Distribution of Words - Stopwords

Under construction

Part 2 of this analysis showed that most words occur quite infrequently and a small number of words are relatively frequent. The few frequently occurring words account for a large portion of all the words, as you can see in the graph below. It shows the cumulative percentage of the words accounted for by the most frequently occurring words.

Cumulative Frequency Distribution

These frequently occurring words are the basis of stopword lists. Typically, they are words like "the" with little content and, because they are so frequent, they provide little assistance in distinguishing one document from another. The following short table helps show this. It gives the percentage of articles in a sample of 19449 articles from the Gigaword corpus that contained some high-frequency words.

 Article       Word        Word
 Frequency     Frequency   

 0.9961438    0.0602614    the                 
 0.9942928    0.0257411    a                   
 0.9925446    0.0255182    of                  
 0.9917219    0.0239680    and                 
 0.9904365    0.0257643    to                  
 0.9898709    0.0200400    in                  
 0.9793820    0.0096645    for                 
 0.9616947    0.0115454    that                
 0.9610777    0.0075075    on                  
 0.9536737    0.0093475    is                  
 0.9530053    0.0070007    with                
 0.9273484    0.0055045    at                  
 0.9249833    0.0048806    by                  
 0.9204586    0.0068690    it                  
 0.9101753    0.0057459    as                  
 0.9057021    0.0049331    but                 
 0.9022572    0.0043638    from                
 0.8844671    0.0045653    be                  
 0.8811764    0.0038151    an                  
 0.8778858    0.0044713    have                
 0.8528973    0.0065477    was                 
 0.8447221    0.0038483    not                 
 0.8332048    0.0034692    this                
 0.8281660    0.0044616    are                 
 0.8277032    0.0039985    has                 
 0.8116613    0.0036878    who                 
 0.7782919    0.0037153    they                
 0.7766466    0.0069980    he                  
 0.7730989    0.0026451    one                 
 0.7703224    0.0070300    said                
 0.7546403    0.0025581    more                
 0.7511954    0.0026859    about               
 0.7504242    0.0031062    or                  
 0.7375186    0.0024122    when                
 0.7137642    0.0026925    their               
 0.6977737    0.0048520    his                 
 0.6977737    0.0028753    had                 
 0.6964883    0.0021471    been                
 0.6895984    0.0019597    all                 
 0.6864106    0.0019545    which               
 0.6843540    0.0026721    will                
 0.6792123    0.0019632    out                 
 0.6751504    0.0019577    up                  
 0.6670266    0.0020536    if                  
 0.6566404    0.0017551    than                
 0.6553036    0.0022306    were                
 0.6482081    0.0023275    would               
 0.6464600    0.0019634    can                 
 0.6420382    0.0022826    new                 
 0.6363823    0.0018479    there               
 0.6306237    0.0016374    after               
 0.6257391    0.0015508    other               
 0.6212659    0.0016070    two                 
 0.6195691    0.0016609    some                
 0.6151987    0.0042093    i                   
 0.6097486    0.0016481    no                  
 0.6071263    0.0015184    into                
 0.6067664    0.0016402    so                  
 0.6062008    0.0017226    what                
 0.6009049    0.0014038    also                
 0.5857885    0.0016603    like                
 0.5853771    0.0023522    we                  
 0.5768420    0.0019044    its                 
 0.5692838    0.0027052    you                 
 0.5523677    0.0012331    only                
 0.5468147    0.0012699    over                
 0.5462492    0.0013547    just                
 0.5461977    0.0012781    most                
 0.5368914    0.0013513    them                
 0.5282020    0.0012263    now                 
 0.5240372    0.0012460    could               
 0.5183814    0.0011917    because             
 0.5170446    0.0012659    do                  
 0.5161705    0.0015190    it's                
 0.4927246    0.0010803    even                
 0.4800247    0.0009815    before              
 0.4730320    0.0010989    many                
 0.4527739    0.0010287    get                 
 0.4451129    0.0009215    where               
 0.4412566    0.0009732    how                 
 0.4361664    0.0008930    those               
 0.4315903    0.0008362    any                 
 0.4305620    0.0009247    then                
 0.4287110    0.0008520    much                
 0.4118464    0.0007879    made                
 0.4094298    0.0007653    while               
 0.4011517    0.0007986    still               
 0.4007918    0.0008349    may                 
 0.3958044    0.0012793    him                 
 0.3955473    0.0007786    through             
 0.3902514    0.0008465    don't               
 0.3838244    0.0007001    since               
 0.3803280    0.0007517    off                 
 0.3776544    0.0008254    here                
 0.3771916    0.0007756    did                 
 0.3750836    0.0007812    good                
 0.3718957    0.0006986    down                
 0.3675767    0.0007276    these               
 0.3674739    0.0006590    another             
 0.3607383    0.0006532    being               
 0.3583218    0.0007038    such                
 0.3579104    0.0007544    going               
 0.3430511    0.0006440    go                  
 0.3384750    0.0007124    think               
 0.3327163    0.0006651    very                
 0.3298884    0.0007119    against             
 0.3270091    0.0007656    our                 
 0.3263921    0.0006019    too                 
 0.3212504    0.0010430    my                  
 0.3195023    0.0005727    both                
 0.3187310    0.0019988    she                 
 0.3174456    0.0006180    should              
 0.3099388    0.0005835    under               
 0.3093218    0.0005475    between             
 0.3022778    0.0005501    during              
 0.2959021    0.0019222    her                 
 0.2838706    0.0007471    me                  

It seemed surprising that not all of the articles contained "the". A check of the source data showed that the Gigaword data contains a number of anomalous "articles". Some were in Spanish; some were short test messages not intended to appear in print. Some were "The quote of the day" which contained only one sentence. There were no full news articles that did not contain "the".

Also notice that even the least frequent of these words "me" is in 28% of the articles. These words both have little content and do not help to distinguish between documents.