imbalances 9.679 - exigés - behest 9.679 - sien - booklets 9.679 - Me - Ramsey 9.676 - reconnaissant - acknowledging 9.675 - acte - indictable 9.674 - parviendrons - championships 9.674 - facilités - campus 9.674 - désignées - designated 9.674 - coûteuses - cancelling 9.674 - ignorons - meritorious 9.674 - fausses - vindicate 9.674 - contrer - nefarious 9.674 - unités - units 9.674 - signée - Trades 9.673 - suppléant - Acting 9.673 - comptes - Accounts 9.672 - incapable - incapable 9.671 - opportun - opportune 9.669 - Naturellement - Naturally 9.669 - automobiles - automobiles 9.669 - dangereux - dangerous 9.669 - remarqué - noticed 9.669 - récents - Recent 9.668 - intervalle - interval 9.668 - routes - roads 9.667 - nécessitant - Nutrition 9.666 - remercier - thanking 9.666 - élevant - amounting 9.665 - discuterons - veal 9.665 - permettons - incalculable 9.665 - avantageux - advantageous 9.665 - voyagent - cigars 9.665 - songeons - veal 9.665 - défrayer - spraying 9.665 - ambages - autocracy 9.665 - restée - dormant 9.665 - ordres - lawfully 9.665 - vingt - Ninety 9.665 - gérer - manage 9.665 - Sont - insecticides 9.664 - minière - mining 9.663 - réclamations - Claims 9.663 - circonstance - circumstance 9.663 - comparaison - comparison 9.663 - tentatives - attempts 9.663 - empêche - prevents 9.663 - tenues - Hearings 9.663 - offres - Invitation 9.662 - rémunération - remuneration 9.662 - louer - renting 9.661 - Américains - Americans 9.661 - occupait - ranked 9.661 - déployés - Cowan 9.661 - honnête - honest 9.660 - assurément - assuredly 9.659 - souhaitable - desirable 9.659 - obtient - obtains 9.658 - condamnés - convicts 9.658 - bilingues - Bilingual 9.658 - incite - prompts 9.658 - expiré - expired 9.657 - décrites - trapping 9.657 - rares - scarce 9.656 - philosophie - philosophy 9.656 - déposée - Means 9.656 - portés - volunteered 9.655 - maintiennent - Indications 9.655 - individuels - Agents 9.655 - approuvent - acquiesced 9.655 - utilisons - belligerent 9.655 - examinent - bolus 9.655 - emploient - employ 9.655 - antérieur - Examples 9.655 - acheminé - velocity 9.655 - Voudrait - Period 9.655 - référer - Forms 9.655 - langage - intemperate 9.655 - ledit - Warwick 9.655 - dires - bungalow 9.655 - avère - combinations 9.654 - subies - recoup 9.654 - sièges - seats 9.653 - sollicitude - stops 9.653 - superficie - acreage 9.653 - historique - historical 9.653 - informe - informs 9.652 - étudient - lighten 9.652 - courrier - mail 9.652 - affecter - earmark 9.652 - joue - plays 9.652 - net - Net 9.651 - négocier - negotiate 9.650 - régimes - regimes 9.646 - obtiendrait - bargained 9.646 - opposaient - objectors 9.646 - déménager - renegotiate 9.646 - centaines - hundreds 9.646 - résulte - ensues 9.646 - dirigés - earmark 9.646 - Quelque - comfortably 9.645 - fiducie - trustee 9.644 - évolution - evolution 9.644 - localités - localities 9.644 - heureuse - Happy 9.644 - sévère - wrist 9.644 - brutes - Gross 9.643 - Vietnam - Nam 9.642 - réunir - redraft 9.642 - prouvé - Events 9.641 - réclamant - claimant 9.641 - modernes - modern 9.639 - signifiera - offhand 9.639 - prolonger - prolong 9.639 - exprimait - energetically 9.639 - minorité - minority 9.639 - offrira - provisional 9.639 - causées - trigger 9.639 - parlez - Leave 9.639 - lourds - compile 9.639 - imputé - stopgap 9.639 - combat - Arms 9.638 - préfèrent - prefer 9.638 - laitière - dairy 9.636 - enseignement - teaching 9.635 - estimation - evaluative 9.635 - criminels - Criminals 9.635 - annuelles - Nairobi 9.635 - ouvriers - Returns 9.635 - prêtent - harassed 9.635 - épouse - wife 9.632 - individuelle - Individual 9.632 - reviendrait - kilowatt 9.632 - produisait - addicted 9.632 - manifestée - manifested 9.632 - arriverons - disregarding 9.632 - dépassait - livable 9.632 - couronne - emblem 9.632 - appelons - beloved 9.632 - réglera - inexperienced 9.632 - permise - absurdity 9.632 - pareils - hopelessness 9.632 - dérivés - Hearings 9.632 - adonner - pursuits 9.632 - verrai - bandwagon 9.632 - durera - immutable 9.632 - croyez - glimmer 9.632 - saute - hopelessness 9.632 - irai - stray 9.631 - pertinent - germane 9.631 - ouvrières - CALEA 9.631 - fondement - unfounded 9.631 - urgents - paralysed 9.631 - menace - threatens 9.630 - financiers - financiers 9.629 - manutention - handling 9.628 - boeuf - veal 9.626 - manifestement - manifestly 9.626 - acceptation - acceptance 9.626 - pièce - Room 9.626 - livre - pound 9.625 - compétente - competent 9.625 - transmis - blanks 9.625 - sensé - sane 9.624 - indexation - escalator 9.623 - constitutionnels - constitutional 9.622 - corps - corps 9.621 - dégrèvements - rebates 9.621 - complexe - inferiority 9.621 - peuples - peoples 9.621 - poussé - sprung 9.621 - issue - outcome 9.620 - étonnant - surprising 9.619 - continuellement - continuously 9.619 - Parlons - grossing 9.619 - dotée - hooked 9.618 - collective - collective 9.618 - clarifier - clarify 9.618 - inciter - incite 9.617 - restera - hybrid 9.617 - contenu - contents 9.616 - souhaiterais - idealistic 9.616 - empêcherait - bandaid 9.616 - dépensées - Considerable 9.615 - signifierait - retrograde 9.615 - minières - mining 9.615 - exprimés - sentiments 9.614 - encouragera - blithely 9.614 - contents - contented 9.614 - emprunt - borrowing 9.613 - régionales - disparities 9.612 - administrer - administer 9.612 - analogue - analogous 9.612 - refuse - refuses 9.611 - vieilles - barges 9.611 - répartir - allocate 9.611 - Personne - Nobody 9.610 - individuelles - contaminating 9.610 - nécessitent - rage 9.610 - connaissant - nominee 9.610 - résoudrait - ostensibly 9.610 - désiraient - kits 9.610 - appuieront - preparedness 9.610 - répéterai - rehash 9.610 - délibérer - fledged 9.610 - affirmait - insistent 9.610 - écoutais - magnanimity 9.610 - visaient - salient 9.610 - saurions - subordinate 9.610 - laissera - pursuits 9.610 - exerçant - absurdity 9.610 - posture - Publishers 9.610 - parlera - elaborating 9.610 - frappés - absurdity 9.610 - brute - calculates 9.610 - for - headlined 9.610 - of - Aluminum 9.609 - constitutionnelle - constitutional 9.608 - exploitent - exploit 9.608 - pratiquer - slopes 9.608 - dette - Details 9.607 - convaincre - convince 9.606 - quotidiens - daily 9.606 - perdons - wasting 9.606 - pertes - losses 9.605 - pénitencier - penitentiary 9.605 - affirmation - affirmation 9.604 - instants - moments 9.604 - distance - distance 9.603 - pressante - pressing 9.601 - dépendrait - depend 9.601 - établies - Translation 9.601 - approuve - approves 9.600 - diminution - Closings 9.598 - concurrentiel - enhancement 9.598 - associations - associations 9.598 - interrompre - interrupt 9.598 - retournent - engendered 9.598 - incidences - compatibility 9.598 - informés - vapour 9.598 - complets - Accident 9.598 - sûres - safer 9.597 - obtenue - intercepted 9.596 - supprimée - toilet 9.596 - réussira - mistrust 9.594 - attiré - attracted 9.593 - multinationales - multinationals 9.593 - propriétaire - owner 9.593 - préconisent - advocate 9.593 - protégée - protected 9.593 - nier - deny 9.591 - téléphone - telephone 9.589 - déterminée - Leave 9.589 - admettons - bauxite 9.589 - ruraux - postmasters 9.589 - régir - steers 9.589 - remet - risked 9.587 - additionnels - Labelling 9.587 - Obstruction - filibuster 9.587 - déroulent - goings 9.587 - prenions - competency 9.587 - imposera - Labelling 9.587 - dirigent - migrate 9.587 - croître - moderated 9.587 - réglés - Close 9.587 - douane - bonded 9.587 - Trône - incremental 9.585 - pallier - detrimentally 9.585 - joué - played 9.582 - commerciale - Commercial 9.582 - refusent - refuse 9.582 - texte - text 9.577 - garantis - uninsured 9.577 - protégé - insulated 9.577 - visé - subparagraphs 9.576 - pratiques - Restrictive 9.576 - essayant - floundering 9.576 - voté - voted 9.575 - administrés - administered 9.575 - affectent - contaminate 9.574 - dépassera - rep 9.574 - trouvée - fingerprints 9.574 - déficit - deficit 9.574 - absolue - absolute 9.573 - inférieure - inferior 9.572 - renseigné - misinformed 9.572 - aggrave - worsening 9.572 - postal - postal 9.572 - perçu - collected 9.570 - encouragement - k 9.570 - reconnaisse - slopes 9.570 - sauver - skin 9.569 - instituer - instituting 9.568 - commettre - committing 9.568 - légale - lawful 9.567 - livraison - delivery 9.565 - britanniques - casualty 9.565 - performance - TEMBEC 9.565 - groupements - Jour 9.565 - examinerai - esoteric 9.565 - traverser - picket 9.565 - assemblée - august 9.565 - accomplis - booklets 9.565 - sections - merged 9.565 - laitiers - dairy 9.565 - essaiera - mentionned 9.565 - engagent - trump 9.565 - réglées - peacefully 9.565 - exporte - cane 9.565 - déclara - Killanin 9.565 - tomber - clutches 9.565 - surgir - hodge 9.565 - enfant - child 9.565 - défini - undefined 9.565 - bovine - Starting 9.565 - réuni - steering 9.564 - consacre - devoting 9.564 - espace - space 9.562 - indiquant - slips 9.561 - extrême - extreme 9.560 - ministérielle - ministerial 9.560 - collectives - collective 9.560 - décide - decides 9.559 - réadaptation - workshops 9.559 - éventuelles - Cowan 9.559 - rencontres - Meetings 9.559 - estimaient - adjudicated 9.559 - appuierons - bandaid 9.559 - Président - Engineering 9.559 - ferrées - tracks 9.559 - redire - quarrel 9.557 - attribuables - attributable 9.557 - candidats - candidates 9.557 - boucherie - slaughter 9.555 - régional - Refer 9.555 - critique - critic 9.555 - neuf - nine 9.554 - recevaient - overpaid 9.554 - échapper - escape 9.553 - régulier - Cases 9.552 - demandions - spawned 9.552 - Ministère - Trent 9.551 - supérieure - Superior 9.550 - choisis - selected 9.549 - commencera - Ladner 9.549 - monte - skyrocketing 9.548 - disponible - disposable 9.548 - orateur - speaker 9.548 - Revenu - Revenue 9.547 - ordonnée - printed 9.547 - espérait - hoped 9.546 - Statistique - Statistics 9.546 - dépassé - exceeded 9.546 - composé - composed 9.546 - Passons - Orders 9.545 - River - Rainy 9.544 - téléphoniques - alarmingly 9.544 - trouveraient - cripple 9.544 - aménagements - rebated 9.544 - encouragent - returnable 9.544 - contenterai - abstention 9.544 - respectant - Square 9.544 - inquiétons - wrist 9.544 - fournirait - liberated 9.544 - constatent - reacts 9.544 - augmentait - bookings 9.544 - Opposition - bolus 9.544 - maintient - preserves 9.544 - existante - Marketers 9.544 - figurait - availed 9.544 - devenait - disarray 9.544 - adoptent - contaminating 9.544 - évoquer - retaliatory 9.544 - normaux - vacations 9.544 - énonce - revolves 9.544 - devais - stray 9.543 - Édouard - PEI 9.541 - représentatif - sample 9.541 - fonctionnaire - servant 9.541 - obtiendrons - fame 9.541 - préconiser - squeezing 9.541 - commettent - heinous 9.541 - recevait - missile 9.541 - contenté - contented 9.541 - écrites - folklore 9.541 - formée - bland 9.541 - valu - cucumbers 9.539 - excédentaire - Disposal 9.539 - examinerons - oppressed 9.539 - réunissent - nights 9.539 - pensionnés - pensioners 9.539 - prévoyait - foresaw 9.539 - épargnes - savings 9.539 - décidés - minted 9.539 - amorcer - sore 9.539 - posera - horns 9.539 - loisir - philosophic 9.539 - crimes - crimes 9.539 - vies - saves 9.538 - fixes - fixed 9.537 - redistribution - redistributing 9.537 - antérieurement - impost 9.537 - défense - defenceless 9.536 - volume - Volume 9.536 - crée - creates 9.535 - diminuant - decreasing 9.535 - Livre - orange 9.533 - compenser - compensate 9.533 - modique - dread 9.533 - opposé - antithesis 9.533 - hon - Mitchell 9.532 - réalisés - alphabetical 9.531 - transportées - paralysed 9.531 - empêchent - precludes 9.531 - réfléchi - sober 9.531 - libérale - Socialist 9.529 - normalement - normally 9.529 - exploration - exploration 9.529 - remplacer - replace 9.528 - essentiellement - essentially 9.528 - reconnue - fingerprints 9.528 - accueil - reception 9.527 - exemples - illustrations 9.526 - fourragères - additives 9.526 - attendait - unexpectedly 9.526 - saisir - foreclose 9.525 - audiences - hearings 9.524 - distinct - malting 9.524 - continu - continuous 9.524 - fermer - locking 9.523 - Corporation - Disposal 9.523 - SCHL - CMHC 9.522 - surveiller - supervise 9.522 - atteignait - decisively 9.522 - contrôlés - sharper 9.522 - inquiété - unmistakable 9.522 - espèrent - deteriorates 9.522 - attacher - esoteric 9.522 - addition - axiomatic 9.522 - montrés - disdain 9.522 - cotiser - seizing 9.522 - concret - concrete 9.522 - failli - deceiving 9.520 - inférieures - substandard 9.520 - liée - intimately 9.519 - réguliers - scheduled 9.518 - permanentes - energetically 9.518 - trouverons - millionaire 9.518 - entretient - vindictive 9.518 - rattacher - hurried 9.518 - souhaité - coded 9.518 - critères - criteria 9.518 - ajoutée - trigger 9.516 - monétaire - Monetary 9.515 - espérant - hoping 9.515 - signé - signed 9.514 - fourniture - erection 9.514 - conduisant - tunnel 9.514 - Vendredi - Cyr 9.514 - étonner - astonished 9.514 - essence - gasoline 9.514 - lise - radar 9.513 - réexaminer - reassess 9.513 - portuaires - harbour 9.512 - blâme - blames 9.511 - constitutionnelles - constitutional 9.510 - investissent - investing 9.510 - Sauf - Except 9.509 - satisfaisante - satisfactorily 9.509 - recourant - tha 9.509 - retirent - accrues 9.509 - escalade - avert 9.507 - fabricants - manufacturers 9.507 - révéler - reveal 9.506 - parviennent - depots 9.506 - soutien - Support 9.506 - riche - richest 9.506 - angle - angle 9.505 - attarder - dwell 9.505 - usines - factories 9.505 - fleuve - river 9.505 - expose - outlines 9.505 - denrée - commodity 9.505 - neuve - moderately 9.503 - envisagerait - tribe 9.503 - aimons - metropolis 9.503 - Ça - Adam 9.502 - tombé - fallen 9.501 - annoncerait - Native 9.501 - accueillons - greet 9.501 - produisons - fodder 9.501 - portaient - bullet 9.501 - bancaires - banking 9.501 - adoptions - curbed 9.501 - échéance - maturing 9.501 - relancer - petrochemicals 9.501 - éprouvé - Whelanese 9.501 - exposée - artist 9.501 - esprits - relaxing 9.501 - chômeur - jobless 9.501 - livrés - fiddling 9.499 - distincte - separate 9.498 - fréquemment - frequently 9.498 - organisés - organized 9.498 - débattues - Howie 9.497 - pollution - Pollution 9.495 - suffirait - suffice 9.495 - clientèle - majors 9.495 - manquons - starved 9.495 - division - divisiveness 9.495 - contente - contented 9.495 - affirme - asserts 9.495 - Jusqu - Up 9.494 - préférerais - prefer 9.494 - libérales - professions 9.494 - bateaux - boats 9.494 - payent - elusive 9.494 - dues - escalations 9.493 - abandonné - abandoned 9.492 - préoccupé - preoccupied 9.491 - franchir - picket 9.491 - futur - Future 9.491 - cités - clutches 9.490 - primaires - primary 9.489 - législatifs - Legislative 9.489 - Outaouais - valley 9.489 - plairait - assumes 9.489 - oublient - steadfastly 9.488 - détaillés - detailed 9.488 - réside - resides 9.487 - augmentés - lieutenant 9.486 - unanimité - unanimity 9.486 - auriez - starred 9.485 - adopte - adopts 9.484 - publication - publication 9.484 - habituelles - channels 9.484 - nôtre - ours 9.484 - Entre - Between 9.483 - inflationnistes - squeezing 9.483 - satisfaisants - satisfying 9.483 - annonçait - Bao 9.482 - Tant - Until 9.481 - quotidiennement - daily 9.481 - matières - raw 9.480 - argumentation - fortified 9.480 - souviennent - greet 9.480 - sauvegarder - safeguard 9.480 - recommencer - baking 9.480 - semblaient - lethal 9.480 - passions - enumerators 9.480 - convenus - unsold 9.480 - touchée - goverment 9.480 - étiez - rump 9.478 - association - association 9.476 - traiterai - Argentia 9.476 - excuser - apologize 9.474 - revienne - reproach 9.474 - expliqué - explained 9.474 - claires - concise 9.474 - causent - irreparable 9.473 - enregistrés - registered 9.473 - mécanisme - mechanism 9.472 - Atlantiques - Advertising 9.472 - rattraper - catch 9.472 - posés - Lloydminster 9.472 - parts - liver 9.472 - gagné - medals 9.471 - défendre - defend 9.470 - construits - viii 9.470 - rejetées - disqualifications 9.469 - distribué - distributed 9.468 - intérieurs - inland 9.467 - Rien - Nothing 9.466 - malheureusement - unfortunately 9.466 - économies - economies 9.464 - retienne - punish 9.464 - propice - Passage 9.464 - procure - acquires 9.463 - constituée - Cooperative 9.463 - mauvaise - maladministration 9.463 - août - August 9.460 - étudierait - kilter 9.460 - accommoder - apron 9.460 - suffisent - excesses 9.460 - redresser - warped 9.460 - poursuive - intervenes 9.460 - distincts - Supervisory 9.460 - laissait - brass 9.460 - globales - axiomatic 9.460 - déclarés - exceptionable 9.460 - retenir - detain 9.460 - escient - misused 9.459 - occupés - busy 9.459 - créés - k 9.457 - importations - imports 9.456 - augmenteront - indexation 9.456 - paye - payroll 9.456 - mien - Mine 9.455 - examinés - veterinary 9.455 - changent - ticketing 9.454 - supplément - Supplement 9.454 - percevoir - collect 9.453 - lundi - Monday 9.452 - appuierait - denounce 9.452 - subsister - subsistence 9.452 - profonde - Deep 9.452 - livrent - delivering 9.452 - sûre - straying 9.451 - tendent - tend 9.451 - Lundi - Monday 9.450 - immobilisation - k 9.450 - approfondir - folklore 9.450 - automobile - Automotive 9.450 - allocution - peroration 9.450 - adressant - senate 9.450 - advenu - crashed 9.450 - Jeux - Games 9.448 - profitable - profitably 9.448 - avion - airplane 9.447 - achetées - purchased 9.447 - concert - concert 9.442 - olympiques - Games 9.442 - parc - Grasslands 9.441 - administratif - Administrative 9.441 - temporaire - STAP 9.441 - Amérique - America 9.441 - armées - Armed 9.440 - similaires - poisonous 9.440 - manquerai - cooperative 9.440 - conseillé - Tuktoyaktuk 9.440 - parvient - axiomatic 9.440 - opposait - adamant 9.440 - exploité - exploited 9.440 - changera - dread 9.440 - aideront - stead 9.440 - octroyé - Boulanger 9.440 - exigera - flock 9.440 - créées - evaporated 9.440 - Indien - magistrates 9.440 - abuse - expulsion 9.440 - Celle - competency 9.440 - mêlé - evaporated 9.440 - Avez - Gene 9.440 - Île - Ile 9.439 - recommander - recommend 9.439 - projette - sufferance 9.439 - Son - Excellency 9.438 - catégories - categories 9.438 - transfert - transfer 9.438 - indice - Index 9.436 - publicitaire - publicize 9.436 - reconnaît - acknowledges 9.435 - croyaient - polled 9.435 - analyse - analysis 9.435 - perdus - fog 9.435 - cadres - executives 9.435 - ports - Harbours 9.435 - Eh - Well 9.432 - combustible - fuel 9.432 - rechange - spare 9.431 - priorités - priorities 9.431 - tracé - chart 9.430 - futures - generations 9.430 - voyage - Trip 9.430 - repose - pillars 9.429 - défaut - default 9.429 - subi - undergone 9.428 - participeront - triggered 9.428 - situations - situations 9.428 - implanter - locate 9.428 - consignée - culminated 9.428 - réaction - reaction 9.428 - reliée - Richelieu 9.428 - prête - lends 9.428 - vus - resumé 9.427 - abandonner - abandon 9.427 - rédigée - drafted 9.426 - ajournement - adjournment 9.426 - commerçant - businessman 9.426 - acheminer - vapour 9.426 - rappelé - reminded 9.426 - vérité - truth 9.424 - efforçons - crusade 9.424 - mettrait - quadrupled 9.424 - tardé - haves 9.422 - réalisées - packages 9.422 - fournisse - newcomers 9.422 - fermiers - modernizing 9.422 - courir - necks 9.420 - constitution - constitution 9.420 - témoignages - Issue 9.420 - sachions - Indications 9.420 - obligées - transferable 9.420 - indexer - mesh 9.420 - décrite - indisputable 9.419 - ministérielles - Internal 9.419 - Pacifique - rim 9.419 - envoyée - memo 9.419 - loyer - rent 9.416 - intervienne - curbing 9.416 - déficitaire - renegotiate 9.416 - signalant - packer 9.416 - consacrer - devote 9.416 - survenue - expelled 9.416 - adoptait - tailor 9.416 - motivé - reasoned 9.415 - exigence - requirement 9.414 - préserver - preserve 9.414 - préparer - prepare 9.414 - obliger - compel 9.414 - fiers - proud 9.413 - primaire - primary 9.412 - oeufs - eggs 9.412 - pire - worst 9.411 - change - chameleon 9.411 - Savez - Do 9.410 - contiennent - bottles 9.410 - leadership - platforms 9.410 - concrètes - concrete 9.410 - habite - shack 9.410 - allés - hid 9.410 - Enfin - Lastly 9.408 - délibérations - deliberations 9.408 - primordiale - overriding 9.408 - éclaircir - clarifying 9.408 - marqué - stamped 9.406 - résultera - persecution 9.406 - paieront - dough 9.406 - impact - impacts 9.404 - entreprenons - embarking 9.403 - investis - invested 9.401 - préopinant - speaker 9.401 - participé - participated 9.400 - correctement - Supervisory 9.400 - commencement - ancestral 9.400 - mentionnait - subordinate 9.400 - accepteront - spoils 9.400 - entraînant - seizing 9.400 - substance - suspects 9.400 - porterait - mock 9.400 - dépensent - Families 9.400 - appellent - migrate 9.400 - provoque - dissension 9.400 - habituel - lethargy 9.400 - fassions - laxity 9.400 - centaine - contaminating 9.400 - saurons - confidently 9.400 - imparti - Leblanc 9.400 - payons - sparse 9.400 - entrés - intake 9.400 - créera - depress 9.399 - dehors - Outside 9.399 - causés - corrosion 9.398 - consentent - textiles 9.398 - réussite - scant 9.397 - explication - explanation 9.397 - désormais - henceforth 9.397 - vendredi - Friday 9.396 - croissantes - limousine 9.396 - ajourne - adjourned 9.395 - immobilisations - obsolescence 9.395 - truchement - Microsystems 9.395 - donneront - maturing 9.395 - excessif - excessive 9.392 - assujetties - Certificate 9.392 - assureront - decorum 9.392 - réflexion - reflection 9.392 - rattache - successively 9.392 - double - ticketing 9.390 - Actuellement - Currently 9.390 - imaginer - imagine 9.390 - conçue - subvert 9.388 - mémoire - refresh 9.387 - électorales - Readjustment 9.387 - communiquer - communicate 9.386 - envisageons - contemplation 9.386 - assujettis - QPP 9.386 - lettres - letters 9.385 - prioritaire - tentatively 9.385 - traitée - trigger 9.384 - tarifaires - tariff 9.382 - motifs - motives 9.381 - supérieures - ratify 9.381 - déclarent - miscarriage 9.381 - recevons - lateness 9.381 - modifiés - Polar 9.381 - influent - gaze 9.381 - mettait - Hughes 9.381 - asseoir - mornings 9.381 - existé - rivalry 9.381 - Tandis - abandons 9.381 - vrais - losers 9.381 - jeune - lad 9.380 - poursuivra - registrations 9.380 - conflits - Conflict 9.380 - hésiter - hesitation 9.379 - importé - imported 9.378 - ancienne - ICC 9.378 - levés - risen 9.377 - secondaire - secondary 9.377 - rapidité - subscribers 9.377 - bestiaux - rustling 9.376 - consulté - consulted 9.375 - appels - appeals 9.375 - reçus - vouchers 9.374 - garantie - warranty 9.373 - constituerait - dentist 9.372 - investir - invest 9.372 - livrer - deliver 9.371 - agrandir - apron 9.371 - jeux - playground 9.369 - obligations - Bonds 9.368 - industrielles - chimneys 9.368 - rattachent - guiding 9.367 - légitime - legitimate 9.367 - rejeter - rejecting 9.367 - Écosse - Scotia 9.367 - Chacun - Each 9.366 - alimenter - valuations 9.366 - dresser - pit 9.365 - respecté - respected 9.364 - comprendrait - refurbishing 9.364 - évidents - mentionned 9.364 - pourriez - childish 9.363 - modifiant - Zones 9.363 - dépend - depends 9.363 - Plaît - pleasure 9.362 - deviendront - poisonous 9.362 - exigeait - translations 9.362 - rendait - bewildered 9.361 - observation - observation 9.361 - vérifierai - check 9.360 - exportons - exporting 9.358 - procès - trials 9.357 - commerciales - exceptionable 9.357 - envoyés - questionnaires 9.357 - traité - treaty 9.356 - écrire - write 9.356 - eaux - Navigable 9.355 - particulières - Mediterranean 9.354 - importés - imported 9.354 - navire - vessel 9.352 - deviendrait - Brantford 9.352 - Secrétaire - activist 9.352 - exécution - execution 9.352 - coupable - culprit 9.352 - initial - k 9.350 - fermes - farms 9.350 - faute - Whose 9.349 - Corporations - Corporate 9.349 - opposons - strenuously 9.349 - démontre - demonstrates 9.348 - autochtones - Native 9.348 - vérifier - verify 9.347 - environs - Barrie 9.347 - situer - terminus 9.344 - contrôlées - uncontrolled 9.344 - justifier - justify 9.343 - instauration - rebellion 9.343 - connaîtrons - unsettled 9.343 - renferment - remissions 9.343 - reflètent - testified 9.343 - exigerait - CHMC 9.343 - dépassent - outweigh 9.343 - comprises - Tuktoyaktuk 9.343 - cherchant - subvert 9.343 - énoncées - poisonous 9.343 - signifié - retaliatory 9.343 - moindres - prodded 9.343 - décidait - naïve 9.343 - voterai - encroach 9.343 - efforcé - considerate 9.343 - Unies - Nations 9.342 - autorisation - authorization 9.342 - formuler - formulate 9.342 - espèce - species 9.341 - exploiter - exploit 9.341 - trésor - treasury 9.340 - réunions - gatherings 9.339 - Deuxièmement - Secondly 9.337 - entière - fledged 9.336 - pertinente - taint 9.335 - significatif - meaningfully 9.335 - autorisée - unauthorized 9.333 - figurant - fourteen 9.333 - espérais - hoped 9.332 - advenant - walkout 9.330 - venaient - revocation 9.330 - logique - logic 9.330 - promis - promised 9.330 - pensée - shudder 9.330 - humain - Stockholm 9.329 - atteinte - disturbances 9.329 - versée - k 9.328 - communiqué - communiqué 9.327 - offerte - guest 9.327 - sort - fate 9.326 - remonter - Chatham 9.326 - experts - experts 9.325 - objection - objection 9.324 - manufacturière - competitiveness 9.324 - solutionner - alarmingly 9.324 - proposerais - personalized 9.324 - obtiendront - nebulous 9.324 - malheureuse - vesting 9.324 - prononcées - commutations 9.324 - accorderai - McRae 9.324 - résoudra - hiatus 9.324 - demandée - prostitution 9.324 - ajoutait - Montrealers 9.324 - tentons - mesh 9.324 - réponds - shopcraft 9.324 - aillent - advantaged 9.324 - suivra - arteries 9.324 - nommer - appoint 9.324 - barème - carpenter 9.324 - loger - hostel 9.323 - supporter - withstand 9.322 - profiterait - Automotive 9.322 - trouvaient - crashed 9.322 - demeurera - infected 9.321 - Comité - IOC 9.320 - insuffisants - insufficient 9.320 - excessifs - profiteering 9.320 - ententes - disapproves 9.319 - sentent - alienated 9.319 - dépose - tabling 9.318 - assister - attend 9.317 - débattons - debating 9.317 - mettra - successively 9.316 - débats - debates 9.316 - Chaque - Each 9.313 - conduit - drives 9.312 - durer - prolonging 9.312 - lève - jumps 9.311 - édifier - empire 9.310 - sujets - topics 9.309 - Consommation - Corporate 9.309 - techniques - techniques 9.309 - ferrée - Boards 9.309 - actes - deeds 9.308 - étonné - startled 9.308 - montée - spiralling 9.308 - espoir - glimmer 9.307 - véritablement - gainful 9.307 - Territoires - Firth 9.307 - promouvoir - promote 9.307 - jouissent - Digest 9.307 - gré - volition 9.306 - représentation - Representation 9.306 - attentivement - intently 9.306 - accorderait - CHMC 9.306 - produirait - storey 9.306 - existaient - readjusting 9.306 - régissent - dynamics 9.306 - proposera - rivalry 9.306 - expédier - Pittsburgh 9.306 - avancées - momentarily 9.306 - séparer - informational 9.306 - obligée - serviceable 9.306 - fondé - rightness 9.306 - mer - Beaufort 9.304 - économiquement - economically 9.304 - représentante - Kingsway 9.304 - retarder - delaying 9.304 - lié - Gerald 9.302 - réglementaire - motels 9.302 - dépenseront - temptation 9.302 - électoral - gerrymandering 9.302 - tiendront - hocery 9.302 - pensaient - disciplines 9.302 - bovins - quarantine 9.302 - lit - wheelchair 9.301 - médicaux - medicare 9.300 - interroge - fills 9.300 - bâtiment - insulation 9.300 - devriez - kidnapped 9.300 - tend - impedes 9.298 - aidé - helped 9.297 - restrictions - restrictions 9.297 - interroger - heckle 9.297 - opération - surgery 9.297 - exprimée - antithesis 9.297 - émanant - emanating 9.296 - définition - definition 9.296 - dépendre - dependency 9.295 - revendications - Claims 9.295 - emplacement - site 9.294 - supprimant - deleting 9.292 - aériens - Accident 9.292 - décret - thereupon 9.291 - renseignerai - Pentagon 9.291 - distinctes - headings 9.291 - juguler - halting 9.291 - vif - eagerness 9.289 - néo - Democrats 9.289 - hre - Spence 9.288 - étudierai - lucid 9.288 - affectées - windfalls 9.288 - traitées - unprocessed 9.288 - entendue - velocity 9.288 - déposées - cleanup 9.288 - discutée - exhaustively 9.288 - vendait - recapture 9.288 - cession - infallibility 9.288 - posais - proteins 9.288 - commun - Common 9.288 - cède - stead 9.287 - différend - dispute 9.286 - monétaires - monetary 9.286 - examinée - sympathetically 9.286 - acheté - bought 9.285 - fiscalité - Taxation 9.284 - bâtiments - buildings 9.284 - agents - constables 9.283 - abolition - abolition 9.282 - enregistré - Registered 9.282 - récentes - Recent 9.282 - profond - profound 9.282 - quitte - chair 9.282 - promet - stars 9.281 - audience - hearing 9.280 - terminerai - Criminology 9.280 - qualifiés - tradesmen 9.280 - amène - brings 9.279 - accusé - accused 9.278 - modifié - Pembroke 9.278 - conclue - Samuel 9.274 - finance - sharks 9.274 - congé - Easter 9.273 - imposait - pitfalls 9.273 - gauche - activist 9.273 - unité - unity 9.271 - pétroliers - tankers 9.270 - gouvernment - buffer 9.270 - commençons - feedback 9.270 - auxquelles - asterisk 9.270 - serviront - valuations 9.270 - assujetti - Examples 9.270 - traitons - stray 9.270 - promesse - promise 9.270 - parvenus - NFB 9.270 - original - capitalizing 9.270 - devenues - trump 9.270 - consigné - smiled 9.270 - secours - submersible 9.270 - savions - nebulous 9.270 - second - mate 9.270 - reçois - bulletins 9.270 - mienne - mine 9.270 - jugent - HS 9.270 - devez - Nipigon 9.269 - maximale - Maximum 9.269 - Prairies - prairies 9.268 - importer - import 9.267 - habitude - habit 9.267 - surpris - surprised 9.266 - conformer - comply 9.266 - Jean - Baptiste 9.265 - travaillant - appraisers 9.265 - immenses - immense 9.265 - lancée - launched 9.263 - améliorations - Improvements 9.263 - répercussion - phosphate 9.263 - attendais - barge 9.263 - ignorent - plateau 9.263 - fonciers - speculators 9.263 - exigeant - requiring 9.263 - constant - constant 9.263 - basant - Tel 9.263 - tête - lakehead 9.261 - administratifs - conductor 9.261 - représenté - Ray 9.261 - découvert - discovered 9.260 - observer - observing 9.260 - perdent - losing 9.259 - appliqueront - underlies 9.259 - Considérons - fishmeal 9.259 - prévenir - forestall 9.259 - exercées - pressured 9.259 - inviter - invite 9.259 - emprise - Safeway 9.259 - posant - posing 9.258 - quoique - albeit 9.257 - permission - permission 9.256 - implique - implies 9.256 - confiée - entrusted 9.256 - réfère - Practice 9.256 - nôtres - legacy 9.255 - autoriser - authorize 9.253 - actions - shares 9.252 - correspondent - bullet 9.252 - manifestent - disarray 9.252 - concernait - retaliatory 9.252 - anticipée - Auto 9.252 - affirment - Langelier 9.252 - adressait - Chartered 9.252 - instauré - Corriveau 9.252 - concerné - baked 9.252 - laissés - warped 9.252 - hygiène - Dog 9.252 - aptes - migrate 9.252 - âgé - lingering 9.250 - respecte - complies 9.249 - acheminement - Slope 9.249 - normes - norms 9.244 - réglementation - regulatory 9.244 - technique - Technical 9.244 - offertes - Assisted 9.244 - dossier - file 9.243 - versent - remitted 9.243 - passées - tabulated 9.243 - fixée - infringes 9.242 - criminelle - malice 9.242 - réforme - Bail 9.242 - lait - skim 9.241 - conjointe - joint 9.240 - nomination - appointment 9.240 - injuste - unfair 9.240 - excuse - apologize 9.238 - admettra - borderline 9.237 - libération - liberation 9.235 - parlementaires - parliamentarians 9.235 - ajouterais - stead 9.235 - évidentes - fumbling 9.235 - arrivait - disarray 9.235 - exercée - cohesion 9.235 - sienne - chimneys 9.235 - amorcé - reclassification 9.235 - tire - bullet 9.235 - fur - progresses 9.233 - attirer - attract 9.232 - teneur - tenor 9.231 - composée - composed 9.230 - conviction - conviction 9.230 - poursuite - pursuit 9.230 - locales - Initiatives 9.229 - contributions - Contributions 9.229 - publicité - contractees 9.227 - présence - presence 9.227 - débattue - debated 9.227 - dollar - devaluation 9.226 - terminées - translations 9.226 - révélé - revealed 9.224 - suivies - miraculous 9.224 - stipule - stipulates 9.224 - fixées - manuals 9.223 - réductions - reductions 9.223 - acquis - acquired 9.223 - élu - democratically 9.221 - voiture - car 9.220 - agent - agent 9.219 - municipales - Municipal 9.218 - avantageuse - advantageous 9.217 - remplissent - magistrates 9.217 - préoccupés - portray 9.217 - maîtriser - Brazilian 9.217 - connaisse - assassination 9.217 - accordait - availed 9.217 - trouvant - Asians 9.217 - tiendrai - considerate 9.217 - disaient - communism 9.217 - courants - responsiveness 9.217 - verrait - retaliatory 9.217 - conçues - framed 9.217 - avancer - headway 9.217 - paiera - indignant 9.217 - maints - straying 9.217 - Celles - withstood 9.216 - consultatifs - advisory 9.216 - faux - untrue 9.215 - vétérans - precaution 9.215 - vieille - Same 9.215 - jugée - judice 9.215 - gains - YMPE 9.213 - principalement - chiefly 9.213 - école - school 9.212 - termine - concludes 9.211 - traduit - translated 9.210 - attribuable - attributable 9.210 - pression - exerting 9.209 - renfermait - inaccuracies 9.209 - réclamons - clamouring 9.209 - naturelle - objectors 9.208 - hautement - highly 9.208 - facteurs - Closings 9.208 - debout - seating 9.207 - marcher - toes 9.207 - tort - wrongly 9.206 - jugement - judgement 9.206 - pièces - coins 9.205 - administratives - paperwork 9.204 - promettre - unifying 9.204 - journaux - newspapers 9.204 - statut - immigrant 9.202 - Qui - Who 9.200 - insuffisantes - transferable 9.200 - réussissent - sockeye 9.200 - rencontrent - trucker 9.200 - pertinentes - pertinent 9.200 - taxation - redemption 9.200 - redonner - defends 9.200 - invoqués - Getting 9.200 - tableau - Appendix 9.200 - sauront - jealously 9.200 - cesser - desist 9.200 - lis - kilowatt 9.199 - écoulé - expired 9.199 - fausse - misconception 9.198 - Nouvelle - Scotia 9.198 - prêter - lend 9.197 - déposés - deposited 9.196 - restreindre - restrict 9.196 - placé - misplaced 9.196 - durée - duration 9.195 - proposant - verbiage 9.194 - destinée - destiny 9.193 - reconnues - participates 9.192 - moyennant - beach 9.192 - conteste - quarrels 9.192 - GRC - RCMP 9.191 - nécessairement - necessarily 9.191 - efficacement - efficiently 9.190 - conservatrice - conservative 9.189 - belles - beautiful 9.188 - établissements - establishments 9.187 - soutiennent - obeying 9.187 - communautés - balkanization 9.187 - économiser - save 9.187 - obtenons - abdicating 9.187 - visées - ideologies 9.187 - fruit - fruition 9.187 - Sinon - Otherwise 9.186 - majoration - Suggested 9.185 - exception - exception 9.184 - resté - remained 9.183 - inférieurs - loadings 9.183 - appartenir - Parkdale 9.183 - modifiées - exhaustion 9.183 - contrôlée - complemented 9.183 - prétends - profess 9.183 - appuiera - successors 9.183 - rapides - thirdly 9.183 - connexe - semantics 9.183 - évoqué - Fox 9.183 - venues - bolus 9.183 - valait - replaces 9.183 - servis - preserves 9.183 - subit - okay 9.181 - bills - Introduction 9.180 - urbaine - sprawl 9.180 - forcer - compel 9.180 - oeil - tooth 9.179 - indépendante - independent 9.179 - courte - sighted 9.175 - instamment - vesting 9.175 - inspire - inspire 9.175 - Crédit - Credit 9.174 - entretien - Maintenance 9.173 - gouverneur - governor 9.173 - assure - assures 9.172 - Edmonton - Paproski 9.172 - Bref - nutshell 9.170 - phrase - sentence 9.169 - précédent - unprecedented 9.169 - charge - dependants 9.168 - obligeance - kindly 9.168 - comprenons - unmarried 9.168 - réduirait - spoilage 9.167 - substantielle - Kitimat 9.167 - approfondi - mythical 9.167 - entendais - displacement 9.167 - quittent - migrate 9.167 - obtienne - obtains 9.167 - faisions - unmistakable 9.167 - décidera - dissolve 9.167 - offrait - stead 9.167 - dépasse - exceeds 9.166 - Social - Credit 9.164 - recommandé - recommended 9.163 - personnelles - personalized 9.162 - analogues - analogous 9.162 - notion - notion 9.161 - souviendra - remembers 9.161 - sachant - knowing 9.160 - passerai - patiently 9.160 - rendra - Spence 9.160 - levé - offhand 9.159 - justifiée - justified 9.159 - échelon - formations 9.158 - états - slopes 9.158 - sud - southeastern 9.157 - paraissent - medicines 9.157 - milieu - milieu 9.156 - chances - chances 9.155 - tour - tower 9.154 - invoquer - invoke 9.154 - annoncée - k 9.153 - équipement - Equipment 9.152 - domestique - heating 9.151 - représentaient - accounted 9.150 - représenterait - transferable 9.150 - considérait - hailed 9.150 - établisse - marking 9.150 - apportent - transferable 9.150 - disposée - CHMC 9.150 - passons - euphemistically 9.150 - partiel - viii 9.150 - exactes - smiled 9.148 - comparu - appeared 9.146 - profité - benefited 9.144 - communication - communication 9.144 - fonctionnent - oligopolies 9.144 - compétents - competent 9.144 - suivons - quilt 9.144 - expédié - shipped 9.144 - entamé - Kosygin 9.142 - prolongement - extension 9.142 - concitoyens - countrymen 9.142 - arrangement - amicable 9.142 - appartenant - Ad 9.142 - positives - clutches 9.142 - pouvant - hostel 9.142 - gel - frost 9.141 - justes - Wages 9.141 - causes - causes 9.141 - Leur - Their 9.140 - acquérir - acquire 9.139 - justifiées - justified 9.138 - régissant - governing 9.138 - dépasser - exceed 9.137 - réduite - criminally 9.137 - délit - offence 9.136 - fardeau - burden 9.136 - ampleur - magnitude 9.136 - cour - yard 9.135 - limités - dividend 9.134 - inflationniste - spiral 9.134 - estimations - amassed 9.134 - demandaient - addicted 9.134 - immédiates - upheaval 9.134 - viendront - axiomatic 9.134 - comporter - hydraulic 9.134 - songent - rehash 9.134 - Certes - strictest 9.132 - prioritaires - Dow 9.132 - prendrons - Whichever 9.131 - bilinguisme - Biculturalism 9.130 - voyageurs - travellers 9.129 - systèmes - systems 9.128 - propriétaires - landlords 9.128 - amélioration - Neighbourhood 9.128 - autour - revolves 9.125 - concernés - recurrence 9.125 - détenus - inmates 9.124 - signalait - Ferguson 9.124 - possèdent - haves 9.123 - soigneusement - assessed 9.123 - appropriées - trawler 9.123 - tombe - disrepute 9.119 - naturellement - naturally 9.119 - extrémité - tip 9.118 - satisfaisantes - complicity 9.118 - insuffisant - insufficient 9.118 - construites - expressways 9.118 - connaissait - insistent 9.118 - élevaient - amassed 9.118 - immeubles - buildings 9.118 - échec - abject 9.118 - biais - unofficially 9.118 - basée - BP 9.118 - noté - bewildered 9.116 - fournissant - incidental 9.115 - rappellerai - Republican 9.115 - réfléchir - ponder 9.115 - acceptait - Students 9.115 - laissant - trigger 9.115 - désirait - buttress 9.115 - écoute - wiretaps 9.115 - Où - Where 9.114 - sept - seven 9.113 - parcs - parks 9.112 - usine - Gentilly 9.111 - indépendant - independent 9.111 - préconise - advocating 9.110 - passant - incidentally 9.107 - exigé - demanded 9.106 - malheureux - unfortunate 9.106 - originale - afield 9.105 - essentielles - essentials 9.105 - ordonné - ordered 9.104 - compétences - skills 9.103 - albertain - Albertan 9.103 - Postes - Postmaster 9.102 - pénitentiaire - penitentiary 9.102 - compétentes - testifying 9.102 - bénéficiera - reader 9.102 - toucheront - Lots 9.102 - puissances - moderated 9.102 - comportent - casualty 9.102 - désignés - designated 9.102 - équité - stead 9.102 - trompe - deceiving 9.102 - Serait - policed 9.102 - monté - soared 9.101 - annoncer - announce 9.100 - prolongation - extension 9.100 - contrôles - Controls 9.100 - coup - swoop 9.099 - utilisant - submarines 9.099 - pêcheries - Copenhagen 9.099 - outillage - implements 9.099 - appuierai - improves 9.099 - dessous - below 9.097 - répondrait - permanency 9.097 - échéant - Malvern 9.097 - visiter - visit 9.097 - adéquat - parolees 9.097 - route - Highway 9.097 - mises - layoffs 9.096 - résolu - solved 9.095 - favorables - favourable 9.095 - criminel - Criminal 9.095 - femme - Status 9.094 - communautaire - inhabited 9.094 - catégorie - category 9.094 - immense - expanse 9.092 - plafond - ceiling 9.091 - refusé - refused 9.090 - producteur - producer 9.089 - Premièrement - Firstly 9.089 - paiements - Advance 9.089 - éventuel - acquires 9.089 - résolus - beset 9.089 - beaux - scenery 9.089 - Nul - Undoubtedly 9.088 - évaluation - valuation 9.088 - acceptons - crumb 9.088 - milliers - Thousands 9.088 - chômeurs - unemployed 9.088 - mauvais - inclement 9.087 - commence - begins 9.086 - favorisent - intake 9.086 - pressions - pressures 9.086 - forcément - seekers 9.086 - reçoive - electrician 9.086 - fondent - palliative 9.086 - communs - keystone 9.086 - Donnons - happiness 9.085 - organisation - Procedure 9.084 - voitures - Avis 9.083 - information - contractees 9.083 - actif - assets 9.082 - officielles - Languages 9.082 - enquêtes - Investigation 9.082 - savais - milking 9.082 - locale - LEAP 9.081 - appliqués - racing 9.081 - immeuble - Room 9.081 - livré - directory 9.081 - Plus - Later 9.080 - progressistes - conservatives 9.080 - comprendront - tedious 9.080 - préoccupons - delinquency 9.080 - rapportant - Related 9.080 - Assurément - unmitigated 9.080 - occupons - interchange 9.080 - aident - Barbeau 9.079 - personnels - consultant 9.078 - semblait - seemed 9.078 - ladite - blanks 9.078 - hiver - wintertime 9.077 - marche - march 9.077 - exerce - exercises 9.076 - restreint - restricts 9.076 - susciter - arouse 9.073 - personnellement - personally 9.070 - primordial - fiddling 9.070 - augmentées - unconditionally 9.070 - recevable - receivable 9.070 - prononcée - Pope 9.070 - indiquait - lingering 9.070 - touchera - electrician 9.070 - rendront - Trajectoire 9.070 - situées - hereinafter 9.070 - renvoie - Dofasco 9.070 - oppose - opposes 9.070 - jusque - pursuits 9.070 - biens - Disposal 9.069 - honneur - honour 9.068 - éventuels - prospective 9.067 - institution - institution 9.067 - remis - remitted 9.066 - combattre - combat 9.065 - étroitement - interrelated 9.064 - foule - crowd 9.063 - Environnement - Environment 9.063 - moindrement - shade 9.063 - mentionnée - abandons 9.063 - exposées - Show 9.062 - N - Isn 9.061 - dedans - implicated 9.061 - deçà - tacit 9.061 - vos - Withdraw 9.060 - favorable - favourable 9.060 - saisie - seizure 9.058 - unique - unique 9.057 - déposer - praying 9.056 - contribuable - taxpayer 9.055 - répartition - Allocation 9.055 - constituera - polarization 9.055 - accordons - abandons 9.055 - réalisée - oft 9.055 - préparés - PEP 9.055 - Calgary - Bawden 9.055 - tirent - cattleman 9.055 - appris - learnt 9.054 - manquent - starved 9.054 - anglaise - versions 9.053 - cotisations - dues 9.051 - répété - repeated 9.050 - débattu - debated 9.049 - traitant - bait 9.049 - ordonner - commissioning 9.049 - limitée - Patents 9.048 - Seulement - Only 9.047 - appréciables - compatibility 9.047 - traite - treats 9.047 - finale - basketball 9.046 - énormément - enormously 9.046 - découvrir - uncover 9.046 - complètes - miraculous 9.046 - engagée - majors 9.043 - travaillons - operatively 9.043 - retirés - balkanization 9.043 - passée - unnoticed 9.043 - essaye - cherry 9.041 - correspondant - corresponding 9.041 - prenait - bath 9.040 - chargées - freighter 9.040 - fit - flounder 9.037 - ministériel - shuffle 9.037 - commis - clerks 9.035 - directeur - Director 9.035 - rejeté - rejected 9.035 - mène - conducts 9.034 - découlant - stemming 9.034 - manqué - blew 9.032 - criminelles - criminal 9.032 - freiner - brake 9.032 - visite - visit 9.031 - convention - convention 9.031 - ouvrir - Iraq 9.029 - payées - unpaid 9.028 - législatif - legislative 9.028 - destinées - Land 9.028 - appareil - Otter 9.028 - nommé - Brand 9.028 - paix - peacetime 9.026 - qualifié - indicted 9.026 - confié - entrusted 9.026 - arrête - pause 9.025 - entretiendrai - resist 9.025 - souviendront - Beaupre 9.025 - avantageuses - travesty 9.025 - contraires - offends 9.025 - influence - influence 9.025 - attendent - impatiently 9.025 - totales - trillion 9.025 - faisais - revived 9.025 - entrera - Counties 9.025 - amples - Substantial 9.025 - eût - hearsay 9.024 - attaquer - grapple 9.023 - Défense - Defence 9.022 - preuves - circumstantial 9.022 - idées - ideas 9.021 - appelés - Anti 9.020 - efficacité - effectiveness 9.020 - retraités - retired 9.019 - établis - Budgeting 9.019 - fixe - fixed 9.017 - éventuellement - eventually 9.017 - Avant - Before 9.016 - dispose - Budgeting 9.016 - semblé - seemed 9.016 - Êtes - Max 9.015 - mérite - deserves 9.014 - couple - couple 9.014 - fier - proud 9.013 - augmenterait - candies 9.012 - disparaître - disappear 9.012 - inquiets - uneasy 9.012 - aérien - controllers 9.011 - causée - wilfully 9.010 - reviendra - compose 9.010 - ouverture - opening 9.010 - posséder - owning 9.010 - allions - stifle 9.010 - emblée - bolus 9.009 - justifié - justified 9.009 - admis - admitted 9.007 - acceptables - palatable 9.007 - céréalière - seeded 9.007 - revenait - rapist 9.007 - rentable - profitable 9.007 - origine - origin 9.007 - réseau - grid 9.005 - émettre - refunding 9.005 - facteur - factor 9.005 - retire - accrues 9.004 - renvoyée - Forestry 9.004 - centrale - Mortgage 9.004 - informé - misinformed 9.002 - prévaloir - Voting 9.002 - abouti - scored 9.002 - solde - columns 9.001 - attribué - attributed 9.000 - Madame - Madam 8.998 - publiée - cartoon 8.997 - Autrement - Otherwise 8.997 - accords - Agreements 8.996 - exercé - exercised 8.995 - établissait - horrifying 8.995 - fournira - booklets 8.995 - vastes - tracts 8.995 - eue - Chartered 8.994 - compréhension - comprehension 8.994 - voyager - travel 8.993 - consistait - consisted 8.993 - diminué - decreased 8.991 - matériaux - materials 8.990 - contact - contact 8.989 - signalerai - classroom 8.989 - existants - Existing 8.989 - aptitude - industrially 8.989 - suscité - sparked 8.988 - comparativement - overloaded 8.986 - aéroport - Airport 8.986 - insiste - insists 8.986 - entrée - entrance 8.986 - série - series 8.985 - détaillé - detailed 8.985 - réduits - nullified 8.985 - rendues - rulings 8.983 - souffrent - illnesses 8.982 - suggestions - suggestions 8.982 - huit - eight 8.981 - spécialement - specially 8.980 - bénéficieront - bookings 8.980 - équitables - cashed 8.980 - parlement - flouting 8.980 - empêchera - pursuits 8.980 - urgentes - depress 8.980 - survenus - kilter 8.980 - relation - preserves 8.980 - occupera - esoteric 8.980 - tombent - overruled 8.980 - ressort - emerges 8.980 - désigné - nominee 8.980 - commune - preparedness 8.980 - tâcher - compute 8.980 - enlève - Giving 8.980 - prié - superiors 8.979 - sources - sources 8.977 - paragraphe - Subsection 8.977 - arguments - arguments 8.977 - commande - commissioning 8.977 - citoyen - citizen 8.977 - lutte - struggle 8.975 - progressiste - Progressive 8.975 - améliorée - improved 8.975 - Radio - CBC 8.974 - relèvement - repeats 8.974 - permanente - permanent 8.974 - dépensés - Millions 8.974 - madame - Madam 8.974 - sûrs - unsafe 8.973 - pratiquement - practically 8.972 - dernièrement - lately 8.972 - desservir - airstrip 8.972 - apportées - shareable 8.972 - contexte - context 8.970 - transformation - transformation 8.970 - administrative - housekeeping 8.970 - contrats - contractees 8.970 - affirmer - assert 8.969 - examinant - dwelt 8.969 - appelé - hereinafter 8.968 - communications - communications 8.968 - coûteux - costly 8.966 - comprenait - Frenette 8.966 - introduit - severence 8.966 - conseille - readings 8.966 - atteindra - IMCO 8.966 - découvre - miscarriage 8.966 - soucier - vacations 8.966 - prévois - looming 8.966 - devoirs - competency 8.966 - accrues - kilowatt 8.966 - user - lethal 8.966 - fût - quantum 8.964 - éprouver - unprepared 8.964 - causer - ensues 8.964 - côtés - sides 8.963 - Évidemment - Evidently 8.963 - imposant - imposing 8.962 - vivant - alive 8.961 - immigration - immigration 8.961 - retrouver - maze 8.961 - enceinte - pregnant 8.960 - inquiéter - worry 8.959 - réservés - reserved 8.959 - blâmer - blame 8.958 - matin - morning 8.957 - institué - instituted 8.957 - portent - disturbances 8.956 - mets - tense 8.955 - desquelles - Blind 8.955 - apportée - Selling 8.954 - rencontrés - cordial 8.954 - arriverait - PCV 8.954 - imposés - embargoes 8.953 - naturel - Westcoast 8.952 - sentiment - helplessness 8.951 - atlantiques - arteries 8.951 - possédons - Indications 8.951 - pareilles - flounder 8.951 - entendues - absurdities 8.951 - suivront - successors 8.951 - valent - Lots 8.951 - prêtes - patrols 8.949 - habituelle - usual 8.949 - signifier - signify 8.949 - maintenue - Cases 8.949 - détaillée - detailed 8.948 - touchées - remitted 8.948 - allant - enrolment 8.948 - huile - heating 8.947 - adoptant - adopting 8.946 - représentons - fifteenth 8.945 - prétend - pretends 8.944 - terrain - terrain 8.943 - brièvement - briefly 8.943 - attaque - attack 8.940 - conscient - conscious 8.938 - législature - thirtieth 8.937 - détiennent - cashed 8.937 - contrôlent - excesses 8.937 - admissible - qualifies 8.937 - trancher - expiring 8.937 - poursuis - quotation 8.937 - appuyant - deceiving 8.937 - acceptés - disallowed 8.937 - positif - perverse 8.937 - coûtait - cane 8.937 - compose - appellants 8.937 - fondés - withstood 8.936 - croyait - policed 8.934 - assume - borrower 8.933 - représentées - represented 8.933 - régulière - regular 8.933 - examinées - bland 8.932 - admissibles - ineligible 8.932 - Néanmoins - Nonetheless 8.932 - cesse - ceases 8.931 - savaient - knew 8.930 - fortes - concentrations 8.929 - déterminé - predetermined 8.929 - verse - bathroom 8.929 - juger - Judging 8.928 - consacrée - consulting 8.928 - employé - employee 8.928 - terre - potato 8.927 - ordinaire - Ordinarily 8.927 - révèle - reveals 8.926 - solutions - solutions 8.926 - Honneur - Honour 8.926 - Aujourd - Today 8.925 - pencher - lean 8.925 - accepte - accepts 8.925 - voulue - obsolescence 8.925 - engage - undertakes 8.923 - envisageait - patrols 8.923 - restreinte - amassed 8.923 - consacrées - equipping 8.923 - sauraient - hearsay 8.923 - examinera - storey 8.923 - quantité - quantity 8.923 - réduit - reduces 8.923 - donnée - asterisk 8.923 - doté - Harrington 8.922 - syndicats - Unions 8.921 - intervenir - intervene 8.919 - maintien - peacekeeping 8.918 - fourragers - Feed 8.918 - approuvons - voicing 8.918 - grosse - oligopolies 8.916 - condition - Details 8.916 - joindre - join 8.914 - maximum - YMPE 8.914 - rail - Rail 8.913 - positive - positive 8.912 - mentionne - mentions 8.910 - représentée - represented 8.910 - partage - sharing 8.910 - voies - Means 8.909 - événements - events 8.909 - formulée - Cowan 8.909 - trouvés - fiddling 8.909 - pauvre - Poor 8.909 - écart - gap 8.908 - accès - access 8.907 - oublions - forget 8.907 - respect - reverence 8.907 - acquise - gained 8.906 - consultations - consultations 8.906 - éducation - education 8.906 - essai - trial 8.906 - eau - drawers 8.905 - approvisionner - cutoff 8.905 - planification - Planning 8.905 - Lors - expiring 8.904 - département - Ministry 8.904 - proportion - Intensive 8.902 - habituellement - customarily 8.902 - directives - directives 8.902 - réalisent - advertisers 8.902 - humaines - remunerative 8.902 - tentent - Mincome 8.901 - instruction - instruction 8.899 - amélioré - improved 8.899 - inutile - unnecessary 8.898 - petits - grandchildren 8.897 - signification - meaning 8.896 - conscients - conscious 8.896 - acceptable - acceptable 8.896 - prétendre - pretend 8.895 - rapproché - quantum 8.895 - anciennes - grandparents 8.895 - aperçoit - IOC 8.895 - partant - terminating 8.895 - inquiet - perplexed 8.895 - placés - rival 8.894 - municipaux - municipal 8.894 - provoqué - hue 8.893 - délibération - successively 8.893 - requiert - requires 8.893 - prouve - proves 8.891 - écoulée - expired 8.891 - demie - inaccuracies 8.891 - Quoi - Be 8.889 - lever - mornings 8.887 - établira - combining 8.887 - syndical - toil 8.887 - volonté - goodwill 8.887 - mode - lifestyle 8.886 - douter - doubted 8.886 - finir - finish 8.884 - suppression - deletion 8.882 - atlantique - Rates 8.882 - contenait - blast 8.882 - laissons - sociologists 8.882 - connexes - diagnostic 8.882 - garanti - Guaranteed 8.882 - retenu - Distribution 8.881 - numéro - Economist 8.880 - portées - Lafarge 8.879 - manifester - displeasure 8.879 - mondiaux - championships 8.879 - limites - Readjustment 8.878 - intervention - intervention 8.878 - définitif - renders 8.877 - danger - danger 8.876 - insuffisante - inadequate 8.876 - appuyée - profitably 8.875 - détails - Details 8.875 - oui - yea 8.874 - constamment - constantly 8.874 - assistance - Films 8.874 - réduisant - reducing 8.874 - admets - reorganized 8.872 - conditionnelle - parole 8.872 - passés - plateau 8.871 - juillet - July 8.871 - Aucun - None 8.871 - buts - goals 8.869 - apparemment - apparently 8.869 - bétail - rustling 8.868 - budgétaires - Miscellaneous 8.868 - envisagées - juices 8.868 - comportait - commutations 8.868 - appropriée - cohesion 8.868 - arrivons - gloom 8.868 - central - central 8.867 - sortes - sorts 8.865 - entraînera - repeats 8.865 - oléoduc - reversible 8.865 - lisant - dismayed 8.862 - paie - pays 8.861 - néanmoins - nevertheless 8.859 - consulter - consult 8.858 - examine - examines 8.858 - fond - groundfish 8.857 - équitable - equitable 8.857 - septembre - September 8.857 - disposait - margarine 8.857 - conçu - conceived 8.857 - Ayant - Having 8.857 - note - memo 8.856 - voulant - slopes 8.856 - fondant - yielded 8.856 - milles - miles 8.855 - présenterait - pumping 8.855 - reconnaîtra - justices 8.855 - contenter - relaxing 8.855 - ajouterai - velocity 8.855 - faibles - weaker 8.855 - balance - CHMC 8.855 - ouvert - Frenette 8.855 - Puisqu - Dog 8.855 - jeter - discard 8.853 - source - source 8.853 - occupé - busy 8.853 - gain - gain 8.851 - sensiblement - noticeably 8.851 - échelle - ladder 8.851 - rédigé - drafted 8.850 - éventuelle - Voluntary 8.850 - relevé - Morocco 8.850 - détail - retailing 8.848 - progresser - headway 8.848 - assurant - assuring 8.848 - pensait - attentive 8.848 - taille - size 8.848 - jeu - gambling 8.847 - rendement - yields 8.846 - initiale - initial 8.845 - desquels - tuition 8.843 - formé - Annex 8.841 - qualifier - termed 8.841 - conserver - conserving 8.841 - démarche - amassed 8.841 - entamer - Porter 8.841 - créent - Poor 8.841 - Lui - sustenance 8.840 - exigences - Translation 8.839 - Étudions - interventions 8.839 - subsides - Appropriation 8.839 - langues - Languages 8.839 - rendue - arbitral 8.839 - crains - afraid 8.839 - situe - ranked 8.838 - domiciliaire - recycling 8.838 - censée - supposed 8.835 - parcourir - peruse 8.835 - souligné - underlined 8.835 - achètent - condominiums 8.834 - coopération - cooperation 8.834 - formation - Adult 8.832 - Immigration - Andras 8.831 - choisir - incumbents 8.831 - Indiens - Indians 8.830 - spécial - Trends 8.829 - environnement - Contaminants 8.829 - gagnent - earn 8.828 - ultérieurement - observance 8.828 - déterminés - oligarchy 8.828 - prévoyons - moderated 8.828 - comprise - Argenteuil 8.828 - pouvais - buttons 8.828 - amender - redraft 8.826 - subissent - pinch 8.826 - opinions - opinions 8.824 - définitivement - definitely 8.824 - électeurs - electors 8.823 - définitive - definitive 8.822 - aboutir - amicable 8.822 - demain - tomorrow 8.822 - situé - Mattawa 8.822 - tiré - availed 8.821 - exacte - exact 8.821 - élus - elected 8.817 - grandement - sorely 8.817 - paraître - presumptuous 8.816 - prononcer - pronounce 8.815 - constatera - forfeited 8.815 - constante - constant 8.815 - éliminer - eradicate 8.815 - risquent - poisonous 8.815 - agissent - toe 8.815 - cessent - destinies 8.815 - wagons - boxcars 8.815 - lance - Corriveau 8.815 - Quels - contractees 8.815 - eues - vacations 8.814 - obligation - obligation 8.814 - section - Range 8.814 - étendu - fantastically 8.814 - Toutes - assessed 8.813 - acceptera - Hire 8.813 - fondées - unfounded 8.811 - mandants - Stratford 8.809 - puissance - horsepower 8.808 - destinés - Improvement 8.808 - liberté - freedom 8.808 - peur - frightened 8.807 - essayait - negated 8.806 - suivant - Usher 8.805 - souffrir - suffer 8.805 - négative - negatively 8.805 - dirige - Strong 8.804 - inscrites - Routine 8.804 - manquer - miss 8.802 - consentirait - breakers 8.802 - hypothèque - amortization 8.802 - communauté - Parkdale 8.802 - obtiendra - glimmer 8.802 - nécessite - Patricia 8.802 - essaierai - lucid 8.802 - entendait - commuters 8.802 - Communes - stead 8.802 - iront - deteriorates 8.801 - attend - waits 8.800 - allocation - allowance 8.800 - approuvés - Intensive 8.800 - blocage - freeze 8.799 - échange - exchange 8.799 - Votre - Honour 8.798 - crime - syndicated 8.796 - syndicaux - COLA 8.796 - longueur - brake 8.796 - opposer - oppose 8.796 - égale - imputed 8.796 - force - majeure 8.795 - Industrie - Gillespie 8.794 - vieillards - infirm 8.793 - alimentaire - Sahel 8.793 - mondial - Churches 8.791 - procédures - procedures 8.791 - agences - agencies 8.791 - forte - Intensive 8.790 - annuel - Annual 8.789 - hypothécaires - mortgage 8.789 - ultérieure - Cité 8.789 - souhaitons - Happy 8.789 - intéressée - liberalized 8.789 - demanderai - kits 8.789 - parvenu - loadings 8.789 - censés - diminishes 8.789 - Moi - compute 8.788 - télévision - television 8.788 - formulé - Cowan 8.786 - adressent - rub 8.786 - moindre - slightest 8.786 - active - receivership 8.785 - gros - Wholesale 8.784 - hypothécaire - mortgage 8.784 - essentiels - essentials 8.784 - structure - structure 8.783 - créée - Earl 8.783 - égal - equalling 8.782 - contribué - contributed 8.781 - incombe - behooves 8.780 - royale - Assent 8.778 - détient - Spence 8.777 - féliciter - congratulating 8.777 - rendrait - extremities 8.777 - brèves - icemaking 8.777 - viser - rudely 8.777 - eus - Supervisory 8.776 - Ses - Its 8.775 - terminant - ending 8.773 - approbation - approval 8.772 - indiennes - Northern 8.770 - productrices - producing 8.769 - appuient - conservatives 8.769 - actifs - assets 8.768 - autrefois - formerly 8.768 - relèvent - amalgamated 8.764 - constituait - aggression 8.764 - reviennent - jungles 8.764 - vendue - recapture 8.764 - payée - CHMC 8.764 - entré - Earl 8.762 - publiées - posters 8.762 - assistés - recipients 8.761 - approuver - approve 8.760 - côte - coast 8.759 - poursuivent - Negotiations 8.759 - tenté - tempted 8.758 - municipal - municipally 8.758 - prendrai - deviation 8.758 - écrite - written 8.758 - fixés - targets 8.758 - accru - Caribou 8.758 - port - port 8.757 - facilement - easily 8.757 - familles - Families 8.756 - concept - concept 8.755 - recevront - QPP 8.755 - située - situated 8.755 - juin - June 8.753 - gagner - earn 8.752 - envisagée - precede 8.752 - poserai - heckle 8.752 - couvrir - cover 8.751 - intermédiaire - intermediary 8.751 - pêcheurs - fishermen 8.751 - enquêter - investigate 8.751 - prison - prison 8.751 - cité - quoted 8.750 - française - version 8.750 - totalité - totality 8.749 - annuellement - annually 8.749 - bout - bout 8.748 - écrit - writes 8.748 - Main - Andras 8.745 - exploitations - farms 8.745 - Certainement - Sure 8.745 - normale - customarily 8.745 - départ - departure 8.745 - nette - unmistakable 8.743 - attributions - intimately 8.740 - comités - committees 8.740 - jouent - Expos 8.739 - fournies - lucid 8.739 - aménager - Mattawa 8.739 - réclamé - Greenpeace 8.739 - donnons - parolee 8.739 - monter - skyrocket 8.739 - ferais - addicted 8.739 - gamme - manifestations 8.738 - partout - everywhere 8.737 - commentaires - citations 8.737 - publiques - Archives 8.737 - affirmé - asserted 8.737 - mandat - mandate 8.737 - formes - forms 8.735 - demeurent - unsolved 8.735 - octroi - sufferance 8.734 - préparé - unprepared 8.733 - satisfaisant - redraft 8.733 - alimentation - Trends 8.733 - trouvait - Yamani 8.733 - nommés - appointees 8.731 - contribuerait - televising 8.731 - traitements - salaries 8.731 - positifs - taps 8.731 - content - prizes 8.731 - assurée - ensues 8.730 - engagées - rigging 8.730 - écouter - listen 8.730 - baisser - thermostats 8.728 - savait - knew 8.727 - affronter - disarray 8.727 - motif - motive 8.727 - légal - numismatic 8.727 - Loi - Translation 8.726 - hypothèques - Mortgage 8.726 - locaux - premises 8.725 - tendance - tendency 8.725 - libéraux - liberals 8.725 - répond - responds 8.724 - étendre - extremities 8.724 - future - Supposing 8.723 - laissent - overlooking 8.723 - voulues - distillates 8.723 - bref - writ 8.723 - amis - friends 8.722 - mettent - endanger 8.721 - entendent - subversion 8.717 - soumises - Slave 8.717 - vendues - packages 8.717 - prévenu - CPIC 8.717 - voix - successively 8.715 - trouveront - peacefully 8.715 - ressortir - highlighted 8.714 - continué - continued 8.713 - industrielle - Industrial 8.712 - préoccupation - preoccupation 8.710 - conclus - Existing 8.707 - yeux - eyes 8.706 - budgétaire - budgetary 8.706 - sembler - colonialism 8.703 - permettrai - complicity 8.703 - profitera - preserves 8.703 - comprenne - mate 8.703 - reviens - retract 8.703 - masse - mass 8.700 - effectifs - attrition 8.699 - changements - Closings 8.699 - rédiger - draft 8.698 - faille - flaw 8.697 - approfondie - thorough 8.697 - attendons - impatiently 8.697 - annoncées - Lafarge 8.697 - venu - newcomer 8.696 - demandais - wondered 8.695 - exacts - releasing 8.695 - baissé - dropped 8.695 - juge - Morrow 8.694 - semblables - Similar 8.694 - acceptées - valuations 8.694 - réserver - reserve 8.693 - gestion - Courses 8.692 - réserve - Reserve 8.692 - nations - nations 8.691 - traitent - robbers 8.691 - opposent - undemocratic 8.691 - existant - cart 8.691 - adoptons - missionary 8.691 - verront - clippings 8.691 - saura - commanded 8.690 - conséquence - accordingly 8.690 - priorité - priority 8.689 - sensible - sensitive 8.689 - normales - normal 8.688 - législatives - legislatures 8.688 - foyer - hostel 8.686 - caractère - sanctity 8.685 - prouvent - conclusively 8.685 - ajoute - adds 8.684 - bureaux - Offices 8.684 - récent - Record 8.683 - Toute - Any 8.682 - Neuve - Newfoundland 8.681 - reviendrons - gamesmanship 8.681 - spéciaux - constables 8.680 - deniers - presentations 8.680 - écouté - listened 8.679 - entraînent - tours 8.679 - rentrer - sailing 8.679 - optique - successors 8.679 - séjour - munitions 8.679 - irait - boldly 8.679 - fonde - predicts 8.678 - posait - veal 8.677 - vendus - sprays 8.677 - santé - Fitness 8.677 - Sénat - Senate 8.676 - paliers - tri 8.676 - cent - Seventy 8.674 - prétendue - phoney 8.674 - invoqué - invoked 8.674 - bloquer - stall 8.673 - collectivités - communities 8.673 - direct - BBC 8.672 - accroît - expands 8.671 - apport - infusion 8.671 - table - crumb 8.669 - appartient - belongs 8.669 - chargés - sidings 8.667 - investissement - Investment 8.667 - introduire - detain 8.667 - session - Session 8.667 - égales - McLeod 8.667 - aucuns - hodge 8.665 - touchaient - Form 8.665 - apparaît - commends 8.665 - urgente - pressing 8.665 - grosses - mains 8.665 - dizaine - coarse 8.664 - conformes - QUAD 8.663 - banque - bank 8.662 - chance - luck 8.661 - relations - Relations 8.661 - syndicat - union 8.661 - conduire - driver 8.661 - imposé - slapped 8.658 - milliards - billions 8.658 - grain - Advance 8.656 - représentés - represented 8.656 - incapables - employable 8.656 - anglais - Bilingual 8.656 - former - forming 8.655 - soulevés - testifying 8.655 - relever - challenges 8.655 - aborde - Issue 8.655 - Ici - translations 8.654 - préoccupations - predominant 8.653 - ferroviaires - abandonments 8.653 - pourcentage - percentage 8.653 - négociation - bargaining 8.653 - réussir - succeed 8.652 - conviendront - Important 8.652 - présume - presume 8.650 - abaisser - lowering 8.649 - dirigée - headed 8.647 - coeur - heartland 8.646 - contenir - intensely 8.646 - soutenu - contended 8.646 - adressé - Triton 8.646 - occupe - occupies 8.646 - voire - unconsciously 8.645 - longuement - dwelt 8.644 - établissent - rump 8.644 - précédentes - preceding 8.644 - rapporter - realised 8.644 - Examinons - trucker 8.644 - relative - Combines 8.644 - exposés - Trajectoire 8.644 - censé - supposed 8.642 - Certaines - Certain 8.642 - retirer - withdraw 8.642 - urgent - urgently 8.642 - centre - downtown 8.641 - conseils - councils 8.641 - Pourrait - Could 8.640 - ennuis - inconvenience 8.640 - songé - stockpiling 8.639 - connus - beatings 8.638 - excellent - excellent 8.638 - éprouve - distinguishing 8.636 - apprendre - learn 8.633 - autorisé - authorized 8.632 - travaillaient - Fire 8.632 - précises - Specific 8.632 - sortir - extricate 8.632 - forcé - rescinding 8.631 - directeurs - managers 8.629 - réglée - settled 8.629 - genres - types 8.627 - mentionnées - subparagraphs 8.627 - annoncerons - adhere 8.627 - positions - positions 8.627 - relevant - submersible 8.627 - désirons - outlawed 8.626 - inscrire - register 8.625 - gaz - gases 8.624 - instance - Haitians 8.624 - tourner - circles 8.624 - Sans - Without 8.622 - intéressantes - fascinating 8.622 - surveillance - Supervisory 8.622 - aiment - fond 8.622 - York - Arrol 8.621 - conviennent - typed 8.621 - remarque - remark 8.621 - efforcer - strive 8.621 - assurent - moderated 8.621 - amené - tiger 8.620 - perte - loss 8.620 - Terre - Newfoundland 8.619 - rapportent - yielding 8.617 - travaillé - laboured 8.616 - rappelle - reminds 8.616 - fournie - Ivory 8.615 - nationaux - Museums 8.615 - employées - designations 8.615 - venait - string 8.615 - fixer - fix 8.613 - corriger - imbalances 8.612 - consultation - Counselling 8.612 - compétence - competency 8.612 - rurales - rural 8.612 - portait - jacket 8.611 - élevées - Imports 8.611 - devrai - verify 8.610 - appliquant - ironically 8.609 - remercie - thank 8.607 - Couronne - Disposal 8.606 - ami - friend 8.605 - soins - Diagnostic 8.604 - dite - horseshoe 8.603 - manque - Closings 8.602 - exercice - impedes 8.602 - comptant - ticket 8.602 - viendra - reckoning 8.601 - regarder - mirror 8.600 - excellente - excellent 8.598 - concernées - amicable 8.598 - apprécie - misused 8.598 - entrent - clash 8.598 - allez - wrist 8.598 - paru - headlined 8.597 - navires - ships 8.596 - commercialisation - Freshwater 8.596 - irrecevable - ruled 8.595 - entreprendre - incumbents 8.595 - reporter - reporter 8.595 - appuyé - seconded 8.594 - alloué - allotted 8.594 - pipe - pipelines 8.592 - antérieures - exhaustively 8.592 - réglé - thorny 8.591 - approvisionnements - Allocation 8.591 - potentiel - potential 8.590 - rapide - rapid 8.589 - institutions - institutions 8.589 - meurtre - Murder 8.589 - chargée - veal 8.588 - hansard - Hansard 8.587 - applicables - inexperienced 8.587 - réalise - luggage 8.587 - exercer - exert 8.587 - serve - rump 8.587 - émis - crab 8.585 - contribuent - compiling 8.585 - connues - situ 8.584 - novembre - November 8.579 - autorités - authorities 8.578 - fondamentaux - fundamentals 8.577 - suscite - mistrust 8.577 - affecte - underlining 8.576 - permettait - Pittsburgh 8.576 - planifier - transferable 8.573 - circonscriptions - Readjustment 8.572 - recommandation - Recommendation 8.572 - conduite - scrupulous 8.571 - résolution - resolution 8.571 - dépense - spends 8.570 - félicite - commend 8.570 - pauvres - poorer 8.569 - supprimé - deleted 8.567 - premières - raw 8.567 - ferme - Agencies 8.565 - contribuera - milieu 8.565 - découlent - Supervisory 8.565 - méthodes - methods 8.565 - devaient - k 8.565 - portera - fruition 8.565 - falloir - regression 8.565 - diront - gloom 8.565 - coûter - Burwash 8.565 - allais - typed 8.565 - Compte - Bearing 8.565 - aille - unco 8.564 - centres - centres 8.564 - jouir - enjoy 8.562 - directes - indirect 8.562 - forcés - forced 8.561 - prétendu - pretended 8.559 - comportant - equalizing 8.558 - organisations - organizations 8.558 - succès - success 8.557 - urbaines - Urban 8.557 - envoyer - send 8.556 - brut - crude 8.555 - ministères - Departments 8.554 - citerai - Issue 8.554 - avisé - considerate 8.552 - commettants - constituents 8.552 - finalement - lastly 8.551 - contribuables - ratepayers 8.549 - vraie - revival 8.548 - solliciteur - Allmand 8.547 - allusion - alluding 8.547 - février - February 8.545 - tendant - Liability 8.545 - choisi - opted 8.544 - indication - polarization 8.544 - bénéficie - brutality 8.544 - figurer - scrupulous 8.544 - avancés - Côte 8.544 - Quelles - uninsured 8.543 - versé - k 8.542 - vendent - carrots 8.541 - banques - banks 8.541 - risque - risk 8.541 - liste - list 8.540 - portant - Appropriation 8.540 - marchés - markets 8.540 - menée - waged 8.539 - entraînerait - pitfalls 8.539 - endroits - locations 8.537 - internationale - Supervision 8.534 - compétent - competent 8.533 - municipalités - municipalities 8.533 - venue - Supervisory 8.531 - procédure - Procedure 8.530 - aiderait - chairing 8.528 - provende - feed 8.528 - terres - arable 8.527 - prouver - prove 8.527 - guerre - Civilian 8.526 - ramener - grossing 8.526 - arrêter - apprehend 8.524 - conjoncture - anglophone 8.524 - devenue - cucumbers 8.522 - appliquerait - sprung 8.522 - proprement - kilter 8.522 - appropriés - goings 8.522 - passait - northland 8.522 - claire - clearer 8.522 - rende - IMCO 8.522 - Parce - Because 8.521 - acquitter - discharge 8.520 - soi - se 8.519 - excellentes - excellent 8.519 - exhorte - urge 8.518 - événement - celebration 8.518 - envergure - weighty 8.516 - majoritaire - majority 8.515 - fabrication - manufacturing 8.515 - fallu - assessed 8.514 - appartiennent - belong 8.514 - conséquences - consequences 8.514 - profiteront - channelled 8.514 - subvenir - reliant 8.514 - e - Session 8.512 - prendront - liberated 8.512 - palier - Appeals 8.511 - réclamer - remunerative 8.511 - lancé - launched 8.510 - expression - phrase 8.509 - recours - recourse 8.508 - refuser - refuse 8.508 - hauts - downs 8.507 - énoncé - enunciated 8.506 - étudierons - veal 8.506 - souhaitent - confiscation 8.506 - communique - Countries 8.506 - reçoit - receives 8.505 - commerce - Restrictive 8.505 - assurera - steamship 8.505 - line - pipeline 8.504 - reconnaissent - salute 8.503 - Travail - Labour 8.502 - nord - northeast 8.501 - contribution - identifiable 8.501 - suffire - Examples 8.501 - pleine - booming 8.501 - accrus - reinvested 8.501 - agi - acted 8.500 - réussi - succeeded 8.499 - utilisation - utilization 8.498 - individus - clutches 8.497 - différence - difference 8.495 - trouverait - depreciate 8.495 - protection - Navigable 8.495 - étroite - correlation 8.495 - local - formations 8.495 - Dès - Immediately 8.494 - ferroviaire - rerouting 8.494 - convenir - Burwash 8.494 - établit - establishes 8.494 - déposé - Return 8.493 - céréales - cereal 8.493 - moitié - Half 8.492 - privée - Privacy 8.492 - saisi - seized 8.491 - accroissement - PEP 8.491 - intéressant - interestingly 8.491 - prétendent - sockeye 8.491 - excellents - palliative 8.491 - Quelques - extraprovincial 8.491 - élaboré - elaborating 8.491 - ferions - tents 8.491 - fonder - trump 8.490 - annonce - advertisement 8.489 - approche - pronged 8.489 - pousser - provoke 8.488 - encontre - flies 8.487 - installations - icemaking 8.487 - immédiate - selectively 8.487 - regrette - regret 8.486 - réalisation - attainment 8.486 - instances - representations 8.483 - servirait - departures 8.483 - réservé - meted 8.481 - minimum - minimum 8.480 - connaissances - expertise 8.480 - continuons - aerosol 8.480 - commencent - diligence 8.480 - décident - communism 8.478 - désireux - desirous 8.478 - abordé - touched 8.477 - réservée - hour 8.476 - assurerait - Tariffs 8.476 - élément - element 8.476 - touchés - hardest 8.475 - aucunement - reaping 8.475 - supposer - vapour 8.474 - ontarien - Burwash 8.474 - humaine - sanctity 8.472 - personnelle - photograph 8.472 - contrat - contract 8.472 - perdu - lost 8.470 - démontrent - companions 8.470 - concernent - skirts 8.470 - arrivés - watershed 8.470 - rempli - pursuits 8.469 - offerts - Job 8.469 - mené - waged 8.467 - partagent - marginally 8.466 - consommation - consumption 8.466 - rencontrer - conciliators 8.465 - international - Monetary 8.464 - voulus - elusive 8.462 - office - adjourn 8.462 - vendu - sold 8.461 - Atlantique - Atlantic 8.460 - passablement - serviceable 8.460 - agirait - polarization 8.459 - répercussions - repercussions 8.458 - plein - Full 8.458 - choix - choice 8.456 - apportés - Selling 8.456 - Banque - Bank 8.455 - convenables - sanitary 8.453 - appelle - euphemistically 8.452 - engagement - commitment 8.451 - avril - April 8.450 - appliquait - missionary 8.450 - rendons - believer 8.450 - ensuit - birthrate 8.449 - considérablement - considerably 8.449 - procédé - presentations 8.448 - décembre - December 8.447 - réponses - replies 8.447 - imagine - imagine 8.446 - regarde - watches 8.445 - unanime - unanimous 8.443 - Or - Val 8.441 - possède - owns 8.440 - femmes - women 8.439 - adressées - Davies 8.439 - langue - tongue 8.437 - participent - Distribution 8.437 - imposition - imposition 8.437 - révision - Readjustment 8.436 - agence - agency 8.435 - consacré - devoted 8.433 - difficilement - hardly 8.433 - ouverte - m 8.432 - initiatives - Initiatives 8.432 - aidera - valuations 8.431 - objectifs - objectives 8.430 - demandera - jealously 8.430 - considéré - impedes 8.430 - apportera - palliative 8.430 - effectue - Barley 8.430 - appuyons - raiding 8.430 - pourrai - matches 8.430 - sois - practicality 8.429 - applicable - applicable 8.429 - éléments - elements 8.429 - croit - believes 8.425 - pourparlers - Discussions 8.425 - démontrer - imaginable 8.425 - fixé - Lafarge 8.424 - fonctionnement - Operating 8.422 - approuvée - Trefann 8.422 - contient - contains 8.420 - orienter - prefabricated 8.420 - fassent - demolition 8.420 - nul - Boulanger 8.419 - crédits - credits 8.419 - grève - strike 8.419 - met - successively 8.417 - appliquées - enforceable 8.414 - parfois - sometimes 8.414 - Aucune - tabulated 8.413 - démontré - amply 8.413 - céder - yield 8.413 - Bon - breakdowns 8.412 - continuent - soar 8.411 - pied - layoffs 8.410 - rapporté - loadings 8.410 - ouest - southwestern 8.409 - satisfaits - dissatisfied 8.408 - statistiques - statistics 8.407 - renseignement - coding 8.407 - présentée - praying 8.407 - coûtent - Arms 8.406 - établissant - guiding 8.405 - collaboration - collaboration 8.404 - modalités - Terms 8.404 - prononcé - reprinted 8.403 - sociaux - fringe 8.402 - principes - principles 8.402 - entendus - innuendo 8.401 - allaient - ranged 8.400 - conviendra - redemption 8.399 - conservateurs - Conservatives 8.397 - déclarations - declarations 8.396 - possibilités - possibilities 8.396 - suffisantes - adequacy 8.396 - mouvement - movement 8.396 - futurs - Township 8.396 - tarif - Tariff 8.395 - vaudrait - hierarchy 8.393 - allocations - Civilian 8.393 - cents - cents 8.391 - salaires - Wages 8.391 - découle - stems 8.391 - énorme - enormous 8.390 - sachent - unify 8.390 - venons - nourished 8.389 - chacun - contractees 8.389 - poste - Closings 8.386 - prévisions - Miscellaneous 8.386 - précisions - precision 8.386 - conformité - pursuant 8.386 - publiés - Census 8.386 - éviter - avoid 8.386 - aperçu - Stephen 8.384 - régionale - Expansion 8.384 - appuie - supports 8.383 - recueillir - gathering 8.383 - trône - Throne 8.381 - intéressante - interestingly 8.381 - atteignent - rage 8.381 - répondant - discard 8.381 - reconnus - prophet 8.381 - charger - Counties 8.380 - permanents - permanent 8.379 - soulevées - superport 8.377 - secteurs - sectors 8.377 - imposées - remunerative 8.377 - offert - offered 8.376 - produisent - heaviest 8.376 - foi - faith 8.374 - faible - weakest 8.372 - convaincus - convinced 8.372 - disposer - dispose 8.371 - record - loadings 8.370 - mondiale - World 8.368 - volontiers - gladly 8.367 - documents - documents 8.367 - caisse - fund 8.365 - Ressources - Mines 8.364 - imposée - foisted 8.364 - nuit - darkness 8.363 - naturelles - Natural 8.363 - principal - Main 8.363 - vivre - decently 8.362 - nourriture - Sahel 8.362 - proposent - dissolve 8.362 - produites - hereinafter 8.362 - revêt - thirdly 8.361 - matériel - rolling 8.360 - reprendre - regaining 8.356 - premiers - premiers 8.356 - recevra - homeowner 8.355 - représentait - Van 8.355 - motions - motions 8.354 - campagne - campaign 8.353 - antérieure - thereunder 8.353 - rendus - tributes 8.353 - vive - lips 8.352 - voudrions - skeleton 8.352 - réelles - leaps 8.351 - lettre - letter 8.350 - minutes - minutes 8.348 - poussée - Provided 8.347 - prononcés - speeches 8.347 - connue - Laurentian 8.346 - prévoyant - acquisitions 8.346 - pêche - fishing 8.346 - Sud - Bawden 8.345 - élection - Election 8.344 - facile - easy 8.343 - établissement - Closings 8.340 - large - seaward 8.338 - maintes - repeatedly 8.338 - consent - consents 8.335 - moments - remembering 8.333 - comptons - Supervisory 8.333 - procède - neutrality 8.332 - articles - Clauses 8.332 - qualité - quality 8.332 - crise - crisis 8.330 - existence - existence 8.325 - habitation - NHA 8.325 - histoire - History 8.324 - céréaliculteurs - wrist 8.324 - passerons - orders 8.324 - consacrés - clutches 8.324 - cherchons - preparedness 8.324 - accordent - hijackers 8.324 - étudiées - fortnight 8.324 - tenait - insistent 8.324 - garder - wheelchair 8.323 - noter - noteworthy 8.322 - élever - monster 8.321 - parvenir - clippings 8.321 - renvoyé - expiring 8.321 - désir - desire 8.319 - adressée - Valentyn 8.319 - durant - contractees 8.318 - utilise - uses 8.318 - études - studies 8.317 - prendrait - invaluable 8.317 - dépendent - dependent 8.316 - convaincu - convinced 8.315 - obtiennent - reorganized 8.315 - maintenu - bakery 8.315 - complète - complements 8.315 - étudiés - kilowatt 8.315 - octobre - October 8.315 - données - Data 8.315 - Même - Even 8.314 - insister - insist 8.313 - erreur - typographical 8.313 - Afin - Lest 8.312 - garantir - guaranteeing 8.312 - donnés - alleges 8.311 - demandant - requesting 8.310 - normal - normal 8.309 - laissé - hinted 8.308 - presse - press 8.306 - Car - lethargy 8.304 - inquiète - worries 8.302 - réserves - Reserves 8.302 - lutter - insecticides 8.301 - terminer - finish 8.300 - engagé - pledged 8.299 - construit - builds 8.299 - renferme - contains 8.298 - extérieures - External 8.298 - fonctionne - operates 8.297 - appartenance - revolves 8.297 - contenues - discard 8.297 - amener - chartering 8.296 - juridiction - jurisdiction 8.296 - dépenser - spend 8.296 - dépensé - dispersed 8.295 - aspects - aspects 8.293 - formulées - formulated 8.292 - familiales - Family 8.292 - Permettez - Allow 8.292 - exporter - exporting 8.292 - quitter - jungles 8.292 - mains - hands 8.290 - police - Chiefs 8.290 - règle - rule 8.288 - présentait - Frenette 8.288 - voulions - tampering 8.288 - retraite - Closings 8.288 - vendre - sell 8.288 - vaste - expanse 8.288 - Là - fingerprints 8.287 - Office - Freshwater 8.285 - informer - informing 8.285 - hausser - shrug 8.283 - Santé - Lalonde 8.282 - essentiel - nub 8.282 - achat - purchasing 8.280 - occupent - occupying 8.280 - tarifs - fares 8.279 - intéressants - testified 8.279 - continuerons - flounder 8.279 - enfants - grandchildren 8.279 - tenons - untimely 8.279 - taxes - Taxes 8.279 - seuls - lonely 8.275 - préoccupent - terminus 8.275 - Énergie - Mines 8.274 - fournissent - enterprising 8.274 - répéter - repeating 8.274 - absence - absence 8.273 - limité - limited 8.272 - intérieur - interior 8.269 - satisfait - satisfies 8.268 - juridique - legal 8.268 - financer - finance 8.268 - pénurie - shortage 8.267 - oublier - forget 8.266 - susceptible - fluctuate 8.266 - semblerait - ghost 8.266 - permets - Allow 8.266 - global - carpeting 8.265 - vite - quicker 8.264 - provient - misinterpreting 8.263 - valables - valid 8.262 - impression - impression 8.261 - malgré - despite 8.259 - participation - participation 8.258 - largement - amply 8.258 - modifiée - modified 8.257 - Trésor - Treasury 8.256 - sociales - sciences 8.256 - tenant - Census 8.254 - suffisants - unprofitable 8.254 - paiement - payment 8.252 - grands - grandfathers 8.252 - Après - After 8.251 - Selon - Depending 8.250 - décisions - Decisions 8.249 - devrons - Sooner 8.247 - forces - forces 8.246 - Ne - delude 8.244 - lignes - Translation 8.243 - supplémentaires - supplementaries 8.243 - exportations - Exports 8.243 - énergétique - hydraulic 8.243 - regard - playground 8.242 - agriculteur - farmer 8.242 - payé - overpayment 8.240 - devient - becomes 8.238 - réels - alleviation 8.236 - formule - formula 8.236 - avance - advance 8.235 - recherches - Research 8.235 - passera - ineffectual 8.232 - reconnaissons - acknowledge 8.232 - conclusion - conclusion 8.232 - affecté - appropriated 8.231 - existantes - unrelated 8.230 - enfin - lastly 8.228 - déclare - declares 8.228 - directe - Direct 8.226 - répondrai - anyhow 8.226 - reporte - shining 8.226 - exister - corrupted 8.226 - impose - imposes 8.224 - Durant - Boards 8.224 - payés - overpayments 8.223 - traitement - intervals 8.222 - soutenir - bolster 8.222 - haut - Lusaka 8.220 - extrêmement - extremely 8.219 - vraisemblablement - likely 8.218 - démocratique - Democratic 8.217 - cultivateur - vendor 8.217 - conflit - conflict 8.216 - requête - rescind 8.216 - quels - contractees 8.213 - fondamentales - portability 8.213 - effectuées - audits 8.213 - moyenne - averaged 8.213 - enrayer - stem 8.212 - parfaitement - perfectly 8.212 - milliard - billion 8.211 - perdre - lose 8.209 - parlais - Mattawa 8.209 - vienne - hearsay 8.209 - libre - enterprisers 8.208 - plans - Plans 8.207 - autorisés - enquire 8.207 - haute - seas 8.206 - existait - existed 8.206 - Centre - Paproski 8.205 - nationales - millionaire 8.203 - requis - requisite 8.201 - financement - financing 8.201 - supprimer - delete 8.201 - fonctions - functions 8.201 - exercent - professions 8.200 - examinons - Orchestra 8.200 - mettons - petrochemicals 8.200 - guise - pleases 8.199 - comparaître - summon 8.199 - évidente - discernible 8.199 - préavis - notification 8.198 - âgés - elder 8.197 - donnerait - terminus 8.197 - p - Foods 8.196 - simples - tacitly 8.196 - changé - changed 8.194 - étrangers - aliens 8.194 - grains - Grains 8.192 - accepterait - Supervisory 8.192 - rend - realizes 8.192 - vit - jungles 8.192 - ira - rump 8.190 - visait - armaments 8.190 - séance - p 8.189 - nation - Nation 8.187 - comprend - understands 8.187 - réclame - Ann 8.184 - responsabilités - responsibilities 8.183 - affectés - Areas 8.183 - servant - CHMC 8.182 - satisfaire - satisfy 8.182 - présentant - signify 8.181 - mentionnés - apportioned 8.181 - appeler - umpire 8.180 - marchandises - Freight 8.179 - groupes - Groups 8.176 - dépit - despite 8.175 - précédemment - corrupted 8.175 - produira - predicts 8.175 - efforce - Cité 8.175 - Depuis - Ever 8.172 - convenable - decent 8.172 - entraîne - entails 8.172 - privé - Privy 8.171 - annuelle - SX 8.170 - confiance - confidence 8.169 - financier - Banking 8.169 - bâtir - nationalities 8.167 - reviendrai - amplify 8.166 - niveaux - levels 8.166 - inclure - enshrine 8.164 - concurrence - competition 8.164 - inférieur - Louise 8.164 - indiquent - Reports 8.164 - limiter - limiting 8.163 - croissante - sensed 8.162 - capacité - capacity 8.160 - circonstances - extenuating 8.160 - entraîné - regiment 8.159 - expérience - Experience 8.159 - méthode - method 8.158 - subvention - Pembroke 8.158 - valable - valid 8.158 - famille - condolences 8.158 - ventes - sales 8.158 - devenu - Frenette 8.157 - financière - contractees 8.155 - urgence - Emergency 8.155 - parlant - Meighen 8.154 - fondamentale - gut 8.154 - prenant - affording 8.154 - attends - rd 8.154 - fini - finished 8.152 - revenir - Returning 8.150 - travailler - employable 8.150 - répondent - mock 8.150 - siègent - implicitly 8.150 - rythme - pace 8.150 - Telle - ink 8.149 - législative - Legislature 8.149 - lancer - launch 8.147 - considérés - luxuries 8.146 - oh - oh 8.144 - devenus - champions 8.142 - habitent - Seventy 8.142 - pareil - hammer 8.142 - droite - catcalls 8.140 - NPD - NDP 8.139 - commercial - merchandise 8.137 - vivement - energetically 8.136 - majorité - majority 8.136 - capital - Details 8.136 - obligé - obliged 8.134 - tarder - stalling 8.132 - maisons - houses 8.130 - vote - ballots 8.129 - vivent - indoor 8.127 - règlements - bylaws 8.126 - répondra - returnable 8.126 - montants - remissions 8.126 - utiles - useful 8.122 - paroles - Withdraw 8.121 - permettraient - wand 8.121 - exportation - Permits 8.121 - suit - substituting 8.120 - Pourtant - Yet 8.120 - Beaucoup - Many 8.120 - touche - touches 8.119 - augmentations - increments 8.118 - informations - misinformation 8.116 - avantages - advantages 8.116 - immédiat - immediate 8.115 - âgées - elder 8.115 - Oui - Yes 8.114 - représenter - Cardigan 8.113 - impossible - impossible 8.113 - commencé - began 8.112 - essaient - deluding 8.112 - aspect - aspect 8.110 - demandons - valorem 8.110 - arrivera - robbers 8.110 - réjouis - shrewd 8.110 - réalité - reality 8.109 - considérée - guiding 8.107 - constituer - nest 8.103 - consentement - consent 8.103 - collègue - colleague 8.102 - continueront - booklets 8.101 - responsabilité - Liability 8.100 - postes - positions 8.099 - connaissent - familiarity 8.099 - villes - cities 8.097 - ajouté - added 8.096 - aussitôt - sore 8.096 - enlever - haves 8.096 - cherché - sought 8.095 - commerciaux - partners 8.095 - suivie - followed 8.094 - considérons - adjunct 8.094 - versement - payment 8.094 - expliquer - explain 8.094 - pouvoirs - powers 8.094 - verser - remit 8.092 - Nouveau - Brunswick 8.092 - venant - Hungary 8.092 - Régime - Plan 8.090 - règles - rules 8.086 - deviennent - reader 8.086 - arrivent - Côte 8.086 - exposer - gaze 8.086 - retard - lag 8.085 - document - Return 8.083 - recettes - revenues 8.083 - passent - groundfish 8.082 - préciser - specify 8.082 - officiel - Appendix 8.081 - énormes - enormous 8.081 - actuels - Present 8.080 - Voyons - Consider 8.079 - recommandations - recommendations 8.078 - augmentera - environmentally 8.078 - créant - corrupted 8.077 - siéger - sit 8.074 - exactement - exactly 8.073 - exprimées - expressions 8.073 - parmi - intervals 8.072 - vieillesse - Age 8.070 - Encore - Again 8.070 - tente - abandons 8.069 - hausses - rescinding 8.066 - assuré - assured 8.066 - ancien - veteran 8.065 - coûté - dearly 8.063 - français - Greenpeace 8.063 - Ensuite - redeem 8.063 - mette - rage 8.062 - permis - licenses 8.061 - semaines - weeks 8.061 - restent - remaining 8.061 - effort - effort 8.059 - urbain - hereinafter 8.058 - bureau - Translation 8.057 - imposer - impose 8.055 - deviendra - spoils 8.055 - versées - Benefit 8.055 - page - Refer 8.054 - investissements - investments 8.054 - inscrite - Triton 8.053 - publics - Works 8.052 - accomplir - accomplish 8.050 - suppose - suppose 8.050 - chemin - Damascus 8.048 - adoption - Passage 8.047 - opérations - measurements 8.047 - rencontre - lakehead 8.047 - accordera - parolee 8.047 - réponde - anyhow 8.047 - engagés - PEP 8.046 - contribuer - contribute 8.043 - souligner - underscore 8.043 - verrons - chapters 8.042 - règlement - bylaw 8.041 - progrès - identifiable 8.041 - baisse - decline 8.040 - aie - anyhow 8.040 - Oh - oh 8.037 - principales - Avis 8.037 - revoir - revise 8.036 - versés - PEP 8.036 - furent - icemaking 8.035 - terrains - serviced 8.033 - permet - enables 8.032 - appliquera - matches 8.032 - acceptent - acquiesced 8.032 - produite - thermal 8.032 - simple - simpler 8.031 - précisément - Specifically 8.031 - partager - underwrite 8.030 - midi - afternoon 8.029 - difficiles - exacting 8.029 - toucher - tamper 8.028 - transporter - haul 8.028 - entends - aleck 8.025 - donnait - palliative 8.021 - fournis - Triton 8.018 - évident - axiomatic 8.017 - élections - Privileges 8.017 - persuadé - persuaded 8.017 - prenons - aggression 8.016 - modification - modification 8.016 - croissance - growth 8.016 - jugé - fit 8.015 - contraire - contrary 8.014 - esprit - spirit 8.012 - encourager - encourage 8.011 - régionaux - regional 8.010 - consentis - borrowings 8.010 - demandes - applications 8.008 - rapports - Reports 8.008 - maison - Assisted 8.007 - continuera - stiffer 8.007 - utilisées - utilized 8.006 - dise - hopelessness 8.005 - américaines - subsidiaries 8.002 - augmentant - buttons 8.002 - coûterait - Pittsburgh 8.002 - constitué - cleanup 8.002 - mars - March 8.000 - conformément - hereafter 7.998 - urbains - urban 7.998 - justice - Legal 7.996 - effets - effects 7.996 - tenus - graves 7.995 - étudiera - recycle 7.993 - trouvons - gimmickry 7.993 - efforts - efforts 7.992 - étape - Step 7.992 - beau - glib 7.987 - consentir - marketable 7.987 - CN - CNR 7.986 - jouer - play 7.984 - imposent - repressive 7.984 - avancé - advanced 7.984 - offre - Pembroke 7.983 - rends - jumps 7.983 - prend - retires 7.982 - négociations - negotiations 7.982 - construire - construct 7.981 - Sur - indoor 7.979 - utile - useful 7.978 - directement - directly 7.977 - susceptibles - touchy 7.977 - ministériels - backbenches 7.977 - efficaces - remunerative 7.975 - examen - Investment 7.975 - place - situ 7.974 - servira - pumped 7.973 - observations - observations 7.973 - étranger - foreigner 7.973 - témoigne - testifying 7.973 - cher - beloved 7.973 - bel - CHMC 7.970 - sein - Pembroke 7.969 - véritables - diversionary 7.968 - évidence - evidently 7.968 - Fonction - Staff 7.968 - atteint - epidemic 7.967 - Pourquoi - Why 7.966 - agricoles - Stabilization 7.966 - tienne - Thieu 7.964 - rencontré - met 7.963 - prestations - Benefit 7.963 - privés - Private 7.961 - procurer - barter 7.961 - répondu - replied 7.960 - travaille - mechanic 7.959 - intéressées - maximizing 7.959 - suggérer - offends 7.959 - inclus - numismatic 7.958 - utilisés - infestation 7.956 - étrangères - fleets 7.954 - manifesté - manifested 7.954 - démarches - hostels 7.954 - unes - nights 7.953 - appel - Appeal 7.952 - nouveaux - newcomers 7.951 - proviennent - CHMC 7.951 - entretenu - considerate 7.951 - aimerions - keystone 7.950 - essayé - tried 7.949 - discutons - discussing 7.949 - croissant - overs 7.949 - Vancouver - Quadra 7.949 - type - chap 7.948 - soyons - unrestricted 7.948 - avions - planes 7.947 - lecture - reading 7.946 - présentera - vows 7.945 - date - Closings 7.944 - accordant - neutrality 7.944 - longues - lengthy 7.943 - internationaux - conspiracies 7.942 - touché - touched 7.941 - accordées - paroles 7.939 - siège - headquarters 7.938 - collectivité - community 7.937 - sauf - except 7.937 - Non - Nay 7.936 - industries - industries 7.936 - homme - Prud 7.935 - reprises - repeatedly 7.935 - crédit - Vote 7.934 - mettant - welcomes 7.933 - remédier - remedied 7.933 - employer - employ 7.931 - uniquement - solely 7.931 - commenter - comment 7.930 - adoptées - IMCO 7.930 - pensais - eternally 7.928 - exprimer - express 7.927 - souviens - recollect 7.924 - fondamental - fundamental 7.924 - diminuer - diminish 7.923 - comprendra - basketball 7.922 - supérieur - superior 7.922 - entrepris - undertaken 7.918 - Maintenant - Now 7.918 - donnant - affording 7.916 - poursuit - bullet 7.915 - reçue - envelope 7.913 - reconnu - acknowledged 7.913 - globale - lump 7.910 - consommateurs - Consumers 7.909 - voudront - discard 7.909 - déclarer - declare 7.908 - troisième - third 7.908 - appliquée - punishments 7.908 - aliments - Drug 7.907 - conférence - conference 7.907 - usage - Use 7.905 - remplir - fill 7.903 - publié - published 7.902 - dirigeants - principals 7.902 - montrent - poisonous 7.900 - économiques - WEOC 7.898 - demeure - remains 7.895 - considèrent - goings 7.895 - proposait - Warwick 7.895 - fortement - strongly 7.895 - Celui - forfeited 7.892 - montré - assiduous 7.892 - limite - deadline 7.891 - Agriculture - Whelan 7.891 - tentative - trigger 7.889 - agira - matches 7.886 - recourir - resorting 7.885 - autrement - otherwise 7.884 - spéciale - toilet 7.882 - instaurer - upheaval 7.882 - admettre - admit 7.882 - croyais - shattered 7.881 - consigner - record 7.881 - Du - Boards 7.878 - rester - idly 7.878 - essaie - tries 7.876 - comprennent - Policies 7.875 - présents - eternally 7.875 - figurent - compiling 7.875 - veuille - anyhow 7.874 - appliqué - steep 7.874 - vues - views 7.873 - américaine - US 7.873 - étrangère - alien 7.871 - réduction - reduction 7.870 - gouvernementaux - myriad 7.870 - agriculture - agriculture 7.869 - initiative - initiative 7.868 - préoccuper - worrying 7.868 - disposent - liberalized 7.868 - protéger - protect 7.868 - argument - argument 7.868 - étudie - hereafter 7.866 - pratique - practicality 7.866 - National - Railways 7.865 - provinciale - undisputed 7.865 - direction - effluent 7.864 - vieux - fashioned 7.862 - voilà - behold 7.861 - appliquent - subparagraphs 7.859 - internationales - competitions 7.859 - hommes - statesmen 7.858 - création - creation 7.858 - quelqu - somebody 7.857 - généralement - generally 7.857 - tiennent - compromising 7.857 - main - Mobility 7.856 - annoncé - Renewal 7.855 - effectivement - k 7.855 - provenance - terminus 7.855 - éprouvent - hailed 7.854 - remettre - postpone 7.852 - exigent - demanding 7.850 - suggestion - suggestion 7.848 - prends - trepidation 7.842 - compter - Effective 7.841 - dites - companions 7.841 - six - six 7.840 - bénéfices - Profits 7.839 - retrouve - duplicated 7.838 - suffit - Suffice 7.838 - instar - commending 7.836 - cabinet - cabinet 7.836 - Saint - Bégin 7.836 - Des - Thousands 7.835 - mal - misinterpreted 7.834 - Feuilleton - paper 7.833 - inquiétude - Concern 7.833 - subir - undergo 7.831 - occasions - unparallelled 7.830 - considérables - Considerable 7.829 - habitants - Columbians 7.828 - prévoient - hiatus 7.828 - disposons - elaborating 7.828 - révèlent - reinvested 7.828 - envisagé - lethal 7.828 - devions - addicted 7.826 - récemment - recently 7.826 - terminée - Superintendent 7.825 - raisonnables - reasonable 7.823 - quitté - vacated 7.823 - er - Cellulose 7.822 - nullement - disarray 7.822 - devienne - incapacity 7.822 - activité - activity 7.822 - dira - discard 7.821 - destiné - warehousing 7.819 - prochainement - telecommunication 7.819 - principale - principal 7.818 - leader - leader 7.816 - offrent - predicated 7.815 - profitent - contradicting 7.814 - fins - Details 7.814 - Nos - Our 7.812 - revenus - Incomes 7.811 - suffisante - smug 7.811 - privilège - privilege 7.810 - raisonnable - reasonable 7.810 - reconnais - unrestricted 7.810 - plaisir - pleasure 7.809 - English - Penman 7.807 - mention - medicines 7.807 - court - Short 7.806 - travers - Mountains 7.805 - serons - clutches 7.805 - réelle - lethargy 7.803 - salaire - salary 7.802 - effectuée - steamship 7.802 - delà - beyond 7.800 - extérieur - outside 7.798 - soulève - raises 7.796 - dessus - sword 7.796 - accrue - enhancing 7.796 - train - conductor 7.795 - électorale - campaign 7.794 - causé - unchecked 7.793 - réalisé - Sands 7.792 - discuté - discussed 7.792 - duquel - bylaw 7.791 - petites - Businesses 7.791 - âge - pensionable 7.790 - amendements - Amendments 7.790 - voter - proxy 7.789 - poursuivre - prosecute 7.789 - pensons - rival 7.789 - accepté - acquiesced 7.789 - su - CAHA 7.788 - entretenir - Leaders 7.788 - capable - capable 7.788 - lois - laws 7.787 - envisage - envisages 7.786 - conclu - concluded 7.785 - affirmative - evaluative 7.783 - prévoir - foresee 7.783 - précisé - Maxwell 7.783 - complet - disarray 7.782 - modifications - modifications 7.781 - engager - hire 7.780 - rapidement - speedily 7.780 - permanent - Films 7.779 - augmente - infringes 7.778 - conclure - conclude 7.777 - sérieuses - Iraq 7.777 - établie - competency 7.777 - lumière - shed 7.776 - administration - Refer 7.776 - conséquent - Consequently 7.776 - porte - spokesmen 7.775 - applique - applies 7.775 - façons - ways 7.774 - denrées - staple 7.772 - combattants - Civilian 7.771 - participer - participate 7.770 - utilisent - Parkdale 7.770 - atteindre - attain 7.770 - utilisée - Agents 7.769 - proposons - proposing 7.769 - attendre - wait 7.767 - bénéficient - tuition 7.767 - inscrit - Pursuant 7.764 - recherche - IRDIA 7.764 - feraient - contaminating 7.764 - chiffre - figure 7.764 - voient - crafts 7.763 - obtenus - obtained 7.763 - reçues - Applications 7.762 - déclarait - enunciating 7.762 - cite - cites 7.760 - relativement - relatively 7.760 - subventions - Refer 7.758 - rappeler - reminding 7.758 - capables - capable 7.758 - saurais - Hughes 7.758 - visent - matches 7.758 - degré - degree 7.757 - américain - devalued 7.752 - pouvions - transferable 7.752 - vivons - replaces 7.751 - jeunes - youngsters 7.750 - agisse - photograph 7.747 - présentées - tendered 7.747 - French - Penman 7.744 - principaux - sponsored 7.743 - quiconque - anyone 7.739 - coûte - costing 7.736 - disons - Munroe 7.735 - présentation - presentation 7.731 - compris - Forecast 7.730 - proposées - cohesion 7.729 - fourni - furnishings 7.728 - suffisant - staple 7.727 - profite - Twin 7.726 - propriété - ownership 7.724 - différente - dissimilar 7.723 - demi - half 7.722 - activités - activities 7.722 - demeurer - remain 7.719 - envers - cruelty 7.718 - permettent - residual 7.718 - continue - continues 7.716 - différent - connotation 7.716 - rendent - Honourable 7.716 - profits - gougers 7.715 - doive - faulted 7.714 - suivantes - Experimental 7.709 - immédiatement - immediately 7.709 - janvier - January 7.708 - suffisamment - sufficiently 7.707 - tard - Sooner 7.706 - libres - spaces 7.706 - servi - served 7.705 - Language - Penman 7.704 - laisse - leaves 7.704 - lu - printed 7.703 - comptent - amassed 7.702 - tandis - whereas 7.700 - pleinement - fully 7.698 - élevée - oxygen 7.697 - due - surgical 7.696 - fédéraux - Intensive 7.696 - aurais - liked 7.696 - Ottawa - Reilly 7.696 - exige - requires 7.695 - essentielle - reproach 7.694 - processus - process 7.694 - nettement - neatly 7.694 - Aux - gainful 7.692 - exploitation - exploitation 7.692 - précise - specifies 7.691 - coûtera - Former 7.691 - tient - ignores 7.687 - alimentaires - foodstuffs 7.686 - absolument - absolutely 7.684 - améliorer - improve 7.681 - honorables - Honours 7.681 - soutiens - Routine 7.680 - serions - conciliatory 7.680 - dix - ten 7.679 - trouvera - ticklish 7.679 - aimerait - Pembina 7.678 - soumettre - Patents 7.678 - relatifs - booking 7.678 - obligés - compelled 7.677 - accordés - presentations 7.676 - domaines - fields 7.675 - conservateur - Conservative 7.675 - notamment - notably 7.675 - affaire - Lavell 7.674 - énergétiques - shale 7.672 - efficace - efficient 7.672 - mot - word 7.670 - sérieusement - seriously 7.670 - citer - cite 7.669 - propositions - propositions 7.669 - application - Cellulose 7.669 - mort - Death 7.668 - Colombie - Columbians 7.667 - tâcherons - shortcomings 7.666 - recevoir - receivable 7.665 - communes - Commons 7.665 - brève - brief 7.662 - résultats - results 7.660 - portée - scope 7.657 - totalement - totally 7.657 - vaut - noting 7.654 - solution - solution 7.653 - constitue - constitutes 7.653 - objectif - objective 7.651 - familiale - posters 7.650 - débattre - skirts 7.650 - bénéfice - cocktail 7.650 - décider - decide 7.649 - représentants - representatives 7.649 - collègues - colleagues 7.648 - sentir - overwhelmed 7.646 - entendons - stifled 7.644 - inquiètent - canyon 7.644 - aimeraient - quantum 7.643 - gouvernementales - soar 7.643 - souci - manifested 7.641 - organismes - agencies 7.640 - disposition - Disposal 7.640 - suivants - Bilingual 7.639 - cherche - seeks 7.639 - bonnes - manners 7.637 - espérons - hopefully 7.636 - terminé - completed 7.634 - tâche - task 7.632 - sérieuse - revaluation 7.632 - pensent - misinterpreting 7.631 - prenne - beware 7.630 - semblable - analogous 7.630 - seconde - teaching 7.630 - état - vapour 7.629 - difficulté - difficulty 7.628 - augmentent - Costs 7.627 - placer - tragically 7.624 - utilisé - stimulant 7.620 - dirais - divested 7.620 - tôt - sooner 7.619 - permettez - Lest 7.618 - consommateur - consumer 7.615 - conviens - ticklish 7.615 - vis - Haitians 7.610 - gouvernemental - excepted 7.610 - suivi - followed 7.610 - objet - contractees 7.609 - favoriser - promote 7.609 - libéral - Liberal 7.607 - Montréal - Montreal 7.605 - titre - Title 7.604 - décidé - decided 7.603 - effectué - Gallup 7.600 - exprimé - expressed 7.600 - profit - profitably 7.595 - élaborer - additives 7.594 - acheter - buy 7.592 - respecter - abide 7.592 - anciens - Civilian 7.588 - Vous - You 7.587 - entraîner - gratification 7.587 - eut - harass 7.586 - récente - recent 7.586 - prévues - obligatory 7.586 - mai - May 7.584 - déterminer - determine 7.584 - ligne - corrects 7.579 - Ceux - Those 7.577 - étudié - studied 7.576 - approprié - magistrates 7.576 - autorité - authority 7.576 - voulez - buffer 7.576 - prévus - Labelling 7.574 - réunion - meeting 7.574 - conseil - council 7.572 - Britannique - Columbia 7.572 - précédente - previous 7.572 - paraît - Leith 7.571 - estimons - rebated 7.569 - passage - crossing 7.566 - Quelle - Shame 7.565 - fonctionner - constraint 7.565 - coûts - Costs 7.564 - devenir - incumbents 7.564 - rôle - role 7.563 - renseigner - inquire 7.562 - proposés - Amendments 7.561 - personnel - staffing 7.561 - prévu - foresaw 7.559 - conviendrait - heighten 7.559 - renvoyer - directory 7.559 - Voici - advises 7.558 - régler - settling 7.557 - capitaux - outflow 7.556 - utiliser - utilize 7.554 - occurrence - thalidomide 7.554 - pourvu - serviceable 7.554 - Puis - Might 7.553 - logements - hostel 7.553 - modifier - modify 7.551 - compagnie - Penman 7.551 - empêcher - prevent 7.551 - voit - sees 7.550 - Quel - equalling 7.549 - tiendra - matches 7.547 - relatif - Quality 7.546 - entremise - submits 7.544 - présidence - Chair 7.544 - contrôler - selectively 7.543 - provinciales - capitals 7.541 - représentent - enrolment 7.541 - intérêts - Conflict 7.539 - Certains - Some 7.537 - secteur - sector 7.536 - chiffres - figures 7.533 - suggéré - matches 7.532 - organisme - effluent 7.532 - connaît - familiarity 7.527 - prochains - amicable 7.527 - fiscales - Foundation 7.526 - meilleures - arable 7.520 - ajouter - add 7.517 - allé - fortnight 7.512 - permettront - Caribou 7.509 - entend - hears 7.506 - probablement - probably 7.503 - action - interaction 7.501 - discussions - discussions 7.501 - développer - kilter 7.501 - vente - sale 7.500 - présentés - VI 7.499 - travailleurs - Workers 7.499 - mentionner - mentioning 7.499 - emplois - jobs 7.498 - plaît - pleases 7.494 - Combien - intervals 7.493 - américains - US 7.493 - réel - Langelier 7.489 - résoudre - resolve 7.484 - Puisque - convening 7.482 - porté - inclined 7.481 - officielle - official 7.480 - demanderais - tampering 7.480 - intéresser - destinies 7.480 - commencer - begin 7.480 - étions - bipartisan 7.479 - emploi - severence 7.478 - vers - westward 7.477 - chacune - cutoff 7.476 - semblent - seem 7.473 - hier - yesterday 7.473 - uns - subcontractors 7.469 - mentionné - mentionned 7.469 - demandait - wondered 7.469 - nouvel - sufferance 7.468 - produit - Product 7.466 - quatre - four 7.465 - parlementaire - parliamentarian 7.465 - chemins - railroads 7.464 - prendra - participates 7.463 - différentes - disciplines 7.461 - posées - flippant 7.460 - essayons - dissension 7.460 - votre - your 7.459 - complètement - completely 7.457 - Avec - diminishes 7.456 - difficultés - difficulties 7.456 - figure - Session 7.456 - faits - facts 7.455 - parlerai - Lavell 7.451 - meilleurs - finest 7.450 - producteurs - producers 7.450 - donnerai - redemption 7.450 - ferons - detain 7.449 - constituent - constitute 7.448 - graves - grievous 7.447 - commission - Beaupre 7.447 - réduire - reduce 7.445 - désirent - desirous 7.442 - accordée - plumbing 7.441 - devoir - derelict 7.440 - élevés - Higher 7.432 - social - Welfare 7.425 - provenant - quantum 7.424 - logement - Mortgage 7.422 - croyons - scrupulous 7.420 - présentent - disarray 7.419 - ville - town 7.419 - Tout - Everything 7.416 - justement - precisely 7.416 - taxe - Excise 7.415 - savez - anyhow 7.414 - exact - exact 7.413 - comporte - embodies 7.413 - bas - ladder 7.411 - points - points 7.410 - retourner - regression 7.410 - indique - indicates 7.410 - diriger - vacations 7.407 - étudions - negated 7.407 - adopté - Title 7.406 - servent - configuration 7.403 - blé - Durum 7.402 - approvisionnement - procurement 7.402 - outre - overseas 7.401 - résultat - outcome 7.397 - préoccupe - preoccupied 7.394 - pension - Superannuation 7.387 - saurait - peroration 7.384 - membre - impedes 7.382 - privées - capitalized 7.381 - voulaient - revive 7.381 - Ainsi - Thus 7.380 - étudiée - uniformly 7.379 - principe - principle 7.378 - chargé - Urban 7.376 - constater - gratifying 7.376 - guère - hardly 7.375 - changer - mend 7.372 - suggère - deterrents 7.372 - revient - recurring 7.371 - faisaient - vacations 7.370 - semaine - week 7.370 - parlait - fluent 7.366 - adoptée - Motion 7.364 - attitude - attitude 7.362 - concernant - Cellulose 7.362 - sérieux - frivolous 7.360 - Pendant - Meanwhile 7.359 - posé - carpeting 7.358 - arrive - arrives 7.357 - traiter - treat 7.356 - longue - longstanding 7.355 - entièrement - wholly 7.355 - espérer - wishful 7.353 - régime - régime 7.352 - remarquer - remarked 7.350 - entrer - appellants 7.350 - délai - shortest 7.349 - répète - repeats 7.349 - soir - Tonight 7.348 - meilleur - cheaply 7.344 - disait - Abraham 7.343 - rapporte - winding 7.343 - pouvez - cannon 7.338 - comprends - sympathize 7.338 - aurai - intake 7.334 - sert - serves 7.333 - parlent - Parkdale 7.333 - exiger - reconstituted 7.332 - groupe - group 7.332 - soin - diligence 7.329 - verra - intervenes 7.328 - moyens - Ways 7.327 - voulais - groundwork 7.327 - mener - Provided 7.326 - secrétaire - secretary 7.325 - représente - represents 7.323 - vrai - True 7.322 - tantôt - Lapointe 7.321 - souvent - often 7.320 - nature - nature 7.319 - connaissance - cognizance 7.319 - partir - Starting 7.318 - auparavant - formerly 7.317 - montant - contractees 7.316 - ailleurs - elsewhere 7.315 - montre - shows 7.313 - impôts - taxes 7.311 - nécessité - necessity 7.310 - raisons - reasons 7.309 - discuter - discuss 7.309 - fiscal - Cost 7.307 - bons - cordial 7.306 - cherchent - missionary 7.306 - heures - hours 7.305 - idée - idea 7.303 - voie - seaway 7.302 - capitale - punishment 7.301 - affaires - Businessmen 7.297 - prises - acquisitions 7.296 - Mon - My 7.294 - grâce - grace 7.292 - précis - precise 7.291 - individu - individual 7.289 - conditions - conditions 7.289 - cru - believed 7.288 - paient - cleanup 7.288 - droits - rights 7.284 - terme - term 7.282 - fédérale - Federal 7.278 - connaissons - unbalance 7.270 - clairement - clearly 7.269 - enquête - inquest 7.268 - feront - minimized 7.267 - créé - created 7.262 - auprès - apologize 7.259 - faite - Pembroke 7.251 - vouloir - unintentionally 7.251 - bientôt - Soon 7.250 - prêts - Loans 7.247 - examiné - examined 7.246 - discussion - discussion 7.245 - Mes - Previous 7.244 - législation - Legislation 7.244 - transports - Transportation 7.241 - maintenir - maintain 7.241 - convient - hinges 7.241 - preuve - proof 7.239 - entreprise - enterprise 7.238 - ministres - premiers 7.235 - intéressé - freshwater 7.231 - Canadien - landscape 7.231 - projets - Projects 7.230 - constatons - Nationale 7.226 - financières - Subsidy 7.226 - entretiens - discussions 7.223 - clair - Clearly 7.220 - donnera - redistributed 7.218 - avenir - foreseeable 7.217 - effectuer - seismic 7.217 - Que - instructs 7.214 - dirait - Bronfman 7.212 - vigueur - vigour 7.209 - soulevée - raised 7.209 - estiment - demeaning 7.208 - petit - businessman 7.208 - b - b 7.207 - générale - GAAP 7.207 - tirer - hook 7.204 - voudraient - grandparents 7.204 - provincial - provincially 7.202 - relève - slopes 7.198 - présente - hereinafter 7.194 - suivre - follow 7.190 - cultivateurs - Farmers 7.185 - parlons - whereof 7.185 - journée - abstain 7.184 - assumer - Labelling 7.182 - chef - Leader 7.181 - difficile - difficult 7.181 - proposée - Class 7.181 - Affaires - External 7.179 - consiste - consists 7.179 - retour - actuality 7.178 - partis - parties 7.175 - courant - compromising 7.173 - faveur - yea 7.172 - fonctionnaires - servants 7.171 - envisager - selectively 7.171 - établi - uninsured 7.171 - loin - farther 7.168 - reçoivent - Students 7.167 - indiquer - Alitalia 7.167 - accorde - assigns 7.165 - voyons - vacillating 7.163 - apporté - Johnston 7.160 - existent - inequalities 7.158 - mots - deleting 7.156 - énergie - solar 7.153 - gouvernements - governments 7.151 - totale - Session 7.150 - générales - amicable 7.150 - sociale - social 7.148 - agricole - agricultural 7.147 - particulière - malting 7.146 - voudra - encroached 7.145 - début - Early 7.144 - dépenses - Forecast 7.144 - cinq - five 7.142 - trouvé - Tanya 7.139 - chercher - householder 7.139 - grandes - majors 7.137 - attention - distract 7.137 - plupart - Most 7.137 - seul - swoop 7.135 - Vu - Valentyn 7.134 - allait - sliding 7.133 - serais - fingerprints 7.132 - veiller - vigilant 7.130 - êtes - nervous 7.125 - accordé - awarded 7.124 - intéressent - Georgia 7.124 - total - Offices 7.123 - construction - shipbuilding 7.123 - changement - change 7.118 - croient - teachings 7.115 - considère - considers 7.113 - reste - remainder 7.113 - ayons - accrues 7.112 - possibilité - possibility 7.112 - pétrolière - geologists 7.109 - passe - hanky 7.108 - adopter - adopt 7.107 - soulever - raise 7.107 - frais - shareable 7.106 - fédérales - conferences 7.105 - valeur - value 7.105 - somme - sum 7.102 - adresser - seekers 7.102 - arriver - arrive 7.098 - base - Base 7.097 - reconnaître - acknowledge 7.094 - rappel - reminder 7.092 - Transports - Marchand 7.092 - lire - newsletter 7.091 - Est - Arrol 7.089 - Aussi - glasses 7.088 - tenue - Meeting 7.088 - avez - blew 7.085 - véritable - genuine 7.085 - valoir - talented 7.082 - prie - disapproves 7.076 - produire - produce 7.075 - bénéficier - benefitting 7.075 - obtenu - obtained 7.072 - constate - ineffectual 7.072 - combien - Pembroke 7.070 - proposition - proposal 7.069 - offrir - offer 7.066 - développement - Refer 7.066 - puissions - reorganize 7.065 - programmes - Forecast 7.064 - presque - almost 7.063 - canadiennes - Forces 7.063 - constaté - noticed 7.063 - Conseil - Horticultural 7.061 - instant - moment 7.060 - bonne - goodwill 7.059 - actuelles - exhaustion 7.055 - citoyens - citizens 7.054 - importance - importance 7.054 - soumis - submitted 7.053 - aménagement - marina 7.052 - pensions - Pension 7.052 - oeuvre - Manpower 7.051 - publique - Alliance 7.050 - Bien - Lalonde 7.047 - entreprises - Businesses 7.046 - quel - contractees 7.045 - Lorsqu - measurements 7.044 - Comment - How 7.043 - national - Product 7.043 - croire - believing 7.042 - propre - volition 7.041 - expansion - expansion 7.040 - connaître - Budgeting 7.040 - permette - rudely 7.039 - plan - blueprint 7.038 - créer - create 7.034 - assurance - Medicare 7.034 - convenu - agreed 7.032 - provinciaux - treasurers 7.027 - responsable - pilferage 7.027 - fais - mornings 7.025 - donnent - Moving 7.022 - représentant - representative 7.022 - disponibles - Figures 7.022 - augmenté - alarmingly 7.021 - pensé - lakehead 7.017 - matière - Translation 7.017 - disent - Agents 7.014 - prévue - Round 7.010 - différents - geologists 7.010 - prochaine - expiring 7.007 - posent - commissioning 7.005 - fer - railroads 7.004 - responsables - contaminating 7.002 - entier - coarse 7.002 - arrivé - happened 7.000 - longtemps - overdue 7.000 - avantage - advantage 6.991 - économie - economy 6.991 - signalé - pointed 6.990 - fiscale - reform 6.984 - passer - override 6.983 - connais - Knowing 6.979 - voulait - wanted 6.978 - employés - employees 6.974 - entente - amicable 6.973 - nouvelles - acquisitions 6.973 - souhaite - relaxing 6.972 - viens - Coming 6.968 - Elle - She 6.966 - exposé - Statement 6.965 - travaillent - comparability 6.965 - niveau - separations 6.962 - Cet - intercede 6.961 - viennent - Buildings 6.961 - sait - knows 6.960 - prêt - loan 6.957 - actuelle - contractees 6.957 - occuper - occupy 6.957 - connu - upheaval 6.953 - Ma - My 6.949 - évidemment - evidently 6.949 - De - Bané 6.946 - Peut - Maybe 6.946 - Par - Invitation 6.941 - dois - confess 6.936 - Bravo - Hear 6.933 - remarques - remarks 6.933 - pouvaient - vows 6.930 - estime - esteem 6.930 - S - Woodsworth 6.927 - aborder - bipartisan 6.926 - million - Half 6.923 - sécurité - Safety 6.917 - ressources - resources 6.916 - permettant - clutches 6.914 - D - Agreed 6.913 - contrôle - Supervision 6.913 - parties - mediators 6.912 - circonscription - constituency 6.906 - parle - whereof 6.904 - compagnies - Companies 6.904 - travaux - renovations 6.901 - prochaines - next 6.899 - quoi - whereof 6.898 - pourront - Cities 6.896 - adresse - praying 6.889 - bravo - Hear 6.888 - services - Diagnostic 6.884 - aurions - Had 6.883 - particuliers - individuals 6.883 - pourtant - Yet 6.881 - public - Closings 6.880 - comprendre - comprehend 6.879 - divers - various 6.879 - trop - overpayment 6.877 - entendu - Details 6.877 - Tous - All 6.876 - deuxième - second 6.873 - impôt - Income 6.873 - long - term 6.863 - soulevé - raised 6.863 - sache - Allier 6.859 - lesquels - exterior 6.853 - penser - reminds 6.852 - Finances - Finance 6.847 - porter - wear 6.846 - chômage - Unemployment 6.845 - touchant - affecting 6.844 - propose - seconded 6.843 - cadre - framework 6.842 - inflation - Inflation 6.841 - dispositions - provisions 6.840 - tenter - emulate 6.840 - heure - hour 6.839 - montrer - vindictive 6.833 - politiques - policies 6.832 - quelconque - hospitalized 6.832 - disais - marvelous 6.826 - fonction - functionally 6.822 - relatives - foetus 6.821 - quelles - CPIC 6.821 - opinion - divergence 6.821 - État - Faulkner 6.820 - accroître - maximizing 6.819 - visant - purported 6.818 - amendement - subamendment 6.815 - quant - sceptical 6.815 - peux - vouch 6.811 - jours - days 6.809 - devront - shale 6.808 - diverses - various 6.807 - faisait - Frenette 6.805 - auxquels - restitution 6.804 - intéressés - Living 6.804 - laisser - faire 6.796 - dernière - Forecast 6.795 - gouvernementale - governmental 6.792 - lequel - hereafter 6.778 - jamais - never 6.776 - régions - regions 6.774 - disposés - raiding 6.774 - étais - naïve 6.774 - seule - amalgamated 6.771 - accepter - accept 6.770 - économique - Expansion 6.766 - besoins - needs 6.766 - budget - budget 6.764 - chaque - contractees 6.762 - opposition - Opposition 6.762 - serai - gladly 6.761 - production - Cellulose 6.758 - ni - neither 6.755 - aider - assist 6.751 - pose - poses 6.749 - prennent - retiring 6.749 - devrais - rival 6.746 - agriculteurs - farmers 6.746 - personne - nobody 6.746 - environ - approximately 6.744 - appliquer - enforce 6.744 - ci - hereinafter 6.743 - dis - advisedly 6.741 - côté - side 6.740 - vois - nodding 6.735 - donne - entitles 6.730 - sinon - ultimatum 6.727 - songe - televising 6.727 - an - intervals 6.725 - Alors - fatigue 6.722 - endroit - Tuktoyaktuk 6.719 - fournir - furnish 6.719 - aide - Assisted 6.713 - juste - fairest 6.712 - considération - telecommunication 6.712 - invoque - rises 6.705 - marché - market 6.704 - plusieurs - several 6.704 - heureux - happier 6.702 - reçu - fellowships 6.699 - importants - effecting 6.699 - posée - posed 6.698 - nom - behalf 6.697 - tels - Surveys 6.695 - profiter - seize 6.689 - demandent - reopened 6.684 - peine - punishment 6.683 - puisqu - needlessly 6.681 - trait - stroke 6.674 - importantes - Important 6.674 - fort - louder 6.673 - réellement - functionally 6.672 - appui - endorsement 6.671 - transport - modes 6.671 - doute - Undoubtedly 6.670 - vise - aims 6.667 - renseignements - Details 6.666 - essayer - try 6.664 - augmenter - augment 6.662 - vais - enquire 6.656 - Nord - Colchester 6.652 - permettra - insecticides 6.649 - nombreuses - Numerous 6.645 - Lorsque - hereinafter 6.645 - peuple - populace 6.639 - décision - arbitral 6.638 - fallait - lawfully 6.634 - voulu - liked 6.632 - tenu - Bearing 6.631 - argent - silver 6.628 - appuyer - seconding 6.623 - général - Auditor 6.622 - pétrolières - cozy 6.622 - petite - fraction 6.621 - discours - Throne 6.620 - service - Tormentine 6.619 - jour - Transferred 6.615 - grave - serious 6.612 - Ceci - Having 6.608 - réaliser - subcontractors 6.608 - réponse - asterisk 6.608 - prévoit - provides 6.608 - sûr - dependable 6.602 - ferait - resigning 6.599 - fonds - funds 6.595 - trois - three 6.590 - disposé - Ad 6.589 - province - Budgeting 6.589 - rendre - homage 6.588 - forme - form 6.583 - abord - First 6.578 - toutefois - however 6.578 - prochain - next 6.573 - touchent - pittance 6.569 - Unis - USA 6.566 - considérable - considerable 6.562 - proposé - adjourn 6.562 - puisse - scrupulous 6.562 - auront - Existing 6.560 - Quant - Concerning 6.558 - indiqué - indicated 6.554 - devait - incumbents 6.551 - ferai - betray 6.550 - intéresse - interested 6.544 - Et - And 6.541 - telles - poisonous 6.541 - disant - anyhow 6.538 - ensemble - overview 6.530 - faisons - counterbalance 6.504 - fin - weekend 6.500 - agissait - musical 6.497 - possibles - potentials 6.494 - parole - spokesman 6.492 - États - USA 6.489 - nombreux - amalgamated 6.482 - supplémentaire - supplementary 6.479 - accord - Agreed 6.475 - produits - chemicals 6.474 - trouvent - trickle 6.474 - quelle - evaluative 6.468 - sûrement - surely 6.468 - nouveau - Pembroke 6.465 - continuer - continue 6.458 - toujours - always 6.458 - sens - literal 6.455 - voici - fortnight 6.453 - Quand - When 6.448 - face - opposite 6.444 - signifie - signify 6.444 - exemple - example 6.440 - songer - instinctive 6.440 - auquel - underwriting 6.437 - première - Session 6.431 - obtenir - elicit 6.430 - meilleure - heighten 6.430 - mieux - betterment 6.429 - millions - millions 6.429 - eux - intervals 6.421 - Donc - Therefore 6.419 - aient - Leaders 6.417 - présentement - imputed 6.416 - examiner - scrutinize 6.416 - faisant - ratify 6.415 - population - population 6.414 - voudrait - sorters 6.409 - cependant - however 6.406 - suivante - summers 6.406 - fasse - cultivation 6.405 - agir - decisively 6.404 - permettrait - permit 6.403 - agit - contractees 6.400 - ignore - Parkdale 6.399 - raison - raison 6.395 - Ouest - Reilly 6.389 - ceci - Mark 6.387 - lors - k 6.386 - proposer - remunerative 6.380 - période - period 6.378 - Parlement - Forecast 6.377 - Au - Instead 6.370 - mise - canning 6.369 - lesquelles - caisses 6.367 - passé - transpired 6.364 - position - untenable 6.364 - Pour - Returning 6.358 - ayant - contaminate 6.350 - simplement - simply 6.346 - servir - serve 6.343 - vu - saw 6.340 - région - region 6.339 - parlé - talked 6.336 - vue - Forecast 6.334 - canadiens - Bankers 6.333 - faudra - blanks 6.327 - rendu - Issue 6.325 - travail - stoppages 6.321 - davantage - bang 6.318 - entendre - hinted 6.316 - grand - grandfather 6.315 - mois - months 6.308 - étant - Budgeting 6.307 - but - goal 6.305 - intention - intending 6.302 - dirai - Lest 6.302 - devra - appraise 6.299 - pourrons - repatriate 6.296 - sous - subcommittee 6.293 - revenu - Guaranteed 6.281 - savent - whereof 6.280 - nationale - Lalonde 6.273 - membres - panels 6.270 - surtout - principally 6.259 - déclaration - statement 6.259 - suite - Subsequently 6.251 - problèmes - Problems 6.250 - vie - lifestyle 6.247 - selon - depending 6.245 - payer - pay 6.240 - société - Cellulose 6.239 - puisque - intercede 6.238 - effet - salutary 6.226 - Ces - These 6.224 - devant - testifying 6.222 - nécessaires - successively 6.221 - étaient - Pembroke 6.215 - possible - humanly 6.215 - pétrole - Creole 6.209 - Toutefois - However 6.209 - accorder - granting 6.207 - procéder - proceed 6.207 - venir - Call 6.197 - contre - windmills 6.186 - prise - takeover 6.182 - Cependant - However 6.181 - présenter - introduce 6.178 - derniers - rehash 6.178 - apporter - correction 6.175 - certainement - certainly 6.164 - débat - debate 6.159 - auraient - intricacies 6.157 - savons - intake 6.155 - sociétés - societies 6.155 - domaine - field 6.149 - pourrais - obligatory 6.148 - Elles - Frequently 6.147 - demandé - wondered 6.145 - système - metric 6.141 - quand - Pembroke 6.140 - jusqu - heretofore 6.139 - vont - perplexed 6.137 - saisis - seized 6.137 - plutôt - rather 6.134 - dollars - dollars 6.129 - intérêt - Interest 6.129 - chez - masters 6.128 - industrie - industry 6.126 - établir - prescribing 6.119 - mis - activated 6.119 - dès - steamship 6.098 - occasion - opportunity 6.098 - époque - era 6.097 - font - unincorporated 6.092 - personnes - dependants 6.090 - Étant - Owing 6.089 - propos - utterances 6.087 - pouvait - fierce 6.083 - semble - seems 6.081 - vraiment - truly 6.077 - article - Clause 6.076 - pourquoi - why 6.073 - déjà - already 6.071 - termes - glowing 6.066 - taux - recidivism 6.062 - bon - commonsense 6.059 - espère - hope 6.057 - ensuite - afterwards 6.057 - faites - revelations 6.055 - rien - nothing 6.052 - année - contractees 6.047 - près - crashed 6.046 - puissent - slopes 6.045 - aller - testifying 6.038 - propres - Individuals 6.038 - déclaré - Period 6.038 - choses - things 6.036 - élevé - mortality 6.030 - particulièrement - particularly 6.024 - signale - modernizing 6.023 - importe - carpenter 6.012 - Commission - Restrictive 6.012 - fut - munitions 6.011 - droit - YMPE 6.004 - considérer - disallowing 6.003 - questions - asterisk 5.999 - allons - workshops 5.997 - assurer - assure 5.995 - Une - k 5.991 - fera - IMCO 5.989 - programme - Refer 5.988 - présent - heretofore 5.987 - dernier - evaluative 5.979 - monde - Everybody 5.978 - tellement - scant 5.972 - veut - wants 5.971 - trouver - finding 5.963 - tiens - falsehood 5.951 - Mais - But 5.945 - certes - Certainly 5.942 - canadien - Horticultural 5.932 - répondre - answering 5.928 - ordre - Transferred 5.923 - ans - olds 5.919 - projet - Garrison 5.909 - moi - Excuse 5.905 - motion - motion 5.902 - vous - Explain 5.901 - moyen - journey 5.897 - nécessaire - necessary 5.895 - permettre - afford 5.895 - Règlement - pursuant 5.894 - pouvoir - purchasing 5.880 - lieu - Instead 5.866 - avais - Valentyn 5.865 - concerne - Insofar 5.849 - manière - thoughtfully 5.848 - années - thirties 5.848 - assez - fairly 5.844 - signaler - Petitions 5.837 - important - importantly 5.837 - Un - unincorporated 5.832 - aurons - wherewithal 5.831 - hui - Today 5.827 - Comme - Like 5.819 - hausse - escalations 5.813 - mêmes - redraft 5.799 - provinces - provinces 5.799 - certaine - distillates 5.799 - demande - Closings 5.798 - rapport - Refer 5.795 - canadienne - Television 5.795 - avis - notices 5.793 - comment - how 5.791 - problème - problem 5.788 - existe - exists 5.787 - parti - party 5.784 - coût - diem 5.783 - certaines - acquisitions 5.760 - pris - boarded 5.758 - mes - colleagues 5.751 - voulons - reflective 5.751 - aujourd - today 5.750 - pourrions - Alternatively 5.746 - tel - hesitancy 5.744 - mesures - measures 5.736 - importante - Important 5.727 - sommes - sums 5.725 - besoin - desperately 5.720 - part - Nowhere 5.714 - présenté - presented 5.711 - après - Closings 5.709 - honorable - Honourable 5.703 - augmentation - Increases 5.702 - actuellement - presently 5.698 - donné - Cellulose 5.688 - dû - overdue 5.685 - partie - integral 5.683 - tenir - ignore 5.677 - vertu - Inquiries 5.676 - étude - study 5.673 - cours - Courses 5.673 - L - Allier 5.672 - cause - technicality 5.671 - étudier - advisability 5.669 - trouve - finds 5.669 - vient - Rompkey 5.665 - Voilà - Therein 5.664 - ministère - DOT 5.660 - cas - contractees 5.651 - pouvons - surmise 5.645 - mettre - cart 5.643 - Ils - They 5.640 - nouvelle - objectors 5.635 - dernières - decades 5.622 - point - standpoint 5.615 - toutes - sorts 5.614 - sorte - divisiveness 5.600 - quelques - few 5.591 - pourra - practicality 5.584 - devons - owe 5.578 - moins - least 5.571 - veulent - heckle 5.565 - non - uninsured 5.544 - avant - recesses 5.544 - donc - therefore 5.540 - temps - peacetime 5.539 - seraient - Venezuelans 5.531 - fédéral - federal 5.530 - donner - haves 5.526 - gens - Westerners 5.518 - particulier - rebated 5.513 - ait - regrets 5.511 - comité - subcommittee 5.502 - fois - twice 5.498 - celles - axiomatic 5.495 - moment - opportune 5.493 - aucune - differentiation 5.490 - ici - hitherto 5.486 - devraient - Routine 5.486 - toute - Anyhow 5.485 - autant - insistent 5.482 - avaient - tabulated 5.458 - sans - defenceless 5.453 - Canadiens - Canadians 5.446 - voir - heartening 5.443 - genre - type 5.440 - pourraient - expedited 5.435 - chose - Something 5.414 - premier - Prime 5.403 - entre - correlation 5.376 - cet - afternoon 5.370 - sais - advisors 5.366 - aucun - Undoubtedly 5.350 - politique - policy 5.342 - telle - incumbents 5.328 - ceux - yea 5.328 - t - contractees 5.325 - sa - retires 5.317 - eu - placements 5.315 - tant - Quebecker 5.314 - soient - assiduous 5.313 - situation - situation 5.309 - désire - desires 5.309 - pu - Leith 5.301 - Cela - reminds 5.295 - grande - floated 5.274 - depuis - effluent 5.271 - poser - quesiton 5.257 - m - apologize 5.253 - président - president 5.250 - deux - thirds 5.243 - demander - terminus 5.242 - lorsque - exhaustion 5.242 - doit - owes 5.241 - faudrait - rotation 5.233 - mesure - measure 5.227 - parler - talk 5.223 - devrions - paramedical 5.217 - laquelle - hashish 5.206 - celle - terminus 5.204 - compte - account 5.198 - actuel - wich 5.191 - égard - tolerant 5.180 - va - boots 5.179 - alors - whereas 5.160 - lorsqu - enunciating 5.150 - façon - Anyhow 5.142 - prendre - retire 5.129 - nombre - number 5.113 - peu - somewhat 5.097 - soit - Forecast 5.096 - prix - Trends 5.091 - aurait - deflationary 5.076 - Si - If 5.075 - pendant - severence 5.068 - veux - underscore 5.060 - dont - Forecast 5.028 - Les - Closings 5.019 - elle - receivership 5.013 - A - please 5.012 - aura - seigniorage