For Mira, the only original cast member who won't be reading this from Level One, ever. And for Ivanka -- of course.

"Moje Praha" -- Fade In

April, 1992

I sit on the roof of my apartment building watching psychosis rising, black smoke from a dozen desperate fires, violence and pain, the collapse of all that seemed light and fun in the Land of the Sun. The real "Big One" happened in the minds and hearts of the colored furious, a tectonic shift in the figure-ground between moneyed play and hopeless angst. Rodney King and Reginald Denny and Daryl Gates fulfilled their archetypal roles, and the LA Riots/Rebellion/Rape left everyone, everyone exhausted, unsettled, and deeply deeply sad.

November, 1992

I pack six years of "stuff" - books, lots of books, records ("Vinyl Rules"), video tapes, my bike, my butcher block kitchen table, my el cheapo drafting table, all my stuff, everything, and pack it into a 5' x 10' storage unit in the East Valley. I go to Europe.

January 7, 1993

I arrive on the train from Dresden. I am planning to stay in Prague for a few days, then wander on South through Austria and Italy.

I stay two and a half years.

Thanks for dropping by. "Moje Praha" is an experimental and experiential Web Site, a perpetual work-in-progress developed as a final project for a graduate class at Georgetown. Please feel free to wander aimlessly - in fact, I encourage you to lose yourself in these pages.

Jonathan Steigman