Research Proseminar I
ICOS 320
Fall 2000

Texts:   (1)    Neil A. Stilling et al: Cognitive Science: An Introduction. Second Edition, MIT.
              (2)    John Haugeland: Mind Design. Second Edition, MIT
August   31 Introductory Lectures: the philosophical context
September The psychological approach
14 The computational approach
21 The neurological  approach 
28 The linguisitc approach
October 5 The semantical and grammatical approach
12 Object Oriented and Structure Oriented Languages
19 Fodor: Methodological Solipsism Considered as a Research Strategy in Cognitive Science BBS 3, 63-73
26 Fodor: and Pylyshyn: Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture.Cognition 28, 3-71
November 2 Smolensky: The Constituent Structure of Connectionist Mental States: A Reply to Fodor and Pylyshyn. Southern Journal of Philosophy 26, Supplement 137-160
9 Penrose: Setting the Scene: The Claim and the Issues (D. Broadbent, ed): The Simulation of Human Intelligence (Blakwell)
16 The Evolutionary approach: The Emergence of Mind and its Quantal Substrate (I) 
30 The Evolutionary approach: The Emergence of Mind and its Quantal Substrate.(II)

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